Coaching Authority

Post on 19-Mar-2017

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20 Power Tips To Become a Better Coach

Tip #1

Set Achievable Goals.

Make sure that your client is setting goals that they will actually achieve or they are

going to blame you for their lack of success.

Tip #2

Debunk Luck.

Make sure your clients know that their circumstances are the result of their choices and not luck; good or bad.

Tip #3

Affirm Repeatability.

If a client is able to achieve something just one time, they can achieve it again and

again and again.

Tip #4Check-In!

Make sure that you check in with past students occasionally. They will appreciate the call and they might just decide to sign

up again.

Tip #5

Always be Reading!

Don’t think that just because you’re coaching others that you have nothing left

to learn. Always be trying to learn more from the masters.

Tip #6

Be Prepared for Failure.

Not every client is going to achieve success with your help. Don’t feel guilty about

someone who fails unless you know you didn’t give them 100%.

Tip #7Don’t Take Rejection Personally.

Just because someone doesn’t sign up for your coaching doesn’t mean anything. Don’t take rejection personally. Some will. some

won’t. So what?.

Tip #8Minimize Failures.

Find out the reason that most people fail and try to minimize it, not only to help your clients, to protect your reputation as well.

Tip #9

Be empathetic.

If you can’t understand how your clients are feeling, you will have a difficult time helping them. You don’t need to be sympathetic, but

be empathetic.

Tip #10

Be reactive & flexible.

Don’t be rigid and inflexible. Your clients are all different so you need to be able to relate to each one of them and help them

each a different way.

Tip #11

Keep a record.

Keep records of the sessions that you have with your clients and review them just

before each new session.

Tip #12

Have great communication.

Always be improving your communication skills and make sure that if a client is

misunderstanding that it is not your lack of communicating clearly that is at fault.


Tip #13 Be a role model.

If you want your clients to make positive life changes, make sure that you already have those things in your own life, or are well on

the way.

Tip #14Believe in your clients.

If you don’t believe deep down that your clients are able to achieve the goals that

they are setting, they aren’t going to believe it either.

Tip #15Positive Attitude.

No matter how your day is going, always have a positive attitude when talking to


Tip #16The 3 E’s.

Remember, enthusiasm, encouragement and energy = excellence.

Tip #17Challenge them.

Continually challenge your clients. Never let them be happy with mediocrity or a poor

performance. Always encourage them to do more.

Tip #18Do your homework.

If you’re going to be coaching someone on how to self-publish a book, you need to be

knowledgeable about self-publishing, or any other topic you coach.

Tip #19Share experiences.

When you have a story that can show how you overcame a particular challenge, don’t be afraid to share it with your clients. It will

provide common ground and encourage them to overcome their own challenges.

Tip #20Think first.

Think about what you are going to say before you say it. That way your words are

always wise.