CNP - Fanatic for Jesus - The 7 Mountains of Christian Dominionism

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  • 7/30/2019 CNP - Fanatic for Jesus - The 7 Mountains of Christian Dominionism


    F R I D A Y , A U G

    Seven Mountains of the Christian Industrial Complex

    The Seven Mountain "mandate" of Dominionism has become a

    widespread teaching in the evang elical world. Many of its suppo rters aren't

    fully aware o f ho w dark the full-blown Dom inionist age nda truly is. O ne o f

    the common denominators for Dominionists is the belief that the churchshould change the world - not just impact the world as salt and light, but

    actually co ntrol the wo rld, particularly the go vernment. This theolo gy has

    dee p roo ts in church history, and has attached itself to every aspe ct o f

    modern Christianity.[1]

    No t all Christian Fundame ntalist o r Evange licals are adherents o f

    Rushdoony's Reconstructionism/Dominion Theology, however for the

    S I F T I N

    S E E K I N

    D E F I N I

    A Jesus f anatic is o ne who believes in

    living their life s et apart fo r Christ, and

    they cannot be s wayed.

    S H E E P

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    F A N A T I C" F O R N O T H I N G I S H I D D E

    S E C R E T T H A T S H A L L N O
  • 7/30/2019 CNP - Fanatic for Jesus - The 7 Mountains of Christian Dominionism


    outsider it certainly appears that way. For those of us who can see the big

    picture, we understand the implicat ions o f a radica l takeo ve r. Many libe rals

    and liberal Christians be lieve this ty pe of Christianity res em bles t hat of the

    Christian church that supported Hitler during World War II, and it may not

    be far fro m the truth.[2] There are also those who want to limit or end

    Christian Fundame ntalism be cause of how far-reac hing this mo vem ent has

    be co me , and som eday they will ge t their wish.

    But what many of us do n't realize , there is a big ge r picture that must be

    viewed, and it can be illustrated by using t he same Se ven Mo untain

    strategy of the power hungry Dominionists. Satan has used the same plan

    to infiltrate the Church in order to b ring abo ut world go vernment, and se at

    him o n the throne o f the wo rld g ov ernment. I will call this the Christian

    Industrial Complex.

    Seven Mountains of the Christia n Industrial Compl ex

    In the councils of government we must guard against the

    acquisition of power, whether sought or unsought, by the

    military industrial co mplex. T he po tential for the disastro us

    rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must

    never let the weight of this combination endanger our

    liberties and demo cratic proc es se s. ~Dwight D. Eisenhower,

    Jan. 17, 196 1

    When Dwight D. Eisenhower gave this s pee ch, he was telling the American

    pe ople about the sheer s ignificance o f the re lationship be twee n our

    government and business. He was attempting to clue us in that there is a

    shadow-go vernment who is the puppet maste r, pulling all the strings .

    With the Christian Industrial Comp lex, the relationship is e ven m ore far-

    reaching. Since Satan is attem pting to dismantle Christianity, it to uches

    every aspect of life. When each point is viewed, you will see that Satan

    has his hand print on each.

    Mountain #1 - Arts and Enterta inment

    M Y O T H

    Kindred S pirits S isters

    The Com munitarian Trap

    "For such are false apostles, deceitful

    workers, transforming themselves into

    the apostles of Christ.And no marvel;

    or Satan himself is transformed into

    an angel of light. Therefore it is no

    great thing if his mini sters also be

    transformed as the ministers of

    righteousness; whose end shall be

    according to their works."2 Co r. 11:13-

    15 KJV

    T H E T R

    "The kings o f the earth set themselves,

    and the rulers take co unsel together,

    against the LORD, and against hi s

    anointed, saying, 'Let us break their

    bands asunder, and cast away their
  • 7/30/2019 CNP - Fanatic for Jesus - The 7 Mountains of Christian Dominionism


    Conte mpo rary Christian Music

    One of the first signs of satanism is writing backwards.Also, the "M" in

    Michael and the "T" in Smith is pa rt of the Runic (runic means secret )

    alphabet used in witchcraft!

    Christian Boo ks and mag azines

    cords from us.' He that sitteth in the

    heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall

    have them in derision."Psalm 2:2-4

    U N H O L Y

    C H U R C H

    "Would that I had the po wer to bring to

    your minds the vision as it unfolds

    be fo re me ! I se e all denominational

    emphasis set aside...I see the church

    molding the thought of the world as it

    has never done before, leading in all

    great mo veme nts as it should. I se e it

    literally e stablishing the Kingdo m o f

    God on earth." ~ John D. Rockefeller Jr.

    D O N ' TT H I N K S
  • 7/30/2019 CNP - Fanatic for Jesus - The 7 Mountains of Christian Dominionism


    The picture on Kay Arthur's book is a depiction that comes straight out of

    S E E I T

    Y O U .

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    S E A R C H

  • 7/30/2019 CNP - Fanatic for Jesus - The 7 Mountains of Christian Dominionism


    Masonic culture. Here you can see this di stinct ive "ladd er leaning on thin

    air."This isn't th e only book she uses with Masonic symbolism.

    Christian radio - Radio pro grams that make false doc trine and false

    teac hers se em mainline. Radio show hos ts who are s hills, s uch as

    Dr. Stan Monteith.

    Mountain #2 - Business, Ministries, and Organizat ions

    Christians in Secret Societies, such as Masonry, Knights of Malta,

    and Order of the Jesuits

    Ministries that teac h misleading histo rical lies, such as WallBuilders.

    Ministries that promote radical, militaristic Christianity, such as Oak


    Businesse s that primarily feature false teac hers and Dominionist

    materials, such as Christian bookstores.

    Mountain #3 - Educatio n

    Se minary students are intentionally being taught false do ctrine -

    such as Premillennial Dispensationalism and promo tes Zionist


    Christian sc hoo l boo ks teac hing that our founding fathers were


    Christian Patriotism is being taug ht in sc hoo l, thus be ing reinfo rced

    throug h the church. Some churches do this unknowingly, but they

    are mixing church and state . Do yo u have a flag in your church?

    Mountain #4 - Family

    Complimentarianism is no longer being taught as biblical within the

    Church. Egalitarianism has replaced biblical teaching with the

    world's viewpo int.

    Money and wealth is being taught as something gained through

    obedience - which is false. Families are frustrated by being focused

    on unattainable wealth, rather than living a godly life.

    Mountain #5 - Government

    L I S T E N

    V I E W P O

    "He that answereth a matter before he

    heareth it, it is folly and sha me unto

    him."Prov. 18:13

    L A B E L S



    2012 Election Stars

    2012 Olympics


    Adrian Beale and Adam F.Thom pso n

    Aleiste r Crowley

    Alex Jones



    Apostles Creed

    Apparitions o f Mary


    Barbara Marx Hubbard

    Benny Hinn

    Beth Moore

    Biblical Separation

    Bill Clinton

    Billy Graham

    Bird/Swine Flu

    Bob Jones

    Body Languag e


    BP Oil Spill

    Brannon Howse
  • 7/30/2019 CNP - Fanatic for Jesus - The 7 Mountains of Christian Dominionism


    There is no longe r a separation betwe en the Christian and po litical

    activity (go vernment). The Republican party is a haven fo r faith-

    based vo te rs and po litical ac tivity.

    Council for Natio nal Policy - Dominionists have ov ertaken this high

    co uncil with their age nda.

    "The Family" - A se cretive network among st po liticians that

    advances the agenda of elite Christian

    Dominionist/Reconstructionist groups.

    White House Office ofFaith -Basedand Co mmunity Initiatives - A

    co uncil that blends m os t de nominational leadership with

    go vernment o fficials.

    Council on Foreign Relations - Christians have bee n appointed to

    this council whose goal it is to bring about world government.

    Mountain #6 - Media

    Christian Television - All of the se stations teac h Christian and

    American Imperialism, suppo rts Christian Zionism, t eac h pre-

    tribulation rapture, and enco urage political activity.

    Christian Radio - (Se en abo ve in entertainment)

    Roman Catholic Church is presented as the face of American


    Ne ws me dia co nveniently leaves out info rmatio n fo r you to

    understand the full scope of the story.

    Mountain #7 - Religion

    Ne w Age Eme rge nt Churche s, with Universalist leanings , arepushing mystic al experienc e and c ontem plative p rayer, which is

    also b eing pe ddled through the wo rld by Billy Graham's Lausanne


    WordFaith churches are promoting New Age practices of

    me taphysical thinking and healing. They are able to do these

    miracles be cause of the principles taug ht in the Kabbalah.

    Additionally, they teac h that they are gods, but some others are

    Brigitte Gabriel

    Buzz Words


    Cashless S oc iety

    Charlotte Iserbyt

    Charter Schools


    Chris Pinto


    Christian Harvest Parties

    Christian Industrial Complex

    Christian Zio nism

    Chuck Colson

    Chuck Miss ler

    Church History


    Circle of Prote ction

    Club of Badapest

    Colleg e Conspiracy

    Colleg e o f the Ozarks


    Common Good

    Commo n Ground


    Contemplative PrayerContem porary Christian Music

    Council for N ational Policy

    Council on Fore ign Relations

    Creation Care

    Crop Circles

    David Barton
  • 7/30/2019 CNP - Fanatic for Jesus - The 7 Mountains of Christian Dominionism


    more subtle.

    Ne w Aposto lic Refo rmatio n false apo stle s are now mainstre am.

    Purpos e Driven church and Christian Soc ialism are pro mo ted by

    left-wing megachurch leader Rick Warren.

    Most mainline churches belong to the Natio nal Council of

    Churches , which suppo rts an ecume nical age nda, and has aligned

    itself with the UN Millennium De velop me nt Go als.

    The World Council of Churches , which views false religio ns as a

    legitimate path to Go d, aligns itself with the National Council of

    Churches, which will ultimately bring the religions of the world

    together as one. The WCC is known for Communist activity.

    The Jesuits, histo rically known as Vatican ass assins, have infiltrated

    the institutions o f higher learning with false teac hing. The ir goal is

    to bring the Prot es tant church under the Vatican.

    In Closing

    After World War 1, Luciferian John D. Roc kefe ller be came invo lved in

    what was c alled the Interc hurch World Mo vem ent. The ide a was that

    "anot her crusade was nee ded to b ring the warring fac tions o f Christianity

    together." Rockefeller promoted universal ecumenism by stating in

    December 1917:

    "Would that I had the po wer to bring to your minds the vision as it

    unfolds before me! I see all denominational emphasis set aside...I

    see the church molding the thought of the world as it has never

    done be fore, leading in all great mo veme nts as it should. I se e it

    literally es tablishing the Kingdo m o f Go d o n earth."

    Relat ed Post

    Brannon Howse and His Masonic Blue Necktie

    Chuck Missler, SwanSat, and the Christian Industrial Complex

    What Do Rick Joyner, the CIA, and the Knights o f Malta Have in


    av e rzo g

    David Je remiah

    Dec 21



    Dr. Joel Hunter

    Dr. Richard Cizik

    Dr. Richard Land

    Dr. Steven Greer


    Economic Collapse


    Emergent Church

    Eric Metaxas

    Ervin Lsz l

    Esoteric Knowledge

    Eucharistic Christ


    Evangelicals and Catholics Together

    Fabian Socialism

    False Christ

    False Flag


    Firearm Freedom

    Fleur de lis


    Food Justice

    Foster Gamble

    Fourth Reich

    Franklin Graham

    Free Spee ch

  • 7/30/2019 CNP - Fanatic for Jesus - The 7 Mountains of Christian Dominionism


    Ne wer Post Older Pos t

    L I N K S T O T H

    Create a Link


    Gary Bauer

    Gay Clergy

    Genetic e xperiments

    George Soros

    Glenn Bec k

    Glob al Warming


    Go d Particle

    Gun Laws


    Heavenly Po rtals

    Heritage Foundation

    History of Holidays



    Illuminati Bloo dlines

    Illuminati Defec to r

    Inclusive Church

    James Dobson

    Jeremy Rifkin

    Jerry Falwell

    Jesse Ventura


    Jim Garlow

    Joel OsteenJoe l's Army

    John Birch So ciety

    John H. Armstrong

    John Hagee

    John MacArthur

    John Paul Jackso n

    Jonathan Welton
  • 7/30/2019 CNP - Fanatic for Jesus - The 7 Mountains of Christian Dominionism


    Julian Ass ange

    Kamal Salee m

    Katherine Kuhlman

    Kay Arthur

    Kingdo m o f Bhutan

    Kingdom Theology

    Knights o f Co lumbus

    Knights o f Malta

    Labyrinth Walking

    Lance Wallnau

    Larry Rando lph

    Last Days

    Latter Rain

    Lausanne Movement


    Leo ZagamiLindsey Williams

    Lou Engle

    Louis Farrakhan

    Lt. Gen. Boykin



    Manhattan Declaration

    Mark of the Beast

    Martial Law

    Michael W. Smith

    Mike Bickle

    Military Industrial Complex

    Mind Co ntrol

    Ministry Watch

    Modern Trends
  • 7/30/2019 CNP - Fanatic for Jesus - The 7 Mountains of Christian Dominionism




    Music Videos

    Neoco nservatives


    New Age Bible Versions

    New Age Mo veme nt

    New Apos to lic Refo rmatio n

    New World Order

    No ahide Laws

    No nresist ance

    No rth American Union

    No teworthy Info rmatio n

    Oak Initiative

    Occult Conspiracy

    One World Religion


    Os Guiness

    Os Guinnes s

    Pat Robe rtson

    Perry Stone


    Philosopher's Stone

    Phoe nix Bird

    Phyllis S chlafly

    Pole S hift



    Pre-Trib Rapture Lie



    Public Education
  • 7/30/2019 CNP - Fanatic for Jesus - The 7 Mountains of Christian Dominionism


    Public Surveillance

    Quake Watch

    Ralph Reed

    Rick Jo yner

    Rick Warren

    Rights of the Child


    Roman Catholic Church

    Ron Paul

    Rothschild Zionism

    Rumo rs o f War

    Sarah Palin


    Scary People

    Secret So cieties

    Sep aration Church/State

    Sev enth-day Adve ntist

    Sharia Law

    Skull and Bones

    Social Gospel

    Social Justice

    Star o f S irius


    Sustainable Development



    Texe Marrs

    The Bush Family

    The False Holy Spirit

    The Great Depression

    The Pope
  • 7/30/2019 CNP - Fanatic for Jesus - The 7 Mountains of Christian Dominionism


    The Star of David

    The Third Way

    The Third Way/Communitarianism

    The Trinity

    The Warburg Family

    Think Tanks

    Third Te mple


    Timo thy Leary

    Todd Bentley

    Tom Horn

    Tony Blair

    Total Onslaught Se ries




    UN Programs

    US Military

    Walid Sho ebo t

    Weird News

    Wheaton College


    Women of Faith

    Word o f Faith

    World Council of Churches

    World Go vernment

    World Interfaith Harmony Week


  • 7/30/2019 CNP - Fanatic for Jesus - The 7 Mountains of Christian Dominionism



    "Beware of false prophets, which co me

    to yo u in sheep 's c lothing, but inwardly

    they are rave ning wolve s." Matt. 7:15

    A R E W E

    "It's Christians who haven't go t the

    faintes t idea in the world what's go ing

    on. Christians are the mo st ill-informe d

    ignorant people on the face of the

    earth." Jordan Maxwell

    W A L L O
  • 7/30/2019 CNP - Fanatic for Jesus - The 7 Mountains of Christian Dominionism


    A R E W E

    W A Y W H

    T E A C H I

    "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark

    them which cause divisions and

    offenses contrary to the doctrine which

    e have learned; andavoid them. For

    they that are such serve notour Lord

    Jesus Christ , but their own b elly; and

    by good words and fair speeches

    deceive the hearts of t he simple."

    Romans 16:17-18

    "And if any man obey not our word by

    this epistle, note that man, and have n o

    company with him, that he may be

    ashamed. Yet count him not a s an enemy,

    but admonish him as a brother. "2

    Thess. 3:14

    T H E C H

    P L A Y G R
  • 7/30/2019 CNP - Fanatic for Jesus - The 7 Mountains of Christian Dominionism


    "I know that c harity co vere th a

    multitude of sins; but it does not call

    evil good, because a good man has

    done it; it doe s not exc use

    inco nsistencies, because theinco nsistent brother has a high name

    and a fervent spirit. Crookedness and

    worldlines s are s till croo kedness and

    worldlines s, though e xhibited in one

    who s ee ms to have reached no

    co mmo n height o f attainment."

    Horatius Bonar, (1808-1889)

    I S B I BI M P O R T

    "Take heed unto th yself, and unto the

    doctrine; continue in them: for in doing

    this thou shalt both save thyself, and

    them that hear thee."1 Tim. 4:16 (KJV)

    A R E A D
  • 7/30/2019 CNP - Fanatic for Jesus - The 7 Mountains of Christian Dominionism


    "Rick Warren's a fake, the tablet s---fake,

    the shroud---fake, the me dia---fake, the

    government---fake, the food---fake. Did

    I miss anything? " ~Karen

    D I S C L A

    This site has information compiled for

    research purpose s o nly. I do not

    promo te any Bible te acher, ministry, or

    author. If there is a video by any

    particular Christian minister within a

    po st, it does not m ean that I have

    endorsed their work. If you disbelieve

    anything presented on the site, please
  • 7/30/2019 CNP - Fanatic for Jesus - The 7 Mountains of Christian Dominionism


    follow-up by doing your own research.

    Don't just consider it as being wrong.

    This blog has o ver 1000 pos ts, and has

    taken ove r 3 years to co mpile.

    Attempts have bee n made to keep

    these pos ts up-to-date, but some may

    have been overlooked. Many earlier

    po sts may s ee m vag ue, and an eff o rtto fill in the gaps is being made.

    Thank you fo r visiting.