Cohomology and Spectral Sequences

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Chapter 9

Cohomology and Spectral


This appendix gives a short but intense introduction to cohomology and spectral

sequences, two powerful but sometimes intimidating topics. It is included mainly

for the convenience of the reader who is a non-specialist, so contains basic defi-

nitions and theorems (sometimes without proof) as well as illustrative examples.

In particular, after reading the chapter, we hope the reader will feel competent to


•  Higher derived functors (cohomology from a new viewpoint).

•  Spectral sequences.

Comprehensive treatments of the material here (and proofs) may be found in Eisen-

bud [11], Hartshorne [19], and Weibel [?] Throughout this section, the ring R  is a

commutative, finitely generated C–algebra, and the sheaf O X  is the sheaf of regular

functions on a complex variety X .

0. Homological basics: Complexes and Resolutions

A sequence of  R–modules and homomorphisms

C  :   · · ·  φj+2       M  j+1

φj+1       M  jφj       M  j−1

φj−1        · · ·

is a complex (or chain complex) if 

imφ j+1 ⊆  ker φ j .

The sequence is  exact   at M  j   if   imφ j+1   = ker φ j ; a complex which is exact ev-

erywhere is called an  exact sequence. The j th homology module of C   is defined


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382   9. Cohomology and Spectral Sequences


H  j(C ) = ker φ j/imφ j+1.The following complex is ubiquitous:

Example 0.1.   [Koszul complex] Let S   =   C[x1, . . . , xn], with  f 1, . . . , f  m   ∈   S .Set V   = S m with basis {e1, . . . , em}, and let f  =

mi=1 f iei. The sequence:

0       S   dn       Λ1(V  )

dn−1       Λ2(V  )       · · ·  d1       Λn(V  ) ∼= S        0  .

with  d j(γ ) =   f  ∧  γ   is easily checked to be a complex; it is called the   Koszul

complex on {f 1, . . . , f  m}.   ⋄

Example 0.2.  sheaf theoretic version of something not exact as sequence of mod-

ules, but exact at sheaf level, in particular Toric with supp in B.   ⋄0.1. Maps of complexes, Snake Lemma, long exact sequence.

Definition 0.3.   If  A  and  B   are complexes, then a  morphism of complexes  φ  is a

family of homomorphisms Aiφi→ Bi  making the diagram below commute:

A :   · · ·       Ai+1∂ i+1      


Ai∂ i      


Ai−1∂ i−1      


· · ·

B :   · · ·       Bi+1δi+1       Bi

δi       Bi−1δi−1       · · ·

Lemma 0.4   (Induced Map on Homology).   A morphism of complexes induces a

map on homology.

Proof.   To show that   φi   induces a map   H i(A)   →   H i(B), take   ai   ∈   Ai   with

∂ i(ai) = 0. Since the diagram commutes,

0 = φi−1∂ i(ai) = δ iφi(ai)

Hence,   φi(ai)   is in the kernel of   δ i, so we obtain a map  ker ∂ i   →   H i(B). If 

ai =  ∂ i+1(ai+1), then

φi(ai) = φi∂ i+1(ai+1) = δ i+1φi+1(ai+1),

so φ  takes the image of  ∂  to the image of  δ , yielding a map H i(A) →  H i(B).  

When do two morphisms of complexes induce the same map on homology?

Definition 0.5.   If  A and B  are complexes, and α, β  are morphisms of complexes,

then α and β  are homotopic if there exists a family of homomorphisms Aiγ i→ Bi+1

such that for all  i,  αi −  β i   =  δ i+1γ i +  γ i−1∂ i. Notice that  γ  need not commute

with ∂  and  δ .

Theorem 0.6.  Homotopic maps induce the same map on homology.

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0. Homological basics: Complexes and Resolutions   383

Proof.  It suffices to show that if αi  =  δ i+1γ i +γ i−1∂ i then α induces the zero map

on homology. But if  ai ∈ H i(A), then since ∂ i(ai) = 0,

αi(ai) = δ i+1γ i(ai) + γ i−1∂ i(ai) = δ i+1γ i(ai) ∈  im(δ ),

so αi(ai) = 0 in H i(B).  

Lemma 0.7 (The Snake Lemma).  For a commutative diagram of  R –modules with

exact rows


f 1   


f 2   


f 3   


0       B1b1        B2

b2        B3

then there exists an exact sequence:

ker f 1       ker f 2       ker f 3δ        cokerf 1       cokerf 2       cokerf 3   .

Definition 0.8.   A short exact sequence of complexes is a commuting diagram:






   A :  · · ·

  ∂ 3        A2∂ 2       


A1∂ 2       





B :  · · ·  ∂ 3        B2

∂ 2       


B1∂ 2       





C   : · · ·∂ 3        C 2

∂ 2       


C 1∂ 2       


C 0      



0 0 0

where the columns are exact and the rows are complexes.

In Exercise 0.1 you’ll prove the snake lemma, and in Exercise 0.2  you’ll com-

bine it with induction to show:

Theorem 0.9   (Long Exact Sequence in Homology).   A short exact sequence of 

complexes yields a long exact sequence in homology:

· · ·       H n+1(C )       H n(A)       H n(B)       H n(C )       H n−1(A)       · · ·

A proof using spectral sequences appears in  §3.

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384   9. Cohomology and Spectral Sequences

0.2. Projective and injective modules.

Definition 0.10.  A module P   is projective  if it possesses a universal lifting prop-

erty: For any  R–modules G  and H , given a homomorphism  P   α−→   H   and sur-

 jection   G  β −→   H , there exists a homomorphism   θ   making the diagram below





β         H        0

A (left) R-module M   is   free  if  M   is isomorphic to a direct sum of copies of 

the (left) R–module R. Free modules are projective.

Definition 0.11.   A module I   is  injective  if given a homomorphism  H   α−→  I   and

injection  H   β −→   G, there exists a homomorphism   θ  making the diagram below







β      0  

Projective and Injective modules will come to the forefront in the next section,

which describes  derived functors.

0.3. Resolutions.   Given an  R–module  M , there exists a projective module sur-

 jecting onto  M ; for example, take a free module with a generator for each element

of  M . This yields an exact sequence:

P 0d0−→ M  −→ 0.

The map  d0   has a kernel, so the process can be iterated, producing an exact se-

quence (possibly infinite) of free modules, terminating in M .

Definition 0.12.   A projective resolution for an R–module M  is an exact sequence

of projective modules

· · · P 2


−→ P 1


−→ P 0,   with coker(d1) = M.Notice there is no uniqueness property; for example we could set P ′4  =  P 4 ⊕ R

and P ′3   =   P 3  ⊕  R, and define a map  P ′4   →   P ′3   which is the identity on the  R–

summands, and the original map on the   P i   summands. In the category of   R–

modules the construction above shows that projective resolutions always exist.

Surprisingly this is not the case for sheaves of O X -modules. In fact ([19], Exercise

III.6.2), for X  =  P1 there is no projective object surjecting onto O X .

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1. Functors and Derived Functors   385

Definition 0.13.   An injective resolution for an R–module M  is an exact sequence

of injective modules

I 0d0−→ I 1

d1−→ I 2, · · ·   with   ker(d0) = M.

While it is not obvious that injective resolutions exist, it can be shown (see,

e.g. [?]) that in both the category of  R–modules and the category of sheaves of 

O X –modules, every object does have an injective resolution.

 Exercises for  §  0.

0.1.  Prove the snake lemma.

0.2.  Prove the existance of the long exact sequence in homology.

0.3.  Prove the existance of an injective resolution for  R–modules, when  R   =   Z   (seeHungerford, divisibility section).

1. Functors and Derived Functors

In this section we describe the construction of derived functors, focusing on  E xti

(in the category of R-modules) and H i (in the category of sheaves of O X –modules).

For brevity we call these two categories “our categories”. Working in our cate-

gories keeps things concrete and lets us avoid introducing too much terminology,

while highlighting the most salient features of the constructions, most of which ap-

ply in much more general contexts. For proofs and a detailed discussion, see [11]

or [?].

1.1. Categories and Functors.   Recall that a category is a class of objects, along

with morphisms between the objects, satisfying certain properties: composition of 

morphisms is associative, and identity morphisms exist.

Definition 1.1.   Suppose B and C   are categories. A  functor F  is a function from

B to C , taking objects to objects and morphisms to morphisms, preserving identity

morphisms and compositions. If 

B1b1−→ B2

b2−→ B3

is a sequence of objects and morphisms in B , then

•   F   is covariant if applying F  yields a sequence of objects and morphisms

in C  of the form:

F (B1)  F (b1)−−−→ F (B2)

  F (b2)−−−→ F (B3).

•   F   is  contravariant   if applying  F  yields a sequence of objects and mor-

phisms in C  of the form:

F (B3)  F (b2)−−−→ F (B2)

  F (b1)−−−→ F (B1).

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386   9. Cohomology and Spectral Sequences

A functor is  additive if it preserves addition of homomorphisms; this property

will be necessary in the construction of derived functors.

Example 1.2.  The global sections functor is covariant: given a sequence of O X –


M 1f 

−→ M 2g

−→ M 3,

taking global sections yields a sequence

Γ(M 1) →  Γ(M 2) →  Γ(M 3).

Definition 1.3.   Let  F   be a functor from  B   to  C , with  B   and  C   categories of 

modules over a ring. Let

0       B1b1        B2

b2        B3      0

be a short exact sequence.  F   is left–exact if either

•   F  is covariant, and the sequence

0       F (B1)  F (b1)       F (B2)

  F (b2)       F (B3)   is exact, or

•   F  is contravariant, and the sequence

0       F (B3)  F (b2)       F (B2)

  F (b1)       F (B1)   is exact.

A similar definition applies for right exactness; a functor F 

 is said to be exact

if it is both left and right exact, which is synonymous with saying that F   preserves

exact sequences.

1.2. Derived Functors.   The construction of derived functors is motivated by the

following question: if  F  is a left exact, contravariant functor and

0       B1b1        B2

b2        B3      0

is a short exact sequence, then what is the cokernel of  F (b1)? For example, if  N   is

a fixed R–module, then the functor H omR(•, N ) is a functor of exactly this type.

Definition 1.4.   Let B  be the category of modules over a ring, and let  F  be a left

exact, contravariant, additive functor from B  to itself. If  M  ∈ B , then there existsa projective resolution P •  for  M .

· · ·       P 2d2        P 1

d1        P 0

Applying F   to P •  yields a complex:

0       F (P 0)  F (d1)       F (P 1)

  F (d2)       F (P 2)       · · · .

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1. Functors and Derived Functors   387

The right derived functors RiF (M ) are defined as

RiF (M ) = H i(F (P •)).

Theorem 1.5.   RiF (M )   is independent of the choice of projective resolution, and 

has the following properties:

•   R0F (M ) = F (M ).

•   If  M  is projective then RiF (M ) = 0 if  i > 0.

•  A short exact sequence

B• :  0  →  B1b1−→ B2

b2−→ B3 →  0

gives rise to a long exact sequence

R j−

1F (B3)

Rj−1(F (b2))

       R j−

1F (B2)

Rj−1(F (b1))

       R j−

1F (B1)








R jF (B3)Rj(F (b2))        R jF (B2)

Rj(F (b1))        R jF (B1)








R j+1F (B3)Rj+1(F (b2))       R j+1F (B2)

Rj+1(F (b1))       R j+1F (B1)

of derived functors, where the connecting maps are natural: given another 

short exact sequence  C •   and map from  B•   to  C • , the obvious diagram

involving the RiF   commutes.

The proof is really not bad but long to write out, and we refer to Proposition

A3.17 of [11] for details. There are four possible combinations of variance and

exactness; the type of resolution used to compute the derived functors of   F   is

given below:

F covariant contravariant

left exact injective projectiveright exact projective injective

In the next sections, we study some common derived functors.

1.3. Ext.   Let R  be a ring, and suppose

B• : 0 →  B1b1−→ B2

b2−→ B3 →  0

is a short exact sequence of  R–modules, with N  some fixed R–module. Applying

HomR(•, N ) to B•  yields an exact sequence:

0 →  HomR(B3, N )  c1−→ HomR(B2, N )

  c2−→ HomR(B1, N ),

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388   9. Cohomology and Spectral Sequences

with c1(φ) → φ ◦ b2 and c2(θ) → θ ◦ b1; HomR(•, N ) is left exact and contravari-


Definition 1.6.   ExtiR(•, N ) is the ith right derived functor of  HomR(•, N )

Given R–modules M  and N , to compute ExtiR(M, N ), we must find a projec-

tive resolution for M 

· · · → P 2d2−→ P 1

d1−→ P 0,

and compute the homology of the complex

0 →  Hom(P 0, N ) →  Hom(P 1, N ) →  Hom(P 2, N ) → · · ·

Example 1.7.   Let R  =  C[x,y ,z],  M   =  R/xy,xz,yz, and suppose  N   ≃  R1.

Applying HomR(•, R1) to the projective (indeed, free) resolution of  M 

0 −→ R(−3)2


−z   −zy   00   x


−−−−−−−−−−→ R(−2)3

h xy xz yz


−−−−−−−−−−−−→ R

simply means dualizing the module and transposing the differentials, so Exti(R/I,R)is:

H i

0 −→ R




−−−−−→  R(2)3

24 −z y   0

−z   0   x


−−−−−−−−−−→  R(3)2 −→ 0

Thus, Ext2(R/I,R) is the cokernel of the last map, and it is easy to check thatExt0(R/I,R) = Ext1(R/I,R) = 0.   ⋄

For a fixed  R–module  M , applying  HomR(M, •)   to  B•   yields an exact se-


0       HomR(M, B1)  c1        HomR(M, B2)

  c2        HomR(M, B3) ,

with c1(φ) → b1 ◦ φ and c2(θ) → b2 ◦ θ; HomR(·, M ) is left exact and covariant.

Thus, to compute the derived functors of  HomR(·, M ), on a module N , we must

find an injective resolution of  N :





2       · · ·

then compute

H i

0       Hom(I 0, M )       Hom(I 1, M )       Hom(I 2, M )       · · ·

Using spectral sequences (see next section), it is possible to show that that Exti(M, N )can be regarded as the  ith derived functor of  either  HomR(•, N ) or  HomR(M, •).

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1. Functors and Derived Functors   389

1.4. The global sections functor.   Let X  be a variety, and supposeB is a coherent

O X –module. As we saw in Chapter 7, the global sections functor Γ  is left exactand covariant. Hence, to compute LiΓ(B ), we take an injective resolution of B :

I 0     

I 1     

I 2      · · ·

then compute

H i

0       Γ(I 0)       Γ(I 1)       Γ(I 2)       · · ·

In Example 1.7 we wrote down an explicit free resolution and computed the  Ext–

modules. Unfortunately, the general construction for injective resolutions produces

very complicated objects. For example, if  R is a polynomial ring, then the smallest

injective module in which the residue field can be included is infinitely generated.

It is not obvious that there is a relation between the  Cech cohomology which

appeared in Chapter 7 and the derived functors of  Γ  defined above. At the end of 

this chapter, we’ll see that there is a map

H i(U  ,F ) −→ H i(X,F ),

and use spectral sequences to show that with certain conditions on  U    this is an

isomorphism. The upshot is that many key facts about Cech cohomology (for ex-

ample, the fact that a short exact sequence of sheaves gives rise to a long exact

sequence in cohomology) follow automatically from the derived functor machin-


1.5. Acyclic objects.   The last concept we need in order to work with derived func-tors is the notion of an acyclic object.

Definition 1.8.   Let F  be a left–exact, covariant functor. An object  A  is acyclic for

F   if  RiF (A) = 0 for all i > 0. An acyclic resolution of  M  is an exact sequence

A0   d0        A1   d1        A2   d2        · · ·

where the Ai are acyclic, and M  = ker(d0).

The reason acyclic objects are important is that a resolution of acyclic objects

is   good enough to compute higher derived functors; in other words we have an

alternative to using resolutions by projective or injective objects.

Theorem 1.9.   Let M  be a coherent O X  –module, and 

A  0     

A  1     

A  2      · · ·

a Γ –acyclic resolution of M . Then

RiΓ(M ) = H i

0       Γ(A  0)       Γ(A  1)       Γ(A  2)       · · ·

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390   9. Cohomology and Spectral Sequences

Proof.  First, break the resolution into short exact sequences:


      0 0

M 1



         M 3


0       M       A  0



    A  1     

         A  2



    A  3     

         · · ·

M 0



    M 2





         0 0


Since the A  i are acyclic for Γ, applying Γ  to the short exact sequence

0 → M   → A  0 → M 

0 → 0

yields an exact sequence

0 →  Γ(M ) →  Γ(A  0) →  Γ(M 0) →  R1Γ(M ) →  0

Now apply the snake lemma to the middle two columns of the (exact, commutative)

diagram below.






   0       Γ(M )      


Γ(A  0)      


Γ(M 0)      


R1Γ(M )       0

0       Γ(M )      


Γ(A  0)      


Γ(A  1)      


Γ(A  1)/Γ(A  0)       0

0 0       Γ(M 1)       Γ(M 1)

This yields a right exact sequence

0 →  R1Γ(M ) →  Γ(A  1)/Γ(A  0) →  Γ(M 1) ≃  Γ(A  1)/ ker(d1),

where Γ(A  1)  d1−→ Γ(A  2). Hence,

R1Γ(M ) = H 1

0       Γ(A  0)       Γ(A  1)       Γ(A  2)       · · ·

In Exercise 1.2 you’ll show that iterating this process yields the theorem.  

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2. Spectral Sequences   391

 Exercises for  §  1.

1.1.  Prove that the derived functors do not depend on choice of resolution. The key to this

is to construct a homotopy between resolutions, and appeal to Theorem 1.6.

1.2.  Complete the proof of Theorem 1.9 by replacing the sequence

0 → M   → A  0 → M 

0 → 0


0 → M i−1 → A  

i → M i → 0

2. Spectral Sequences

Spectral sequences are a fundamental tool in algebra and topology; at first glance,

they can seem quite confusing. In this brief overview, we describe a specific type

of spectral sequence, state the main theorem, and illustrate the use of spectral se-quences by several examples.

2.1. Total complex of double complex.

Definition 2.1.   A first quadrant double complex is a commuting diagram, where

each row and each column is a complex:




   P 02



P 12




     P 22






P 01



P 11




     P 21






P 00   P 10δ10

     P 20δ20



For each antidiagonal, define a module

P m  =

i+ j=m

P ij .

We may define mapsP m

Dm−→ P m−1


Dm(cij) = dij(cij) + (−1)mδ ij(cij).

Thus, Dm−1Dm(a) =  dd(a) +  δδ (a) ± (dδ (a) − δd(a)). The fact that each row

and each column are complexes implies that   δδ (a) = 0   and  dd(a) = 0. The

commutativity of the diagram implies that  dδ (a) = δd(a), and so D2 = 0.

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392   9. Cohomology and Spectral Sequences

Definition 2.2.   The  total complex  Tot(P )  associated to a double complex P ij   is

the complex (P •, D•) defined above.

Definition 2.3.   A filtration of a module M  is a chain of submodules

0 ⊆  M n  ⊆ M n−1 ⊆ · · · ⊆ M 1 ⊆  M 0  =  M 

A filtration has an associated graded object  gr(M ) =  ⊕M i/M i+1. The main

theorem concerning the spectral sequence of a double complex describes two dif-

ferent filtrations of the homology of the associated single complex. To describe

these filtrations, we need to follow two different paths through the double com-


2.2. The vertical filtration.   For a double complex as above, we first computehomology with respect to the vertical differentials, yielding the following diagram:

ker(d02)/im(d03) ker(d12)/im(d13)δ12



ker(d01)/im(d02) ker(d11)/im(d12)δ11



P 00/im(d01)   P 10/im(d11)δ10

     P 20/im(d21)δ20


These objects are renamed as follows:

vertE 102   vertE 112δ12

    vertE 122δ22



vertE 101   vertE 111δ11

    vertE 121δ21



vertE 100   vertE 110δ10

    vertE 120δ20



The vertical arrows disappeared after computing homology with respect to  d, and

the horizontal arrows reflect the induced maps on homology from the original di-

agram. Now, compute the homology of the diagram above, with respect to the

horizontal maps. For example, the object  vertE 211   represents

ker(vertE 111δ11−→  vertE 101)/im(vertE 121

δ21−→  vertE 111)

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2. Spectral Sequences   393

The resulting modules may be displayed in a grid:

vertE 202   vertE 212   vertE 222

vertE 201   vertE 211   vertE 221

vertE 200   vertE 210   vertE 220

Although it appears at first that there are no maps between these objects, the crucial

observation is that there is a map d2i,j   from E 2ij   to E 2i−2,j+1. This “knight’s move”

is constructed just like the connecting map  δ  appearing in the snake lemma. The

diagram above (with differentials added) is thus:

vertE 202   vertE 212   vertE 222

vertE 201   vertE 211   vertE 221



vertE 200   vertE 210   vertE 220



So we may compute homology with respect to this differential. The homology at

position (i, j)  is labeled, as one might expect,   vert E 3ij ; it is now the case (but far

from intuitive) that there is a differential  d3i,j  taking  vert E 3ij   to  vert E 3i−3,j+2:

vertE 302   vertE 312   vertE 322   vertE 332

vertE 301   vertE 311   vertE 321   vertE 331

vertE 300   vertE 310   vertE 320   vertE 330



The process continues, with drij  mapping  vert E rij  to  vert E ri−r,j+r−1. One thing that

is obvious is that since the double complex lies in the first quadrant, eventually

the differentials in and out at position  (i, j)  must be zero, so that the module at

position  (i, j)  stabilizes; it is written   vert E ∞ij  . For example, it is easy to see that

vert E 210 =  vert E ∞10 , while  vert E 220 =  vert E ∞20   but vert E 320  =  vert E ∞20 .

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394   9. Cohomology and Spectral Sequences

2.3. Main theorem.   The main theorem is that the   E ∞ terms of a spectral se-

quence from a first quadrant double complex are related to the homology of thetotal complex.

Definition 2.4.   If  gr(M )m  ≃ i+ j=m

E ∞ij  , then we say that a spectral sequence of 

the filtered object M  converges, and write

E r ⇒ M 

Theorem 2.5.  For the filtration of  H m(Tot) obtained by truncating columns of the

double complex,

i+ j=m

vert E ∞ij   ⇒ H m(Tot).

As with the long exact sequence of of derived functors, the proof is not bad,

but lengthy, so we refer to [?] or [11] for details. In the previous section, we first

computed homology with respect to the vertical differential d. If instead we first

compute homology with respect to the horizontal differential   δ , then the higher

differentials are:

d1      d2








As before, for r  ≫  0, the source and target are zero, so the homology at position

(i, j) stabilizes. The resulting value is denoted  hor E ∞ij  , and we have:

Theorem 2.6.   For the filtration of  H m(Tot)  obtained by truncating rows of the

double complex, i+ j=m

hor E ∞ij   ⇒ H m(Tot).

For a first quadrant double complex (the only kind that will be of interest to

us), the above two theorems tell us thati+ j=m

hor E ∞ij   ⇒ H m(Tot) and

i+ j=m

vert E ∞ij   ⇒ H m(Tot).

Because the filtrations for the horizontal and vertical spectral sequence are differ-

ent, it is often the case that for one of the spectral sequences the  E ∞ terms stabilize

very early (perhaps even vanishing). So the main idea is to play off the two differ-

ent filtrations against each other. This is illustrated in the next example.

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2. Spectral Sequences   395

Example 2.7.   We prove Theorem   0.9   via spectral sequences. Let  0   →   C 2   →

C 1 →  C 0  →  0  be a short exact sequence of complexes:






   C 2  :  0   C 02


     C 12


     C 22



C 1  :  0   C 01


     C 11


     C 21



C 0  :  0   C 00  


C 10


     C 20  



0 0 0

Since the columns are exact, it is immediate that for all  (i, j)

vert E 1ij  =  vert E ∞ij   = 0

By Theorem 2.5, we conclude H m(Tot) = 0 for all m. For the horizontal filtration

hor E 1ij  = H i(C  j) if  j  ∈ {1, 2, 3}, and 0  otherwise. For E 2

hor E 2ij  =

ker(H i(C 1) →  H i(C 2))   j = 1

ker(H i(C 2) →  H i(C 3))/im(H i(C 1) →  H i(C 2))   j = 2

coker(H i(C 2) →  H i(C 3))   j = 3.

The d2

 differential is zero for the middle row, and maps horE 


i,2 →  horE 



· · ·   horE 2i,2






 horE 2i+1,2   · · ·

· · ·   horE 2i,1   horE 2i+1,1   · · ·

· · ·   horE 2i,0   horE 2i+1,0   · · ·

So  horE 2i,1 =  horE ∞i,1, while

horE 3i,2 =  horE 

i,2 = ker(horE 2i,2 →  horE 



horE 3i,0 =  horE ∞i,0 = coker(horE 2i,2 →  horE 2i+1,0)

By Theorem 2.6,

H m(Tot) =

i+ j=m

hor E ∞ij

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396   9. Cohomology and Spectral Sequences

From the vertical spectral sequence,  H m(Tot) = 0, so all the terms  hor E ∞ij   must

vanish. Working backwards, we see this means

0 =  horE 2i,1 = ker(H i(C 2) →  H i(C 3))/im(H i(C 1) →  H i(C 2)),

hence H i(C 1) →  H i(C 2) →  H i(C 3) is exact, and

ker(H i(C 1) →  H i(C 2)) ≃  coker(H i+1(C 2) →  H i+1(C 3))

which yields the long exact sequence in homology.   ⋄

 Exercises for  §  2.

2.1.  Tensor product is right exact and covariant. Prove that the  ith left derived functor of 

• ⊗R N  is isomorphic to the  ith left derived functor of  N  ⊗R • as follows: Let

· · · → P 2 p2

−→ P 1 p1

−→ P 0be a projective resolution for  M   and

· · · → Q2

q2−→ Q1

q1−→ Q0

be a projective resolution for  N . Form the double complex




   P 0 ⊗ Q2



P 1 ⊗ Q2




     P 2 ⊗ Q2






P 0 ⊗ Q1



P 1 ⊗ Q1



δ11     P 2 ⊗ Q1



δ21   δ31  

P 0 ⊗ Q0   P 1 ⊗ Q0δ10

     P 2 ⊗ Q0δ20



with differentials P i ⊗ Qj

δij→ P i−1 ⊗ Qj  defined by a ⊗ b → pi(a) ⊗ b, and P i ⊗ Qj


P i ⊗ Qj−1  defined by a ⊗ b → a ⊗ q j(b).

(a) Show that for the vertical filtration, the E 1 terms are

vertE 1ij  =

P i ⊗ N j  = 0

0   j  = 0.

Now explain why  vertE 2

=  vertE ∞

, and these terms are:

vertE 2ij  =

H i(P • ⊗ N ) =  T ori(M, N )   j  = 0

0   j  = 0.

(b) Show that for the horizontal filtration

horE 2ij  =

H j(M  ⊗ Q•) =  T orj(N, M )   i = 0

0   i = 0.

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3. Spectral Sequences and Derived Functors   397

(c) Put everything together to conclude that

T orm(M, N ) =


vert E ∞ij   ≃ gr(H m(Tot))  ≃


hor E ∞ij   ≃ T orm(N, M )

2.2.   Prove that Exti(M, N ) can be regardedas the ith derived functor of  either HomR(•, N )or HomR(M, •). The method is quite similar to the proof above, except for this one, you’ll

need both projective and injective resolutions.

3. Spectral Sequences and Derived Functors

In this last section, we’ll see how useful the machinery of spectral sequences in

yielding theorems about derived functors. To do this, we first define resolutions of complexes. Note that sometimes our differentials on the double complex go “up

and right” instead of “down and left”, so the higher differentials change accord-


3.1. Resolution of a complex.   Suppose

A : 0      A  0

     A  1

     A  2

      · · ·

is a complex, either of  R–modules or of sheaves of  O X –modules. An   injective

resolution of  A is a double complex:

I 02     


I 12


      I 22



I 01


      I 11


      I 21



I 00      


I 10      


I 20      


satisfying the following properties (d jk denotes the horizontal differential at ( j, k)).

•  The complex is exact.

•   Each column I i∗ is an injective resolution of A  i.

•   ker(d jk ) is an injective summand of I  jk .

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398   9. Cohomology and Spectral Sequences

The last condition implies that   im(d j,k)   is also injective. This yields a “Hodge


0       im(d j−1,k)      


ker(d j,k)      


H  j,kd       0

im(d j−1,k)

It follows that we may decompose the sequence

I  j−1,kdj−1,k      

I  j,k  dj,k      

I  j+1,k


       im(d j−2,k)  0        im(d j,k)

  1        im(d j,k)              H  j−1,k

  0        H  j,k  0        H  j+1,k      

       im(d j−1,k)  1       im(d j−1,k)

  0       im(d j+1,k)      

An inductive argument (Exercise 3.1) shows that in a category with enough injec-tive objects, injective resolutions of complexes always exist.

3.2. Grothendieck spectral sequence.   One of the most important spectral se-

quences is due to Grothendieck, and relates the higher derived functors of a pair of 

functors F ,G, and their composition  F G.

Theorem 3.1.   Suppose that  F   is a left exact, covariant functor from  C 1   →   C 2

and  G   is a left exact, covariant functor from  C 2   →   C 3 , where the  C i  are one of 

our categories. If  A   ∈   C 1  has an  F  –acyclic resolution  A  • such that  F (A  i)   is

G –acyclic then

RiG(R jF (A)) ⇒  Ri+ jGF (A)

Proof.  Take an injective resolution I •,• for the complex

0       F (A  0)       F (A  1)       F (A  2)       · · ·

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3. Spectral Sequences and Derived Functors   399

Apply G  to I •,•. It follows from the construction above that a row of the double

complex G(I •,•

) has the form:

       G(im(d j−2,k))G(0)

       G(im(d j,k))G(1)

       G(im(d j,k))              G(H  j−1,k)

G(0)       G(H  j,k)

G(0)       G(H  j+1,k)      

       G(im(d j−1,k))G(1)

       G(im(d j−1,k))G(0)

       G(im(d j+1,k))      


horE 1

ij  = G(H i,j

)By construction, H i,j is the jth object in an injective resolution for the ith cohomol-

ogy of  F (A  •). Since A  • was an F –acyclic resolution for A, the ith cohomology

is exactly RiF (A), so that

horE 2ij  = H  j

0 →  G(H i,0) →  G(H i,1) →  G(H i,2) → · · ·

= R jG(RiF (A))

Next, we turn to the vertical filtration. We have the double complex

G(I 02)      


G(I 12)


       G(I 22)



G(I 01)


       G(I 11)


       G(I 21)



G(I 00)      


G(I 10)      


G(I 20)      


SinceI ij is an injective resolution of  F (A  i),

R jG(F (A  i)) = H  j0 →  G(I i0) →  G(I i1) →  G(I i2) → · · · .

Now, the assumption that the F (A  i) are G–acyclic forces R jG(F (A  i)) to vanish,

for all j >  0! Hence, the cohomology of a  column  of the double complex above

vanishes, except at position zero. In short

vertE 1ij  =

GF (A  i)   j = 0

0   j = 0.

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400   9. Cohomology and Spectral Sequences


vertE ∞ij   =   vertE 2ij  =

Ri+ jGF (A)   j = 00   j = 0.

Applying Theorem 2.5 and Theorem 2.6 concludes the proof.  

3.3. Comparing cohomology theories.   Our final application of spectral sequences

will be to relate the higher derived functors of  Γ  to the  Cech cohomology. For any

map Y   f  → X  and sheaf F   on Y , the pushforward is defined via:

f ∗F (V  ) = F (f −1(V ))

If  I  p  denotes a p + 1-tuple {i0  < i1  < · · · < i p} and U I p  = U i0 ∩ · · · ∩ U ip , then

applying this to the inclusion U I pi


→ X  gives a sheaf theoretic version of the  Cech


C  p(U  ,F ) =

I p

i∗(F |U I p).

In Exercise 3.2 you’ll show that C • gives a resolution of F , and if F  is injective,

so are the C •. Taking this as given, we then have:

Lemma 3.2.  For an open cover U   , there is a map

H i(U  ,F ) −→ H i(X,F )

Proof.  Take an injective resolution I • for F . By injectivity, we get

0       F       


C 0     


C 1      · · ·

I 0

Iterating the construction gives a map of complexesC • → I •, which by Lemma 0.4

yields a map on cohomology.  

Theorem 3.3.   Let U    be an open cover such that for any I  p ,

H i(U I p ,F ) = 0,   for all i  ≥  1.


H i(U  ,F ) = H i(X,F ).

Proof.  Take an injective resolution I • forF . The hypothesis that H i(U I p,F ) =0, i > 0  implies that the sequence

0       F (U I p)       I 0(U I p)       I 1(U I p)       · · ·

is exact. Then as in the construction of the sheaf-theoretic  Cech complex, we obtain

a  Cech complex built out of the direct product of these, which is by construction

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3. Spectral Sequences and Derived Functors   401

a resolution (depicted below) of the  Cech complex for  F . The bottom row is

included for clarity, it is  not  part of the complex.

C 0(U  ,I 2)      


C 1(U  ,I 2)      


C 2(U  ,I 2)      


C 0(U  ,I 1)      


C 1(U  ,I 1)      


C 2(U  ,I 1)      


C 0(U  ,I 0)      


C 1(U  ,I 0)      


C 2(U  ,I 0)      


C 0(U  ,F )      


C 1(U  ,F )      


C 2(U  ,F )      


Applying Γ, since H i(U I p,F ) = 0 for i > 0,

vertE 1ij  =

Γ(C i(U  ,F ))   j  = 0

0   j  = 0.

Thus, E 2 = E ∞, and since Γ(C i(U  ,F )) = C i(U  ,F )

vertE 2ij  =

H i(U  ,F )   j  = 0

0   j  = 0.

For the horizontal filtration, since the C i

(U  ,I  j

) are injective,

horE 1ij  =

Γ(I  j)   i = 0

0   i = 0.

and thus

horE 2ij  =

H  j(Γ(I •))   i = 0

0   i = 0.

But this is the usual derived functor cohomology. The result follows from Theo-

rem 2.5 and Theorem 2.6.  

 Exercises for  §  3.

3.1.  Prove that in a category with enough injective objects, injective resolutions of com-plexes always exist.

3.2.  Show that C • is a resolution of F , as follows. By working at the level of stalks, show

that there is a morphism of complexes

C i(U  ,F ) p

k−→ C 

i−1(U  ,F ) p

such that (di−1k + kdi) is the identity. Conclude by applying Theorem 0.6. Finally, show

that if F  is injective, then so are the sheaves C i(U  ,F ). If you get stuck, see [19], III.4.

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402   9. Cohomology and Spectral Sequences

3.3.   Let  Y   f  →   X  be a continuous map between topological spaces, with  A  a sheaf of 

abelian groups on Y .(a) Show that pushforward f ∗  is left exact and covariant, so associated to  A  are objects

Rjf ∗(A)).

(b) Use Theorem 3.1 to obtain the Leray spectral sequence:

H i(Rjf ∗(A)) ⇒  H i+j(A)

3.4.   SupposeU    is a  Leray cover:  H i(U,F ) = 0 for all open sets U  ∈ U  . Show that then

H i(U  ,F ) =  H i(X,F ).