CMA HeartBeat June 2013

Post on 01-Dec-2015

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CMA is a non-profit, interdenominational organization, dedicated to reaching people for Christ in the highways and byways through motorcycling. Since its beginning in the mid 70's, CMA has had over 150,500 applicants for membership and over 1,000 chapters chartered in the United States. Also, through the CMA International Ministry, CMA is represented in other countries throughout the world.


Letters to the Editor








FAST LANEI just wanted to let the team know

that the Fast Lane design is wonder‐

ful! I appreciate CMA's trident out‐

line but with the Fast Lane logo and


"Thanks!", too, to the guys who

came to work the Goodies area and

apply the heat transfers. We truly

appreciate ALL that all of you do!

Serving with joy in Jesus,

Jadonna Trout

Lenoir, NC

Misty Bradley

DAY OF PRAYER PRAISE REPORTOn Sunday, March 3, 2013, several CMA Middle Tennessee Chapters gath‐

ered at Nashville Parthenon for a time of prayer. March 3 was the National

Day of Prayer, and

is an annual event

ride for CMA.

Pictured are mem‐

bers of Steel

Witness, Lions of

Judah, Knights for

Christ, Cornerstone

Riders along with

some TN Area Reps

and the State


Praise God in the good and in the bad.

Praise Him when he says yes, and when he says no.

Praise Him when you feel like it and when you don’t.

Praise Him when things are going great and when they’re not.

It is easy to praise God when things are going great, but do we continue to praise Him in the inbetween times where things may just be ok, or in the low times when we feel like everything’sfalling apart? At times we may feel like too much has been thrown at us and we’re just too tired to

praise Him. We should praise God in every season, in every circumstance. It’s not always easy to praiseHim when things aren’t going my way, but I have to stop and remember all the times HE has made away for me, all the times He has supplied my needs, and all the times He has had perfect timing and hasgiven me an answer or a blessing just when I need‐ed it. When I stop feeling down and start remember‐ing all the ways God has blessed me and providedfor me, I can’t help but praise Him!

“Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’swill for you who belong to Christ Jesus” (1 Thessa‐lonians 5:18, NLT). CMA

“For he loves us with unfailinglove; The LORD’s faithfulness

endures forever. Praise the Lord!”(Psalm 117:2, NLT).

Just a thought...A Note from the Editor








“But you will receivepower when the Holy

Spirit comes on you; andyou will be my witnesses inJerusalem, and in all Judeaand Samaria, and to theends of the earth” (Acts 1:8,NASB).

It is absolutely mind bending to

realize that through Run for the Son, in

partnership with our three ministry

partners, CMA is impacting 191 out of

the total 196 countries in the entire

world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Marvel at what God has done from

1975 with one man on one motorcycle

to a global ministry that in 2012

enabled 2.9 million salvations world‐

wide. Here at home, within 1,000

chapters under 4,000 leaders, you the

faithful members of the Christian

Motorcyclists Associa‐tion, in your

local communities all over the country

are “pressing toward the goal”, ” fight‐

ing the good fight”, and living the love

of Jesus before your family, friends,

neighbors, co‐workers, and fellow bik‐

ers every single day! Do you realize

that in the United States last year

alone you averaged over 25,000 total

ministry events every single month

with 2,000 of those being salvations

and recommitments? The reports, sta‐

tistics, and changed lives bears wit‐

ness of the effectiveness of your faith‐

ful service that is happening right here

at home every day. The following

example is just a small snapshot of

what is taking place all over this great

country of ours in every state, every

chapter, and every community where

there is a CMA presence.

Recently I had the privilege of trav‐

eling with John, Sr. and Becky Ogden

along with the CMA UK Chairman

Mike Fitton, to Houston, Texas. We

were honored to come alongside the

local CMA’ers and have the opportuni‐

ty to minister to a rehab program of

the Open Door Mission and visit the

ongoing work of the Gideon Baptist

Church pastored by Terry Strack and

his wife Theresa. The Stracks have

been ministering to the down and out

of this city for well over 2 decades and

through their H.E.L.P. ministry, are

still feeding them on the streets every

Saturday night. Since joining CMA

about seven or eight years ago they

have enlisted the help of other local

CMA members to join them in their

area. It has been a two‐way street as

CMA has been able to open doors for

Terry and Theresa also. We actually

witnessed only a small part of what is

going on in East Central, Texas as the

greater Houston metro area encom‐

passes nearly 10,000 square miles and

there is great need so nearly all of the

CMA chapters in this whole area are

involved in ministry to the homeless

and less fortunate in some way or


I really enjoyed visiting with the

residents at the Open Door Mission

and hearing their life stories and testi‐

monies. I was especially touched by a

55 year old man that had just entered

the program and knowing it was prob‐

ably his last chance, was desperate for

the change only Jesus could make in

his life. As John Sr. shared the Word

the man struggled to read the fine

print in the “Hope for the Highway”

Bible one of the CMA’ ers had given

him. My eyes misted over at his reac‐

tion when I handed him my cheap

three dollar reading glasses. It cost me

next to nothing, took little effort on my

part, yet meant so much to one that

had seldom experienced the love of

Jesus in a practical way. It isn’t us, but

Jesus in us that makes it possible to

change the world, one heart at a time.

On Sunday morning we had the

opportunity to attend the Gideon

Baptist Church and worship with the

members. Some of the people obvious‐

ly had little in the way of worldly pos‐

sessions and would probably sleep on

the street that night but the joy on the

faces and the passion in their praise

told the true story of who they were in

Christ. When they gathered around

Mike Fitton to pray over him it was

genuinely moving. We were also

blessed by a group of eight ladies from

the Teen Challenge program that sang

and shared their testimonies. Stories

of drug addiction, low self‐esteem, and

abuse were overshadowed by their

universal expression of gratitude to

the God that had changed their lives. I

was able to visit with one young man

that was relating how his buddy just

didn’t want to become someone else

in order to come to Christ. I just hap‐

pened (love those divine coinci‐

dences) to have a bookmark I share in

prison that has a list of verses and a

prayer about being ourselves, because

that is who God made us to be and the

best way we can honor Him is to be

the best me I can be. He grabbed it,

said “cool” and took off down the

street to share it. It is always an honor

to be invited to join someone in their

place of ministry and just be able to sit

back watch what goes on and see the

results of their years of hard work and

commitment. The Stracks and the

entire Houston area CMA leadership

and members are doing a terrific work

there among the homeless and disad‐

vantaged and it is heart‐warming to

see how the recipients of their love

and service respect and cherish them.

The point is this kind of activity is

going on in CMA all over the country; it

is who we are and if you are not seeing

it in your local area, you need to get it

started. The original vision of CMA is

being fulfilled more than ever before

as more and more members are get‐

ting involved and engaged in the min‐

From the Director’s Heart

TIM Weddle’s impressions after accompanying JOHN Ogden Sr. on a home mission trip to Houston, Texas.

What’s Happening in Your Jerusalem?

(continue on page 26)

Evangelist Article








Have you ever been rollingalong in life, things seemto be pretty good and you

feel ‘at peace’ with the worldaround you when all of a suddensomebody or something snatchesthe rug out from under you?

Maybe it’s a person you’vetrusted and they disappoint you,or perhaps it’s something thatmakes you think you made somewrong decisions, or you just getsome bad news, something like afriend dying and there’s no evi‐dence that they had any relation‐ship with Christ.

That’s bad but then throw onthe personal guilt that comesfrom making decisions years agothat took you out of a place tospeak God to a person; knowingthat had you kept doing what youwere doing there is a chance thatyou may have had the opportuni‐ty to lead them to Christ. I can’tspeak for you but I can tell youthat it’s happened to me morethan once. And I feel sure it willhappen again.

Not long ago I was asked aquestion that I couldn’t answer; a“what do you want” question. Ihave a problem with that kind ofquestion. Of course I have wants,I make and have plans but I tryreally hard not to let my wantsdirect my path.

Wouldn’t it be great if everymorning we could get a coffee, sitdown and click the “God Speaks”App on our phones and get directinstructions from God? Unfor‐tunately it’s not that easy.

Let’s be clear, God does speakbut it’s not normally in an audi‐ble voice. You have to read HisWord, you have to pray, you haveto allow people you trust tospeak into your life. To a certain

degree hearing God requirestrust, otherwise known as faith.

Sometimes trusting God willrequire that you put yourself insituations where you trust some‐one and allow them to makedecisions for you. Unfortunatelythe plain and simple truth is any‐time people are involved you willeventually be disappointed.What do you do when that disap‐pointment comes? What do yousay, how do you act?

I can’t answer those questionsfor you; you have to decide theanswers for yourself. There aretimes when God is trying to growyou and it hurts. There are alsotimes when you need to say “nomore of this” and make somechanges.

The only advice I can give youis whenever you think you’vereached that point, commit totake enough time to allow God tospeak to you about it. Andremember this; God doesn’t holdyou accountable for the decisionsor actions of others. He does holdyou accountable for your owndecisions and your reactions tothe disappointments that comefrom the decisions and actions ofothers.

It’s this simple; you’re notresponsible for what others do orsay to you, you are responsiblefor what you do and say to oth‐ers.

Last night, as I was prayingover some things and seekingsome answers, God put Proverbs16 in my mind. It’s a great chap‐ter and I encourage you to readit, but last night God spoke to methrough three specific verses.

Proverbs 16:1, “We can makeour own plans, but the Lord givesthe right answer” (NLT).

Proverbs 16:9, “We can makeour plans, but the Lord deter‐mines our steps” (NLT).

Proverbs 16:33 (my favorite),“We may throw the dice, but theLord determines how they fall”(NLT).

So what’s my point in all ofthis? You and I may be in differ‐ent places, we may have com‐pletely different lives, but noneof that changes the fact that we’llhave trials and disappointmentsin life. None of that changes thefact that God will guide, lead, anddirect our paths if we choose tolet Him. There’s the point, nomatter what happens, or whodisappoints you, God can and willlead, guide, and direct your‘plans’ if you let Him.

I choose to look through thedisappointments that come. Ichose not to allow anything tocause me to take my fate in myown hands. Because I know thatat the end of this road, no matterhow bumpy it may be, I’ll lookinto the face of Jesus. When thatmoment comes, I really want tohear Him say “well done.”

I choose to make my life allabout Jesus! CMA

Kerry and Debbie Gibson serve as NationalEvangelist.

By KERRY Gibson

Throw the Dice and Trust God








Member Article

My name is Terry Poertner. I

stepped out of my world in

February of 2012 and went

on a CMA mission trip to Nicaragua.

This was my first ever mission trip.

On this trip I saw first‐ hand how Run

for the Son is being used to touch and

bless indigenous pastors around the

world. I saw the look on their faces

when they were handed the keys to a

little motorcycle that will make a big

difference in their lives and their abil‐

ity to expand their ministry efforts.

On this mission trip I also was

touched by the Holy Spirit in a town

called Metagalpa. We were in a church

service, part of a motorcycle presen‐

tation, and they were singing a song in

Spanish that I recognized as a song by

Phillips, Craig, and Dean. I remem‐

bered the music but didn’t know the

words. God used that song, even with‐

out the words, to touch my heart in

that town of Metagalpa. God remind‐

ed me that he is bigger than any one

country. God reminded me that it is

His desire to change the world. And

He is at work doing that in Nicaragua,

just as He is at work in the United

States and every other country of the

world. I was touched to be able to see

God in action and be a little part of

that work.

God did something else on that

trip; He showed me people who have

very little compared to what we have

in the United States and they are very

thankful for so little. It’s hard to put

into words but God changed my atti‐

tude towards the issues of life we face.

It’s safe to say that this mission trip

experience changed my life. My life

was changed and touched by God

through what I experienced and the

people I met. Speaking of meeting

people, I met a Nicaraguan policeman

on this trip also.

One of the things we did on this

mission trip was attend a secular rally

called “Harley–Days.” As we were

leaving the rally, me and four other

members of the team, who we’ll call

Larry (the helicopter gunner), long‐

haired Kenny, Lorenzo (Larry from

the MO boothill), and Dave (from

Colorado, driving the van) got a little

lost. Ok, a lot lost. Nobody knew

where we were or where we should

go. So I figured somebody’s got to

make a move here, so I said, “Make a U

turn.” Dave did as I suggested and

made a U turn. Apparently U turns

aren’t exactly legal in that part of

Managua and the police were right

across the road.

The police pulled us over, went up

to Dave at the driver’s window, start‐

ed asking him questions in Spanish

(which Dave couldn’t understand) but

he gave them his Colorado driver’s

license. As the police kept questioning

Dave, I said, from the backseat “No

Habla Espanol.” Hearing this, they

opened the side door, with their

machine guns in hand, and motioned

for me to get out, thinking that I knew

Spanish; which I don’t. (An important

factor to the rest of the story.)

I had always heard that if you are

ever in trouble with the police in

Nicaragua, offer them a little cash and

chances are, they will let you go. So

when I stepped out of the van my plan

was ask him, in Spanish, if he needed

some money.

First I said, “Missionaryodos”

(which I didn’t even know if it was a

word) and then I said, “Yo nessicitas

denaro,” which I thought was, “Do you

need money?” He shook his head, say‐

ing, “no.” The more I said “Yo nessici‐

tas denaro,” the more he shook his

head and telling me no, no, no. I could

tell he was getting frustrated but I fig‐

ured he just needed a little more per‐

suading. Finally, he said, “Kiate”

(which means ‘quiet’). Then he

grabbed me by the arm, walked to the

gas tank on the van and pointed to the

cap, and then he pointed to himself.

At that point I realized that I was

saying something wrong. During all of

this I kept trying to get Dave’s drivers

license back to no avail. But as soon as

I pulled the ten dollar bill out of my

right pocket, he reached for the ten. I

reached for Dave’s license. We made

the exchange. He turned and headed

to his police car. I leapt into the van

and said, “Let’s get outta here.”

Everyone in the van asked what hap‐

pened. I said, “They took money. Let’s

just go.”

As we were leaving, we were so

exited we made a quick (illegal) turn

as the police drove by, and yes they

looked at us with these real funny

expressions on their faces. What an

adventure! But wait, there’s more.

When we made it back to the com‐

pound, we explained to Eric and

Marilyn what had happened. And

laughing, Eric said, “You dingaling;

you weren’t asking him if he needed

money; you were asking him for

money!” We all got a good laugh about

it and we’re glad to be back. God was

with us.

This is just one of many great sto‐

ries to come out of this mission trip. I

could write several articles on this

trip. I had a great time, so good that

I’m going back this year. Step out of

your little world and see what Run for

the Son is all about. You won’t be

sorry. You’ll come back floatin’ on air

like I did. CMA

By TERRY Poertner

Terry Poertner is a member of Cross Road Riderschapter #554 of Union, Missouri.
















Member Article

My wife and I joined the Christian

Motorcyclists Association in

2006, and are currently members of

the Peacemakers, Chapter 369, of

Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I knew from

the first time I heard of CMA, that it

was where God wanted me to serve in

His Kingdom while I was on this earth.

In 2007, we spent our vacation

camping in a tent on Iron Mountain. It

was our first time there. Not many

people were on the mountain, except

for a few that lived or worked there. It

was during this time that we had the

opportunity to meet Randal and Lisa

Tebeau. They were preparing to take

the Run for The Son motorcycle to the

National West Rally for its unveiling.

Lisa shared with my wife Kay that her

mother was having a serious health

issue with her eyes. Kay prayed with

Lisa, and believed for her mother to

be healed so they could focus on what

God had called them to do. The next

morning, Lisa told Kay that her moth‐

er‘s eye problems were healed! It was

a very exciting time for us all! It was

the power of prayer and believingthat her mother would be healed!

That evening we were able to meet

with them again and prayed for their

safe travels, as they would be leaving

very early the next morning. As I was

browsing through the HeartBeat mag‐

azine later that night, I discovered

that Randal and Lisa were CMA evan‐

gelists! On almost every outing that

week we had the privilege to minister

and pray for so many people.

When we returned home, I began

to have severe headaches. It was dur‐

ing this time my doctor diagnosed me

with cerebral vasculitis. I was hospi‐

talized twice and underwent several

treatments for the illness, which only

made me worse. My doctor had even

told me that I would not be able to

work again since my job as an auto

technician was too strenuous. I didn’t

accept that because I knew that God

didn’t call me to be a part of the CMA

ministry to just turn around and take

me out of it. We believe that it was

because of the prayers of numerous

people that the doctor’s diagnosis was

found to be wrong! My wife, by the

leading of the Holy Spirit, felt that we

should get a second opinion and

through that second opinion it was

discovered that I never had cerebral

vasculitis! Again, it was the power ofprayer and believing that I would be

healed! I am still working and still

serving as a member of CMA.

For years I have had problems with

my eyes. I was diagnosed in my late

teens with Reiters Syndrome, an

immune system disorder which caus‐

es my immune system to attack

healthy organs. It soon began to

attack my eyes and would cause them

to stay inflamed which eventually led

to Glaucoma. I was able to control the

pressure with eye drops for a while,

but it wasn’t long until I had to have

surgery to implant a valve in my right

eye. I had just been elected as Road

Captain for our CMA chapter when

By MIKE Winburn

this happened. Each time I began a

new level in CMA, another difficulty

began. My pastor has said many

times, “new levels, new devils”. After

that year, I was elected to be Vice‐

President of our CMA chapter and had

many more surgeries on my right eye.

On January 2, 2011, Kay and I were

out for a cold Sunday ride on our bike,

with some close friends, Roy and

Donna Holten, and just before lunch,

Kay and I went down. We were both

knocked out on impact with the road.

Thank God, Roy had been a nurse and

sheriff deputy for many years. When

he checked me, he saw I was breath‐

ing and moved on to my wife Kay. He

immediately saw she was not breath‐

ing and turning blue. Roy was able to

reach under her neck and release the

strap on her helmet which was chok‐

ing her due to the position she was in,

and God put breath back in her body!

Again, as I said before, “new levels,

new devils”. That same month, our

CMA chapter had to have a special

election for president, because our

current one had been moved up to be

our new Area Rep. As we were laying

in recliners recovering from the acci‐

dent, we were informed that I was

elected to be the chapter president.

As a result of the accident Kay was

out of work for 3 months and I was

out for 10 months, but God provided

for every need we had! We never

missed a meal and always had money

to pay our bills! Thank You Jesus! But,

during our time off from work, we

didn’t know what was going to hap‐

pen with us and our service in CMA.

My right eye had really gotten bad by

this time due to all the inflammation.

It got to the point that I couldn’t see

the eye chart hanging on the wall,

much less read it. Lester May, who

had served as the chapter president of

the CMA Peacemakers of Baton

Rouge, had become the pastor of

Higher Destiny Church where Kay and

I have been members since its open‐

ing in January 2009. He began praying

that God would heal my right eye and

give me the eye sight of a young man,

and that it would change color from

brown to blue so everyone would

know it was God who healed it.

Not long after that, the doctor said

that the cornea in my right eye had

gotten so bad it was going to need a

transplant, but due to the inflamma‐

tion, the doctors didn’t want to do it.

They started me on some low dose

chemo medications, along with anoth‐

er drug that had to be self‐injected

every other week to try and reduce

the inflammation. After only one

injection in combination with the

chemo medications, the inflammation

was completely gone! So the doctors

now wanted to proceed with the

transplant as soon as they found the

right donor. Well, the donor for my

cornea was an 18 year old young man

and I now have a left brown eye and a

blue right eye! The doctors cannot

explain why my right eye is blue,

because the donor surgery only

involved the cornea and had nothing

to do with the iris, and the natural

color of my eye. It was exactly what

my pastor had prayed and believed


So now with one brown eye and

one blue eye, I have been told that I’m

like a Catahoula Cur dog, and that they

like to hunt hogs. So, many of my

friends now call me “Hawg Dawg,”

and it’s all for God’s Glory!

I can now read 20/30 out of my

right eye in controlled lighting, and I

believe it’s going to get even better.

We have been taught that we have to

believe in what we pray for in order

for God to fulfill our prayers, cause

without belief it’s just words. So

remember this when you pray, even

though you know that He can, believethat He will!

“Jesus answered them, “I assureyou: If you have faith and do not doubt,you will not only do what was done tothe fig tree, but even if you tell thismountain, Be lifted up and thrown intothe sea, it will be done. And if youbelieve, you will receive whatever youask for in prayer” (Matthew 21:21‐22,


Member Article








Mike and Kay Winburn serve has IntercessorPrayer Leaders in Louisiana.

Prayer PointsCountries in the Spotlight


Pray for the Eastern NationalRally:

Pray for God’s power to be present throughout the rally. Good attendanceSafe travelsGood weather

Prayer PointsRun for the SonState RalliesAll EvangelistsAll International leadersHealth of CMA members andtheir financial needs








National Rallies








National Rallies

CMA News

According to my concordance,

the word “Faith” appears 245

times in the King James

Version of the New Testament. A

verse in Hebrews says this, “And it is

impossible to please God without

faith. Anyone who wants to come to

him must believe that God exists and

that he rewards those who sincerely

seek him” (Hebrews 11:6, NLT).

Without having faith, we would not

have the relationship offered to us by

the Creator of the Universe! But hav‐

ing faith is just the beginning of our

life in Christ!

I was listening to an old Rich

Mullins CD the other day and heard

one of my all‐time favorite songs

titled “Screen Door.” The chorus goes

like this:

“Faith without works is like asong you can’t sing,It’s about as useless as a screendoor on a submarine!”

I have to agree that would be total‐

ly useless! As I pondered on that, I

was convicted about not always

allowing my faith to be demonstrated

to the world around me through the

good works that I do. I tend to get so

busy, so pre‐occupied with the sched‐

ule that I have to keep, that often

times I miss those divine appoint‐

ments that God has set up for me!

Read what James 2:14‐18 has to

say about this:

“What good is it, dear brothers and

sisters, if you say you have faith but

don't show it by your actions? Can

that kind of faith save anyone?

Suppose you see a brother or sister

who has no food or clothing, and

you say, "Good‐bye and have a good

day; stay warm and eat well"—but

then you don't give that person any

food or clothing. What good does

that do? So you see, faith by itself

isn't enough. Unless it produces

good deeds, it is dead and useless.

Now someone may argue, "Some

people have faith; others have good

deeds." But I say, "How can you

show me your faith if you don't have

good deeds? I will show you my

faith by my good deeds” (James

2:14‐18, NLT).

Then verse 26 goes on to say, “Just

as the body is dead without breath, so

also faith is dead without good works”

(James 2:26, NLT).

The CMA saying of changing theworld, one heart at a time is all about

demonstrating our faith to those in

the motorcycling community by our

actions. We earn the right to speak

through our service to those we come

in contact with. A past State

Coordinator signed all his e‐mails

with this statement; “Evangelize

always, if necessary, use words.”

Wow, what a great statement!

As we find ourselves in full swing

of another riding season, let’s always

remember how important it is for us

to demonstrate our faith by our good

works. Not that we do good works to

be better Christians, but that good

works would be the evidence or the

result of our faith in God and love for

Him. CMA

Evangelist Article








By HIRAM Villaseñor

Let’s Talk about Faith

Hiram and Sharon Villaseñor oversee theRocky Mountain Region as National Evangelist.

Goodie Corner

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___ Ladies Vintage Shirt, lt. blue S, XL $18

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___ NEW! American Flag Dickies® Shirt l/s, black

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___ Men's Polo, black, silver em- broidered logo on front

S-M $35

___ Mens Race Check, gray S-XL, 3X $10

___ L/S Pocket Shirt, gray S $10

___ Men's Mini Check L/S Dress S, M 2X-4X


___ Patriotic Eagle Dickies® S/S Shirt, gray

S-3X $35

___ Dickies® L/S Navy w/ Flame detail on sleeve

S-2X $36.50

___ NEW! In God We Trust T-Shirt, black S-4X $18

___ Tribal Tie-Dye T-Shirt S-XL $20

___ Black 2-in-1 T-Shirt w/ Gray CMA/Red Flames Logo

S-XL $20

___ Motocross, orange S-2X, 5X $39.50

___ Hatfield Shirt, red S-4X $18

___ My Chains Are Gone, white M-3X $18

___ Road Warrior L/S T-Shirt, gray S-3X $20

___ Weapons Of Our Warfare, gray S-L, 4X $18

___ Ride the World, l/s, brown S-XL, 3X $20

___ Here If You Need Us L/S, orange S $20

___ CMA on Fire T-Shirt, black S-M, XL $18

___ Gray Mircofiber Shirt, short sleeve button up

S-M 2X-3X


___ CMAUSA Bike T-Shirt, charcoal blue S-3X $18

___ Rebel w/ a Cause T-Shirt, gray S-XL, 3X $18

___ God Speaks T-Shirt, navy S-L $18

___ Embossed Logo T-Shirt w/ pocket, black

S-L 3X


___ Iron Sharpens Iron T-Shirt, rust S-3X $10

___ Old School T-Shirt, brown S-2X $18

___ Tribal Ride T-Shirt, green S, M, XL $18

___ Barbed Wire T-Shirt, black S-M $10

___ Mount Up T-Shirt, gray S-L, 3X $10

___ Oval Retro T-Shirt, blue S-3X $6

Caps & Headwraps ___ Flair Hair Visor $18.50

___ Black/White Ladies Cap $15.25

___ Pink/Brown Distressed Ladies Cap $15.25

___ Black/Orange Mens Cap $15.25

___ CMA Beanie, black $11.95

___ CMA Beanie, pink $11.95

___ CMA Custom Buff® $24.95

___ Black/Red Cap w/ Red Outline $15.25

___ CMA Kids, royal blue and black $18.50

___ Navy Cap w/ Metal CMA Emblem $8

___ "Folding" Cap, black $18

___ Silver Tribal Low Crown Cap, black $17.50

___ Silver Tribal Low Crown Cap w/ Liquid Metal, black


___ Black Skull Duragg $15

___ Black Duragg w/ Silver Logo $12.50

___ Pink Duragg w/ Black Logo $12.50

___ Youth Movement Flat Bill Cap Fitted: S/M L/XL


___ Navy/Tan Flex® Fit Cap $15

___ Black “Light Up” Cap, low crown $20

___ Fast Lane w/ Bike Black Cap $15

___ Ladies Chocolate Cap $10

___ Ladies Rhinestone Cross Cap, Army Style $19.50

___ Ladies Red Pocket Leather Logo Cap $6

___ Ladies Aqua Sparkle Visor $8

___ Ladies Purple Flex Visor $3

___ Ladies Pink Rose Visor $3

___ Ladies Purple “Lady CMA” Duragg $5

Riding Gear & Gloves ___ PolarTec Shirt S, L-XL $39.95

___ PolarTec Pants S-XL $39.95

___ Riding Jacket, black S, L $100

___ Rain Jacket, black w/ red and white stripe

M, L, 2X, 4X


___ Rain Pants, black S-L 3X-4X


___ Adaptive Tec Jacket XS, S $75

___ Xtreme Riding Jacket S-5X $250

___ Ladies Xtreme Riding Jacket XS, M, XL-2X


___ Cargo Armor Touring Pants, 30” 33” 36” inseams

30-46 $79.99

___ Rain Suit, black/yellow 2X-5X $75

___ Air Mesh Jacket 44-4650-54


___ Ladies Air Mesh Jacket XS, S L-3X


___ Air Mesh Pants 28-46 $123.50

___ Alaskan Leather Jacket 3/4 S-4X $250

___ Leather Pants 32-42 $245.50

___ Fast Lane One-Piece Riding Suit w/ CE Armor

46, 48 $650

___ Neckband $16.50

___ Under Shirt S L XL 2X 3X 4X


___ Under Pants S M L XL 2X 3X


___ Deerskin Outseam Gloves w/ embossed logo XXS XS S M L XL


___ Deer/Buffalo Gauntlet Gloves w/ embossed logo XS S


___ Deerskin Fingerless Gloves w/ embossed logo S M L


___ Tall Coconut Socks M L XL Womens


___ CMA International T-Shirt, navy S-3X $6

___ POW-MIA T-Shirt, black, POW logo, Memorial, Isaiah 49:16



___ ATV Mud Splat T-shirt, yellow S-XL, 3X $10

___ Fast Lane T-Shirt, black, scripted design

M-3X $10

___ Youth Movement Tire Tread Shirt, gray

S-2X $6

___ Sleeveless Shirt, orange denim S $10

___ CMA Logo L/S Shirt, logo on front/back white black

S-5X $19

___ CMA Logo T-shirts, full color logo on front/back white black red blue gray

S-5X $18

___ Sand/Navy L/S Riding T-shirt S $6

___ Maroon Pocket T-shirt S, M $6

___ Blue Pigment Dyed T-shirt S-3X $10

___ White Flame T-shirt S-5X $18

___ Metal Stamp S/S Henley S $6

___ Fully Alive Kids T-Shirt YS-YXLAL


___ KIDS Road Warrior L/S T-Shirt, gray, youth sizes

YM-YXL $18

___ CMA Kids Green “Ride Shirt” S-L $14

___ NEW! Color Logo Hoodie, black S-3X $41.95

___ NEW! Victory in Jesus Hoodie, black S-2X $43.95

___ Lounge Pants, black L-2X $34.50

___ Ladies Fleece Jacket, green, embroid. logo front/back

XL-3X $77.00

___ Ladies Hoodie, black w/ tribal artwork embroid. on front

S-3X $20

___ Sweatshirt, black, embroi- dered logo design on front



___ Hoodie w/ zipper, gray, red outline on front/back

S $15


___ Air Mesh Vest S-M, XL-5X


___ Yellow Reflective Vest S-M 2X-3X


___ Leather Shawl, black w/ trim, medium leather patch, one size Trim Colors Choose One: Yellow Blue Black Red


___ Denim Vest Extenders $7

___ Vest Extenders w/ CMA Logo for snaps $8

To order: check item, write in quantity and circle size. Carry Goodie total to reverse side. ItEmS IN REd aRE aVaIlablE oNly to tHoSE mEm-bERS WHo HaVE ComplEtEd tHE mINIStRy tEam CouRSE oR WERE mEmbERS pRIoR to maRCH 1, 1997.

Cma decals ___ 8¼” $8.50 ___ 5¼” $6.25

___ 3½” $3.25 ___ 2½” $2.50

___ 2½” Colored Decal, die-cut, clear background Choose One: White Silver Black Orange Blue Yellow Green Red


___ 5” Colored Decal, die-cut, clear back- ground Choose One: White Silver Black Blue Red


___ 2ft Logo Decal $60

___ Flame Decal (3” x11”) $8

___ 18" Flame Decal $10

___ Black & Gold Graphics Package Includes 4 Decals


___ HD Road Glide Graphics Package $169.95

___ Riding for the Son 8" Decal $4

___ “It is Finished” Decal (3”) $3

___ Lady CMA Rose Decal $1

___ On Track for Jesus Decal Choose One: White Black


___ “Christian Motorcyclists Assoc.” Silver Windshield Legend, etched look


___ Fast Lane Windshield Decal Choose One: Black Red Blue Green Yellow


___ Youth Movement Tire Tread Decal Silver Windshield Legend


Personalized Items (Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery)Be sure to fill out the personalized section below! PLEASE PRINT


___ Personalized Cloth Name Tag (6 wks delivery) (No more than 8 letters) __________________


___ Personalized Leather Name Tag (6 wks delivery) (No more than 7 letters) __________________


___ 2” Laser Name Tag $8.75

___ 2” Laser Name Tag w/ magnets $9.75

___ CMA Laser Name Tag, 3”, Yellow plasitc, has lasered CMA logo and your name


___ CMA Laser Name Tag w/ magnets, 3” $12.50

___ CMA Metal Logo Name Tag w/ pin back, 2” $10.75

___ CMA Metal Logo Name Tag w/ magnets, 2” $12.50

___ CMA Metal Logo Name Tag w/ pin back, 3” $12.25

___ CMA Metal Logo Name Tag w/ magnets, 3” $15.25

Laser and Metal Name Tags are allowed up to 4 lines, not 2” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___ CMA Name Tag Dangles (Chapter Name, Officer Positions, etc.)

___________________________ ___________________________

1 Line2 Lines


Banners ___ NEW! CMA Support Banner 4’ x 6’ $30

___ NEW! CMA Support Banner 2’ x 3’ $20

___ Booth Banner and Table Skirt Set $275

___ Vertical Banner Set, 6 Banners $200

___ Table Skirt Banner $100

___ Vertical Banners 26” x 60” Dual Goldwing Harley Supermoto Dirt Bike Quad


___ Fast Lane Banner 2’ x 3’ $60

___ Veterans Banner 2’ x 3’ $60

___ CMA Highway Banner 2’ x 3’ $60

___ Ladies Banner 3’ x 2’ $60

___ Youth Movement Banner 3’ x 2’ $60

___ Bike Blessing Banner 3’ x 2’ $60

___ Logo with Flames Banner 3’ x 2’ $60

___ It Is Finished Banner 2’ x 3’ $60

___ It’s All About Jesus Banner 2’ x 3’ $60

___ Heart of CMA Banner 4’ x 6’ $200

___ Kids Banner 2’ x 3’ $60

___ CMA White Logo Banner 3’ x 2’, hang from top


___ “Here if you need us.” Banner 4’ x 6’ $200

___ “CMA Welcomes You” Banner 4’ x 6’ $200

Books ___ NEW! Ride Guide, paperback $19.95

___ NEW! Seeing Yourself Through God’s Eyes $12.95

___ NEW! How to Forgive... $15.95

___ NEW! Counceling Through Your Bible Handbook $17.95

___ Devotional Book by John Ogden Sr. $6.50

___ Study Journal, blank $1.50

___ “Hope for the Highway” New Testament Bible, NIV


$4 ea$3 ea

___ “Spoke-N-Word” Gospel of John



___ God’s Promise Book $4

___ If My People Book $3

___ Spanish “Hope for the High- way” New Testament Bible



$5 ea$4 ea

$3.50 ea

Patches & Pins

___ It’s All About Jesus Patch $5.00

___ Changing the World... Patch $4.50

___ 21/2” CMA Kids Patch $4.50

___ It Is Finished Patch (21/2” x 3”) $4.50

___ “100% for Jesus” Patch $4.50

___ “Here if you need us.” Patch $4.50

___ “Jesus is #1” Leather Patch $14.95

___ “Jesus is #1” Cloth Patch $4.50

___ Bible/Cross Leather w/ CMA Patch $14.95

___ Bible/Cross Cloth w/ CMA Patch $4.50

___ “Jesus is my Road King” Patch $4.50

___ Flame Patch w/ CMA Logo $4.50

___ CMA-USA Flag Cloth Patch $4.50

___ U.S.A. Cloth Map Patch (2” x 3”) $3.50

___ U.S.A. Cloth Map Patch (4” x 6”) $5

___ U.S.A. Leather Map Patch (4” x 6”) $17.50

___ Ladies Wing Logo Patch $4.50

___ Ladies Tribal Flame Patch $4.50

___ Fast Lane Dual Sport Patch $5

___ Youth Movement Tire Tread Patch $5

___ Vest Guideline Cloth Patch Set, Large Backpatch, 3” Patch, CMAUSA Patch


___ 2” Cloth Logo Patch $4.50

___ 3” Plastic Logo Patch $6

___ Medium Plastic Back Patch $9

___ Large Plastic Back Patch $12

___ 3” “Leather Look” Logo Patch, PVC $10

___ Medium “Leather Look” Logo Patch, PVC $21.50

___ Large “Leather Look” Logo Patch, PVC $22.50

___ CMAUSA “Leather Look” Patch, PVC $10

___ “Leather Look” Vest Guideline Patch Set, Large Backpatch, 3” Patch, CMAUSA Patch


___ 3” Cloth Logo Patch (3” x 4”) $6.50

___ Medium Cloth Back Patch (5” x 6”) $17

___ Large Cloth Back Patch (9” x 10”) $19

___ Medium Leather Back Patch (5” x 6”) $42

___ Large Leather Back Patch (9” x 10”) $49.50

___ Ministry Team Cloth Rocker Team __________________________


___ Ministry Team Leather Rocker Team __________________________


___ Ministry Team Cloth Year Patch $5

___ Ministry Team Leather Year Patch $6

___ Ministry Team Pin (Not specific) $5

___ Prayer Warrior Pin $5.50

___ MPB Commemorative Gift Pin $50.00

___ It Is Finished Pin $5

___ Small CMA Logo Pin $5.50

___ Larger CMA Logo Pin $7

___ Flame Logo Pin $5.50

___ Hidden JESUS Pin $3

___ Chapter Officers Pewter Lapel Pin Choose One: President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Chaplain Road Captain


___ Cloth Chapter Officers Patch Choose One: President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Chaplain Road Captain


___ Cloth Patch Choose One: Chapter State Coordinator Area Rep


Miscellaneous Items ___ NEW! Messenger Bag, java $19.95

___ NEW! Denim Embossed Apron, black $20

___ CMA Suspenders, black $22.95

___ Absorbent Coasters w/ logo, set of 4 $20.95

___ Stoneware Mug (new shape) $19.50

___ Black Coffee Cup $10

___ 2 GB USB Preloaded Flash Drive Includes: RFS, Take It to the Streets, Thank You, and Riding for the Son Videos


___ CMA Custom Pop Up Booth Tent $385

___ Tervis® Tumbler w/ Logo Patch, 24 oz $19.95

___ Leather Journal, cover w/ lined journal $29.95

___ Ride Brite Travel Kit Includes: Motorcycle Wash, Chrome & Metal Polish, Surface Treatment & Sealant, Leather Cleaner & Treatment, Microfiber Cloth


___ Koolgator Neck Cooler $9.50

___ Motorcycle Hitch Hider $10.50

___ Auto Hitch Hider $10.50

___ Regional Map Refrigerator Magnet $2.50

___ It's All About Jesus Bumper Sticker $5

___ Ride Brite One Step Bike Wash

8 oz32 oz

$10 $15

___ CMA Roller Ball Ink Pen $2.50

___ Nicaragua Knife w/ Leather Case $175

___ CMA Logo Bronze Plaque $75

___ Nicaragua Cord Wrapped Knife w/ Leather Case


___ Denim Purse 6.5” x 7” w/ Strap $12.50

___ Stoneware Mug, black $19.50

___ CMA Tumbler w/ straw, clear $11.50

___ Leather Checkbook Cover, black $22.50

___ Leather Bible Cover $60

___ Leather Key Whip $13

___ Chrome Embossed Logo Emblem $12

___ Rubber Beverage Coaster, logo $4.25

___ Diamond Finish Car License Plate $10.50

___ CMA Rain Poncho, yellow $5

___ Women’s CMA Bling Bandana black white


___ Fan w/ message, battery operated $7

___ Mousepad w/ World Map art $8.00

___ It Is Finished Pendant $10.00

___ It Is Finished Earrings $10.50

___ CMA Page Clip $9

___ Carabiner $8.50

___ Money Clip w/ logo $7

___ Luggage Tag w/ flame/logo $4

___ Denim Embossed Apron $20

___ Belt, black webbing w/ CMA woven label. Made in the U.S.A. S: 28-31 M: 32-35 XL: 40-43 2X: 44-47 3X: 48-51


___ White Angel Bear $12

___ Camo Bear $11

___ Yellow Support Ribbon Magnet $10

___ CMA Youth Movement Bracelets Choose One: Glow Red Black


___ Reflective Armband w/ lights, green $7

___ Black Sunglasses w/ safety lens $14

___ CMA Traveler Backpack Choose One: Yellow Black


___ CMA Jumbo Hauler, yellow $110.00

___ CMA Tool Pouch Choose One: Silver Yellow Black


___ Logo Stamped Notebook [no pen sale] $9.50

___ Pocket Business Card Holder $2.50

___ Wooden Note Pad Holder, walnut $28

___ CMA Car/Trailer Logo Magnet $14

___ CMA Fleece Blanket, hunter green $19.50

___ Digital Tire Gauge $15.50

___ CMA Tie-Down Straps $12

___ Custom CMA Dual Sport Helmet Skinz $20

___ CMA Logo Flag, 3’ x 5’, white $79

___ CMA Antenna Flag, hem, 9”x6” $13

ToolBox ItemsTract 1-13, Sold in packs of 100 for $9 1. ___ The Right Road 2. ___ He Would Have Ridden A Motorcycle 3. ___ Let Those Who Ride Decide 4. ___ Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About A Motorcyclist 5. ___ Got Control? (Sport Bike Tract)

6. ___ No Fear (Sport Bike Tract)

7. ___ Ultimate Moto (Youth Tract, follow the leader)

8. ___ Lasting Peace (Active Military Tract)

9. ___ You Are Special (Ladies’ Tract)

10. ___ In Control (ATV Tract)

11. ___ Right Trail (ATV Tract)

12. ___ Caution: Bridge Out (Dual Sport Tract)

13. ___ What Would Jesus Ride?

____ Thank You Tract 100/$11.25

____ Closer Look Tract, 4 color 100/$11.25

____ POW/MIA Tract 100/$9.00

____ Cherished, Ladies’ Tract, 4 color 100/$11.25

____ You Are Loved, Ladies’ Tract, 4 color 100/$11.25

____ Wounded, Veterans Tract, 4 color 100/$11.25

____ Ragg Tracts (Natural color) 50/$31.25

____ Spanish Ragg Tracts (Natural color) 25/$20

____ Spanish Bike Blessing 25/$13

____ The Right Road (Spanish) 25/$9

____ He Would Have Ridden A Motorcycle (Spanish) 25/$9

____ Have You Prepared Your Ride Plan? (Spanish) 25/$9

____ Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About a Motorcyclist (Spanish)


Music & DVD’s ___ Riding with the King CD Tract 5 pack $14

___ We’re Coming Down the Highway Now, Will Segraves

CD $15

___ Flood Over Me CD, Jerry Williams $15

___ CMA Is Back In Town CD, D. Hill $6.50

___ CMA Promotional Music Videos DVD $7.50

___ South Africa Promo DVD $5

___ Spiritual Growth Bible Study Set $22

___ For Mature Audiences Only DVD $10

___ Lifelines for Living DVD (Hope for the Heart) $4

___ Youth Movement Info DVD $6

____ Healthy Heart Tract [Blood Pressure] 50/$9.00

____ Pre-school Tract 100/$11.25

____ Kids Tract 100/$11.25

____ Fast Lane Variety Tract Pack $7.50

____ Text Message Tract 100/$9

____ Youth Movement Variety Tract Pack Riders Checklist, Avoid the Crash, Text Message, Pick Your Line, Protective Gear


____ We Missed You Postcards 10/$2.50

____ Vision Statement Bookmark 10/$3.50

____ SPF 15 Sunscreen Packets 8/$5

____ Emery Boards 10/$3.50

____ Salvation Band Bracelet Tract 25/$12

____ Collapsible Fan Tract $4

____ Coin Tract (Set of 25) $8.50

____ Kickbags for Kids Tract 5/$7

____ Mirror Tract (Set of 10) $11

____ NEW! World Map Info Brochure 25/ $12.95

____ 4 Color Information Brochure, application not included

25/ $950/ $14

____ Pencil Sketch Artwork Postcards 51/ $8

____ Iron Mountain Postcards, 3 designs 30/$10

____ Ladies’ Note Cards, folded, 4 color 10/$6.75

____ Thank You Note Cards, blank 25/$9.50

____ RFS Memorial Cards 25/$8

____ RFS Thank You Cards 25/$9

____ CMA Christmas Cards 25/$15

____ 2013 Biker Blessing Decals & Cards 50/$8

____ Youth Biker Blessing, stars 50/$9.50

____ Decision Cards 50/$4

____ “New Believers” Tri-Fold 50/$10

____ Born Again Birth Certificate 50/$5

____ Fast Lane Brochure w/ pictures 25/$9

____ Youth Movement Info Brochure 25/$10

____ CMA Membership Certificate $5

____ CMA Appreciation Certificate 25/$4.50

____ CMA Handbook, CD ROM $5

____ Non-Personalized CMA Business Cards, plan of salvation on back


____ Personalized CMA Business Cards, 14 different graphics to choose from, available online only at, more info call 501.376.8436

Prices vary with quantity

____ New Forming Chapter Poster 5/$7.50

____ “Take A Ride With Us” Poster 5/$7.50

____ “The Bag” 11x15 100/$21

____ Prayer Request Forms, 2 pads of 50 $5

____ Java Cup Sleeves 50/$6

____ Gospel Cups, 8 oz. paper cups 50/$91000/$70

____ Kickstand Coasters w/ CMA Logo, phone number, website, “John 10:10”, Choose One: Black Orange Red Blue Yellow Lime Pink


____ Kids Helium Balloons w/ CMA Kids Logo 50/$11.75

____ CMA Balloons w/ CMA Logo 50/$12

Ministry Team Training Material

Ministry Teams (Choose One) Children’s First Aid Hospitality

Mechanical Music Prayer Prison Servants’ Women’s Youth

___ Ministry Team DVD Set, 3 DVDs & Workbook $22

___ Ministry Team Basic DVD’s 1 & 2 $11

___ Team DVD Team ____________________ $5

___ Ministry Team Workbook $6

___ Hearing Impared Servants Ministry Team DVD Set, (Includes: 3 DVDs & Workbook)


___ Youth Movement DVD (12-18 yrs. old) $5

___ Youth Movement Workbook (12-18 yrs. old) $4

___ CMA Kids Patch and DVD Set (8-12 yrs. old) $10

___ 2012 Growing Healthy Chapters AMT Set (Includes: DVD, workbook, patch)


___ 2011 Special Ops AMT Set (Includes: DVD, workbook, patch)


___ 2012 Better Together YM AMT Set (Includes: DVD, workbook, patch)


___ 2011 Special Ops YM AMT Set (Includes: DVD, workbook, patch)


___ 2011 Special Ops YM AMT Workbook $4.50

___ Evangelism YM AMT Workbook $4.50

___ Spanish Youth Movement Workbook $4

ORDER $ _________ ORDER TOTal $ _________ Send a year’s subscription of the CMa HeartBeat for only $20 $ _________ Sales Tax (Please see notice*)

$ _________ ORDER SUB-TOTal


$10 $20 $50 Donation to CMa $ _________ Gift Certificate $5 $10 $25 $50 $ _________ Please accept my gift for the Iron Mountain Development $ _________ Please accept my gift for the Support Center Multi-Purpose Building $ _________ Please accept my gift to CMa $ _________ Please accept my gift for RFS $ _________ DONaTION SUB-TOTal


$ _________ TOTal aMOUNT ENClOSED

SHIPPING INFORMaTIONShip to address: ______________________________


Name: _______________________________________

Member #: ____________________________________

E-mail Address: ________________________________

Daytime Phone Number: _________________________

My check is enclosed payable to CMA

Discover VISA MasterCard

Card #: _________/_________/_________/_________

Expires: ________/_________

Your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please Note: CMA will mail receipts for your tax deductible gifts annually, rather than monthly.

Thank you for your support!

___ Off-Road, MX, ATV Ministry DVD $7.50

___ Ordinary to Extraordinary Women DVD $7.50

___ Relationships DVD $7.50

___ Street Bike Ministry 101 DVD $6.50

___ 35th Testimonies DVD $10

___ Ragg Tract Al DVD $10

___ Magdalena Film DVD $6

___ Jesus Film Audio CD $4

___ Real Freedom the JESUS film DVD, biker version



___ RFS 2013 DVD $5.50

___ What Can Jesus Do? DVD 5 Pack $14

___ Discipleship DVD by Kerry Gibson $6.50

___ Life Changing Stories DVD #1, with Kerry Gibson and John Ogden, Sr.


___ Life Changing Stories DVD #2, with Kerry Gibson and Gary Wadding


___ Four Elements of a Healthy Chapter and Forming a CMA Chapter DVD


Send Order Form to:Christian Motorcyclists Association

PO Box 9, Hatfield, AR 71945Send check, money order, or credit card information with order. Please include your membership number on any orders. We cannot fill or-ders without payment (credit card orders may be placed by calling 1-800-300-6530; Discover, VISA or MasterCard). The 800 number is for orders only. For questions about an order, please call 870-389-6196. Prices are subject to change without notice. We accept fax orders with credit card information. Fax number 1-870-389-6199. Ordering online is availble at

*SalES TaX aPPlIES TO THE FOllWING STaTES: al, aR, Fl, Ga, IN, Il, KY, la, ME, MD, MI, MN, MS, NE, NV, NC, ND, OK, Pa, RI, WV

ToolBox Items

Order FOrm

Banners (continued)

___ CMA “Blessing of the Bikes” 1½’ x 4’ $60

___ CMA “Blessing of the Bikes” 3’ x 2’ $60

___ CMA Service Banner 2’ x 2’ $55

___ Fast Lane Banner 4’ x 6’, collage $200

___ Youth Movement Banner 4’ x 6’, racers $200

___ CMA Kids Ministry Banner 4’ x 6’ $200

___ Ladies Banner 4’ x 6’, Isaiah 49:16 $200

___ CMA Custom Chapter Banner 4’ x 6’ (Must send in chapter patch, 3 weeks)


CMa logo Fine Jewelry

Visit or call the orderline at 1-800-300-6530








Mail-In Pre-Registrtaion

Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________________

Membership #(s): _____________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________________________________

Phone: (______)_______________________________ (______)_______________________________

E-mail: ______________________________________________________________________________

Eastern National RallyFryeburg Fairgrounds

Fryeburg, MaineJune 18-22

Mail-in Pre-Registration is now closed.Pre-Register Online thru June 4

On-Site Registration opens June 18.11:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.

On-Site RegistrationAdults (age 18+) $21.50

Children (age 4-17) $10.75Family $54.00


Camping arranged upon arrival.Camping available beginning 6/17.

RV and tent sites are not assigned and arefirst-come, first-serve. Dump station available.

Payable on-site upon arrivalTent primitive $28.00/nightTent electric $32.00/nightRV W&E $38.00/night

Volunteer opportunities available!

PAYMENT: Enclosed is: ❑ Check/Money Order ❑ VISA ❑ MasterCard ❑ Discover

Expires: __________ Card #:Signature: _____________________________

Pre-registration prices include applicable sales tax.ON-SITE REGISTRATION FEES (plus local taxes as applicable):• Adults (age 18+) $20 each • Children (age 4-17) $10 each • Age 3 & under FREE (no rally pin)• $50 maximum for Immediate Family with MAX 2 adults

You do not have to be a member to attend.

Western National RallyEl Meson ConferenceChama, New Mexico

July 16-20Postmark June 25 • Online July 2

❑ Individual Registration:____ # Adults (age 18+) x $18.50____ # Children (age 4-17) x $9.25

OR❑ Family Registration $43.00:

Immediate family only Max 2 adults____ # Adults (age 18+) ____ # Children (age 4-17)

WEST Total Amount $ ___________

Changing of the Colors RallyIron MountainHatfield, AR

October 16-20Postmark September 25 • Online October 2

❑ Individual Registration:____ # Adults (age 18+) x $18.50____ # Children (age 4-17) x $9.25

OR❑ Family Registration $43.00:

Immediate family only Max 2 adults____ # Adults (age 18+) ____ # Children (age 4-17)

Pre-Pay Camping Packages❑ Tent primitive $22.00 total❑ Tent electric $35.00 total

• Valid for Tuesday-Saturday nights.• 5 nights for the price of 4!• Camping is available by the night

upon arrival at Registration.• Tent sites are not assigned and

are first-come, first-serve.

RV by reservation only.Contact Chris Benner,

COLORS Total Amount $ ___________


Camping arranged upon arrival.Camping available beginning 7/15.

RV and tent sites are not assigned and arefirst-come, first-serve. Dump station available.

Payable on-site upon arrivalTent primitive $13.00/nightTent electric $19.00/nightRV W&E $27.00/nightRV full $35.00/night

Pre-registration is NON-REFUNDABLE.FIRST PRIORITY for rally pins

to those who pre-register.

Mail: CMA c/o EventsPO Box 9

Hatfield, AR 71945Online:

Any questions can be directed to the CMA National Events Department at (870)389-6196 option 7 or to

RFS Network

Burger BurnEach year the Concho Valley

Crusaders of San Angelo, Texas, host

a cook‐out they call the “RFS Burger

Burn.” This is a great way to create

opportunities to build relationships

within the local motorcycling com‐

munity while having fun and raising

money for RFS. Everybody loves a

good cook‐out and very few people

would have a problem supporting

RFS with their money when they get

to eat and have fun in the process.

Here’s how it works;

The chapter creates a flyer which

they send to as many people as possi‐

ble and post in as many places as

possible, including their churches

and any place where bikers visit.

(Remember, you don’t have to be a

biker to love a good burger).

They make sure they are available

to bless motorcycles and spend a lot

of time witnessing and building rela‐


Last year they raised over

$700.00!!! Spring is here, why not

take advantage of it and hold your

own Burger Burn? CMA


Johnny & Sandra UptonNational RFS Team Lead








Member Article

The Tail of the Dragon is one of

those highways that motorcycle

enthusiasts love to ride. This

highway is in North Carolina and it

has 318 curves in 11 miles. You can

read all about it on the internet, but I

can tell you it’s true because I’ve expe‐

rienced it on the back of a Goldwing!

Before we trav‐

eled east with

friends, my

daughters said I

couldn’t do that

road, so of course

I had to! I sent

them both post‐

cards from the

store at the end

of the run.

I’d like to tell you it was awesome,

but from my viewpoint, it was harrow‐

ing! You literally meet yourself coming

and going. It’s up an incline turn back

on a hairpin curve and back again over

and over and over. There’s also regular

traffic coming and going. You meet

vehicles on your side of the road

because the curves are so narrow.

You’ll probably also see sites where

bikers didn’t make a curve. I kept my

eyes closed most of the time and

hugged as close as possible to my hus‐

band as he traversed the snaky miles

with delight. I prefer smooth roads

with sweeping turns occasionally. Not

my hubby, he likes the curves. I can tell

you that after riding a motorcycle with

him for 41 years (dating on motorcy‐

cles included) I have never ridden with

anyone else on a motorcycle and I trust

him completely. He’s never let me

down. There have been times I’ve not

handled the ride well at all, but he still

keeps inviting me to ride with him. He

has proved himself as trustworthy and

I know I’m safe with him always. He

takes good care of me on the ride,

whether it’s easy roads or hard. I

wouldn’t always choose the roads he

chooses, but I trust him so I go with


For the most part life can be pretty

calm. We travel through the ins and

outs and make pretty good time. We

look ahead and

the view is lovely

and there are

hardly any curves

at all. Other times

we are given a

harder road to

travel. Twisties

and mountains

intertwine and

without some

relief, we are

ready to quit. We try our best to close

our eyes in the hard times but it does‐

n’t help. We can’t see that the road

will smooth out ahead because we’re

in the middle of the hard part, so

that’s all we can

concentrate on.

Are you in a

hard place of life

right now? Are

you wondering

when this roller

coaster is going

to end? You went to bed tired and

needy and you woke up with no relief

in sight. Weariness has settled in and

you just don’t think you can keep

going. You wish you could go back to

the easy days of carefree living and

calm roads. Now you’re stuck – it’s

harrowing and you see no end.

Oh beloved, quit looking at the

curves and the mountains and the ter‐

rain! Don’t stare at the drop offs and

the cliffs! Look rather at the One who is

carrying you through it all. God is with

you! He is not only allowing you to go

through the hard roads, He is the One

who is seeing you through to the other

side! It’s only a short ride, but you’ve

grown tired. Lean on Him! He’s trust‐

worthy and true – He will prove

Himself capable again and again. Trust

Him! He loves you. Seek His face only!

He’s for you. You may never get to the

end of the ride and say that was great,

but you will say You got me through!

God is with you, even when you

seem to be alone. God is carrying you,

even when you feel you’ve got to tra‐

verse the mountains of adversity, sor‐

row or fear alone. You are never alone,

beloved, and the hard roads never last

forever. Rejoice in Him! Hang on to

Him! He’ll never leave you or forsake

you, He’ll never let you down. You can

trust Him always, for His name is Love

and His character is your security.

Rely on others, you might not make it.

Rely on yourself and it won’t go well.

But rely on the Lord and you’ll always

be safe! Don’t get

your eyes off the

Savior for He’s

never taken His

eyes off of you.

“I look up to

the mountains—

does my help

come from there? My help comes from

the Lord, who made heaven and earth!

The Lord keeps watch over you as you

come and go, both now and forever”

(Psalm 121:1‐2, 8, NLT).

“God will do this, for He is faithful

to do what He says, and He has invited

you into partnership with His Son,

Jesus Christ our Lord” (I Corinthians

1:9, NLT). CMA


Rebekah Beene and her husband, Danny, serve as State Coordinator for Arkansas.

“The LORD will guide youcontinually, giving you

water when you are dryand restoring your

strength. You will be like awell-watered garden, likean ever-flowing spring”

(Isaiah 58:11, NLT).

“For that is what God islike. He is our God foreverand ever, and he will guide

us until we die” (Psalm48:14, NLT).

For the longest time one of the

hardest things for me to do was

let go and let God take control of

my life. I was always trying to control

my life. I knew what I wanted to do. I

knew how I was going to do it and if

God wanted to get in my way I wasn’t

going to let Him. WARNING: THAT

DOES NOT WORK. Recently God has

been showing me that when I let go of

what I want and listen to Him and fol‐

low what He says I am blessed and

overjoyed with the work He does in my


I have been a part of the CMA Praise

Team of Minnesota for the last five or

six years. I served the Lord with some

of the most amazing people I have ever

met. They became my family. I was so

busy focusing on music ministry that I

never got time to meet the youth in my

state. I never wanted anything to do

with the Youth Movement.

When I went down to Colors last

year I had no obligations and there‐

fore, no excuse not to be with the YM.

On the 13 hour trip down to Arkansas,

God told me to go be with the YM and

just have fun praising Him. I did not

want to but I let go of my desires and

obeyed. That night was amazing. It

was so much fun to praise my Savior

in such an amazing and fun way. One

night of obedience lead to me being

freed from the largest strongholds in

my life and meeting my best friend.

That night God put a passion for youth

in my heart and

becoming a

Leader in

Training, LIT.

Too many

times as

Christians we

are tempted to

go back to our old lives after experi‐

encing an amazing weekend with

Jesus and other believers. I was tempt‐

ed to go back to my old ways of trying

to control my life. Read this Scripture

from Matthew, “If anyone desires tocome after me, let him deny himself andtake up his cross and follow me”(Matthew 16:24, NKJV). I think it is

safe to say that most of us are OK with

the following Jesus part until it means

we must deny ourselves. I pose this

question, are you truly denying your‐

self? In other words, have you come

to a place of surrender, where you no

longer reserve the right to do as you

will, but only as He wills, where you

no longer reserve the right to sin, dis‐

obey, to do with your life or any por‐

tion of your life as you please, to do

with your money, mind, mouth, or

anything else as you please. To deny

yourself means you no longer reserve

the right to indulge your flesh.

God some‐

times asks us to

do uncomfort‐

able things. Just

a few weeks ago

God asked me to

do something

that I had no

desire to do. He told me it was time

for me to resign as the drummer for

the CMA MN praise team. This was a

position of leadership that I loved and

did not want to resign. Yet, I was

reminded that I must deny myself to

follow God. My resignation was

announced in early March. Blessings

have already come from being obedi‐

ent. Now, I have the opportunity to

focus my ministry time with CMA

learning what it really means to be an


God is beginning to show me the

blessings He has in store for me, but I

must remain faithful to Him, following

His words and denying myself. CMA

Youth Movement








By JEROD McPherson

The following is a testimony submitted by CMA member Blake Mattson in Minnesota. His story is repeatedacross the country as young men and women are becoming involved in CMA Youth Movement’s Leaders inTraining program. *Jerod McPherson

For more information onCMA Youth Movement’s

Leaders in Training, and click on the

CMA Youth Movement tab.








Member Article

Heading east on I‐40 from New

Mexico across the panhandle of

the Lone Star State a glimpse of the 19

story high cross at Groom, Texas

comes into view on the horizon. I’m

about five miles out and this huge

symbol of our Christian faith is

already quite an inspiring sight. With

each passing milepost it becomes

larger and larger as I ponder what the

meaning of the cross is to us. It is a

symbol of our Lord’s suffering and

death on mankind’s behalf and our

entire hope was dependent on the

cross and Jesus’ obedience to it.

“And being found in appearance as a

man, he humbled himself by becom‐

ing obedient to death—even death

on a cross!” (Philippians 2:8, NIV).

As I passed the 190 foot high cross

and continued to watch it in my side

mirror I let it take my mind to

thoughts of our Savior and His love

for us. Sadly, the cross has become

just an ornament to some who have

no knowledge of its significance and

wear it only as a fashion statement

with no thought of what it really sym‐

bolizes. Another even taller (by eight

feet) cross in Effingham, Illinois

stands near the intersection of I‐57

and I‐70 and there are other iconic

symbols of Christian faith all around

the US and even the world, but do

they really have meaning anymore? A

100 foot tall statue of Christ towers

over the site of one of the most god‐

less celebrations anywhere on the

South American continent and even in

the United States we have an almost

50 year old statue of Christ watching

over a community, that in its quest for

diversity, has steadily moved away

from Biblical principles. Do these

symbols of Christian faith have any

significance in our world today? I

don’t know about other folks, but

being perfectly honest I sometimes

need to use these symbols to prompt

my mind back into line. Whether it is

a giant cross on the horizon, a fish

symbol on the back of a passing vehi‐

cle, or a Jesus Saves billboard, they

make good tools to jog my brain back

into spiritual mode. Several times, in a

desperate attempt to move my

thoughts off of something less than

noble, I have even envi‐

sioned passing tele‐

phone poles as cross‐

es. Hey, it works for

me! This is just

another method we

can use to bring our

thoughts “into cap‐

tivity” when feeling a

little distant from the


“We demolish argu‐

ments and every

pretension that sets

itself up against the

knowledge of God,

and we take captive

every thought to

make it obedient to

Christ” (2 Corinthi‐

ans 10:5, NIV).

Do you also some‐

times find yourself

feeling distant from

the Lord? It can hap‐

pen to anyone, you

know. Life’s circum‐

stances can conspire to discourage

and separate us from the relation‐

ship, sometimes satan uses our

weaknesses to get us down and put

his boot on our neck, or maybe you

have simply never been mentored in

your walk with the Lord, but more

often than not it is just our own self

will and stubbornness that keeps us

from that sweet communion with the

Savior. We can potentially experience

a real spiritual wreck, go backwards,

and end up feeling twice as far from

the Lord as we did when we first got

saved. As I continued to monitor the

By TIM Weddle

rear view mirror, the giant cross

image remained for miles. I began to

take notice of how long it actually did

stay in view: easily twice, maybe

three times as long as approaching it.

So here is the thought; even though

we might feel the Lord is twice as far

from us as before, the small print

below the slowly shrinking cross

image in my mirror says: “objects in

mirror are closer than they appear”.

The Lord doesn’t give up on us and

he is never very far away. Sometimes

that distance we feel isn’t necessarily

physical, but mental. Our thought life

has taken over and if left unattended

will soon be controlling the direction

we travel. The apostle John was talk‐

ing to believers when he penned “If

we confess our sins, he is faithful and

just and will forgive us our sins and

purify us from all unrighteousness”(1

John 1:9, NIV). God the Father is

patiently waiting for us, the Prodigal

son or daughter, to make that physi‐

cal or mental U‐turn and come back

to Him.

Whether you see the cross as a

symbol that represents Jesus’ sacrifi‐

cial love or a reminder to get your

thoughts back on track it is still very

much relevant today. The cross of

Jesus Christ was never meant to be an

ornament but a life changing instru‐

ment of love and power.

“For the message of the cross is fool‐

ishness to those who are perishing,

but to us who are being saved it is

the power of God” (1 Corinthians

1:18, NIV). CMA

Member Article








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Tim Weddle serves CMA National as a staff writerand is the Print Shop Department Head.








Evangelist Article

Isometimes wonder if I felt called

to motorcycle ministry because I

found CMA or was I called to

motorcycle ministry and then God

placed CMA in my path to enable me

to do that. So here's a challenging

question for you: What would your

ministry look like without CMA?

Suppose God called you to minis‐

ter to motorcyclists and there was no

CMA to back you up?

Here is what I think CMA does for

those of us who are called to minister

to motorcyclists.

CMA provides structure. CMA has

grown and changed a lot over the last

38 years and I hear people sometimes

say that they think CMA has gotten

too big and that they miss the "good

old days." I don't think God's work

ever gets too big and I am sure the

good old days didn’t allow us to reach

into the motorcycle culture as far as

we do today.

CMA has had 38 years to make

every mistake a fledgling little min‐

istry can make and CMA has had 38

years to learn and grow from some of

those missteps. I remember the origi‐

nal 5x7 inch yellow covered hand‐

book. There were so many issues you

ran into as a chapter officer and as a

member that the handbook didn't

cover. Our handbook today may seem

like a lot of rules and regulations until

you need an answer to something you

never encountered before and you

discover it's in there. We have the

help we need when we need it, in

writing. CMA and the CMA hand book

is there to help us to be successful in

the ministry God has called us to.

CMA provides tools. Pop Up

canopies, posters, banners and flags

make our booths look good and oper‐

ate well. Not to mention CMA pro‐

vides motorcycle oriented tracts,

Bibles, and witnessing tools like coins,

mirrors and bike blessing stickers.

Imagine doing the ministry without

those motorcycle specific tools.

CMA has a distribution network.

CMA is there for us to count, stack and

ship huge quantities of Ragg tracts for

most of our major events. CMA sup‐

ports our rallies, sometimes paying

booth rentals and providing insur‐

ance for major events so that the

financial burden and work load does‐

n't all fall to the local chapter.

CMA provides training. Every year

in every state, CMA offers chapter offi‐

cers a day of training. Regional

Leadership Training is held once a

year in every region for State Leaders

and a National Leadership conference

is offered every fall on Iron Mountain.

CMA helps us to be better minis‐

ters. Through our affiliation with

Hope for the Heart, CMA is providing

members with counseling tools. We

have books and training DVDs avail‐

able to members on how to answer

the hard questions we get asked out


CMA blesses your church. Because

you’re a member of CMA, even your

church is blessed through you when

you can send your pastor to CMA's

annual pastors’ retreat on Iron

Mountain. Over and over we hear of

pastors on the brink of burn out who

come away refreshed and revived,

ready to move ahead with their call to


By TOM Palazzolo

What Does CMA Do For You?

CMA opens doors to ministry for

you. Because you’re a member of

CMA, doors open for you at rallies.

Thousands of CMA’ers before you

earned us the right to speak, to serve

and to participate in a wide variety of

motorcycling events. The CMA back

patch is respected and accepted in

motorcycle venues around the world.

CMA opens doors for us to IMS shows,

world class race tracks, dirt tracks

and arenas all over the country.

Include in that list the doors that open

to us to prisons and jails, homeless

shelters, and youth facilities, hospitals

and care facilities. The list goes on and


CMA provides a network. Because

you’re a member of CMA, you have a

worldwide network of brothers and

sisters who will step up and help out

in an emergency. If you or a loved one

breaks down or has an emergency far

from home, you can probably locate a

CMA’er somewhere in the vicinity to

lend a hand.

Because you’re a member of CMA,

you can make a call or send an email

with a prayer request, a hard question

or a need for Bibles and get what you

need. You can jump on the internet

and find a chapter near you in a mat‐

ter of minutes or register for a

National Rally or buy a t‐shirt and

have it delivered to your door.

As a member of CMA, you partner

with world changing ministries and

impact world missions by providing

Bibles, the Jesus Film, and transporta‐

tion to third world pastors. CMA

enables you to fulfill the great com‐

mission, at home and abroad.

CMA offers us Mission Trips. Who

knew motorcycles would take us

around the world but every year you

have an opportunity to go on a mis‐

sion trip with other CMA’ers and see

the life changing difference you are

making as a member of CMA.

CMA provides accountability.

When CMA changes or institutes poli‐

cy, I know no one person arbitrarily

makes those decisions. We have a

Board of Directors whose responsibil‐

ity it is to prayerfully determine when

and where and how things are done in


CMA gives us Financial

Accountability with the ECFA; The

Evangelical Counsel for Financial

Accountability®. When I give money to

CMA, I don't have to worry if that

money is being spent wisely and

appropriately. The annual ECFA audit

makes sure CMA keeps the books like

a Christian organization should.

CMA changed your life and it

changed mine too. And I owe a huge

debt to CMA for that. I would not be

the man I am today if it had not been

for CMA. I doubt I would have reached

the people I have reached with the

Gospel if it had not been for CMA.

I have confidence in the leadership

and organization of this ministry and I

am glad to support the ministry that

supports me. I hope you can amen me

on that.

Because without CMA, what would

your ministry look like? CMA

Evangelist Article








Tom and Kathie oversee the West Region asNational Evangelist.








From the Director’s Heart continued

(continued from page 04)

istry. I realize the thought of a feeding

center or ministry to the homeless is

overwhelming, but if you are willing

God will take your servant heart and

small beginnings to wherever He

wants it to go. The largest ministry

opportunities we have in CMA from

Sturgis and Laconia to Laguna Seca

Raceway or Ruidoso were all started

by a few doing a little and faithfully

following their God‐given, Spirit‐led

servant’s heart. It isn’t complicated. A

knowing smile of encouragement

from you to the mother struggling

with an unruly child will offset the

dozens of disapproving scowls from

other patrons in your favorite restau‐

rant and allow her to experience the

love of Jesus. This might lead you to

start carrying items that would dis‐

tract and occupy a child and defuse

such a situation. Just this one simple

act could turn into an entire children’s

ministry that you never expected you

had talent for; you never know what

God is up to! “Random Acts of

Kindness” it used to be called. Hold a

door, yield a place in traffic, develop

the lifestyle of seeing other people’s

needs and fulfilling them. Jesus prac‐

ticed it all of the time. It is the easiest

way I know to open the door to min‐

istry. You would be surprised how a

simple but concerned, “are you OK?”

to the frazzled looking cashier at the

convenience store has initiated many

an opportunity for prayer.

So ask the Holy Spirit to give you

guidance and opportunities in your

Jerusalem and you personally can add

to those over 300,000 individual acts

of ministry that took place all over the

country last year as we continue

changing the world, one heart at atime, one community at a time! CMA

John and Becky Ogden, John is the CMACEO/Chairman of the Board of Directors.

State Rallies








STATE DATE LOCATION CONTACT PHONEWashington June 7-9 Easton Steve Schiller 360-491-7082Wisconsin June 7-9 Antigo Ralph Sorenson 414-881-7578Michigan Upper June 14-16 Skandia Lonnie Newton 906-484-6023New England EASTERN NATIONAL June 18-22 Fryeburg, ME CMA Events Dept. 870-389-6196South Dakota July 12-14 Keystone Yvette Philipsen 605-490-1395Utah July 12-14 Price Bob Stringham 801-623-0415New Mexico WESTERN NATIONAL July 16-20 Chama CMA Events Dept. 870-389-6196Pennsylvania July 25-28 Pleasantville Dale Brubaker 814-224-5177Alaska July 26-28 Fairbanks Rob Bowers 907-388-0519Iowa July 26-28 West Des Moines Dave Webb 515-991-4316

Build relationships with CMA members from around your state, meet the National Evangelist for yourregion, network with other chapters – and experience the vision of CMA! Invite friends, neighbors, andother motorcycle organizations for worship, fellowship, fun, and more! Additional details will be avail-able on each state website, go to and follow the link to your state’s page.

John Ogden Sr.870-389-6196

June 3-7Americade

Lake George, New York

June 8-16Laconia

Laconia, NH

June 18Director’s Meeting

Fryeburg, ME

June 18-23National East Rally

Fryeburg, ME

June 24-28Staff MeetingsFryeburg, ME

Charles Hale903-796-6692

Ray Burns785-582-4011

June 18-23National East Rally

Fryeburg, ME

June 24-28Staff MeetingsFryeburg, ME

Lyle Herman701-663-8699

June 7-9Abate of ND State Rally

Menoken Grove, ND

(continue Herman)June 18-23

National East RallyFryeburg, ME

June 24-28Staff MeetingsFryeburg, ME

Chet Upp479-394-1014

June 18-23National East Rally

Fryeburg, ME

June 24-28Staff MeetingsFryeburg, ME

Bob Sandburg209-586-4419

June 7-9WA St RallyEaston, WA

June 18-23National East Rally

Fryeburg, ME

June 24-28Staff MeetingFryeburg, ME

May 24-26GWTA Spring Fling

Susanville, CA









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FISHER OF MEN:The Motorcycle Ministry

of Herb ShrevePaperback, 272 pages

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$17.99 plus $4.00 shipping = $21.99To order online:

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BLOOD STONE PINS Home Front Warriors, CMA Chapter #377

$2.00 each or 12 for $18.00, plus shippingEmail:

(please indicate “Bloodstones” on subject line.)Phone: (479) 234-1621

Cy Knight (At Large)cyandcid961@gmail.com417-793-6567

Robert Dumond (At Large)radumond@sbcglobal.net817-905-6538

Tim Weddle (At Large)printertim@hotmail.com479-234-0150

Charles McCool (Off-Road) chili.mac@hotmail.com479-495-0721

Denver Dennis (Quads) denver@cmausa.org479-393-9334

Bob McClain (Sport Bikes)rideandabide@hotmail.com325-642-6265

Kerry Gibson (Team Lead) kerry@cmausa.org601-927-8705

CMA Fast Lane Leadership Team Directory:

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MISSISSIPPIStanley Beech SC 601-428-4823Roy Clark AR 228-388-8827Richard Donahou AR 662-487-3656Wayne Downey AR 228-224-0833Rodney Harrell AR 662-809-2095Randy Lackey AR 601-953 6920Ronnie Lay AR 601-278-5079Andrew & Banita Ford AR 228-229-6923MISSOURIBradley Barton SC 573-576-8216Kathi Crawford AR 573-433-5645Cy Knight AR 417-394-2278Mark Mayo AR 816-344-6409Ty Ramey AR 573-736-3145Mark Shelton AR 636-346-2289Robert Shouse AR 816-254-5036Chet Smith AR 417-850-0279Gene Smith AR 660-287-0031Craig White AR 314-303-3199David & Joanne Barclay AR 573-732-4236Kenny & Traci Jarman AR 417-830-4925MONTANALarry S. Banister SC 406-728-8914Stephen Douglas AR 406-249-4749Marty Malone AR 406-281-2017NEBRASKAJim Reier SC 308-237-0458Leon Anderson AR 308-631-7186Jim Hale AR 402-209-0413Tommy Tejcka AR 308-927-3925Darryl & Laura Price AR 402-292-7772NEVADAGreg Hubbard SC 775-790-4019Paul Schmitt AR 702-465-2678NEW ENGLAND NORTH (NH, VT)Peter Helgerson SC 603-726-7120Buck West AR 603-744-0337NEW ENGLAND SOUTH (CT, MA, RI)Gordon Rowe SC 508-839-4670Bill Hegenauer AR 203-270-1668Raymond Jackson AR 401-636-0646NEW JERSEYPaul Sokol SC 201-784-1063Sandy Meyers AR 856-404-7181Jeffrey Wolinsky AR 908-222-3286NEW MEXICORoy Morrow SC 505-860-4566Mo Gomez AR 432-894-7980Pete Feldner AR 505-281-5537Jerry Spicher AR 505-917-0672Chuck Tipton AR 505-856-5578Jon & Vicki Malk AR 505-715-0364NEW YORKRalph Witt SC 315-822-3611Robert Anton AR 631-499-4552Marshall Bedford AR 315-668-7005Jim Moore AR 845-266-3259Herb White AR 585-323-2171Mark & Diane Dunning AR 585-728-9905NORTH CAROLINADavid Richey SC 704-888-5502Ronnie Gilliam AR 919-853-3976Charlie Morgan AR 828-696-0859David Oates AR 828-697-1974Hank Richard AR 910-333-2009Bobby Seymour AR 704-932-9254NORTH DAKOTAJeff Bahr SC 701-642-6041John Butman AR 701-337-5497Sven Hauge AR 701-572-9195Mark Knudsen AR 701-474-5555

ALABAMADavid Hall SC 256-270-7459Michael Darling AR 256-412-2970Terry Gable AR 850-248-9737Keith Harless AR 205-281-1543Chester Holyfield AR 256-783-4823John Loyd AR 251-942-1377Donnie Shavers AR 706-324-6294Terry White AR 205-672-9340ALASKAJon Boone SC 907-688-3983ARIZONASam Trevino SC 928-925-7980Kiven Hardison AR 520-227-0783Randall Heath AR 623-293-8257Roger Sauter AR 480-221-2728Brian & Kimberly Loyd AR 520-248-3617ARKANSASDanny Beene SC 870-260-6021Kerry Baker AR 870-561-3978Ernest Bearden AR 870-514-9720Denver Dennis AR 479-495-2807Jerry Harris AR 870-741-5593James Jones AR 870-862-9353Charles McCool AR 479-495-7845Ross Scalise AR 501-428-6620Jim & Martha Atchison AR 479-963-1450CALIFORNIA NORTHJerry Sutton SC 707-354-1225Brian Davis AR 707-987-0157Ace Enderlin AR 510-774-2173John Hoppstetter AR 510-886-3670Donald Leedy AR 530-347-6211Bill Moss AR 559-871-1802John O’Mara AR 530-647-2501Bill & Becky McKenzie AR 559-970-7946CALIFORNIA SOUTHMike Ferry SC 619-890-1743John Alford Jr. AR 858-486-5398Dave Brantner AR 951-247-1071Steven Fay AR 619-825-0481Eric Gilbert AR 760-248-2444COLORADOBill Chartier SC 303-659-4363Rick Chartier AR 303-426-5105James Clark AR 719-392-7352Charles Compton AR 970-674-1272Bobby Gill AR 719-859-3405Beal Trahan AR 303-808-5988Brad Tutor AR 970-641-2117Chuck Noland AR 970-420-1391DELAWAREBud Timmons SC 302-732-6440Joseph Caignon AR 302-738-6380FLORIDAMark Cooley SC 904-655-7872Bill Clardy AR 904-261-4269Adrian Goodrich AR 305-797-0903Wayne Metcalf AR 941-725-2766Randy Paul AR 904-501-7026David Vanderklay AR 352-382-5764John West AR 352-266-1277Bob Wimmer AR 850-627-6773Rick & Angie Smith AR 386-566-3165GEORGIAEric Shumans SC 912-269-3272Cliff Finney AR 404-578-8073Bobby Grimes AR 678-986-4708Mark Joiner AR 229-886-2124Terry Kleeblatt AR 770-845-9890Doug Ray AR 706-259-1932Barry Walker AR 770-253-5680HAWAIIRichard Murray SC 808-870-9085

IDAHOGregory Leichliter SC 208-342-7222Tim Bernard AR 208-362-5064Tony Everts AR 208-944-0665Fritz & Marnie Houser AR 208-602-3721ILLINOISDoug Johnson SC 630-878-2801Leo Koulouris AR 815-469-3504Ron Nichols AR 630-898-2529Mark Small AR 309-241-4053Ted Williams AR 618-534-0068Rick Wisely AR 618-684-4058Thomas & Vickie Martinez AR 270-804-0979INDIANAJay Wilber SC 812-499-3395Mike Bischoff AR 513-520-7284Phil Bontrager AR 574-354-1616Dave Long AR 765-795-3193Joe Rogers AR 765-413-7473Bob & Sharon Carrell AR 317-894-1965IOWACary Klatt SC 712-295-5781Bob Baldwin AR 712-873-5028Mark Cornick AR 319-754-8076Roger Plath AR 515-275-4452Brian & Julaine Bidleman AR 515-955-1455KANSASMike Bright SC 620-431-7454Brian Adcock AR 785-742-7744Michael Benzel AR 620-348-3955Ron Harper AR 913-788-7505Rod Keen AR 785-461-5783Jeff Miller AR 785-434-2558Heath Pressnell AR 316-347-9360Kelly & Natalie Klubek AR 620-365-6447KENTUCKYJames Collins SC 270-382-2688Curtis Daniels AR 606-314-1070Rod Hoffman AR 270-563-9983Chris Wallace AR 270-703-0178Noble & Barbara Abendroth AR 270-884-7255LOUISIANAJim Owens SC 318-255-4764Clayton Davis AR 318-347-4944Michael Hukins AR 318-452-3423Gary Lorio AR 225-261-1250Donnie Stevenson AR 318-419-9873Melvin Warren AR 318-428-8435MAINETerry Melanson SC 207-354-0555Dan Bernard AR 207-447-9704MARYLANDPeter Colombo SC 301-779-5377Samuel Bowers AR 301-842-2026Dean Clutts AR 240-577-1085Dan Lavelle AR 240-674-4121MICHIGAN LOWERMike Dewey SC 616-363-3618Jeff Ansley AR 616-893-0044Rodney Greene AR 517-548-2438Robert Miller AR 810-797-5445Dale Rohelier AR 248-542-4867Mark Sheler AR 810-841-3737Paul Sprunger AR 517-485-4731Gary Truitt AR 517-250-1501Jeff Wheeler AR 231-775-0570MICHIGAN UPPERJames Sayatovich SC 906-281-7179MINNESOTAMike Irwin SC 763-425-3438David Adams AR 651-766-8060Kevin Brase AR 952-446-1837Duane Hooge AR 507-831-3290Dave McLellan AR 763-533-0410Mike Ray AR 218-390-2850Todd & Nikki Donnay AR 320-492-4758


Curtis & Carole ClementsVice President

Evangelistic Outreach870-389-6196 ext. 247

Support CenterHatfield, AR

Tom & Kathie PalazzoloWest Region 1435.563.3688May 31-June 1

Idaho State RallyJerome, ID

June 7-9Washington State Rally

Easton, WA

June 18-23National East Rally

Fryeburg, ME

June 24-25Staff MeetingFryeburg, ME

Hiram & Sharon VillaseñorRocky Mountain Region 2

505.334.8879June 18-23

National East RallyFryeburg, ME

June 24-25Staff MeetingFryeburg, ME

Roger & Rayleen WilsonNorth Central Region 3

641.226.0106June 18-23

National East RallyFryeburg, ME

June 24-25Staff MeetingFryeburg, ME

John Jr. & Holly OgdenSouth Central Region 4870.389.6196 ext. 301

June 18-23National East Rally

Fryeburg, ME

June 24-25Staff MeetingFryeburg, ME

Rick & Eileen SteffyNortheast Region 5

717.733.1537June 18-23

National East RallyFryeburg, ME

June 24-25Staff MeetingFryeburg, ME

Randal & Lisa TebeauSoutheast Region 6

706.745.1311May 31-June 2

US Rider News Reunion RallyHelen, GA

June 18-23National East Rally

Fryeburg, ME

June 24-25Staff MeetingFryeburg, ME

Kerry & Debbie GibsonNational Evangelist

601.927.8705June 18-23

National East RallyFryeburg, ME

June 24-28Staff MeetingsFryeburg, ME

Jerod & Jennifer McPhersonYouth Movement Evang.870.389.6196 ext. 233

June 18-23National East Rally

Fryeburg, ME

June 24-28Staff MeetingsFryeburg, ME

OHIOG. R. Niver SC 740-994-0348Keith Burke AR 330-385-3277Jeff Fisher AR 419-343-6506Tom Martin AR 330-563-4221Bud Perry AR 740-286-5385Chris Surface AR 513-232-6407Rex & Mary Gilbert AR 419-657-6038OKLAHOMAGene Karn SC 580-334-6331Steve Brackeen AR 405-570-7796Gene Haddock AR 918-682-4741Mike McGovern AR 580-286-9342Richard Wagnon AR 580-323-6321Charles & Tonya Davis AR 405-640-3607OREGONCliff Roper SC 503-539-8885Marc Christensen AR 541-890-1232Barry Jarrett AR 503-591-8052Ty Stephenson AR 541-980-8016Douglas South AR 541-997-8451PENNSYLVANIADale Brubaker SC 814-224-5177Dick Ackerman AR 724-433-6345Allen Brooks AR 570-836-5030John Fleece AR 717-625-7193Ken Knapp AR 814-437-1751Jim Quoss AR 717-244-6041SOUTH CAROLINANorm Moore SC 843-607-0446Ralph Coggins AR 864-266-7027Wray Matthews AR 843-509-8001Retta Sundblad AR 864-855-3674SOUTH DAKOTAGary Smithers SC 605-291-9536Barry Eberhard AR 605-363-3956Yvette Philipsen AR 605-347-2298Jeff & Nancy Eley AR 605-754-6065TENNESSEEJonathan Allgood AR 615-830-3183Arthur Gibson AR 423-361-4579Gary Holt AR 865-228-0907Richard Landess AR 423-877-9825Pontiac Lowry AR 901-682-6331Mike Norris AR 931-761-3810Michael & Julie Hearne AR 931-314-5559TEXAS NORTHEASTJoe Bishop SC 903-513-6378Thomas Barber AR 254-749-1248Jeffrey Coker AR 903-238-6202Robert DuMond AR 817-905-6538Rick Gentry AR 972-635-6448Marty Johnston AR 817-988-8069Randy Miller AR 512-259-4701Thomas Osburn AR 903-450-3634Jerry Spraggins AR 936-559-8499Danny Sullivan AR 214-287-1005Michael & Jennifer Dawson AR 214-878-8190TEXAS SOUTHEASTEugene Johnson SC 361-729-6493Rob Bayman AR 713-553-6981Art Brown AR 210-633-2123Meredith Jordan AR 361-290-1046Vernon Osborn AR 281-356-9225Bobby Pudwill AR 832-341-2388Dana & Jane Futrell AR 713-542-3660TEXAS WESTCharles Grady SC 940-723-2948Daniel Comalander AR 432-687-4595David Mason AR 806-292-5562Bob McClain AR 325-642-6265Mike Negri AR 940-592-2854Kevin & Jene Phillips AR 940-733-6707Tim & Donna Reich AR 254-442-1422

UTAHBob Stringham SC 801-885-0222Roger Cannon AR 801-731-5238Jon Fellenz AR 435-730-0088VIRGINIAJim Palmer SC 540-674-4478Kimberly Collins AR 276-328-3631David Miller AR 540-362-3962Lenny Stowell AR 757-420-4411Doug Surges AR 540-439-0529Sam Uhlenbrock AR 757-420-9065WASHINGTONSteve Schiller SC 360-491-7082Marvin Astin AR 360-437-9307Scott Dickerson AR 360-424-4543Rob Gutierrez AR 509-539-9942Timothy McCart AR 509-981-6181Dana Pieze AR 360-340-7547Lee Scholes AR 206-538-2488

Gene & Pam Myers AR 509-586-9947

WEST VIRGINIAKevin Wright SC 304-375-4980Rick Burkey AR 304-863-3204Tim Hudnall AR 304-824-2993Gene Lambert AR 304-567-2048Thomas E. Roberts AR 304-727-8821WISCONSINRalph Sorenson SC 414-881-7578John Clark AR 715-943-2591Tom Duerst AR 920-487-4234Steve Gorder AR 608-987-3790John Haydin AR 608-547-0246Mark Schwacher AR 414-322-6500Jan Reed AR 715-463-5951WYOMINGRay Mapel SC 307-682-0984Jeff Randall AR 307-421-5961


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