Clearing Away Clutter the - BASF · mechanical methods such as repeated mowing,“good” plants...

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Clearing Awaythe

The straight facts about

with herbicides.managing vegetation


Clearing AwaytheClutterClutter

The straight facts about

with herbicides.managing vegetation

The straight facts about manag

ging vegetation with herbicides

The Need for Vegetation ManagementUnmanaged trees, brush and grass weeds can grow into aserious problem, especially in and around power andtelephone lines, highway median strips and railroad tracks.Uncontrolled trees and brush in these areas can create safetyand operational hazards, such as:

➔ Restricted vision that can lead to auto or train accidents

➔ Downed power lines caused by falling branches and brushor trees growing into lines

➔ Potential fire hazards that can cause property damage andpower outages

➔ Overgrown vegetation in utility substations causinginterruptions in utility service

➔ Putting maintenance crews at risk when they are unable toaccess vital equipment

➔ Reduction of property value due to unmanaged weeds anddiminished aesthetics

Why Repeated Mowing Isn’t The AnswerA direct and frequently used method for managing overgrownvegetation is to cut it down mechanically. However, withmechanical methods such as repeated mowing, “good” plantsare cut along with undesirable vegetation. In addition, mowingremoves the very plants that out-compete undesirablevegetation and help reduce maintenance. The end result is awholesale reduction in desirable plant life, including plantsthat provide homes and feeding grounds for wildlife. And,because mowing doesn’t prevent re-growth, it is only a short-term solution, requiring a frequent and ongoing program tokeep vegetation under control. Fact is, brush will often re-sprout into many more stems than were originally cut, actuallycausing brush to become even more dense until it shadesand crowds out desirable plants.

Relying solely on mowing has other drawbacks too. It’s noisy,produces noxious exhaust and can lead to oil and gas spills.

The straight facts about manag

The Role of HerbicidesThese days, many vegetation control managers are discoveringQuality Vegetation Management™, or QVM. QVM programsuse herbicides in place of, or in addition to, mechanicalmowing. Recent scientific advances have yielded a whole newgeneration of herbicides so sophisticated, they canspecifically target unwanted weeds and plants withoutcausing harm to desirable plants and animals.

Herbicides can be used in many ways to control unwantedbrush and trees. They can be applied after mowing to preventre-sprouting and achieve long-term control. They can be appliedover brush to eliminate undesirable species while allowinguseful plants the space and nutrients they need to thrive.Finally, herbicides can be selectively applied on previouslytreated sites to control particularly stubborn brush and keepit from returning, without reducing desirable vegetation.

Why We Use HerbicidesThe goal of vegetation managers is to control unwanted brushwith as little interference as possible to nearby residents andthe environment. With this in mind, consider the advantagesof a QVM program over a program of repeated mowing. AQVM program that includes herbicides:

➔ Provides long-term control of unwanted brush and trees

➔ Lengthens the time between treatments up to 3 years

➔ Removes only undesirable plant species

➔ Increases wildlife food sources by controlling brush

➔ Reduces stem densities of line threatening brush species

➔ Prevents environmental damage and reduces erosioncaused by mowing equipment

➔ Improves access by ground crews

ging vegetation with herbicides

Thoroughly Tested Prior to Market EntryHerbicides are among the most exhaustively tested productson the market today. Development and registration of a newherbicide may require 800 or more tests, $150 million ormore in costs, and an average 10-12 years of developmenttime. Once a registration application is submitted to the EPA,the EPA takes a minimum of 2 years to review the submittedtest results and decide whether to approve the herbicide. Boththe active ingredient — the part of the herbicide that actuallyhas an effect on plants — and the final product are testedrepeatedly to determine whether they have any potentiallyharmful side effects. Herbicides are also studied to determinewhat happens to them after they are applied, and whether thechemical left behind poses any threat to non-targeted plantsor animals. In the end, only 1 out of approximately 100,000chemicals tested meets the requirements to make it out ofthe laboratory and into the market.

BASF Smart Herbicides™

BASF offers a complete portfolio of highly advanced, high-performance Smart Herbicides, designed to effectively controlunwanted weeds, brush and trees in a variety of applications.

Smart Herbicides provide intelligent, long-term vegetationcontrol by affecting enzymes found only in plants — not birds,mammals, fish, insects or humans — hence the name, “smart”herbicides. Smart Herbicides move throughout undesirableand invasive species to eliminate them at the root.

Arsenal® herbicide provides superior,long-term control of a broad-spectrum

of troublesome weeds and woody vegetation, even whenapplied at low rates. The active ingredient in Arsenal isabsorbed through the roots, stems and leaves of targetedplants and binds with an enzyme found only in plants — notanimals, humans, birds or fish — to inhibit amino acidsessential for growth. This action eliminates the plant down tothe root and prevents re-sprouting. Arsenal is highly selectiveand promotes the growth of forbs favored by wildlife to helpincrease plant diversity and forage.

The straight facts about manag

For effective, environmentally sensitivecontrol of emergent, shoreline and

woody wetland invasive species such as phragmites,torpedograss, melaleuca and saltcedar, Habitat® herbicide isthe answer. Specifically formulated for use in aquaticapplications, Habitat is effective at very low rates and helpsprotect and reclaim riparian areas and other aquaticenvironments by improving habitat and increasing land value.Habitat® herbicide uses less active ingredient and doesn’trequire multiple applications, so it provides a cost-effectivealternative to many other aquatic herbicides and vegetationmanagement techniques.

JourneyTM herbicide gives professionalapplicators a ready-to-go pre-mix

option for use in a diverse range of vegetation managementsituations including weed control, grass release and seedheadsuppression on roadsides and non-cropland areas. Effectiveand long lasting, Journey provides excellent postemergentactivity and residual control of annual and perennial grasses,broadleaf weeds and vine species. Journey is also effective inwildlife-habitat management when applied prior to theestablishment of certain native prairie grasses and wildflowers.

Overdrive® herbicide is a highlyeffective, postemergent herbicide

used to control a broad-spectrum of annual, perennial andbiennial broadleaf weeds. Especially well-suited to roadside andutility applications where cost-effective control of tough nuisance

ging vegetation with herbicides

weeds such as Canada and musk thistle is critical, Overdrivedelivers consistent, improved control of target weed species atlower rates and makes an ideal complement or alternative tomowing in roadside vegetation management programs.Overdrive is excellent for touch-up or burndown treatmentsand is also commonly employed in bareground applications.

An innovative formulation ofPendulum®preemergent

herbicide, Pendulum AquaCapTM combines the industry’sleading preemergent active ingredient with patented BASFencapsulation technology in a water-based formula thatreduces staining and virtually eliminates odor so handling,mixing and clean up are easier than ever. Plus, thistechnology allows Pendulum AquaCap to be stored at agreater temperature range without losing effectiveness.Pendulum AquaCap provides consistent, reliable control of abroad-spectrum of troublesome grass and broadleaf weeds,including crabgrass.

Eliminating or reducing manyof our mechanical methods infavor of herbicide control hasallowed us to maintain thesame amount of ROW mileswith better results at greatlyreduced expense.

”— Brad WeidenfellerTransmission Line CoordinatorXcel Energy

The straight facts about manag

Plateau® herbicide provides superiorlong-term control of a broad-spectrum

of common roadside grasses like tall fescue, bahiagrass andsmooth bromegrass; as well as invasive and noxious speciessuch as cheatgrass, medusahead, leafy spurge and dalmationtoadflax. Plateau prohibits growth of these undesirablespecies and provides excellent seedhead suppression at lowrates. Used alone or combined with other herbicides forcomprehensive cost-cutting roadside vegetation management,Plateau helps lower annual mowing costs, reduce liability,and improve aesthetics in roadside applications.

Sahara® DG herbicide provides totalbareground control of a broad-

spectrum of annual and perennial species with just oneapplication. Ideal for guardrails, medians, shoulders,sidewalks, barriers, delineators and signposts, Sahara has awide window of application — preemergence through latepostemergence — and delivers outstanding residual control.Sahara is easy to mix and apply, and is particularlycompatible with drift-control agents. It disperses easily inwater and produces a stable, long-lasting suspension suitablefor application with either conventional or injection sprayers.

Stalker® herbicide contains the sameactive ingredient as Arsenal®, but is

formulated to work for cut stump and basal bark applications.Stalker controls a broad-spectrum of undesirable vegetationthat other herbicides do not — including hickory, oak,maple, ailanthus and sweetgum.

ging vegetation with herbicides

Stalker, like Arsenal, utilizes low-use rates and can reduce thetotal active ingredient applied per acre by as much as 50%,compared to other herbicides. The low-use application ofStalker is helping meet the government’s initiative of reducingthe amount of active ingredient being applied to the environment.

By selectively eliminating undesirable vegetation andreleasing plants that serve as food sources and forage forwildlife, Smart HerbicidesTM can help promote the growth ofwildlife habitats. That, in turn, can qualify companies assupporters of the Project Habitat® wildlife enhancementprogram. Wildlife organizations including the National WildTurkey Federation, the Quality Deer Management Associationand the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation have all joined BASFas partners in Project Habitat.

Together, these sponsors recognize utilities using vegetationcontrol products that help encourage the growth of wildlifeforage and cover.

The straight facts about manag

Effective Vegetation Management byTrained Professionals

As professionals in the industry, applicators are rigorouslytrained before using herbicides. Although certain laws varyfrom state to state, professional applicators must typically paya licensing fee and pass closed-book exams. The followingare core areas in which applicators are tested:

➔ Law and Safety – including general knowledge ofherbicides, their use and disposal, first aid, labeling andlaws pertaining to herbicide use

➔ Right-of-Way Herbicides – for railroads, highwaydepartments and others controlling roadside weeds onpublic, non-crop lands

In addition, applicators are expected to stay up-to-date onchanges in application methods and regulations, and areoften required by regulatory agencies to earn a minimumnumber of Continuing Education Units on designated topicseach year.

BASF encourages applicators using Smart HerbicidesTM tofollow a program that incorporates mowing and low-volumeherbicide applications that provide for effective,environmentally responsible management of unwanted plants.Compared to repeated mowing, a vegetation managementprogram that utilizes herbicides is far less intrusive and farmore effective.

Responsible. Effective. The Right Choice. Controlling the growth of unwanted weeds and plants isessential to ensure dependable, uninterrupted utility serviceand safe roadways, as well as more pleasant views and amore livable habitat for wildlife.

Utilities, highway maintenance departments and otherprofessionals responsible for vegetation management have anobligation to their customers and the general public to usethe least harmful and invasive — as well as the most costefficient — methods possible, to control undesirable andpotentially hazardous vegetation.

ging vegetation with herbicides

Used properly, Smart Herbicides provide a more effective,more fully integrated, and more environmentally responsibleapproach to managing vegetation than mowing and othermechanical means alone.

BASF is proud to be at the forefront of this evolution.

For more information about Smart Herbicidesand QVM, call 1-800-545-9525 or

Always read and follow label directions.©2004 BASF Corporation. Arsenal, Habitat, Overdrive, Pendulum, Plateau, Sahara,Stalker and Project Habitat are registered trademarks of BASF. AquaCap, Journey,Quality Vegetation Management and Smart Herbicides are trademarks of BASF.

All Rights Reserved. APN 04-15-002-0203.
