Commentation on draft one of horror trailer

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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trailer first draft


Filming techniques, camera angles and editing - draft one horror trailer …

Lauren Fitzsimons

Hand held camera technique which we wanted to use because it looks shaky and mixes the pace of the trailer up. When filming this we also wanted to add a tilt from the hotel to the ground so the filming looked interrupted.

Pan movement this is used also as a establishing shot this sets the scene as a abandoned asylum which we have filmed at a old hotel. We wanted to use a pan here because we thought it would give a professional feel to the trailer.

Filming techniques used here is pan this pulls back from the bushes onto the road it also had a zoom added on here. The zoom was added so the viewer could see the sign however we filmed it from too far away.


Here we have focused on the grave stone and have used a tilt to bring it from one grave stone to a whole sea of them in front of the camera.

Point of view shots are used here walking through the graveyard – we thought this would look good as it is a creepy idea. The fact that someone would be lurking in a graveyard and that their face cannot be seen this creates suspense.

Here we have used a pan again however we have used it in a faster way so it looks like it is being spun around.


This is a theme insert that we have added this is a world and we were trying to replicate the universal logo of the company. Next time we make another draft we will make our own logo and add that here along with the writing to give it more of a storyline.

The editing techniques used here is the sepia effect which we found in clip adjustments. This makes the clip look like aged old effect movie film extract. This effect is also effective because it has moving film strip lines going through the clip.


Here we have added a Si Fi effect onto this clip we thought that it looked creepy and supernatural so we decided to add that here. We also like this effect because it has no colour to distract from the building here and it draws attention to the gates which are being boarded up.

Transitions have been added here to make the viewing of the trailer smoother and with these we found that it made it more professional. We have also carried on the sepia effect onto this clip too because it matched with the date of 1861.


Here we decided that to make it seem as if something is odd and backwards we reversed the clip using the clip adjustments and made the car go backward.

Editing here made us think that when we filmed which was in the day that it was too bright to be a scary horror. We decided to just clip adjustments again and change it to a night effect.

Here we have added transitions to finish the piece off we realised that a trailer doesn’t actually have these so on our next draft we will have to take these out. One way of adding peoples names is by inserting writing for example ‘from the directors of’ or ‘staring’ the actors.

The editing in this section is the pace of the clip this has been slowed right down so it almost looks blurry. The slowing down of footage we noticed adds suspense and tension.

On this piece of filming we have added a effect which is bright and light this was supposed to be the aftermath of the asylum and the ruins after it has gone.