Cloning Into Plasmids -Riboprobes

Post on 06-Jul-2018

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  • 8/18/2019 Cloning Into Plasmids -Riboprobes


    Cloning intoPlasmids

    Restriction Fragment Cloning & PCR

    Cloning by the Topo TA™ Method

  • 8/18/2019 Cloning Into Plasmids -Riboprobes


    Cloning Vectors

    The molecular analysis of DNA has been made possible by thecloning of DNA The t!o molecules that are re"uired for cloning arethe DNA to be cloned and a cloning #ector

    Cloning vector  $ a DNA molecule that carries foreign DNA into ahost cell% replicates inside a bacterial or yeast' cell and producesmany copies of itself and the foreign DNA

    Three features of all cloning vectors  se"uences that permit the propagation of itself in bacteria or in yeast

    for (ACs' a cloning site to insert foreign DNA) the most #ersatile #ectors

    contain a site that can be cut by many restriction en*ymes a method of selecting for bacteria or yeast for (ACs' containing a

    #ector !ith foreign DNA) uually accomplished by selectable mar+ersfor drug resistance

  • 8/18/2019 Cloning Into Plasmids -Riboprobes


    Types of Cloning Vectors

    Plasmid $ an e,trachromosomal circular DNA molecule thatautonomously replicates inside the bacterial cell) cloning limit- .//to ./%/// base pairs or /.$./ +ilobases +b'

    Phage $ deri#ati#es of bacteriophage lambda) linear DNA

    molecules% !hose region can be replaced !ith foreign DNA!ithout disrupting its life cycle) cloning limit- 0$1/ +b

    Cosmids $ an e,trachromosomal circular DNA molecule thatcombines features of plasmids and phage) cloning limit $ 23$3/ +b

    Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes (BAC) $ based on bacterialmini$F plasmids cloning limit- 43$2// +b

     Yeast Artificial Chromosomes (YAC) $ an artificial chromosomethat contains telomeres% origin of replication% a yeast centromere%and a selectable mar+er for identification in yeast cells) cloninglimit- .//$./// +b

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    General Steps of Cloning with Any Vector  prepare the #ector and DNA to be cloned by

    digestion !ith restriction en*ymes to generate

    complementary ends e,ception Topo cloning see

    later slides' ligate the foreign DNA into the #ector !ith the

    en*yme DNA ligase

    introduce the DNA into bacterial cells or yeast cells

    for (ACs' by transformation select cells containing foreign DNA by screening for

    selectable mar+ers usually drug resistance'

  • 8/18/2019 Cloning Into Plasmids -Riboprobes


    Restriction & Ligation

  • 8/18/2019 Cloning Into Plasmids -Riboprobes


    Insertion of RestrictionFragment into Vector 

    Multi Cloning Site

  • 8/18/2019 Cloning Into Plasmids -Riboprobes


    The pC !" or !# Cloning


    R5 6ites in blue occur only once in the plasmid

    Lac Z α

  • 8/18/2019 Cloning Into Plasmids -Riboprobes


    Transformation andSelection


    hite hite Blue !ead

  • 8/18/2019 Cloning Into Plasmids -Riboprobes


    The Topo TA PCR Cloning Vector 

  • 8/18/2019 Cloning Into Plasmids -Riboprobes


     Features of Topo Vector

     EcoR 7 sites flan+ing the PCR product insertion site

    for easy remo#al of inserts

    8anamycin and ampicillin resistance genes for your

    choice of selection in E. coli  5asy blue9!hite screening of recombinant colonies

    Promoter9priming sites for in vitro transcription

  • 8/18/2019 Cloning Into Plasmids -Riboprobes


    The Topo TA CloningProcess

  • 8/18/2019 Cloning Into Plasmids -Riboprobes


     $hy Are $e Topo Cloning%

    PCR generates the e,act gene fragment !e !ant toclone

    PCR products and no other DNA are ligated into the

    Topo #ector by the topoisomerase

    :igation is highly efficent as high as ;/

  • 8/18/2019 Cloning Into Plasmids -Riboprobes


    Generating Rioproes

    T4 =acteriophage RNA polymerase can be used to transcribe the

    insert in the left!ard direction to ma+e single stranded RNA The

    strand !hich is copied template strand' depends on the orientation of

    the insert >e !ill need to restriction map our plasmid s to determine

    the orientation of the insert 6ince insertion is random =othorientations should be represented in our clone population >e need

    to select plasmids !hich !ill generate RNA !hich is complimentary to

    the mRNA !e are attempting to locali*e by in situ hybridi*ation