Codes and Conventions of TV Advertisements

Post on 02-Feb-2016

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Codes and conventions of TV advertisements

By bella & Bradley

camera angles - Introduction using a mid shot on Rita Ora highlighting they have a celebrity promoter

Close up on the product to show the viewer what their product is

Cut in shot to show the finished result of their product (bright lighting to enhance the gloss )

Wide shot showing the celebrity enjoying the product with others around her

A lot of energy with bright colours appealing to their younger audience audience and pop music


Full view of the product showing the brands image


Bright backdrop lighting focusing on Rita Ora

Bright lighting is also used to highlight the nail polish on her nails , showing the results of the product.

Sounds and music

Music: Rita Ora – I Will Never Let You Down

• The music used in this advert was composed by Rita Ora it matches other soundtracks which are used in rimmel London adverts as they all include upbeat pop music .

Hidden and overt messages

“Get the London look”- this phrase is used at the end of all of their adverts, this gives the viewer the idea that there's a certain necessity to buy their product to follow London fashion

Emotional Responses

If Rita Ora uses it, it must be good. Her nails like good

You should use this brandbecause you’ll get the London look and you’ll be just like Rita Ora

Celebrity Endorsement

Kate moss

Sophie Ellis-Bextor

Holly Willoughby

georgia may jagger

Today, Rimmel London is one of the world's most popular make-up producers. Their models are aged from 20-40 showing their target audience can differ in age as it appeals to a large audience, The women normally have natural beauty and use their make up to show this . The celebrities they use are seen frequently in the public eye showing their product is exclusive .

USP and Brand Identity.

• An Iconic part of Rimmel is Georgia Jagger and her signature gap between her teeth, this is a known part of the Rimmel company; but in this advert Rita Ora was promoting her new line with Rimmel. By using celebrity endorsement it widens Rimmel’s audience and opens the brand up to her fan base giving the brand a lot more publicity.

• Rimmel use their iconic catch phrase “Get The London Look” at the end of each of their ads, this gives the brand a sense of sophistication as London is a very sophisticated and iconic location.

• Their target audience is clearly teenagers and those in their early twenties, London is a very classically trendy and hip town by using the phrase “Get the London Look” it makes these young teens want to have this “London Look”

• USP and Brand Identity.

An Iconic part of Rimmel is Georgia Jagger and her signature gap between her teeth, this is a known part of the Rimmel company; but in this advert Rita Ora was promoting her new line with Rimmel. By using celebrity endorsement it widens Rimmel’s audience and opens the brand up to her fan base giving the brand a lot more publicity.