Collaboration to Curation: The High Rise Project meets Edinburgh DataShare

Post on 13-May-2015

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Presentation given by Stuart Macdonald, Robin Rice and E. Serafin at the IT Futures Conference 2009, 15 December 2009.


Collaboration to Curation: The High Rise Project Collaboration to Curation: The High Rise Project

meets Edinburgh DataSharemeets Edinburgh DataShare

Robin Rice & Stuart Robin Rice & Stuart Macdonald Macdonald EDINA & Data Library,EDINA & Data Library,Information ServicesInformation Services

Eduardo SerafinEduardo SerafinSchool of GeoSciencesSchool of GeoSciences

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Image courtesy of the periodic table printmaking project –

High Rise project - an interdisciplinary research programme involving architects and geographers – Jacobs, Cairns, Strebel

“It investigates two cases that encapsulate the varied fortunes

of the highrise experience: the UK, where the form is routinely condemned, even demolished; and Singapore, where it is embraced enthusiastically and continues to be built at greaterheights and densities -”

High Rise Digital Archive

500Gb and consisting of 4762 digital files

• Add media assets as background.• Developed an in-house closed system• Original project was to ingest assets in AHDS

system.• This option was closed.

We ended up with ‘data without a home’

Orphan Data

Adopt my Data !

• We ended up with ‘data without a home’

• Orphan Data

• Adopt my Data !

• Digital Equipment and Database Enhancement for Impact AHRC call

4pm deadline

staging repository

“One imagines a workflow where GeoSciences post-production work flows into fedora for local analysis/processing, then packaged up as public use versions for Edin DataShare.”


• EDINA is a JISC-funded National Data Centre providing national online resources for education and research.

• The Data Library service (established in 1983) assists Edinburgh University users in the discovery, access, use and management of research data assets.

• Building relationships with researchers via postgraduate teaching activities, IS Skills workshops, Research Data Management training, funded projects, and through traditional reference interviews.

• Edinburgh DataShare is a digital repository of multi-disciplinary research datasets produced at the University of Edinburgh, hosted by the Data Library

EDINA and Data Library (EDL) -EDINA and Data Library (EDL) - a division within

Information Services of the University of Edinburgh.

DISC-UK Datashare DISC-UK Datashare ProjectProject

DISC-UK DataShare Project – funded by JISC (March 2007 – March 2009) - a collaborative project which investigated the legal, cultural and technical issues surrounding research data sharing within UK tertiary education community

• Explore new pathways to assist academics wishing to share their data over the Internet via Institutional Repositories (IRs)

• Policy-Making for Research Data in Repositories: A Guide - Green, A., Macdonald, S. and R. Rice, (2009).

• Edinburgh DataShare digital repository – developed under project and now an IS service

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Benefits to using Edinburgh DataShare

Institutional repositories can play a part in overall infrastructure for data sharing (see Data Sharing Continuum).

Reliable access to researchers’ own data

Suitable environment to adhere to funders’ mandate Metadata increases exposure of individual’s research within the research community

Preservation responsibility of institution rather than individual

Edinburgh DataShareEdinburgh DataShare

• Multi-disciplinary research datasets produced by Edinburgh researchers

• Free at the point of use – Open Access by default

• One-step registration via EASE for depositor

• Currently 5GB size limit per dataset (data plus documentation)

• Potential for customisation of research data collections (e.g. to accommodate federated access, domain specific metadata schemas and file formats, links to remote storage)

• Potential for interoperability with the Library’s Research Publication Service

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DSpace is an open source software package that provides the tools for management of digital assets, and is commonly used as the basis for an institutional repository as is e-Prints & Fedora.

It supports a wide variety of digital objects, including books, theses, photographs, film, video, research data sets and other forms of content. The data is arranged as community collections of items, which bundle bitstreams together.

• Upgrade to version 1.6 which includes new features

(incl. batch metadata editing, embargo, improved statistical reporting)

• Duraspace - DSpace and Fedora working together to develop synergistic technologies and services that will increase the interoperability of the two platforms

About DSpaceAbout DSpace

Edinburgh DataShare – Edinburgh DataShare – technical development technical development

• Open Data Commons License option (PDDL)

• Dynamically queries Geonames, a community generated spatial database to ensure consistency in metadata entry for Spatial Coverage field

• Implementation of JACS for assigning keyword to content

• Citation field automatically generated based on specified metadata values

• Dublin Core-based metadata schema for datasets

Flickr CC image (courtesy of Loungerie):

Customising the High-rise data collection in Customising the High-rise data collection in Edinburgh DataShareEdinburgh DataShare• Collection will live inside GeoSciences ‘community’ with

its own look & feel

• Content includes open access images, sound recordings, video, transcripts, architectural


• Customise DataShare to allow streaming or embedded player functionality

• Ingest heterogeneous content for preservation and re-use

• Employ appropriate metadata standard for data type (e.g. jpeg2000, mpeg 21)

• Explore automated or streamlined ways of getting data & metadata into system (e.g. SWORD)

• Develop customised learning and teaching materials for deposit in JORUM Open Flickr CC image: – EDINA & Data – School of Geosciences

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ENDThank You