Climate Factors. WEATHER, by definition, is the CURRENT state or condition of the atmosphere at a...

Post on 25-Dec-2015

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Climate Factors

WEATHER, by definition, is the CURRENT state or

condition of the atmosphere at a GIVEN

TIME and place.


CLIMATE, on the other hand, describes the AVERAGE weather conditions that could be

expected during a CERTAIN TIME of year at a specific place. Climate is much less specific than a

weather forecast…


Climate is determined by two major factors

CLIMATE FACTORS1. Latitude- Low latitudes near tropics (Equator) are warmer.- High latitudes near poles are colder.

1. Latitude- Low latitudes near tropics (Equator) are warmer.- High latitudes near poles are colder.

2. Prevailing Winds- Prevailing winds push air masses West to East across the country.- Winds blowing from the ocean bring moisture. Example: Seattle, Washington is very rainy.

2. Prevailing Winds- Prevailing winds push air masses West to East across the country.- Winds blowing from the ocean bring moisture. Example: Seattle, Washington is very rainy.

3. Mountains Ranges- Mountains make air rise.- Rising air creates precipitation.

3. Mountains Ranges- Mountains make air rise.- Rising air creates precipitation.


5. Ocean Currents- Warm water current cause warm temperatures- Cold water current cause cold


4. Distance to large bodies of water- Areas near water have smaller changes in temperature.Example: LA, California does not get very warm in the summer or very cold in the winter.

4. Distance to large bodies of water- Areas near water have smaller changes in temperature.Example: LA, California does not get very warm in the summer or very cold in the winter.







1. LatitudePolarFrom 60-90 degrees longitude. Cold climate.TemperateFrom 23-60 degrees longitude. No extremes. In between temperatureTropicsFrom 0-23 degrees longitude. Very warm temperatures.

2. Prevailing Winds

If the winds move over water – moist air is brought to the region.

If the winds move over land – dry air is brought to the region.

mPMaritime Polar

mPMaritime PolarMoist, cold air to westcoast of the US.

Moist, cold air to westcoast of the US.

mPMaritime Polar

mPMaritime PolarMoist, cold air to westcoast of the US.

Moist, cold air to westcoast of the US.

- Downwind- Air sinks- Air warms and dries- No precipitation

- Downwind- Air sinks- Air warms and dries- No precipitation

Leeward SideLeeward Side- Faces the wind- Air rises- Air cools and condenses- Precipitation occurs

- Faces the wind- Air rises- Air cools and condenses- Precipitation occurs

Windward SideWindward Side

3. The Rainshadow Effect

How does the Rainshadow Effect

affect climate?

Windward Side: ___________Leeward Side: _____________

cool, moistwarm, dry

4. Distance from Large Bodies of Water (oceans, seas, large lakes)

• oceans hold their heat longer creating mild coastal climates

5. Ocean Currents• Warm-water currents warm coastal climates• Cold-water currents cool coastal climates.

Global Ocean Currents