CMPUT603 - Fall 2007

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CMPUT603 - Fall 2007. Topic0: Introduction José Nelson Amaral Instructor:Prof. Jose Nelson Amaral OfficeATH 342 Phone 492-5411 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


CMPUT603 - Fall 2007

Topic0: IntroductionJosé Nelson Amaral

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


Instructor: Prof. Jose Nelson Amaral ATH 342Phone 492-5411Office Hours: Anytime (appointment

suggested but not required)

Teaching Assistant: Michael

Admin. Information

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


Background of the Dept

One of the oldest in Canada 1964: first M.Sc. 1973: first 2 Ph.D.

46 faculty members40+ supporting staff members>200 graduate students

Continuing: 60 M.Sc. --- 71 Ph.D. New: 36 M.Sc. --- 16 Ph.D.

25 graduate courses offered this year

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


People You Want to Know

Karen Berg (Grad. Program Assistant)

Steve Sutphen (Faculty Services Officer)

Edith Drummond (Grad. Program Coordinator)

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


Jim HooverProfessor/Associate Chair (Undergraduate)

Catherine Descheneau Director of Instructional Laboratories

People You Want to Know

Jonathan SchaeferProfessor

Department Chair

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


Graduate Committee Members

Pawel Gburzynski Russ Greiner Janelle Harms Mario Nascimento Nilanjan Ray Lorna Stewart David Wishart Ken Wong Herb Yang Jia You Colin Cherry (Graduate Student Representative) Edith Drummond (Coordinator & Recorder)

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


M.Sc. (thesis)

603 plus 4 graduate courses Minimum GPA for continuation is 2.7 Minimum passing grade is C+ or 2.3

A thesis Seminar must be given prior to the defense Oral exam

Research-oriented M.Sc. Students must demonstrate ability to

master research literature do innovative work with minimal supervision

Should be complete within 20 months of full-time study

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


M.Sc. Thesis (UofA Calendar)

…the thesis should reveal that the candidate is able to work in a scholarly manner and is acquainted with the principal works published on the subject of the thesis. As far as possible, it should be an original contribution….

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


Ph.D. thesisUofA Calendar

A doctoral thesis must embody the results of original investigations and analyses and be of such quality as to merit publication; furthermore, it must constitute a substantial contribution to the knowledge of the candidate’s field of study.

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


Ph.D. Course requirements

With M.Sc.: min. of 3 single-term graduate courses + 603 Without M.Sc.: min. of 7 single-term graduate courses + 603 Min. GPA for continuation is 3.3. student must have a grade of B- or higher in all three best

600-level courses Min. passing grade is C+

Breadth requirements (3 areas, 1 course in each area) Theoretical foundations (theory, applied math,

combinatorial computing) Systems and network (architecture and robotics; systems and

network; software and languages) Applications (graphics, vision and imaging; database

systems; AI) Candidacy exam (thesis proposal) – normally held after

the course requirements are completed 3 seminars Final oral exam

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


Research Dissemination (Publications)

A very important component of the research training

If the work is not published, it will be soon forgotten by all.

Students in all degree programs (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) must be motivated and are encouraged to publish their work

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


M.Sc. to Ph.D.

If you are in the M.Sc. Program are highly motivated in research have impressed your supervisor and other faculty members of your research ability (e.g. in projects)

have excelled in courses are interested in the Ph.D. program

then you may want to consider transferring to the Ph.D. program directly without finishing your M.Sc.

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


SupervisorImportant to select one if you do not have one – deadline is March

First determine your area of interestThen talk to faculty members in the area

Talk to their studentsFind one that you can work with and that has a project of interest to you

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


Seminars and Talks

Many seminars and talks are scheduled throughout the year (DLS, special lectures, etc)

You should try to attend those of particular interest to you – even if they are not quite in your area

You are welcome to attend any research group meeting in the department:

All 603 students must attend all DLS (Distinguished Lecture Series) in the first term

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


What is 603?

Teaching and research methods To provide information and resources on teaching and

research methods in computing science Topics

(check web for details: TA, LaTex Ethics

• WebCT – 5 modules on ethics Research methods Research result dissemination (talks, writing, reviewing)

Grading: A letter grade will be assigned Attendance is required Two main assignments (paper #1 and paper #2)

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


Double Dipping and Plagiarism

Double dipping consists of the submission of the same work to obtain credit in more than one class --- It is not allowed.

Plagiarism is not tolerated. The consequences for plagiarism are enormous.

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


Plagiarism in CMPUT605Special Rules

Paper #1: The grade will be affected; One-on-one discussion with the instructor; No report to disciplinary officer will be made.

Paper #2: Normal plagiarism rules will apply. Usual Faculty of Science penalties (depends on severity of case):Failing grade in the course; and/orSuspension from the university; orExpulsion from the university.

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


To be a good Teaching Assistant

Support your instructor(s) Do not set your own agenda or guidelines

UTS (University Teaching Services) UTP (University Teaching Program)

Be responsible To the instructor To the students

Funding continuation as a TA depends on performance

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


Pedagogy: 40-50 hours of formal classroom time

Practicum (Mentoring): At least two-terms as TA Two teaching events

Documentation: Teaching dossier (reflective)

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


GSA Awards

Annually, the Graduate Students Association solicit nominations for several awards Campus wide recognition

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


Common Problems

TA and instructor Student and supervisor Student and student Be open and upfront Resolve the problem before it becomes a major issue

The Department has a collegial environment. Everything can be discussed. Don’t wait until very late to resolve a problem!

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


A CSGSA mailing list for technical questions

For technical questions: What algorithm to use? What software package? Problems with code generation Problems with software configuration

Subscribe/write to:

For instruction on how to subscribe/use:

CMPUT 603 - Teaching and Research Methods


48th Turkey Trot - Sept 22

In benefit of United Way CS has participated for 16 years

CS has won for many yearsIt is funIt is a good causeIt is for the whole family

Early bird: Sept 14 CGSA discount: $5