Cloud computing concept & design

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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This presentation explains the basics of cloud computing. Non-technical students will also find this very easy to understand.


Concept & Design

ByRicha Kushwaha (397)

Sandipan Samaddar (398)


In a dynamic economic environment, a company’s survival may depend on its ability to focus on core business and adapt quickly.

As the business adapts to changing government and industry regulations, and anticipates competitive threats, IT needs to help the business find new ways to respond.

Cloud computing is a business and economic model. For business agility and economic reasons, the cloud is becoming an increasingly important option for companies.

What is Cloud Computing?

The CLOUD in cloud computing provides the means through which everything —

from computing power to computing infrastructure, applications,

business processes to personal collaboration

— can be delivered to you as a service wherever and whenever you need.

Characteristics of Cloud

1. Multitenancy (Shared Resources): Multiple users use the same resource.

2. Massive scalability: Ability to scale to thousands of systems.

3. Elasticity: Users can rapidly increase and decrease their computing resources as needed, as well as release resources for other uses when they are no longer required.

4. Pay as You Go: Users pay for only the resources they actually use and for only the time they require them.

5. Self-provisioning of Resources: Users self-provision resources, such as additional systems (processing capability, software,storage) and network resources

Components of Cloud

The cloud itself is a set of hardware, networks, storage, services, and interfaces that enable the delivery of computing as a service.The world of the cloud has lots of participants:

The end user doesn’t really have to know anything about the underlying technology.

Business management needs to take responsibility for overall governance of data or services living in a cloud.

The cloud service provider is responsible for IT assets and maintenance.

Types of Clouds

1. Public Cloud The services and infrastructure are provided off-site over

the Internet.  These clouds offer the greatest level of efficiency in

shared resources

A public cloud is the obvious choice when: Applications are used by lots of people. Need to test and develop application code.

Need incremental capacity (the ability to add computer capacity for peak times).

For collaboration projects.

2. Private Cloud- The services and infrastructure are maintained on a private

network. - These clouds offer the greatest level of security and control.-   A private cloud is the obvious choice when:

1. Your business is your data and your applications.

2. Your business is part of an industry that must conform to strict security and data privacy issues.

3. Your company is large enough to run a next generation cloud data center efficiently and effectively on its own.

3. Hybrid Cloud

-  Includes a variety of public and private options with multiple providers.

- By spreading things out over a hybrid cloud, you keep each aspect at your business in the most efficient environment possible.

- Have to keep track of multiple different security platforms.

- You can use a public cloud to interact with the clients but keep their data secured within a private cloud.

Barriers to Cloud Computing Adoption in the Enterprise

1. Security

2. Privacy

3. Connectivity and Open Access

4. Reliability

5. Interoperability

6. Economic Value

Cloud Service Providers

Future Scope

Let us have a look on what makes the future of cloud computing so bright:

Presence of Internet will boost its future No more software updates Hardware optional Entertainment unlimited Medical treatments simplified Weather Forecasting Education for all

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