COBWEB Project: Overall Project Status and Deliverables

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COBWEB PROJECTOverall Project Status and Deliverables

(and WP1)

2nd Project Review, Brussels

Project Coordinator: University of Edinburgh

Chris Higgins

3 February 2016

Big Picture

• Explosion in availability of smartphones and tablets equals great potential for “citizens as sensors”

• How to make the data gathered usable?

• What quality measures are needed?

• How to reduce uncertainty?

• How can crowdsourced environmental data aid decision making?

• How can our crowdsourced data be conflated with reference data and be deployed in standards based Spatial Data Infrastructures?

Project characteristics

1. Project started 1st Nov, 2012 and runs for

4 years• Currently at Month 40 of 48

2. An “SME Targeted Collaborative” project• 30% EU contribution to SMEs

3. Develop 'citizens' observatories’• Mobilise citizens

• Emphasised during Grant Negotiation

• “Co-design” fund established

4. A research project doing innovative work• Crowdsourced environmental data to aid decision making

Technology Readiness Levels (TRL)

TRL1 Basic principles observed and reported2 Technology concept and/or application formulated3 Active R&D initiated

Experimental proof of concept4 Technology validation within a laboratory environment5 Technology validation in relevant environment6 Demonstration in a relevant environment7 Demonstration in an operational environment8 Actual system completed and qualified through test and

demonstration9 Actual system proven through successful mission


Project characteristics

Mainly medium to high TRLs

Requires high TRLs

By definition, lower TRLs

1. Project started 1st Nov, 2012 and runs for

4 years• Currently at Month 40 of 48

2. An “SME Targeted Collaborative” project• 30% EU contribution to SMEs

3. Develop 'citizens' observatories’• Mobilise citizens

• Emphasised during Grant Negotiation

• “Co-design” fund established

4. A research project doing innovative work• Crowdsourced environmental data to aid decision making

Some Key COBWEB Successes

• Open geospatial interoperability standards to enable citizens as sensors

• SWE for Citizen Science (SWE4CS)

• Quality assurance and conflation of authoritative with crowdsourced data

• Heterogeneous sensors embedded in the environment

• Use of Access Management Federations on mobile devices, advances in security/privacy

• Pioneered a unique co-design process

Project Partners

14 Partner Organisations

No. Full Name Short Name

1 University of Edinburgh UEDIN

2 University of Nottingham UNOTT

3 Aberystwyth University AU

4 Welsh Government WELSH GOV

5 Environment Systems Ltd ENVSYS

6 Partneriaeth Eco Dyffryn Dyfi Eco Valley Partnership Ecodyfi

7 Open Geospatial Consortium (Europe) Ltd OGCE

8 University College Dublin UCD

9 Technische Universitaet Dresden TUD

10 Secure Dimensions GmbH SECD

11 University of Patras UPATRAS

12 Oikom Environmental Studies Ltd OIKOM

13 GeoCat BV GeoCat

14 Open Geospatial Consortium Inc OGC

9 Work Packages

WP Title Lead1 Contract and project management UEDIN

2 Stakeholder engagement WG

3 Citizen observatory framework UCD

4 Citizen observatory mobile data collection, validation and quality system


5 Privacy assurance and access management SECD

6 Demonstrator Development UCD

7 Data and knowledge management UEDIN

8 Testing and validation ENVSYS

9 Dissemination, exploitation and usage ENVSYS

UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves

Sites of excellence to foster harmonious integration of people and nature for sustainable development through participation, knowledge sharing, poverty reduction and human well-being improvements, cultural values and society's ability to cope with change, thus contributing to the Millennium Development Goals

COBWEB Biosphere Reserves

Biosffer Dyfi Biosphere

Mount OlympusGorge of Samaria

Wadden See & Hallig islands

Essential Context - GEOSS

• COBWEB works within the GEOSS framework• common methodologies and standards for data

archiving, discovery and access

• Section on collaboration with GEOSS and FP7-ENV-2012 cluster projects added to project description

• “Data collected should be made available through the GEOSS without any restrictions”

• But, we must address privacy questions…

COBWEB is not a collection of Apps…

A number of demonstrator mobile phone applications

• Exactly what, deliberately left open and subject to discussion with community

3 pilot case study areas:1. Validating earth

observation products2. Biological monitoring3. Flooding

COBWEB Framework

• Achievements by T0+36 versus project objectives

• Review of deliverables and milestones

• Problems faced, corrective actions taken

• Follow-up of the recommendations of the first review

Big Picture (Month 40 of 48): where we are in the project…

• Month 24: Milestone 3:– First Welsh demonstrator completed and ready for

testing in the field• Month 36: Milestone 4 (MS4):

– Field testing of first demonstrator completed• Month 41: Milestone 5 (MS5):

– Greek and German demonstrators completed and ready for testing in the field

• Month 46: Milestone 6 (MS6):– Field testing of Greek and German demonstrators


Brussels Dec 2014 (M26) events

• 3rd Dec: Second Technical Workshop of Citizens Observatories

• 4th Dec: Open Conference: Citizens Observatories: Empowering European Society

• First live public demonstration of our software working

• COBWEB has 4 main strengths:1. Built from security layer upwards2. Co-design3. Quality control4. Strong, balanced consortium

Big Picture (Month 40 of 48): where we are in the project…

• Month 24: Milestone 3:– First Welsh demonstrator completed and ready for

testing in the field• Month 36: Milestone 4 (MS4):

– Field testing of first demonstrator completed• Month 41: Milestone 5 (MS5):

– Greek and German demonstrators completed and ready for testing in the field

• Month 46: Milestone 6 (MS6):– Field testing of Greek and German demonstrators



“…a product, service, or organization development process where design professionals empower, encourage, and guide users to develop solutions

for themselves.” Wikipedia

Co-design activity during 2015 field season

Objectives & Scope for the Co-Design sub-projects

1. Engage in dialogue with members of the COBWEB consortium to assist in the design of apps, and to assist in identifying further user requirements

2. Use the generic COBWEB apps to address specific needs within your project or area of expertise, and advise us on adaptations to these apps

3. Arrange and manage groups of citizens in field testing COBWEB app(s) in the Dyfi Biosphere area

Co-Design Balancing Act

• Validating our concept of Citizen Observatory

• Testing the software• But, research and development

continues in parallel• However, we do recognise some components need to be of higher TRL• But, this is a research and development project

– Don’t have all the answers– Don’t know exactly where we are going to end up

Big Picture (Month 40 of 48): where we are in the project…

• Month 24: Milestone 3:– First Welsh demonstrator completed and ready for

testing in the field• Month 36: Milestone 4 (MS4):

– Field testing of first demonstrator completed• Month 41: Milestone 5 (MS5):

– Greek and German demonstrators completed and ready for testing in the field

• Month 46: Milestone 6 (MS6):– Field testing of Greek and German demonstrators


Greek Demonstrator Activity

• Mount Olympus– School fieldtrips– School exchange organised between Litohoro and Ysgol

Bro Hyddgen• Further co-design• Explore exploitation opportunities• Additional WNBR engagement, UNESCO Associated Schools

Project Network

• Samaria Gorge– MEET project (Mediterranean Experience of Ecotourism)– School fieldtrips– Greek Mountaineering Club of Chania

• Activity extended to two Natura 2000 sites

German Demonstrator Activity

• Focus on creating a toolkit that can be used by any crowdsourcing project to link and combine their observations with external data on the Web, eg, GBIF, Naturgucker, BürgerSchaffenWissen and Artenfinder projects

• Data collection, extended to:– Wattenmeer National Park (Nordeney Island) – Oberlausitzer Heide und Teichlandschaft’

Biosphere Reserve in Saxony

• Achievements by T0+36 versus project objectives

• Review of deliverables and milestones

• Problems faced, corrective actions taken

• Follow-up of the recommendations of the first review

Grant Agreement Amendment Dec 2015 #1 of 5

Established OGC as an additional beneficiary

1.1st July, 2014. OGC-Europe constituted so that staff employed directly in Europe

2.Prior to this date was technically OGC US based staff on project though located in Europe

3.Transition seamless and no significant impact on COBWEB

Grant Agreement Amendment Dec 2015 #2 of 5

Restructured WP6 tasks

1.Change emphasis from additional partner and working in a non-EU Biosphere Reserve (T6.5: Additional demonstrator non-EU)

2.Focus on QA/QC/conflation

3.Strengthen European dimension

4.Additional outreach activities beyond EU

Grant Agreement Amendment Dec 2015 #3 of 5

Changed milestone dates:MS Name Original

delivery date

Amended delivery

date1 Design Forum 5 5

2 Implementation #1 12 12

3 Initial Welsh demonstration

24 24

4 Implementation #2 30 36

5 Greek and German demonstration

36 41

6 Final release 45 46

Grant Agreement Amendment Dec 2015 #4 of 5

Deliverable related changes (44 total, 25 submitted, 10 accepted, 15 under review)

1.Changes to dissemination levels

2.Changes to delivery dates

3.Two new deliverables (versions of the Functional Architecture) added: D3.10 (v2), D3.11 (v3)

4.D6.5 (Additional demonstrator non-EU) removed

Grant Agreement Amendment Dec 2015 #5 of 5

Reallocation of Person Months per partner per Work Package

1.Total PM’s per partner mostly unaltered• WP2 increased

• WP7 reduced

• WP8 reduced

2.GeoCat effort increased to 80PMs

3.NUID UCD released 6PM to UEDIN to address high priority issues identified by reviewers

Consumption of Resources – Person Months

DoW Orig

DoW Amend

M36 Planned

M36 Actual

Dev %

WP1 61 61 45.75 51.93 13.51%

WP2 122 193 144.74 128.64 -11.12%

WP3 121.4 155.4 116.55 115.19 -1.17%

WP4 104 103 77.25 67.4 -12.75%

WP5 52.7 53.7 40.28 34.9 -13.35%

WP6 119 134.94 101.21 100.51 -0.69%

WP7 89.8 44.8 33.6 34.29 2.05%

WP8 128 98 73.5 70.65 -3.88%

WP9 97 107 80.25 75.48 -5.94%

TOTAL 894.9 950.84 713.12 677.55 -4.9%

• Achievements by T0+36 versus project objectives

• Review of deliverables and milestones

• Problems faced, corrective actions taken

• Follow-up of the recommendations of the first review

July 2014 Technical Review – Summary of summary

Comment Corrective measuresUse existing ontologies Use INSPIRE toolingInteroperate with existing i/f Bio Records WG, UKEOF, Co-Design sub-projectsStrengthen European dimension Other BR’s, Greece/Germany, Urdaibai, EuroMABEmpower citizens Co-design sub-projectsMore outreach WP9 change in emphasis, engage with OPALStrengthen ethical considerations Build into app, Co-Design sub-projectsPay attention to health and safety Build into app, Co-Design sub-projectsAddress gender imbalance Discuss at WP2, use social media Build in training Co-Design sub-projects, liaise with OPALMore on quality assurance/control Continue and expandEngage broader demographic Co-Design sub-projectsMore attention on resource use At various fora, eg, Project Board, WP Leader meetingsConsider sustainability more Co-Design sub-projects, OPAL, UKEOF, OSGeoEngage public sector more Use INSPIRE, Co-Design sub-projectsNon-EU engagement lacking UNESCOUse social media more ExpandGet general public involved Use Co-Design sub-projects and plan for 2016

OPen Air Laboratories (OPAL) network

• Led by Imperial College London• Founded European Citizen Science

Association (ECSA)• Memorandum of Understanding• Packaged Tree Health survey into COBWEB

App• Demonstrated at OPAL Partners meeting Nov

2015– May use for data collection Berlin in May in

association with ECSA conference• Submitted H2020 proposal together

July 2014 Technical Review – Summary of summary

Comment Corrective measuresUse existing ontologies Use INSPIRE toolingInteroperate with existing i/f Bio Records WG, UKEOF, Co-Design sub-projectsStrengthen European dimension Other BR’s, Greece/Germany, Urdaibai, EuroMABEmpower citizens Co-design sub-projectsMore outreach WP9 change in emphasis, engage with OPALStrengthen ethical considerations Build into app, Co-Design sub-projectsPay attention to health and safety Build into app, Co-Design sub-projectsAddress gender imbalance Discuss at WP2, use social media Build in training Co-Design sub-projects, liaise with OPALMore on quality assurance/control Continue and expandEngage broader demographic Co-Design sub-projectsMore attention on resource use At various fora, eg, Project Board, WP Leader meetingsConsider sustainability more Co-Design sub-projects, OPAL, UKEOF, OSGeoEngage public sector more Use INSPIRE, Co-Design sub-projectsNon-EU engagement lacking UNESCOUse social media more ExpandGet general public involved Use Co-Design sub-projects and plan for 2016

Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve, Basque country

• Collaboration agreement between Dyfi and Urdaibai BR’s being built on

• Meeting in Guernica on 30th Apr, 2015• Attended Citizen Science workshop Vitorio

Sept 2015• Ongoing dialogue with Miren Onaindia,

UNESCO Chair in Sustainable development and environmental education, Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao

July 2014 Technical Review – Summary of summary

Comment Corrective measuresUse existing ontologies Use INSPIRE toolingInteroperate with existing i/f Bio Records WG, UKEOF, Co-Design sub-projectsStrengthen European dimension Other BR’s, Greece/Germany, Urdaibai, EuroMABEmpower citizens Co-design sub-projectsMore outreach WP9 change in emphasis, engage with OPALStrengthen ethical considerations Build into app, Co-Design sub-projectsPay attention to health and safety Build into app, Co-Design sub-projectsAddress gender imbalance Discuss at WP2, use social media Build in training Co-Design sub-projects, liaise with OPALMore on quality assurance/control Continue and expandEngage broader demographic Co-Design sub-projectsMore attention on resource use At various fora, eg, Project Board, WP Leader meetingsConsider sustainability more Co-Design sub-projects, OPAL, UKEOF, OSGeoEngage public sector more Use INSPIRE, Co-Design sub-projectsNon-EU engagement lacking UNESCOUse social media more ExpandGet general public involved Use Co-Design sub-projects and plan for 2016

Co-design sub-projects brought lots of opportunities

• Explore interoperability with likes of NBN, LRC’s• Get a broader demographic involved• Examine ethical issues • Health and safety • Allow users to incorporate their own content• Consider sustainability options

– WP9 driving co-design activity in 2016

July 2014 Technical Review – Summary of summary

Comment Corrective measuresUse existing ontologies Use INSPIRE toolingInteroperate with existing i/f Bio Records WG, UKEOF, Co-Design sub-projectsStrengthen European dimension Other BR’s, Greece/Germany, Urdaibai, EuroMABEmpower citizens Co-design sub-projectsMore outreach WP9 change in emphasis, engage with OPALStrengthen ethical considerations Build into app, Co-Design sub-projectsPay attention to health and safety Build into app, Co-Design sub-projectsAddress gender imbalance Discuss at WP2, use social media Build in training Co-Design sub-projects, liaise with OPALMore on quality assurance/control Continue and expandEngage broader demographic Co-Design sub-projectsMore attention on resource use At various fora, eg, Project Board, WP Leader meetingsConsider sustainability more Co-Design sub-projects, OPAL, UKEOF, OSGeoEngage public sector more Use INSPIRE, Co-Design sub-projectsNon-EU engagement lacking UNESCOUse social media more ExpandGet general public involved Use Co-Design sub-projects and plan for 2016

Strengthen European dimension

• Engagement with ECSA– Attendance at meetings– Hosting data and interoperability meeting– Running workshop at annual conference 2016

• Collaborating with the EAGLE (Eionet Action Group on Land monitoring in Europe) group– EAGLE outputs driving Validating EO products pilot case study

development– Hosting 2-day workshop Edinburgh to explore collaboration

opportunities• Workshop at European Man and Biosphere (EuroMAB)

conference 2015, Estonia

July 2014 Technical Review – Summary of summary

Comment Corrective measuresUse existing ontologies Use INSPIRE toolingInteroperate with existing i/f Bio Records WG, UKEOF, Co-Design sub-projectsStrengthen European dimension Other BR’s, Greece/Germany, Urdaibai, EuroMABEmpower citizens Co-design sub-projectsMore outreach WP9 change in emphasis, engage with OPALStrengthen ethical considerations Build into app, Co-Design sub-projectsPay attention to health and safety Build into app, Co-Design sub-projectsAddress gender imbalance Discuss at WP2, use social media Build in training Co-Design sub-projects, liaise with OPALMore on quality assurance/control Continue and expandEngage broader demographic Co-Design sub-projectsMore attention on resource use At various fora, eg, Project Board, WP Leader meetingsConsider sustainability more Co-Design sub-projects, OPAL, UKEOF, OSGeoEngage public sector more Use INSPIRE, Co-Design sub-projectsNon-EU engagement lacking UNESCOUse social media more ExpandGet general public involved Use Co-Design sub-projects and plan for 2016

Strengthen Global dimension

• Engagement with GBIF– Joint meeting Copenhagen Jan 2016

• Cit Sci ad hocs at OGC Technical Committee meetings– Sydney Dec 2015– Washington Mar 2016

• COBWEB workshop at 4th World Conference of Biosphere Reserves, Lima, Mar 2016

• OGC-ICA-AGILE workshop AGILE 2016 ‘The Role of Geospatial Standards for Sustainable Development’– link to UN SDG’s and Cit Sci contributions

Reporting Period 3 roadmap

• May: Berlin, ECSA meeting. Hackathon demonstrating value of publishing to a harmonised data model, ie, SWE4CS

• June: OGC-ICA-AGILE workshop. • June: OGC TC, Dublin, publish Best

Practices paper: SWE4CS, metadata profile for Cit Sci

• Sept: Final consortium meeting, host ECSA interoperability WG


Thank You

Open Sourcing Fieldtrip GB

• In 2013, UEDIN management agreed to allow COBWEB development upon an open source version of pre-existing software (Fieldtrip GB)

• Refactored and made available on GitHub as Fieldtrip Open

• Extended under COBWEB

• Used to make rapid progress with the technical architecture

• A foundation upon which to mobilise citizens

• A foundation to conduct research on

• Possibilities for exploitation based upon open source business models