Coming Closer to Book Launch Day

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Why a Book for Baby Boomers?Why a Book for Baby Boomers?

Who are the Baby Boomers?

❖ Everyone born between 1946 and 1964

❖ The largest generation in US history

❖ Are now aged 50-68

❖ Have the potential to become the largest drain on health care in history

❖ Have the potential to be role models for younger generations by eating well and staying well

Why Does the Food You Choose Matter?

❖ Food affects your biochemistry

❖ Food is a fundamental source of energy

❖ Food becomes you...really!

The Party’s Over

The miracle of youthful resilience is gone for Baby Boomers

The good news......It’s not too late for you

Personal food choices make all the difference

It’s really simple to eat well

How Will My Book Help You?

How Will My Book Help You?

It takes the mystique out of healthy eating

You may find a story just like yours

It gets you thinking about how you want to spend your next 30 years - and how you can get there in great shape

It gives you shopping lists, menus, and all sorts of quick cooking tips to get you happily back to the kitchen

When Can You Get It?

❖ Soon, I hope! (Probably mid-September)

Drum roll....and the name of the book is....

❖ Food Becomes You .....Simple Steps for Lifelong Wellness

❖ Isn’t Lifelong Wellness something we all want?

❖ Stay tuned for launch day

❖ Thanks for being a part of a growing movement for better health through quality nutrition