College Prep World History. Who ruled the Italian city-states during the Renaissance? Identify one...

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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College Prep World History

Who ruled the Italian city-states during the Renaissance? Identify one of the

families that ruled during the Renaissance.

• Merchants Class• The Medici’s

What ambitious city constantly seeked power and was situated on a trade route between Rome and France?


Piazza del Campo in Siena, Italy


What major event marked the end of that city’s role in the Renaissance?

The Black Death – Bubonic Plague

The Black Death

The Black Death (Bubonic Plague) was a disastrous disease that rampaged through Europe and Asia principally between the years of 1347-1351.

It was also the first major epidemic disease to strike Europe since the 7th Century. – It is believed to be the most influential epidemic disease in world history.

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The Bubonic Plague was spread by black rats that were infested with fleas who were the host to the deadly virus

These Black rats originally came from China -- Chinese traders traveled to a number of places and brought the disease to the places they landed – (SE Asia and the Middle East)

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These sea traders traveled all over the Middle East and most of them ended up in the Ottoman Empire.Traders from Genoa traded grain with the Ottomans and brought the rat infested grain stock back from the Black Sea landed on the shores of Sicily in October of 1347 – which started the Bubonic Epidemic.

“Oh Father, why have you abandoned me?.. Mother where have you gone?”

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The plague quickly spread throughout Italy and eventually all of Europe and later RussiaThe plague had a host of symptoms

High Fever, Aching Joints, Swelling of Lymph nodes, dark blotches or bruises underneath the skinVictims also had heavy sweats and convulsive coughs – they spat blood and had a horrible stench.

Black Death Black Death MaterialsMaterials

Black Death Mask

Black Death Burial Pit

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The Plague hit all of the major nations hard – especially the Italian PeninsulaThe Peninsula was an easy target for a few reasons

1 – By being a peninsula it had many ports – prime places for the traders to come in and accidentally bring in the rat infested cargo2 - Their large overpopulated cities like Florence, Siena and Venice became prime breeding places for the flea carrying rats3 – The overpopulated places gave fleas the opportunity to easily jump from the rats to clothes.

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It is believed that the Bubonic plague killed 60% of the people that were infected by it.

It is also believed that it killed between 25 to 50% of the population of Europe

That is between 19-38 million people in total that died at the hands of this terrible disease.

What is Humanism?

A genuine interest in the Ancient World

How were the Medici’s important to the Renaissance?

Led a resurgence to restore the glory of Rome in Florence

They helped to transform Florence into the New Athens of the Renaissance world Lorenzo de Medici

Who created the giant dome at the Santa Maria de Fiora Cathedral – Cathedral of Florence

Filippo Brunelleschi

Dome of the Santa Maria Dome of the Santa Maria de Fiore Cathedralde Fiore Cathedral

• 108 Feet tall from base to the tower

• The Lantern is almost 72 feet• The Dome is 37,000 metric

tons• Over 4 Million bricks were

used• It was started in 1420- and

finished in 1436• The lantern was finished after

Brunelleschi’s death in 1472

What concept did this person create which is still the cornerstone of engineering today?

Single Point Perspective

Filipe Brunelleschi

What crucial concept emerged from this new architect style?

The Blueprint

Blueprint sketch by Leonardo Da Vinci

What king attempted to invade Italy? Why did he want to invade Italy?

Charles VIII of France

He wanted to reclaim Naples in the name of his country

Why was it essential for Italian fortifications and cities to have new wider walls?

These new walls would support the new weaponry needed

They would also resist the incoming new Cannonballs

Identify at least 3 things that Pope Sixtus V did to clean up and change Rome.

He rounded up and had all of the criminals executed

He had the aqueducts of the city restored

He paved Roads and widened streets which helped to lead to population growth

What do people think now about the Renaissance – in terms of

the Modern World?

• Modern Culture began with the Renaissance