Colour and display principles - TAFE NSW...Use of Colour • The role of colour is an important...

Post on 11-Aug-2020

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Creating Displays

Colour and display principles

Use of Colour

• The role of colour is an important factor in any display.

• It can lead the eye through a display, as well as create a harmonious and unified theme.

Display Principles

The Principles of Display are the underlying guidelines or rules that should be followed to create visual displays that are pleasing to the eye. These Principles of Display are important individually but are also inter-dependant i.e. to create an effective display the Principles must be used together. When one component of a display is weak other display principles can be affected.

Balance Balance is the distribution of weight in the display whether actual or visual between two side of an entity. There are two types of balance in display: Symmetrical Balance – which is formal and creates a picture of stability. If you were to draw an imaginary line down the centre of the display all components would reflect each other in size, shape, colour and placement. It appeals to customers in an orderly manner and should contain and control eye movement within the borders of the display area.

An example of a symmetric display

Asymmetrical Balance – in a display is informal and is interesting and pleasing to the viewer. It is achieved by placing a variety of different merchandise in dominant positions and irregular patterns. Balance is achieved through proportional relationship of the components. Asymmetrical Balance gives the designer more freedom to create artistic expression and be innovative when arranging the visual merchandise display.

An example of an asymmetric display.


Creates an impact area in the display, otherwise known as a focal area. Emphasis is used to attract attention and create interest in surrounding merchandise. Displays may have one or more areas of emphasis. A single large item or a mass of small items are often used to create a focal point.

Space Space is important to ensure content of display and props do not become a confused mass. The focal point in a display should have space around it to capture attention. Using simplicity i.e. using only two or three types of products in a display ensures adequate spacing and results in a neat, organised appearance.

Depth Depth is related to space and is especially useful in displays. If content in a display is placed both forward and back it creates interest and prevents the display from appearing flat

Scale Scale is the size relationship of a display and it’s components to their surroundings. The size of a display space will determine the scale required for a display within

Proportion Proportion is the relationship between the sizes and shapes of the display components and should be pleasing to view. Proportion is the effective combining of objects of different shapes and sizes providing variety and unity.

Rhythm Rhythm as a principle of display consists of merchandise being used to guide the eye throughout the created display. It is a continuous visual line that flows through the display. Eye movement is guided in one or more directions by using one or more of the following aspects: Repetition – the use of similar shapes, line, products or themes placed at regular intervals that the eye will flow across and connect together as one unit. Progression of Sizes – uses similar shapes or objects of merchandise either increasing or decreasing along a visual path.

• Continuous Line Movement – merchandise or other products placed at regular intervals in curved or zigzag lines to provide a continuous path for the eye to connect all objects and dance about the display following the rhythm of the line.

• Radiation – Movement of display material outward from a central or focal point in the display


Harmony is the pleasing and unified agreement of all display components. This is achieved when the props and merchandise in a display are all similar in appearance, theme and feeling.

• Although interesting arrangements has been placed on display – this display looks cluttered and busy as it has to many different elements .

• This display contains different design however by using similar plant material(elements) the whole display is harmonious

References Elements and Principles of Design – Floristry

Visual Merchandising for The Retail Florist