CoABS Grid Military Users Group (GMUG) for the SWMU Tom Martin November 13, 2001 for LCDR Dylan...

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CoABS Grid Military Users Group (GMUG) for the SWMU

Tom MartinNovember 13, 2001

forLCDR Dylan Schmorrow

CoABS Program

THE COABS GRID• COTS-based Software Infrastructure that

– Facilitates interoperability of diverse, heterogeneous systems (Demoed FY00)– Enables dynamic connection of disparate information sources and C2 applications (tested in Navy experiments)– Provides dynamic discovery of service-based capabilities (coalition air campaign planning demo -

DARPA/DERA)– Visit for further information

Engagement Grid

Networked Shooters

Networked Sensors

Sensor Grid

C2 Grid

Agents roam warfare grids

Java Platform: RMI, Jini™

Grid Core Services

Grid Agent Helper

Grid Service Helper ServiceRep Registry






Events Security


Proxy toLisp and C


Grid Ready ComponentsGrid Aware Services

InformationRetrieval Agents


e-mail Proxi Agents

Matchmaker MobilityEvent



OAAProxy Agent

RETSINAProxy Agent

From Concept

To Product

Control of Agent Based Systems

Sample of Military Grid Transitions• Navy Warfare Development Command

– In the lab (Spawar Systems Center Info Ops Center of Future), Expeditionary Sensor Grid (ESG) Enabling Experiments (EEE)

– At sea (Fleet Battle Experiments - Delta through Juliet)

• Air Force Research Lab – Joint Battlespace Infosphere (yJBI implementation/fuselet project using

Publish and Subscribe)– Effects Based Operations ATD (Grid used as architectural alternative)– Integrated Flight Management ATD (Use of Grid to approach various Air

Mobility Command problems)

• Army CECOM– Maneuver Control System-light Grid agents– Agile Commander and Log C2 ATDs - Plan execution monitoring and course

of action analysis, – Agile Commander and Log C2 ATDs – CHAIN (Composable Hierarchical

Agents for Intelligent Notification), grid security, and other service enhancements

– Dismounted Warrior C4I STO (Science and Technology Objective) – alerting on situational awareness

Grid Military Users Group• CoABS about to enter it’s 5th Year. Beginning of FY 02

started GMUG• Purpose

– Bring together the forward thinkers of the Military Services that are taking advantage of the CoABS Grid

– Expose one-another to early adoption uses of CoABS Grid– Explore additional opportunities among the participant potential

transition organizations (CECOM, NWDC/SPAWAR, and AFRL attending)

– Explore potential for “Quick and Dirty” Joint Demonstration (Gen Myers briefing follow-up)

GMUG Progress/Plans• Met first in May at GITI

– Overview of activities of Navy, Air Force and Army Efforts using Grid

– Call for Joint Demo– Agenda for ongoing GMUG

• Met again July 12 at SSC– Follow-up and Propose Joint Grid-based Integrated

Targeting demonstration

• Next meeting (late Fall/Winter) will be based on Lessons Learned

• Potentially will combine with Semantic Web Military Users Group