Clinical Study First Rank Symptoms and Neurological Soft...

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Clinical StudyFirst Rank Symptoms and Neurological SoftSigns in Schizophrenia

Mahesh Hembram,1 Jayati Simlai,1 Suprakash Chaudhury,2 and Parthasarathi Biswas1

1 Department of Psychiatry, Ranchi Institute of Neuropsychiatry and Allied Sciences, Ranchi, Jharkhand 834006, India2Department of Psychiatry, Rural Medical College & Hospital, Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University),District Ahmednagar, Loni, Maharashtra 413736, India

Correspondence should be addressed to Suprakash Chaudhury;

Received 31 October 2013; Accepted 25 December 2013; Published 13 February 2014

Academic Editor: Yvonne Forsell

Copyright © 2014 Mahesh Hembram et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

The aim of the study was to compare the neurological soft signs (NSS) in schizophrenia patients with and without first ranksymptoms (FRS), their first degree relatives (FDR), and normal controls. The study was conducted on 60 schizophrenia patientsdiagnosed according to ICD 10 DCR and categorized into groups with and without FRS using Schedules for Clinical Assessment inNeuropsychiatry, 30 FDRs of the study sample, and 30 normal controlsmatched for age, education, and handedness. All the subjectsgave written informed consent. Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms and Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptomswere applied to have a comprehensive assessment of the symptoms. NSS were assessed using Extended Standard NeurologicalAssessment Instrument. The correlations between NSS and clinical symptoms were relatively modest but significant. There was aweak relation between NSS and positive symptom severity. The FDR of schizophrenia patients had significantly lower NSS scoresthan schizophrenia patients, but only FDR of schizophrenia patients without FRS had significantly higher scores than normalcontrols. Our results indicate that NSS are more prominent in schizophrenia patients with negative symptoms and support thetheory of NSS being a trait marker of schizophrenia particularly in those without FRS.

1. Introduction

A prominent conceptualization of schizophrenia is as aneurodevelopmental disorder, where genes and environmentinteract over the course of development to determine abnor-malities in neural systems that give rise to the disorder.As the brain matures through childhood, the illness isfurther expressed, ultimately manifesting in late adolescenceand adulthood as psychotic symptomatology [1, 2]. KurtSchneider, a German psychiatrist and a pupil of Karl Jaspers,pointed out certain symptoms as being characteristic ofschizophrenia and therefore exhibiting a “first-rank” statusin the hierarchy of potentially diagnostic symptoms [3]. The“first-rank” symptoms (FRS) are a group of intriguing expe-rience characterized by striking breach of “self versus non-self ” boundaries. FRS have played an extremely importantrole in the recent diagnostic systems: in the International

Statistical Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) [4], as well as in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ofMental Disorder, Fourth Edition (DSM IV) [5]. The genesisof FRS can be understood in the paradigm of “abnormalitiesin the awareness of action” [6]. The first rank symptomsincluded audible thoughts, voices arguing, voices comment-ing, delusional perception, somatic passivity, made affect,made impulses, made volition, thought insertion, thoughtwithdrawal, and thought broadcasting [7]. Elucidating thepathophysiology of FRS is of great interest, not only becausethese symptoms are the hallmark of psychotic “alienation,”but because also recent studies have reported that FRShad familial characteristics, suggesting that heritable factorsfor psychosis vulnerability may be implicated in the braindysregulation favouring the emergence of FRS [8, 9].

Neurological abnormalities are traditionally classifiedas “hard signs,” impairments in basic motor, sensory, and

Hindawi Publishing CorporationPsychiatry JournalVolume 2014, Article ID 931014, 11 pages

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reflex behaviors, which do not appear to be affected inschizophrenia, and “soft signs,” which refer to more com-plex phenomena such as abnormalities in motor control,integrative sensory functions, sensorimotor integration, andcerebral laterality [10]. Neurological soft signs (NSS) areneither indicative of dysfunction of a specific brain region norpart of a well-defined neurological syndrome. A correlationbetween NSS, the general severity of psychopathology, andpositive schizophrenic signs in first episode schizophrenicpatients was reported [11], but other authors have not cor-roborated the association of NSS with either the generallevel of psychopathology [12] or the positive or negativedimension of schizophrenia [13]. However, several linesof research indicate a relationship between NSS and thepathophysiology of schizophrenia. In comparison to controls,higher levels of NSS have been noted in first-episode [14],as well as both medicated and treatment-naive individualswith schizophrenia [15]. Rates of NSS are also elevatedin individuals at high risk for schizophrenia compared tocontrols [16]. Furthermore, there is evidence for a geneticcomponent to NSS, as family members of schizophreniapatients exhibit higher levels of NSS than matched controlsubjects [17]. Several studies have examined the relationshipbetween NSS and schizophrenia symptoms; however, resultshave been equivocal.While one study found a correlationshipbetweenNSS and positive symptomatology [11], other studiesdid not detect an association [13, 18]. Similarly, one studyfound an association between NSS and negative symptoms[19], while others have found no such relationship [20, 21].There is some evidence indicating that NSS may be relatedto response to antipsychotic treatment in schizophreniapatients. One study, focusing on a first-episode sample,noted that an improvement in positive symptoms six weeksafter commencing antipsychotic treatment was positivelycorrelated with improvement in NSS [8]. In another sampleof first-episode schizophrenia patients, researchers found thatsix months after the initial episode, improvement in totalNSS was positively correlated with improvement in positivesymptoms [9].

Neurological soft signs have also been found withincreased frequency in relatives of those with schizophrenia.An increased prevalence of abnormal neurological signs(ANS) in chronic schizophrenics as compared to acuteschizophrenics has been reported [22].Thismay be explainedby a number of considerations. First, chronic schizophrenicshave had a prolonged course. Increased ANS in these subjectsmay be a marker for chronicity and severity of the illness.Second, chronic patients potentially have been exposed tomore antipsychotic medications, which may increase thepresence and severity of ANS. Third, the severity of ANSmay progress with the course of the illness independently ofother factors. The presence of ANS in schizophrenia can inpart be explained by a neurodevelopmental theory for theillness. Previous reports have proposed that these neurode-velopmental abnormalities may play a role either causativeor additive in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia [23]. Thistheory is consonant with speculation that children at risk fordeveloping schizophrenia show evidence of neurointegrativedefects [24].

Only a few studies have assessed the relation betweenpsychopathology and NSS in a sufficient number of patients[25]. NSS are classified by some authors as the trait markersof schizophrenia, while others consider them to be statemarkers [12, 26]. The occurrence of NSS in the initial stageof the disease and especially the fact that they occur althoughless often in healthy relatives of patients with schizophreniaindicated their inclusion among trait markers [11, 14]. Onthe other hand, their variable intensity over the course ofthe disease which relates to a clinical course and especiallyto recovery rate is indicative of state markers [27]. It isagainst this background that the present investigation wascarried out to determine the occurrence of NSS in patientswith schizophrenia. Deepening our understanding of NSS inschizophrenia may help to elucidate the pathophysiology ofthis disorder as well as improve our ability to successfullytreat schizophrenia patients.The aimof this open, naturalisticstudy was to examine the relationship between NSS and FRSin patients with schizophrenia, their first degree relatives, andnormal control.

2. Materials and Methods

This study was carried out with inpatients having schizophre-nia at Ranchi Institute of Neuropsychiatry and Allied Sci-ences. This is a referral center for all acute psychiatrichospitalizations and outdoor patients within its catchmentarea which includes patients from states of Jharkhand, Bihar,Orissa, Chhattisgarh, and West Bengal. The protocol for thestudy was submitted to and approved by the institutionalethical committee.

3. Study Design and Sample

The subjects for this cross-sectional study were recruitedby purposive sampling technique. The experimental groupconsisted of 60 drug-free or drug-naıve schizophrenia sub-jects diagnosed clinically according to the ICD 10 DCR [28]criteria for schizophrenia. The sample was divided into twogroups of patients of schizophrenia with and without FRS (30patients each group). All patients were in the age range of 18years to 60 years with onset psychosis after the age of 18 years.Due to administrative reasons, only male patients could beincluded. The patients were drug-naıve or drug-free (drug-free being defined as being off oral antipsychotic medicationsfor a period of 4 weeks and for long-acting antipsychotic aperiod of 8 weeks). Exclusion criteria included patients withseriousmedical disorder, neurological condition, head injury,epilepsy, and substance use disorder (within 6 months ofassessment, but excluded patients with a score of ≤6 in DrugAbuse Screening Test). Patients with Mini-Mental StatusExamination score of <24 were excluded and so were patientswith an independent diagnosis of mood disorder or historyof psychiatric disorder or mental retardation. For control,30 first degree relatives of the patients of the study samplewere taken. Normal controls matched for age, education, andhandedness were also inducted in the study. All the subjectsgave written informed consent.

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Table 1: Comparison of sociodemographic variables (continuous variable: age) between patients of schizophrenia with and without first ranksymptoms (FRS), their first degree relatives (FDR), and normal control.

Schizophreniawith FRS

(mean ± SD)𝑁 = 30

FDR ofschizophrenia

patients with FRS(mean ± SD)𝑁 = 30

Schizophreniawithout FRS(mean ± SD)𝑁 = 30

FDR ofschizophreniapatients withoutFRS (mean ± SD)𝑁 = 30

Normal controls(mean ± SD)𝑁 = 30

𝐹 (df) 𝑃

Age 30.25 ± 7.86 35.30 ± 9.77 30.13 ± 7.14 34.33 ± 10.07 34.20 ± 8.53 2.37 (4,145) 0.056Income 2383.30 ± 3188.57 4283.30 ± 2875.83 900.00 ± 1743.95 5033.30 ± 3652.90 5250.00 ± 3899.04 10.502 (4,145) 0.001SD: standard deviation.

4. Procedure for Data Collection andTools Used

Patients meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria wereassessed in detail on the semistructured sociodemographicdata sheet devised for the study. Initial screening was doneto rule out dementia or any cognitive impairment using theMini-Mental status Examination (MMSE) [29] and signif-icant substance use using the Drug Abuse Screening Test(DAST) [30]. Patients were evaluated for handedness usingthe Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (EHI) [31].

FRS (voices commenting or discussing, delusion thatthoughts are being read, loud thoughts, thought echo,thought insertion, thought broadcast, thought commentary,thought block, thought withdrawal, replacement of will byexternal force (somatic passivity), replaced control of actions,replaced control of affect, other experiences of replacedcontrol (impulse), and delusional perception) were assessedusing items from the Schedule for Clinical Assessment inNeuropsychiatry (SCAN), Version 2.1 [32]. SCAN is a set oftools created by WHO aimed at diagnosing and measuringmental illness thatmay occur in adult life. It is not constructedexplicitly for use with either ICD-10 or DSM-IV but can beused for both systems.The entire SCAN interview consists of1,872 items, spread out over 28 sections. Studies assessing theprevalence of FRS have used items from SCAN [33]. FRS wasobtained by summing the individual global item scores [34,35]. From the SAPS, a first rank symptom score was obtainedby summing the scores of six items [34, 35]. Additionally,from all of the available information, interviewers were askedto rate the presence or absence of the FRS.

Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS)[36] was used to evaluate positive symptoms which includehallucinations, delusions, bizarre behavior, and formalthought disorder. It is used in conjunction with Scale forthe Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) [37] to haveacomprehensive assessment of the symptoms.

Soft neurological signs were assessed using ExtendedStandard Neurological Assessment Instrument [38–40]. Thisinstrument has 44 items, which encompasses the sensory,motor, reflexes, and cognitive domains. Both hard and softsigns have been incorporated in this instrument. Interraterreliability for the neurological assessment between the exam-iner and two other physicians was (intraclass correlation)0.87 and 0.97, respectively (𝑃 < 0.001) [38]. A few smallmodifications were done to make the instrument suitable forthe Indian patients (e.g., in item no. 20, tying a rope in males

or tying their hair in females instead of tying shoelace asmostof the patients did not wear shoes). The patient’s insight wasassessed using Scale to Assess Unawareness of Mental Disor-der (SUMD) [41]. Global assessment functioning (GAF) [5]scale was also applied while interviewing the informants.

5. Data Processing and Analysis

Data was processed using Statistical Package of SocialSciences—version 16.0 (SPSS-16). Descriptive statistics wasused to calculate mean, percentage, and standard deviationof the sample. Chi-square and one-sample t-test were usedto compare the mean values between patients with andwithout FRS. Spearman Rho was used to find the correlation.Regression analyses were used to determine parameter ofcontinuous variables. The relationship between variable wascomputed using ANOVA. The level of significance was keptat 𝑃 < 0.05 (2-tailed).

6. Results

6.1. Sample Characteristics

6.1.1. Sociodemographic Characteristics. All the patients ofschizophrenia with and without FRS, their first degree rela-tives (FDR), and normal control were males.The sociodemo-graphic characteristics of the sample (Table 1) show the com-parison of age and income between patients of schizophreniawith and without FRS, their FDR, and normal control. Thereis a no significant difference in age among the groups. Normalcontrols and FDR of patients of schizophrenia with andwithout FRS had significantly greater income as compared tothe study population.

The comparison of residence and employment statusbetween patients of schizophrenia with and without FRS(Table 2) did not differ in the demographics, residence,religion, ethnicity, and marital status. There was a significantdifference in employment status. Rate of unemployment wasgreater (𝑛 = 17, 56.7%) in patients of schizophrenia withoutFRS. Patients of schizophrenia with FRS showed higherpercentage of meaningful employment (𝑛 = 16, 533.3%).

Table 3 shows the comparison of age of onset of psychosisand duration of untreated psychosis between patients ofschizophreniawith andwithout FRS.Therewas no significantdifference in the two groups on these clinical variables.Results of comparison of SAPS scores between patients of

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Table 2: Comparison of sociodemographic characteristics (categorical variables: residence and employment) between patients ofschizophrenia with and without first rank symptoms (FRS).

VariableSchizophrenia with

FRS𝑁 = 30𝑛 (%)

Schizophreniawithout FRS𝑁 = 30 𝑛 (%)

𝑥2 df 𝑃

ResidenceRural 19 (63.3%) 24 (80.0%)

2.058 2 0.357Semiurban 9 (30.0 %) 5 (35.7 %)Urban 2 (6.7%) 1 (3.3%)

EmploymentEmployed 16 (53.3%) 13 (43.3%) 40.397 4 0.0001Unemployed 14 (46.7%) 17 (56.7%)

ReligionHindu 23 (76.7%) 24 (80.0 %)

2.390 8 0.967Muslims 2 (6.7%) 3 (10.0 %)Others 5 (16.7%) 3 (10.0 %)

EthnicityTribal 5 (16.7 %) 4 (13.3%) 0.320 4 0.989Nontribal 25 (83.3%) 26 (86.7%)

Marital statusSingle 11 (36.7%) 17 (56.7%) 2.411 1 0.121Married 19 (63.3%) 13 (43.3%)

Family historyAbsent 28 (93.3%) 27 (90%)

— — —Schizophrenia 1 (3.3%) 3 (10%)Mood disorder 1 (3.3%) 0 (0%)

Table 3: Comparison of age of onset of psychosis and duration of untreated psychosis (DUP), Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms(SAPS) scores, and Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) scores between schizophrenia patients with and without first ranksymptoms.

Variables Schizophrenia with FRS(mean ± SD)

Schizophrenia without FRS(mean ± SD) 𝑡 (df) 𝐹 𝑃

Age of onset of psychosis 28.52 (6.69) 25.80 (6.63) 1.58 (58) 0.093 0.762DUP (in months) 19.85 (36.26) 11.33 (23.03) 1.09 (58) 2.220 0.142Scale for the Assessment ofPositive Symptoms

Schizophrenia with FRS(mean rank)

Schizophrenia without FRS(mean rank)

Mann-Whitney𝑈 test 𝑃

Global rating of severity ofhallucinations 40.27 20.73 157.00 0.0001∗∗∗

Global rating of delusion 32.62 28.38 386.50 0.336Global rating of bizarrebehaviour 28.27 32.73 383.00 0.294

Global rating of FTD 25.27 35.73 293.00 0.003∗∗

Total SAPS score 36.07 24.93 283.00 0.013∗

Scale for the Assessment ofNegative symptoms

Schizophrenia with FRS(mean rank)

Schizophrenia without FRS(mean rank)

Mann-Whitney𝑈 test 𝑃

Global rating of affectiveflattening 26.37 34.63 326.00 0.050

Global rating of alogia 28.07 32.93 377.00 0.237General rating of avolition andapathy 26.37 34.63 326.00 0.054

Global rating of anhedoniaand asociality 27.35 33.65 355.50 0.147

Global rating of attention 25.30 35.70 294.00 0.015∗

Total SANS score 23.52 37.48 240.50 0.002∗∗∗𝑃 < 0.05, ∗∗𝑃 < 0.01, and ∗∗∗𝑃 < 0.001.

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Table 4: Comparison of neurological soft sign (NSS) scores between patients of schizophrenia with and without first rank symptoms usingKruskal-Wallis test.

𝑁 = 150

(mean ± SD)Schiz. withFRS (A)

FDR ofschiz.patientswith FRS


Schiz.without FRS


FDR ofschiz.patients

without FRS(D)

Normal controls(E) 𝜒

2𝑃 (post hoc)


1.52 ± 2.31 99.00 57.08 98.92 68.75 53.75 39.424

0.0001∗∗∗(A > B, D, E; C> B, D, E;D > E)


1.40 ± 2.16 98.65 58.20 99.77 69.48 51.40 41.8520.0001∗∗∗(A > B, E;

C > D, E; D > E)

Soft signs 1.19 ± 1.99 100.38 57.12 99.38 68.15 52.47 45.594

0.0001∗∗∗(A > B, D, E;

C > B, D, E; D >E)

Hard signs 0.29 ± 0.80 81.68 68.87 91.25 71.70 64.00 19.3090.001∗∗∗(A > B, E;C > D, E)

Filtered hardsigns 0.11 ± 0.35 76.13 70.97 83.30 76.13 70.97 6.425 0.170

Motor domain 0.16 ± 0.58 80.60 72.83 80.60 75.47 68.00 6.774 0.148Involuntarymovements 0.15 ± 0.50 76.70 73.92 81.62 76.27 69.00 5.625 0.229

Muscle power 0.01 ±0.12 74.50 74.50 74.50 74.50 79.50 8.054 0.090Muscle tone 0.01 ± 0.14 74.00 74.00 81.50 74.00 74.00 12.163 0.016

Cranial nerves 0.02 ± 0.45 78.98 71.30 89.10 71.68 66.43 12.661 0.013∗∗A > E; C > D, E

Cognitivefunctions 0.18 ± 1.94 94.47 58.50 95.62 68.10 60.82 39.221

0.0001∗∗∗(A > B, E;C > D, E)

Reflexes 0.67 ± 0.33 84.00 69.00 86.50 71.50 66.50 16.6810.002∗∗(A > B, E;C > D, E)

Sensory 0.12 ± 0.79 82.25 71.28 88.30 69.17 66.50 17.3890.002∗∗(A > B, E;C > D, E)

∗𝑃 < 0.05, ∗∗𝑃 < 0.01, and ∗∗∗𝑃 < 0.001.

Schiz.: schizophrenia; FDR: first degree relative; FRS: first rank symptoms.

schizophrenia with and without FRS show statistically signif-icant difference in global rating of severity of hallucinations,global rating of formal thought disorder, and total SAPSscore (Table 3). However, there was no significant differencein global rating of delusion and global rating of bizarrebehavior. Comparison of SANS scores between patients ofschizophrenia with and without FRS shows high significantdifference in global rating of attention and total SANS score(Table 3). The other domains of SANS did not show anysignificant difference.

The frequency of the FRS in patients of schizophreniashowed that voices commenting was the most commonlyreported symptom (𝑛 = 21; 70%), followed by thoughtbroadcasting (𝑛 = 10; 33.3%), thought insertion (𝑛 =8; 26.7%), replaced control of actions (𝑛 = 7; 23.6%),delusions that thought are being read (𝑛 = 4; 13.3%), andthought withdrawal (𝑛 = 4; 13.3%). Replacement of will by

external force (somatic passivity), replaced control of affect,and delusional perception were each reported by 2 (6.7%)patients.Thought echo, thought commentary, thought block,and other experiences of replaced control (impulse) wereeach reported by 1 (3.3%) patient.

Table 4 shows the comparison of mean rank scores ofNSS between patients of schizophrenia with and withoutFRS using Kruskal-Wallis test. The degree of freedom (df)is 4. Table 4 also shows the post hoc comparison betweenthe groups. The critical value calculated was 10.5112. Thetable shows that schizophrenia patients (with and withoutFRS) scored significantly higher in total abnormality score,filtered abnormality score, soft signs, hard signs, cranialnerves, cognitive functions, reflexes, and sensory scores.Filtered hard signs, motor domain, involuntary movements,and muscle power did not show any significant differences.FDR of schizophrenia patients scored significantly less than

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Table 5: Spearman Rho correlation between Total Scale for theAssessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS) and SANS Scale for theAssessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) and neurological softsigns of schizophrenia with and without first rank symptoms scores.

Total SAPS score Total SANS scoreTotal abnormalityscore (0–125) −0.075 (0.567) 0.167 (0.203)

Soft signs −0.075 (0.567) 0.150 (0.251)Mirror movements 0.059 (0.654) 0.105 (0.426)Cranial nerves 0.035 (0.790) 0.250 (0.054)Domain II: cognitivefunctions 0.004 (0.973) 0.030 (0.817)

Domain III: reflexes −0.078 (0.554) 0.348 (0.006)∗∗

Domain IV: sensory −0.107 (0.416) 0.037 (0.777)∗∗Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

schizophrenia patients in total abnormality score, filteredabnormality score, soft signs, and hard signs. However, onlyFDR of schizophrenia patients without FRS scored signif-icantly higher than normal controls on total abnormalityscore, filtered abnormality score, and soft signs.

Table 5 shows significant positive correlation betweenreflex and total SANS score (rho = 0.35, 𝑃 = 0.006,two-tailed). There was no other significant correlationbetween total abnormality score (0–125), soft signs, mirrormovements, cranial nerves, Domain II: cognitive functions,Domain IV: sensory, and total SANS score.

There was no significant correlation between total abnor-mality score (0–125), soft signs, mirror movements, cranialnerves, Domain II: cognitive functions, Domain III: reflexes,Domain IV: sensory, and total SAPS score.

Table 6 is a linear regression model of demographic andclinical variables of schizophrenia with and without FRS.Using the enter method, a significant model emerged (𝐹 =2.62, df = 7.22, and 𝑃 = 0.040) Adjusted 𝑅 Square = 0.281.The dependent variable was motor I domain. Age of onsetof psychosis (Beta = 4.276, 𝑃 = 0.042) and total SAPS score(Beta = −0.46, 𝑃 = 0.047) were significant at the level of 0.05,two-tailed. Total SANS score (Beta = 0.76, 𝑃 = 0.001) washighly significant at the level of 0.001, two-tailed.Thenegativevalue of Beta for SAPS indicates that NSS decrease as SAPSscores increase.

7. Discussion

The present study was driven by the renewed interest in theconstruct of the FRS which represents an important leakagein self-perception and should be understood as a symptom ofego disturbance or an invasion of the boundaries of self [42].This could explain why FRS are considered by some as signsof severe psychopathology. This led to hypothesize that thepresence of FRS predicts a poorer outcome in schizophrenia[43] and in other psychosis.

7.1. Selection of the Sample. Stringent criterion for selectionof the patients was kept to avoid any contamination ofthe samples. First and foremost patients diagnosed with

schizophrenia and related disorders were screened out forpresence or absence of FRS. Patients either having FRS or nothaving FRSwere given anMMSE to rule out cognitive deficitsdue to dementia. However, there are a number of limitationsthat have emerged with widespread usage of the MMSE.Patients with high premorbid intelligence or education showa ceiling effect, thus leading to false negatives. Great age, lim-ited education, foreign culture, and sensory impairment canproduce false positives. Consequently, MMSE score needsadjustment for age and education. The patients with sub-stance dependence syndrome or using substance in harmfulpattern were exempted from the study employing the DrugAbuse Screening Test. Using cut-off score of <11 somewhatreduces the sensitivity for identifying patients with substanceuse disorder and more accurately identifies the patients whodo not have substance use disorder. Care was also takento rule out patients currently using any oral antipsychoticmedication in the last 4 weeks and 6 weeks of long-actinginjectable (depot) antipsychotic medication to wash out theeffect of the drugs. An attempt was also made to take patientswith recent onset of illness but due to the stringent criterionexceptions had to be made to complete the study.

7.2. Discussion of Sociodemographic Characteristics. Ourstudy included patients in the age range of 18–60 years. Theminimum age was kept above 18 to avoid accidental inclusionof patients with developmental delays. The maximum cut-off age was kept below 60 years to avoid inclusion ofpatients with age-related neurological or cognitive changes.The comparison of age in patients of schizophrenia with andwithout FRS, their FDR, and normal control did not show anysignificant difference between the groups.This was similar tothe findings of earlier studies [44]. In the Danish OPUS studyof 362 young adult patients with first-episode schizophrenia,also there was no significant difference in the mean age ofschizophrenia patients with and without FRS [45].

Neurodevelopmental aberrations can lead to dysreg-ulated connectivity between the hemispheres [46], and,indeed, deficient interhemispheric transfer has been doc-umented in schizophrenia (hypoconnectivity hypothesis)[47]. Interestingly, hyperconnectivity has been postulatedto underlie the genesis of Schneider’s FRS, as supportedindirectly by the functional imaging studies which haveimplicated hyperactivation of right-parietal area as neu-roanatomical substrates of FRS [48, 49]. Also, when nor-mal controls were led to believe that another person wascontrolling their actions, there was activation of the inferiorparietal lobule [50].Thus, FRS in schizophrenia are associatedwith hyperactivity in the parietal cortex [50, 51]. Fibersfrom parietal cortex implicated in FRS will traverse in thesplenium of corpus callosum [47]. A recent study suggeststhat those with FRS had larger splenium than those withoutFRS supporting the hyperconnectivity hypothesis [52]. Also,connectivity abnormalities might be reflected by the age atonset, as observed in a recent study, in which there was asignificant positive correlation between age at onset and FRSscore. That is, those with FRS had later age at onset thanthose without FRS [52]. In the present study, also the meanage of schizophrenia with FRS was higher than those without

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Table 6: Linear regression model of demographic and clinical variables of schizophrenia with and without first rank symptoms.

Adjusted 𝑅 square 𝐹 (df) Beta 𝑡 𝑃


0.21 2.62 (7.22)

0.19 0.23 0.816Years of education −0.20 −1.049 0.306Age of onset of psychosis 4.26 2.156 0.042∗

Duration of untreated psychosis in months 1.81 1.719 0.100Total SAPS score −0.46 −2.105 0.047∗

Total SANS score 0.76 3.740 0.001∗∗∗

Frequency of FRS 0.32 1.326 0.198∗𝑃 < 0.05, ∗∗𝑃 < 0.01, and ∗∗∗𝑃 < 0.001.

FRS though the difference was not significant. Another studyfound that cognitively complex FRS did not appear beforeadolescence and suggested that a certain degree of cognitivedevelopment is necessary to display such experiences [53].Interestingly, one factor that influences the clinical manifes-tations of any cerebral lesion is the age of the brain. In fact, theetiology of schizophrenia has focused on postpubertal brainchanges that may be involved in triggering the expression ofvulnerability for abnormal brain development [54].

In a study of neurological abnormalities (NAs) inschizophrenic twins, NAs were increased in probands withschizophrenia compared to nonschizophrenic cotwins and tohealthy control twins but there were no significant differencesbetween patients from the concordant and discordant pairs.NAs in the nonpsychotic cotwins from discordant pairs wereincreased compared to control twins [55]. These findingsimplicate genetic factors, in determining the level of NAdetected in the well cotwins of patients with schizophre-nia. Results indicated that relatives demonstrate a similardistribution of deficits to probands and that the magnitudeof those deficits is determined at least in part by thedegree of genetic risk. The findings imply that NAs are arobust finding in schizophrenia, determined in part by theinherited genetic risk for the disorder. A number of otherstudies have used the same scale [38] which was used inthis study. The results of these previous studies show thatpatients with schizophrenia and their siblings score higherthan normal controls on the soft signs total, as well as thesensory integration and motor functioning subscales. Theother variables like residence, religion, ethnicity, and maritalstatus between patients of schizophrenia with and withoutFRS did not show any significance. Previous studies also havenot shown a significant difference in the sociodemographicprofiles [22, 45, 56]. Table 1 shows the comparison of incomebetween patients of schizophrenia with and without FRS,their FDR, and normal control with regard to income. Thelower income of patient without FRS could be explainedfrom the fact that this group had an earlier age of onset ofschizophrenia thereby limiting their working capacity andalso had higher levels of unemployment.

7.3. Discussion of the Clinical Characteristics. Clinical vari-ables like age of onset of psychosis and duration of untreatedpsychosis between patients of schizophrenia with and with-out FRS did not show any significant difference in thetwo groups (Table 3). However, in an earlier study of 100

schizophrenia patients, 34 (22males and 12 females) reportedhaving one or more FRS. These patients were older in ageand married, whereas the illness was of chronic nature [56].Although there was no significant difference in the level ofneurological soft signs at initial presentation, after clinicalstabilization, the level motor soft signs were significantlylower in patients with a shorter DUP. The study showed thatpatients with a short DUP have lower levels of neurologicalsoft signs at the clinical stabilization stage [22]. Resultsfrom the Danish OPUS study show that in first-episodeschizophrenia patients the duration of untreated psychosisand the age of onset of psychosis did not differ significantlyin schizophrenia with and without FRS. However, there was asignificant correlation between the psychotic symptom scoreand FRS [45].

The present study shows a significant difference betweenpatients of schizophrenia with and without FRS in globalrating of severity of hallucinations (Table 3). The table alsoshows significance between patients of schizophrenia withand without FRS in areas of global rating of formal thoughtdisorder (FTD), total SAPS score, global rating of attention,and total SANS score. This finding is in agreement with theDanish OPUS study [45]. The current study shows (Table 5)significant positive correlation between reflex and total SANSscore. However, being the only finding, its occurrence bychance cannot be ruled out.

Voices commenting was the most commonly reportedsymptom (70%) in our study, followed by thought broad-casting (33.3%). Replaced control of actions was next with23.6%. Delusion that thoughts are being read and thoughtwithdrawal occurred in 13.3% of the patients. Loud thoughtsdid not occur in any of the study samples. Our findings arepartly in agreement with an earlier study [45] which reportedthat almost half of the patients had experienced commentingor discussing voices, and more than 40% had experiencedloud thoughts. Seventy-seven percent of the patients reportedfrequent or severe FRS, which indicates that FRS are verycommon among patients with first-episode schizophrenia.Mellor [57] also reported that 72% of a group of patientswith schizophrenia had FRS, although not all patients werefirst-episode in that sample. Two other studies found theprevalence of FRS in schizophrenia to be 73% and 70%,respectively [58, 59]. These results underline the relevanceand the importance of FRS as a part of the diagnosticcriteria although they are not as specific to schizophrenia asSchneider suggested.

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Comparison of soft neurological sign in patients withpositive and negative schizophrenia revealed that the totalscore of the Neurological Evaluation Scale (NES) was sig-nificantly higher in the negative subtype group, indicatinghigher neurological impairment in the patients with negativesymptoms [60]. This finding is in agreement with the resultsof logistic regression in the present study (Table 6). Rela-tionships between neurological signs and different clinicalsymptoms are not a consistent finding. For example, Tiryakiet al. [61] found that the subscore of sequencing of complexmotor acts is a significant predictor of deficit state, whichis the negative subtype of schizophrenia. While there wasno correlation either between the PANSS scale for positivesymptoms and the total PANSS score or the scores fordisorganization and reality distortion syndromes and anyNES score, it was found that the PANSS scale for negativesymptoms score correlated positively with the “others” NESsubscore and that the psychomotor poverty syndrome scorecorrelated positively with the “others” subscore and the totalscore of NES [25].

7.4. Discussion of the Diagnostic Specificity of FRS. ExaminingSchneiderian FRS is associated with several problems at thepractical level aswell as at amore overarching epistemologicallevel. A fundamental issue in the reviewed studies is thequestion of validity of psychiatric diagnosis in general and ofschizophrenia in particular. There is a lack of explicit realiza-tion that the diagnosis of schizophrenia is based on a certainconvention and not on its purported essential nature. Uncleardefinitions of the FRS are another widespread problem inthe studies; neither Schneider nor Present State Examination(PSE) offers very precise definitions of FRS. Consequently,different explications of FRS are possible, and if the precisedefinitions are not articulated, it is difficult to compare theconclusions of the studies.This confusion is also found in theICD-10. Here, the diagnoses are ordered hierarchically andschizophrenia precedes affective disorder in the classification.The FRS are specified in the operational criteria as being ofspecial importance for the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Yet, itis stated that “the diagnosis of schizophrenia should not bemade in the presence of extensive, depressive, ormanic symp-toms unless it is clear that schizophrenic symptoms antedatedthe affective disturbance.” This undermines the hierarchicalstructure of the system and, even more importantly (as wasthe case with the DSM-IV), it deprives the clinician of thesupport, implicitly intended, from the symptoms of specificimportance like the FRS. However, in 40% of the patients,3 of the 10 most frequent subjective symptoms antedatingschizophrenia are affective: restlessness, depression, and anx-iety, andmany qualify for a full depressive syndrome [62, 63].Should these patients be diagnosed as depressed for the restof their lives? It is also essential to clarify how we conceivethe FRS, what their phenomenological nature is, and whatmethod is adequate to assess their presence and diagnosticimportance. Some critics noted that the FRS were only diag-nostic of schizophrenia on the condition of a simultaneous“phenomenological leverage” [64]. The “phenomenologicalleverage” was mentioned by Schneider himself, albeit in arather lateral and cryptic manner: “(the FRS) signify a radical

qualitative change in the thought processes as described byGruhle.” In summary, Schneider, his contemporaries, andmore recent phenomenological contributions [65, 66] did notconsider the FRS as atomic symptoms but as two groupsof phenomena: passivity experiences and hallucinations,with certain phenomenological overlaps [8]. A call for a“phenomenological leverage” points to several problematicaspects of their diagnostic role, of whichwewill mention onlyone. Thus, the FRS are diagnostically useful only in a patientwithout clouding or other degradation of consciousness (e.g.,with a perplexity due to severe emotional turmoil, strong fearor anxiety, extreme mood, or psychomotor swings) simplybecause the trait-like, formal alterations of experience andconsciousness can only be meaningfully assessed in a patientwhose consciousness is in a state of “composure” [3].

7.5. Neurological Soft Signs (NSS). In the present study,schizophrenia patients with FRS had a greater mean rankin total abnormality score, filtered abnormality score, softsigns, and hard signs followed by patients without FRS(Table 4). Within group comparison shows FDR mixedresults. The FDR of schizophrenia patients had significantlylower NSS scores than schizophrenia patients, but only FDRof schizophrenia patients without FRS had significantly morescores than normal controls (Table 4). Findings are consistentliterature showing a graded pattern of NSS severity, withhealthy relatives having an intermediate number betweenpatients and controls [67].

In our literature search results, three studies indicated asignificant correlation for NSS scores between schizophreniapatients and their relatives, but only one study reported onthe heritability of NSS in schizophrenia [68]. With regardto the state-independent criterion, the existing literaturesuggests that NSS have been demonstrated in schizophreniaat different stages of the illness [22, 27, 69]. According to theprevious review, NSS occurmore frequently in schizophreniapatients than healthy controls at all stages of the illness [70].However, most of the existing evidence is limited to cross-sectional studies.

Most of the studies have used the NES in samples ofpatients with schizophrenia; some produced results thatsupport the data from the current study. Ismail et al. [71]reported that patients with schizophrenia and their siblingsscored higher than normal controls on the Soft Signs Total,as well as the Sensory Integration and Motor Functioningsubscales. Additionally, patients with schizophrenia havebeen reported to score higher than at-risk patients, whoin turn scored higher than controls on the soft signs total,sensory integration, and other soft signs [72]. Arango et al.[73] reported that the Other Soft Signs subscale was able tocorrectly classify a greater number of patients and controls totheir true group than the other subscales from theNES. Takentogether these previous studies and the current results suggestthat the other soft signs subscale may be particularly sensitivein identifying those with schizophrenia or a proneness to it.

Griffiths et al. [74] suggested that the presence of softsigns in relatives increases with the potential genetic loading(i.e., greater incidence of schizophrenia in a family increasesthe presence of soft signs). Furthermore, Gourion et al.

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[17] reported that the total soft signs score could be usedto distinguish relatives who were thought to be carriers ofthe genetic vulnerability to schizophrenia from those whowere not. This suggests that the presence of neurologicalsoft signs may be indicative of being a “gene-carrier” forpsychosis. It is not possible, on the information available, todetermine whether the participants in the current study aregene-carriers for schizophrenia. However, the results fromLawrie et al. [72] may suggest that soft signs are not anindicator of genetic risk specifically for psychosis. Othercauses of soft signsmay be low birth weight [75] and obstetriccomplications [76]. Obstetric complications may be a moresignificant factor for males at risk for schizophrenia or forleading to soft signs in those at genetic risk for developingschizophrenia [77].

NSS have been associated with a more severe clinicalcourse of psychosis, worse psychosocial performance, andcognitive dysfunction [18, 78–80], suggesting that they maycharacterize a subgroup of patients sharing a more severepathophysiological process. The comparison of NSS ratesin patients with psychosis across different studies is madedifficult by the fact that they are evaluated with a varietyof instruments and not always with a published, validatedscale. According to the findings, NSS can be conceptualizedas one of the core features of schizophrenia. Hence, wemay hypothesize NSS to be the consequence of the geneticliability towards the disease. NSS may serve as surrogatemarkers of the schizophrenic disease process with higherscores corresponding to a trait-like liability.

8. Limitations

The study had various limitations. It was conducted in atertiary care hospital setting where mainly assessment ofseverely ill patients is done and the sample size was modest.Females were not inducted in the study which is a primarylimitation in the applicability of the present findings tofemale schizophrenia patients. All of the patients in thestudy were right-handed; therefore, the impact of the cerebraldominance could not be studied. The examiner for NSS wasnot blinded regarding FRS.

9. Conclusions

The correlations between NSS and clinical symptoms inthe present study were relatively modest but significant.The correlation coefficients between NSS total and totalpositive and negative symptoms scores show a weak relationbetween NSS and positive symptom severity. Hence, ourresults confirm previous studies demonstrating that NSS aremore prominent in patients with negative symptoms than inthose with positive symptoms. NSS may serve as surrogatemarkers of the schizophrenic disease process with higherscores corresponding to a trait-like liability.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regar-ding the publication of this paper.


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