Cloud Computing? What is it and its future trends?

Post on 06-May-2015

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About Cloud Computing. How it works? What are its uses, its types? What services it provides and what are its future trends. It was a presentation made by Zia-ur-Rehman, who is a student at National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan. It was his research work on the same topic.


Cloud ComputingWhat is it? How it works? Where are they used? What is its implementation in daily life and the future?

AGENDA What is Cloud Computing? Why do we call it Cloud Computing? Structure of Cloud Computing Service Modes of Cloud Computing Chronology of Cloud Computing Types of Clouds Trends of Cloud Computing Applications of Cloud Computing Advantages and Disadvantages

What is Cloud Computing? Definitions:

“Cloud Computing is a style of computing where massively scalable IT-related capabilities are provided as a service across the Internet to multiple external customers”

 “Cloud computing is a pool of abstracted, highly scalable and managed infrastructure capable of hosting end customer applications and billed by consumption”

 “Cloud computing is Web-based processing, whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices (such as smart phones) on demand over the Internet”

What is Cloud Computing?(contd..)

Cloud computing is Internet-based computing where shared resources, applications and information are provided to users stored on the provider’s server or computer to the user’s computers or other devices on demand.

Cloud computing relies on sharing of resources. Cloud resources are not only usually shared by multiple users but also dynamically allocated for users as per their demand.

Why do we call it “Cloud Computing”?

Why do we call it “Cloud Computing”?

In Cloud Computing the word “Cloud” is used as a metaphor for “the Internet”. So the word “Cloud Computing” means a type of “Internet-based computing” where different services such as servers, storage and applications are delivered to an organization’s computers and devices through Internet.

Structure of Cloud Computing:

Is how users of cloud interact with Is a list of services that a user the cloud to request services can request

Virtual or physical servers managed Is the part which manages theby System Management the resources available

Tracks the usage of the cloud so the Carves out the systems from theresources used can be attributed to cloud to deliver on the requesteda certain user service

Cloud Computing Structure

User Interaction Interface

Service Catalog

Cloud ServersSystem


Monitoring and Metering

Provisioning Tool

Service Modes of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing platform can be divided into three categories:a. Applicationb. Platformc. Infrastructure

Service Modes of Cloud Computing (contd…)

a) Application/Software as a Service or SAAS.

Cloud providers install and operate application software in the cloud and cloud users access the software from cloud clients.

The provider licenses an application to customers either as a service on demand, through a subscription, in a “pay-as-you-go” model, or usually at no charge.

User has no need to install a software in his hardware. It is usually developed for users.

Service Modes of Cloud Computing (contd…)

Platform as a Service or PAAS. Provides a platform and environment to allow

developers to build applications and services over the internet.

In other words PaaS providers give us an environment of a computer on which we can develop applications using software tools provided by the providers.

PaaS is actually provided for Developers as they use this facility a lot.

Service Modes of Cloud Computing (contd…)

Infrastructure as a Service or IaaS. Organizations can build a complete computing

infrastructure using IaaS on demand. It is the most basic component of cloud computing.

This covers a wide range of features, from individual servers, to private networks, disk drives, various long term storage devices as well as email servers, domain name servers (DNS) as well as messaging systems.

IaaS can be said to be the grass root level of cloud computing. It is under

Service Modes of Cloud Computing (contd…)

Chronology of Cloud Computing1960, John McCarthy’s Concept: “Computation may be

someday organized as a public utility”

1999, “Pioneered the concept of delivering enterprise applications via a simple website”

2000, Microsoft: “Expanded SaaS concept through web service”

2001, IBM:

2005, Amazon: “Launch of Amazon Web Service”

2007, Google Apps “Starts researching Cloud Computing and

and Azure: launching of Google Apps and Windows Azure Beta first step of Cloud Computing in mega scale”

2008, Gartner Research: “Starts using Cloud computing in many organizations”

Types of Clouds:

Public Cloud:Suitable for applying to general system not particular systems and serving massive clients and also cheap price.

Private Cloud:Suitable for particular system or needed high security system through cloud provider.

Hybrid Cloud:This system is a composition of public cloud and private cloud. It is also used for transferring data from one cloud to another cloud.

Applications of Cloud Computing

Google App Engine

Windows Azure

Amazon EC2 and S3

Google Drive

Panda Cloud

Drop Box


Trends of Cloud Computing

Organizations start to use it: Private cloud services are run in datacenters managed but third-parties, but also in private

datacenters on company property managed by corporate IT staffs. Corporate IT departments will create cloud with in their IT infrastructures and lease cloud power

to suppliers and customers

More scalable and customizable: They are scalable, growing and shrinking as needed. They are also centrally managed in a

virtualized environment. Cloud computing vendors will make their applications more customizable by end user. Then

corporations will move mission critical unique applications into the cloud

Cloud will be all desktop software, anyone can access: Local application will become out of date and pc’s will become slimmer, more agile gateways to

the cloud where the heavy lifting is done Business units and even individual employees will be able to control the processing of data

directly, without the needs of legions of technical specialist

Changing from data sharing to application sharing: Cloud computing will develop effecting and capable of communicating on the internet has the

potential to enhance the speed and stability of the exchange (share) from exchange information (data share) to share in the applications (application share) on the cloud environment in the future

Advantages and Disadvantages:

Advantages: High availability Data Backup Low Maintenance Reliability and Speed Automatically Updates Miniaturization Instant and Real-time Service Computing Flexibility

Disadvantages: Increase in Cyber crime Not suitable for mobile areas Security and Privacy Dependence on Internet Dependence on Third-Party Migration Problems Require High Bandwidth