Post on 03-Jan-2016

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COLLEGE ENGLISH WEEK 2. Unit 16-17: Future ( be going to & will ). IMPORTANT:. Your textbook tells about the formula of w ill and be going to. But in the exam, you need to know WHEN to use will / be going to (what time/situation). THE TEXTBOOK DOESN’T TELL YOU THIS. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




Unit 16-17: Future (be going to & will)


Your textbook tells about the formula of

will and be going to. But in the exam,

you need to know WHEN

to use will/be going to (what time/situation).


It’s really important to listen in class the

next few weeks.

Make notes and keep the papers I give you

in a folder

Students:What are you going to do

this weekend?

Teacher: ?

Get a pen and paper. Write

guesses about your teacher’s answer.

Write some (+) and some (-)


Watch and think about…

• Is it a comedy?• What is the problem in the film?

• Are the main characters good-looking?

Students:What are you going to do

this weekend?

Teacher: ?

What do you need for a movie?

I’m going to see a movie.

I bought 3 tickets yesterday.

Prior PLAN

Past-------X------------Now -----------X---------------------- Future

this weekend

I chose the movie The Fault In Our Stars.

I bought 3 tickets yesterday.

I’m going to see a movie this weekend.

A plan made in the past.

Prior PLAN (계획 )

“I’m going to see a movie.”

Instant DE-CISION ( 즉흥적 결정 )

Yes, we will (come with you).

The idea happens when?

Use which gram-mar?

Future Future

In the past


be going to will

Do the action (thing) when?

This is what you need to know for your exam. Write it down now!

Where (pages) is the form for this grammar?

Be going to = 193-194

Will = 203-204

Form =

how to

make a


using the



for your



Form test!subject + be + going to + base verb

I am going to eat lobster for dinner.

Can you…• Change the subject to


• Make it (-)?

• Make a Y/N?

• Make a WH- question?

Form test!subject + be + going to + base verb

I will dance the Macarena right now!

Can you…• Change the subject to


• Make it (-)?

• Make a Y/N?

• Make a WH- question?

What do we call a guess about the future?In 2050…

More people will be vegetarians.

They won’t eat any meat or fish.

Robots will cook our meals.

Past------------Now -----------X----------------------- Future


A prediction.

Walk around the room and look at the pictures.

Get a pen and a piece of paper.

A = Go and look at the prediction (sentence).

Tell B what it says.

B = Write down what A tells you.

You must not take a picture with your cellphone.

B must listen and write, not A.

I can see evidence now. It’s my opinion. ( 증거 ) ( 의견 )

You’re wearing a suit. I think you’re going to get married. I think you’ll get

married when you’re 32 years old. I think robots will

cook our food in 2050.

The sky is gray and cloudy. It’s going to rain.

I think it’ll rain at my party this year.

I can see evidence now. It’s my opinion. ( 증거 ) ( 의견 )

You’re wearing a suit. I think you’re going to get married.

I think you’ll get married when you’re 32 years old. I think robots will cook our food in 2050. The sky is gray and

cloudy. It’s going to rain. I think it’ll rain at

my party this year.



Write this down!

Where (pages) is the form for this grammar?

Be going to = page 193-194

Will = 203-204

Form =

how to

make a


using the



for your


Form test!subject + be + going to + base verb

You’re wearing a suit right now. You’re going to get married.

Can you…• Change the subject to


• Make it (-)?

• Make a Y/N?

• Make a WH- question?

Form test!subject + be + going to + base verb

You’ll get married when you’re 32 years old.

Can you…• Change the subject to


• Make it (-)?

• Make a Y/N?

• Make a WH- question?

Let’s talk!

1.What are you going to do this weekend?

2.Where are you going to go for winter vacation?

3.What job are you going to do when you graduate?

4.Who will you marry?

5.How many babies will you have?

What you do with that?

Past -----------------X----------------------Now-----------------X------------------------------------Future

this morning give teacher the choco pie


Look in the bag. Choose five things and explain what you’re going to do with them. Ex: I’m going to give the choco pie to my teacher for a bonus point.

Wait! Before you start…

You have these things in your bag now. When did you put them in the bag?

So did you have the idea now or in the past? When?

Is it a prior plan or instant decision?

What are you going to do with that?