Colgate-Final Presentation

Post on 12-Apr-2017

84 views 0 download


Target Audience

Younger consumers Ages: 18-26

Current Social Media

The Big Idea

Snapchat Filter Instagram competition



Competition between Instagram users#WhyIColgate

Why focus on social media?

Where nearly all members of our target audience are present Already compatible on mobile Little work needs to be done by Colgate

Instagram Competition

Account manager $2,000 Paid monthly to

one person

Snapchat Filter

Graphic Designer $4,000 One time fee

Charge from Snapchat $450,000

7 days=$3,150,0

00 total


Track number of...#WhyIColgate Instagram entries

#WhyIColgate uses

Times Snapchat filter was sent

Followers on Instagram

Sales increase during time of launch

Time Frame

Instagram competitionWinner chosen every week Will adjust time frame according to effectiveness

Snapchat filter One week