Coleman Middle School Technology Plan

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Coleman Middle School Technology Plan. E7801:Instructional Technology Planning and Management Presented by: Kandra Cosby. Introduction: Technology Mission Statement Technology Mission Statement. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Coleman Middle School

Technology Plan

Coleman Middle School

Technology Plan E7801:Instructional Technology

Planning and ManagementPresented by:Kandra Cosby

E7801:Instructional TechnologyPlanning and Management

Presented by:Kandra Cosby

Technology Mission Statement

• Provide a learning environment that supports the diverse needs of all learners using technologically- enhanced instructional strategies that facilitate higher order thinking skills. Our technology plan includes the school background, the needs assessment that was created according to the results of an online questionnaire, a funding plan, the technology acquisition plan, access to the technology, a user support and professional development plan, and information regarding the program evaluation.

Technology Vision Statement

•Ensure that every student, teacher, administrator, and staff member will use technology to communicate and collaborate ideas independently and collectively in society in an accurate, ethical, and intellectual manner.


•Coleman Middle School opened in August, 1973 and was renamed in 2005 after Bessie Coleman

•802 students, coed, public, suburban middle school grades 6,7, and 8.

•50 teachers, 3 administrators, 2 counselors, 3 special education paraprofessionals, 2 deaf/hard of hearing interpreters

Planning Process

• Technology committee reviewed the current technology available at Coleman middle school. The committee consist of the media specialist, keyboarding instructor, technology instructor, and assistant principal.

• The committee was responsible for revision and implementation of the technology plan; however, teachers that use technology on a weekly basis were included in the revision process.

Current Technology

3 Digital cameras 2 mobile laptop labs (30 computers)

ceiling mounted LCD cameras

Technology Lab

Laptops for every teacher Network Computer lab2 student desktops for every

classroom Computer lab

Interwrite pads for each teacher

30 iPod Touch

Turning Point response kit for each teacher Kursweil scanning station

DVD/VCR for each classroom

Daily Morning Show Broadcast

Needs Assessment and Technology Plan Goals

• Information was gathered by the technology committee and yielded the following results:

Technology GoalsGoal 1: Improve student academic achievement

through the use of technology•Integrate technology in the classroom•Continuous learning environment for staff

Goal 2: Ensure equitable and effective access to technology

for staff and students•Increase the number of students who use technology to communicate effectively in a variety of modes•Increase the number of students who use technology for research, problem solving, and decision making

Goal 3: Increase technology knowledge and use for all staff

and students•Understand basic technology operations and concepts•Use technology ethically and responsibly

Goal 4: Increase productivity and efficiency through the use

of technology •Use of technology for learning and producing quality products•Use of technology for evaluation of instruction and data collection


Item Amount Timeline

30 iPads $15,000 2011-2012

Substitutes for professional development

(50 Teachers, 3 Paras)

$4,300 2011-2012

Total $19,300 2011-2012


Program Evaluation• 9 weeks surveys

• Teacher/Student/Staff technology inventory

• Lesson plan documentation

• Program/subscription usage reports

• Professional development technology sign-in sheets

• Results from the 8th grade technology assessment

• Improved CRCT scores

Stakeholder Access

