Climate n Pakistan by Shah

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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WORKSHOPM.Sc Pakistan Studies

Resource Person: Jamal Shah



Geography: It is the study of …..

• physical structure, features and inhabitants of the


• focuses over general structure and features of earth,

studies the inter-dependency/ impacts of earth and its


Physiography: The subfield of geography ….

• about physical patterns and processes of the Earth.

• Effects of forces to produce/ modify rocks, oceans,

weather and global flora & fauna patterns.


• An arrangement of an artificial and natural physical

features of an area


• An area of the earth’s surface between two parallels of


• The long-term explanation of weather and other

atmospheric conditions in a given area or country.


• The short-term state of the atmosphere at a specific time

and place.

• Includes temperature, humidity, cloud, cover,

precipitation, wind, etc.


• A part of the year during which the behaviors of the

atmosphere usually remain the same.

• Each of the four divisions of a year.

• Varying Climatic Zones or Regions

• The diversified terrain has divided

Pakistan's climate into 4 major regions:

Highland Climate

Lowland Climate

Coastal Climate

Arid Climate

• Temperature

• Pressure

• Rainfall

• Wind



• Diversity of temperature in various

regions is due to the following:

–Large spread of latitude from 24 N to

37 N.

–Diversity of relief ranging from K-2 to

low lying coasts of Makran

• Hot summer and mild winter:

– 32o C or more in summer and 10 to 21o C in winter.

• Warm summer and mild winter:

– 21 - 32oC in summer and 10 to 21oC in winter.

• Warm summer and cool winter:

– 21 - 32oC in summer and 0 - 10oC in winter.

• Mild summer and cool/cold winter:

– Summer temperature between 10 and 21oC

– Winter temperature between 0 and 10oC.

Usually Arid and Dry Temperature

o Humid in a small area in North

o Rainfall of about 625mm in Highlands

o Rainfall of about 740mm in Plains, e.g.


o Two main Sources:

o Monsoon

o Western Depression

o Arid in Southeast and Southwest areas

• Cool, dehydrated winter

December / February

• Dry coil from Demo through May

The summer raining season

• Southwest downpour period

June / September

• The losing ground monsoon epoch

October / November

The start and length of these periods vary rather

according to location

Arid Climate:

Mild winter, hot summers, Extreme aridity

Lowland Climate

Highland Climate

Mild Winters, Warm summers.