Colorectal - · Prof. Giuseppe S. Sica Workshop Coordinator. Thursday 24.05.2018 ......

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ColorectalSurgery Update


May 24 - 25Rome - Italy

via Urbano VIII, 16 - Gianicolo - Rome - Italy

Workshop Director G.S. Sica

LTCLaparascopic Training Centre - Rome

Dear friends and colleagues,

It is my pleasure to invite you to the third Colorectal Surgery Update.

The Colorectal Surgery Update 2018 is endorsed by the European Society of Degenerative Diseases ( a N.P.O. in the �elds of Surgical Oncology and IBD Surgery.

The idea is to gather participants and faculty in an informal atmosphere to discuss crucial, up to date topics of colorectal surgery, in order to create good and comprehensive encounter on the matter.

The o�cial language of the meeting is English. However, the Thursday morning sessions only, will be held in Italian.

The workshop will take place on the Gianicolo Hill, next to the Vatican City, in the Università Ponti�-cia Urbaniana, via Urbano VIII 16, Roma Italy. Rome in May is, no need to say, beautiful!

Social interaction will continue on Friday evening the 25th with The Pink Floyd Exhibition “their mortal remains” at the Macro Museum, via Nizza 138 Rome, and after that, there will be a special Social Dinner and Live Music Party on the rooftop of the Museum.

The CSU 2018 Subscription will take place onsite, at the Ponti�cia Urbaniana University, from Thur-sday morning. Reserve now your place on a �rst come, �rst served basis. A maximum of 150 seats are available. To reserve your place you need to send an email to or

The Colorectal Surgery Update 2018 is free of charge. However please, to take part to co�ee and lunch breaks, The Pink Floyd Exhibition at the Macro Museum, The Social Dinner and the Live Music Party we kindly ask you to make a 30€ donation, payable onsite at the Congress venue, to the E.S.D.D. European Society of Degenerative Diseases, the Non-Pro�t Organization which suppor-ts the CSU 2018.

For additional information email or or call Giulia +39 3282708202. Find us on Facebook: colorectal surgery update.See you in Rome next May 24-25, 2018!

Ciao, Arrivederci!Giuseppe

Prof. Giuseppe S. SicaWorkshop Coordinator

Thursday 24.05.2018

08.00 Open for registra�on08.45 Welcome address G. S. SICA 09:00-09:20 Lecture: Con�nuous Medical Educa�on in General Surgery (Italian) Chair: A. L. GASPARI Speaker: G. DE TOMA09:2010:30 First Residents corner (Italian)

Six ongoing researches on colorectal surgery presented by surgical residents from Sapienza, S. Andrea and Tor Vergata residency programsChair and Discussion: A. BRESCIA, M. ROSSI, G. PETRELLA

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break11:00-11:30 Gene�cs and Ethics (Italian)

How the incoming therapies could affect the treatment of colorectal neoplasia

Chair: B. GIARDINA Speakers: G. NOVELLI, A. MANTO11:30 – 12:20 Second Residents corner (Italian)

Four ongoing researches on colorectal surgery presented by surgical residents from Ca�olica and Campus Biomedico residency programsChair and Discussion: G. B. DOGLIETTO, R. COPPOLA

12:20-12:50 Clinical Governance at the Time of Spending Review (Italian) Chair: Lazio health authority T. FRITTELLI, M. LASALVIA12:50 – 13:45 Lunch Break13:45–14:15 Hemorrhoids. Old and new surgical remedy • MM is the gold standard• Conserva�ve treatments

Chair: F. LATORRESpeakers: G. MILITO, C. RATTO

14:1515:00 T2 Rectal Tumors: what is the best treatment? • Surgery first with TME• Neoadjuvant treatment + Surgery• The case for local excision + adjuvant treatment

Chair: G. DE TOMA Speakers: C.COCO, D.D’UGO, E. ESPIN BASANY15:00-15:30 Videoforum: low anterior resec�on for rectal cancer Chair: P. CHIRLETTI Speakers: M. CATARCI, G. CAVALLARO15:30-16:00 TAMIS debate: Indica�ons, if any• TAMIS for all the mid and low rectal cancer• Is TAMIS always necessary for all mid and low rectal cancer? Chair: E. ESPIN BASANY Speakers: C. HUSCHER, Y. PANIS16:00-16:20 Lecture: T4 Rectal Cancer; is laparoscopy an op�on? Chair: F. STIPA Speaker: P. NILLSON16:20-17:10 Liver Metastases from Colorectal Cancer• Colon cancer: two stages but not always• Rectal cancer: two stages, always • Synchronous resec�ons: pros and cons


COLORECTAL SURGERY UPDATE 2018 ROME - ITALYPon�ficia Università Urbaniana

Via Urbano VIII, 16 24th-25th May 2018 ROME, ITALY

Workshop Director: G. S. Sica

Friday 25.05.2018

09:00 Auditorium open09:20-10:00 Innova�on in laparoscopic Surgery Chair: P. ROSSI Speakers: S. SIBIO, G. CECCARELLI, M. COLASANTI• 2D VS 3D• 3D VS Robo�cs• Energy in TME dissec�on10:00-10:45 Controversies in the treatment of obstruc�ve colon cancer Chair: G. MILITO• The case for a Subtotal Colectomy• Hartman’s s�ll the preferred op�on• Best bridging procedures


10:45-11:05 Lecture: What’s new in colorectal Surgery in 2018 (review of the best papers of the last 12 months)Chair: M. MORINOSpeaker: Y. PANIS

11.05:-11.30 Coffee break11:30-12:15 Cancer of the splenic flexure Chair: P. GENTILESCHI Speakers: M. DEGIULI, M. CARLINI, R. PERSIANI• Facing the problem• Surgical strategy• Tips and tricks

12:15-13:00 Leakage from rectal anastomosis: How to prevent and how to deal with it. Any evidence?• What I do to prevent it• How I deal with it• Evidence from literature Chair: F. RULLI

Speakers: E. ESPIN BASANY, O. ZMORA, M. CARICATO13:00-13:30 Perineal Reconstruc�on a�er rectal Cancer Surgery Chair: R. COPPOLA Speakers: P. DELRIO, M. DEGIULI13:30-14:30 Lunch Break14:30-15:00 E.R.A.S. in colorectal Surgery• Evidence-based enhanced periopera�ve protocols

• Op�mal periopera�ve care in colorectal surgery: the Beaujon Hospital experience


15:00-15:20 Lecture: The fate of ileo-anal pouch following total colectomy

Chair: M. MORINO Speaker: G. POGGIOLI

15:20-15:50 Teaching session 1. How I do it (skin to skin): surgical approach to rectal cancer• Perineal approach first and lap TME• TAMIS

Chair: O. ZMORASpeakers: M. MORINO, C. HUSCHER

15:50-16:20 Teaching session 2. How I do it (skin to skin): IPAA for UCChair: O. ZMORA

• Laparoscopic IPAA• IPAA with transanal approach


16:20-16:40 Lecture: TAMIS for reopera�ve pelvic surgery Chair: Y. PANIS

W. BEMELMAN 16.40 Closing remarks


Basany Eloy Espin, Head of Colorectal Surgery, Hospital Valle de Hebron, Barcelona, Spain

Bemelman Willem, Chair of Surgery, AMC, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Brescia Antonio, Head of Surgery, S. Andrea Hospital, Rome, Italy

Caricato Marco, Head of Geriatric Surgery, Campus Biomedico University Hospital, Rome, Italy

Carlini Massimo, Head of Surgery, St.Eugenio Hospital, Rome, Italy

Cavallaro Giuseppe, Department of Surgery Policlinico Umberto I, Rome, Italy

Catarci Marco, Head of Surgery, Mazzoni Hospital, Ascoli Piceno, Italy

Ceccarelli Graziano, Head of Surgery, S. Giovanni Ba�sta Hospital Foligno, Italy

Chirle� Piero, Chair of Surgery, Policlinico Umberto I, Rome, Italy

Coco Claudio, Head of Surgery, Policlinico Gemelli, Rome, Italy

Colasan� Marco, Department of Surgery, San Camillo-Forlanini Hospital, Rome, Italy

Coppola Roberto, Chair of Surgery, Campus Biomedico, Rome, Italy

Degiuli Maurizio, Head of Surgery, S. Luigi Gonzaga Hospital, Orbassano-Tu-rin, Italy

Delrio Paolo, Head of Colorectal Oncologic Surgery, Is�tuto Nazionale dei Tumori “G. Pascale”, Naples, Italy

De Toma Giorgio, Chair of Surgery, Policlinico Umberto I, Rome, Italy

Doglie�o Giovanni, Chair of Surgery, Policlinico Gemelli, Rome, Italy

D’Ugo Domenico, Chair of Surgery, Policlinico Gemelli, Rome, Italy

Fri�elli Tiziana, CEO, Policlinico Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

Gaspari Achille Lucio, former Head of the Department of Surgery, Policlinico Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

Gen�leschi Paolo, Department of Surgery Policlinico Tor Vergata Rome, Italy

Giardina Bruno, Rector University Mother of Good Council, Tirana, Albania

Giuliante Felice, Chair of Surgery, Head of HPB Surgery, Policlinico Gemelli, Rome, Italy

Grazi Gianluca, Head HPB Surgery, IFO, Rome , Italy

Huscher Cris�ano, Head of the Department of Oncologic Surgery, Rummo Hospital, Benevento, Italy

Lasalvia Massimo, Consigliere Corte dei Con�, Rome, Italy

La Torre Filippo, Head of Pelvic and Rectal Surgery, Umberto I, Rome, Italy

Manto Andrea, Head family affairs, Va�can City-Rome, Italy

Milito Gianni, Head of Proctology, Policlinico Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

Morino Mario, Chair of Surgery, Le Moline�e, University Hospital, Turin, Italy

Nilsson Per, Department of Colorectal Surgery, Karolinska Ins�tutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Novelli Giuseppe, Rector of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

Panis Yves, Chair of Surgery, Beaujon Hospital, Paris, France

Persiani Roberto, Head of Oncologic and Minimally Invasive Surgery, Policlini-co Gemelli, Rome, Italy

Petrella Giuseppe, Chair of Surgery, Policlinico Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

Poggioli Gilberto, Head of Surgery, Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna, Italy

Ra�o Carlo, Head of Coloproctology, Policlinico Gemelli, Rome, Italy

Rossi Massimo, Head of HPB Surgery, La Sapienza, Rome, Italy

Rossi Piero, Department of Surgery, Policlinico Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

Rulli Francesco, Head Department of Surgery University Mother of good Council, Tirana Albania

Selvaggi Francesco, Department of Geriatric and General Surgery, Federico II University, Naples, Italy

Sibio Simone, Department of Surgery, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy

S�pa Francesco, Head of Surgery, San Camillo Hospital, Rie�, Italy

Tisone Giuseppe, Head of the Transplant and Hepatobiliary Unit, Policlinico Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

Zmora Oded, Chair of Surgery, Hasaf Harofe Medical Centre, Tel Aviv, Israel

Congress venue: Pon�ficia Università Urbaniana, Via Urbano VIII, 16 (Gianicolo) Rome, Italy

Hospitality and travel: it will be provided for all the invited speakers under the care of E.S.D.D.

Coffee and lunch-breaks: will be offered during the conference to all par�cipants.

Get together party for all par�cipants: Friday 25th from 7 P.M.

The Pink Floyd Exhibi�on: Their Mortal Remains, Macro Museum, Via Nizza 138, Rome. Social Dinner and Live music party on the terrace of the museum.

COLORECTAL SURGERY UPDATE 2018 ROME - ITALYPon�ficia Università Urbaniana

Via Urbano VIII, 16 24th-25th May 2018 ROME, ITALY

Workshop Director: G. S. Sica


infoesdd@gmail.comColorectal Surgery Update 2018

www.esdd.itwww.chirurgia-mininvasiva.comwww.masterchirurgiaibd.comTel. 328.2708202