Comenius school partnership project „ The adventures of a ...Comenius school partnership project...

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Comenius school partnership project

„ The adventures of a wheat seed“



Common dictionary of proverbs about bread

This project has been funded with support from the

European Commission. This dictionary reflects the views

only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be

responsible for any use which may be made of the

information contained therein.

When the little Bulgarian Wheat seed set out for

a journey to look for his Polish mum, Italian dad,

Spanish brother, Slovak sister and Turkish girlfriend,

he found out, that there are lots of

reasonable proverbs about bread and cereal in each

country. In any country he was, everywhere he met

plenty of clever children, who had drawn lovely

pictures, so that they could share the wisdom of their

ancestors with the children from the other countries.

Well, here they are.

Никой не е по-голям от хляба.

Nobody is bigger than the bread.

Който не работи (на нивата), не трябва да яде (хляб).

Who does not work (in the field), should not eat


Сладък хляб.

Sweet bread. (The bread is sweet when we work for it.)

Горчив хляб.

Bitter bread. (The bread is bitter when we beg for it.)

Взе си хляба в ръцете.

He took his bread in hands. (It means he grew up and

started work.)

Домът никога не посреща нощта без хляб.

A house would never meet the night without bread. (It

shows the primary importance of bread in Bulgarian’s

living and value system.

Взетото назаем брашно, тъпкано се връща.

Borrowed flour crammed back. (It means that debtors

are dependant people.)

Гладна кокошка просо сънува.

Hungry bird is dreaming of wheat. (It means that the

poor man is dreaming of fortune.)

Marina Georgieva, 12 years

Мъдростта на старите хора

Един жесток цар заповядал да бъдат убити

всички стари хора, защото не работят, а само ядат


Един мъж решил да спаси стария си баща и го

скрил в една пещера, като го хранел скришом.

Същото лято настъпила голяма суша. Всичко

живо изгоряло – и тревата, и плодовете, и житото. Не

останало никакво зърно за посев. Царят се изплашил,

че хората ще умрат от глад.

Скритият старец посъветвал сина си да каже на

царя да заповяда на хората да разровят мравуняците.

В тях има много пшеничени зърна, събрани от


Веднага, щом хората разкопали мравуняците,

намерили във всеки по една торба зърно.

Царят разбрал, че спасението е дошло от стария

човек и издал нов закон да не се убиват старите хора.

“The wisdom of old people”

A cruel king ordered to kill all the old people because

they do not work and only eat bread.

One man decided to save his old father, so he hid him

in a cave and fed him secretly.

That summer there was a great drought. Everything

burned alive - and grass and fruit, and wheat. Not even

left any wheat grains for seeding. King scared that

people will die of starvation.

The hidden old man told his son to tell the king to

order all the people to dig anthills. In them there are

many wheat grains collected by the ants.

Indeed, as people dug anthills, found in everyone a bag

of grains.

King understood that salvation came from the old man

and ordered a new law not to kill old people.

text: Vasilena Markova, 12 years

illustrations: Hristina Krasteva, 12 years

Głodnemu chleb na myśli.

A hungry man has only bread on his mind.

Kto ma żytko ten ma wszystko.

Who’s got rye, he’s got everything.

Kto dobrze orze ten ma chleb w komorze.

Who’s plowing well, has got bread in the compartment.

Jeśli masz wodę i chleb, nie będziesz nigdy głodny.

If you have bread and water, you will never be hungry.

Chleb i sól – znak zgody.

Bread and salt – signs of agreement.

Kawałek chleba nie spadnie z nieba, pracować trzeba.

A slice of bread doesn’t fall from the sky, we have to


Bez pracy nie ma kołaczy.

No pain, no grain. (There’s no bread without work)

Ziarnko do ziarnka zbierze się miarka.

Penny saved is a penny earned. (Grain to grain collects


Biedna to kraina gdzie chleb się kończy a kamień zaczyna.

Poor is a land where bread ends and the stone begins.

Jaka matka taka córka, jaki chleb taka skórka.

A daughter is like a mum, a crust of bread is like a

whole loaf of bread.


Let bread fall from somebody’s mouth (waste a good



If it isn’t soup, it is sop up bread. -there is no real

difference between the two things.


Take bread out of somebody’s mouth (be deprived of

something in order to help somebody else).


Our daily bread ( in English language: our bread and

butter) – our daily job we do to earn our own living).


Give back bread for flat bread (in English language: get

even tit for tat) - an equivalent given in return.


That’s not the kind of bread for your teeth -

something it’s not for you.


To eat bread at someone else’s expenses (in English

language: to leave off somebody) - Get something that

you need from someone else.


To be like bread and cheese ( in english language: be

hand in glove with somebody) – to be very close



Put someone on bread and water (in english language:

put someone on iron rations - a basic amount of food

for a person to live on.


To be as good as bread (in English language: to have a

heart of gold) - to be kind and caring for others.

Pan de trigo, aceite de olivo y vino de viña.

Bread of wheat, oil of olives and wine of grapes.

A buen hambre no hay pan duro.

When you are hungry there isn`t hard bread..

No es trigo limpio.

He is not clean wheat.

A falta de pan, buenas son tortas.

Lack of bread, scone is good.

Dame pan y dime tonto.

Give me bread and call me fool.

Al pan, pan y al vino, vino.

To bread, bread and to wine, wine.

Agua pasada no mueve molino.

Passed water do not move the mill.

Con pan y vino se anda el camino.

With bread and wine, the road goes.

Al hijo malo, pan y palo.

To the bad son, bread and stick.

Es mas bueno que el pan.

He is better than bread.

Nielen chlebom je človek živý.

Man can´t live only on bread.

Koláče sa prejedia, chlieb nie.

You can be overdosed on cakes but never on bread.

Kto si nevie chlieb odkrojiť, nevie si naň zarobiť.

Who can´t slice off bread, that can´t even make for it.

Kohútovi je jačmeň drahší ako perly.

To cock barley is worth more than pearls.

Koho chlieb ješ, toho pieseň spievaj.

Whose bread you eat, his song you sing.

Chlieb na ceste neťaží.

Bread does not weigh down on the road.

Kto do teba kameňom, ty doňho chlebom.

If somebody throws stone against you, offer him bread.

Komu sa chce jesť, nech sa naje chleba.

Who wants to eat, let him eat bread.

Jedz chlieb a pi vodu, neprídeš na chudobu.

Eat bread and drink water and you will never come to


Lepší doma krajec chleba než v cudzine krava celá.

Better the slice of bread at home than all the cow


Ekmeğine yağ sürmek.

To spread butter on one’s bread.

Meaning: To play into somebody’s hand. To do something

that benefits another person without being aware.

Ekmeğinden etmek.

To take one’s bread from his hand.

Meaning: To fire somebody.

Ekmeğini eline almak.

To take his bread in his hand.

Meaning: To earn one’s bread and butter . To have a job.

Ekmeğini taştan çıkarmak.

To make his bread from a stone.

Meaning: To work in hard conditions in order to earn his


Ekmeğini kazanmak.

To earn his bread.

Meaning: To get one’s bread / living / bread and butter. To

get one’s bread. To win one’s daily bread.

Ekmek elden, su gölden.

Bread (comes) from the other’s hands, water (comes)

from the lake.

Meaning: It describes the living a life of ease.

Ekmek aslanın ağzında.

The bread is in the lion’s mouth.

Meaning: It is very hard to find / have a job or make a


Açın gözü ekmek teknesindedir.

The hungry man’s eyes are on the bread tank.

Meaning: The one’s only aim is to get what he needs in

order to live.

Ekmeğin büyüğü hamurun çoğundan olur.

The biggest bread is made from the biggest dough.

Meaning: The efficiency of a work depends on what you

have much or less.

Toprağı işleyen ekmeği dişler.

Who farms the land bites the bread.

Meaning: Who works hard on a job deserves to get the

benefits from it.

Now he knows that he and all his family are important

for the people all over Europe.

Now he knows that people can use him in lots of

different ways, he knows that he is still needed and

that makes him very happy.