Collected Rulings

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  • 8/14/2019 Collected Rulings



    This is a collection of rules interpretations and

    clarifications sourced from the Cubicle 7 The One

    Ring forum. Changes and clarifications are from

    Francesco Nepitello, except those noted as being

    from forum users (which should be treated as

    unofficial). Some entries have been copied

    verbatim, others paraphrased.



    Page 55, Elven Cultural Blessing.

    When an Elf of Mirkwood is inside a forest or

    under the earth, or it is night, his Attribute

    bonuses are based on his favoured rating in all

    rolls involving the use of a Common skill.

    Page 70, Woodmen Fairy Heritage.

    Favoured Skill


    Page 76, Small-sized Heroes.

    Dwarves: short sword, sword, axe, great axe,

    spear, mattock, dagger, bow.

    Appendix. The sample characters have their CallingTrait listed under Distinctive Features. They should

    be Specialties.

    Index. Company Objectives are listed on page 120

    not page 107.


    Page 103, Distinctive Features. Add the following


    You are half the height of a grown man and are

    often mistaken for a child of that folk.

    Page 132, Small Folk. The last sentence that ends,

    ... you gain the Small Trait, and can invoke it using

    the usual Trait rules ..., refers to a trait that is not

    defined (but see above).

    Page 133, Natural Watchfulness virtue. The

    sentence that begins, Additionally, during the day,

    you may make an Exploreroll ..., literally means one

    roll per day.

    Page 154, Journey: Planning Ahead. The sentence,

    All characters may attempt a Lore roll, literally

    means that players may optionallyroll.



    Page 34. Add to Fatigue Tests: As stated earlier, you

    increase your Fatigue score by a number of points

    equal to the Encumbrance of your Travelling gear.

    This increase is applied at the end of the Journey

    (i.e. at the beginning of the next Episode). For every

    prolonged rest you take at a safe place (i.e. not on

    the road), you lose 1 point of Fatigue increase due to

    failed Travel rolls.

    Page 65, Add to Endurance: If a creature with theGreat Size special ability begins a round without

    Endurance points, it is considered to be weary.

    Page 94, Year 2931. Aragorn, son of Arathorn, is

    born on MayMarch1st.

    Page 108, The Narrows of the Forest. The large

    indentation along the western eastern border of

    Mirkwood is all that is left of their realm.


  • 8/14/2019 Collected Rulings



    Page 57, Blighted places. The rules detail what

    happens when a company of adventurers enters an

    area qualifying as a blighted place. From the way the

    rules have been presented in that chapter, it seems

    that players are required to make Corruption testsevery time they cross areas rated as Wild lands,

    Shadow lands and Dark lands, making for a rather

    unforgiving rule.

    The original intent of the rule was that it is always

    left to the discretion of the Loremaster to determine

    whether a place must be considered blighted or not.

    The Blighted Lands table must be used when the

    Loremaster has decided that an area is indeed

    blighted, to determine the frequency of the requiredCorruption tests.

    For example, the text for the Marsh-bell adventure

    applies the rule as intended, when at page 130,

    under the Entering Mirkwood paragraph, the

    bulleted text states that The part of the Long

    Marshes that is inside Mirkwood qualifies as a

    blighted place.

    Under this interpretation, it is entirely possible for

    an area found within a region classified as Wild,Shadow or even Dark not to require any Corruption

    test to traverse. As far as the accumulation of

    Shadow is concerned, the various region types as

    classified in the Loremaster map serve as guidelines

    for the Loremaster to decide whether the region

    currently traversed by the company is blighted or

    not, with Free lands being rarely blighted, and Dark

    lands being mostly so.


    Page 75, Spider-poison. The sentence, ... is

    paralysed and falls to the ground after a number of

    rounds equal to his Body or Heart rating ..., should

    be read as, ... falls to the ground paralysed after a

    number of rounds equal to his Body or Heartrating ....

    A paralysed character is considered to be

    unconscious, or otherwise defenceless (see Coup de

    Grce on page 144 of the Adventurers Book).

    !Collected Rulings

    Updated 29-Apr-2012

    Compiled by Ashley G. Trter

    Written as a supplement for The One Ring roleplaying gameby Francesco Nepitello.

    Sophisticated Games Ltd 2011Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd 2011
