Commodore Donna Beckett

Post on 30-Nov-2021

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Commodore Donna Beckett

(510) 857-6599 –


This is my last article for Seascape as a Flag officer. It has been an up

and down year, complete with all the turmoil that life throws at you. But

we’re closing it out on a very positive note.

We have a sensational general manager in Ben. He’s competent,

capable and experienced in his job and able to make decisions and take command of a

situation. He’s friendly and easy going and strikes the right cord with the members in his

dealings with them. We have a new chef and now we can get back to our usual great

dining experience. Chef Ray is very talented and can create dishes that are beautifully

presented and tasty to the palate. He is personable and has a fun sense of humor. We

have a very experienced and diligent group with the incoming board of directors who

understands the goals they need to accomplish and relish the challenge. The three

incoming Flag officers are up to the challenge of maintaining Oakland Yacht Club’s high

standards and will fulfill their duties and responsibilities with enthusiasm and

competency. The Club is in good financial condition, meeting its obligations and looking

to a bright and successful future.

I want to personally thank Jim Conger in his role as Secretary for his quick turn-around

with the minutes of the Board of Directors meetings. It makes such a difference to have

them days after the meeting when the events are still fresh in your mind. I want to thank

Michelle Leonard for her work as Merchandise Chair. She has brought freshness to the

Ship’s Store with one of a kind items and made people stop to check out what’s new in

the window. I also want to thank Bob Paulsen for his work on the Seascape. He’s

brought some fresh ideas to our monthly publication and given it added interest for the

members with the photographs he includes. I want to thank Bill Mohr for the countless

hours he has contributed as Treasurer working on the monthly and year-end accounting

and then patiently explaining things to the Board and the members. I want to thank Greg

Lonie for his support, intelligent insight and guidance to me. He was a great help in

getting through some difficult situations. Wayne Martin and the Membership Committee

did a tremendous job this year, signing up new members. Great job all of you. I want

to thank the entire Board of Directors for their hard work and assistance in handling the

Club’s affairs. Most of all I want to thank you, the members, for your support, your

encouragement and your ideas. You all are what makes Oakland Yacht Club a fun and

enjoyable place to be

That future is even brighter with an active and engaged membership. Get involved with

the Club, whether it’s going to a Board or committee meeting, joining a committee,

volunteering to decorate or joining in cruise outs, social events at the Club or having a

meal in the Commodore’s Hall. You’ll meet some wonderful people and share some

great times.

I look forward to seeing you all at the Club, on the docks and on the bay heading to a

cruise out. Here’s to an extremely successful 2017.


Annual Meeting of the Corporation November 5

Change of Watch November 12

Lighted Yacht Parade December 3

New Year’s Eve Party December 31

Ladies Luncheon February 25


Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 30th. We gather at 5:00 pm and begin our

discussion around 5:30 in the Regatta Room.

November's Selection: "The Kitchen House" by Kathleen Grissom. Please join us if you are interested. Any female OYC

member or partner/significant other of an OYC member is

always welcome at the Women's Book Group.

For more information about the OYC Women's Book

Group, please contact Mindy Hart-Shaw

email:, or cell: 510-882-5371.

Vice Commodore Brian Cooley

This last month we have been very busy working on the finishing

touches to the proposed budget for the 2017 year. Because of the tight time frames the

harbor committee meeting was canceled so that we could concentrate on the budget.

Because I came into the position of Vice Commodore late in the year I’m really

scrambling to fill committee chair positions. If anyone has an interest in Social

Committee chair or Cruse Chair please let me know.

The Past Commodores (Staff Commodores) have been meeting on a regular basis and

have been in communication with flag officers and the Board regarding several issues in

an effort to support the Boards efforts in managing the Club. The Past Commodores are

trying to position themselves in such a way that they can be a resource to the Board

and give assistance in any way they can.

As I’m sure will be reported by others in this addition of the Seascape we have a new

Chef and his first meal was this last Friday. Chef “Ray” is very personable and is eager

to get our food program off to a good start. I had dinner last Friday and was very

impressed with the food. Good job Chef Ray.

I really feel that things are moving forward in a very positive way at the Club right now

with the addition of Ben our new GM and the Chef coming on board. So if you have not

used the Club lately please come by and see how nicely things are progressing with

these new additions to our staff.

I hope to see all of you at our General Membership meeting in November.

…from the Membership Chairman

I want to thank all the members that helped me on the membership committee.

Without Michelle Leonard, John Ratto, Ron Konkle, Marya, Maggie Sabovich, and

Jason Pratt, I couldn't have done it.

We had a great year and brought in many new members that are and will be enjoying

the club and all the activities. They will be moving the club forward and we will all

enjoy the benefits. I know that Fred Kowitz will do a super job as membership chair

and already has ideas for next year.

Carol and I have been a part of this club for 15 years and feel blessed to have so

many friends at the club that we have made. Thank you for this opportunity to help

make the club a great place to be now and in the future. - Wayne Martin

Cruise Chair – John Egland

2016 Cruise Year in Review

2016 was a big year for cruising at Oakland Yacht Club. We had

15 cruise outs, with 43 different members participating,

individuals and couples. If we count the members once, for each time they participated

in a cruise out, that adds up to 112 times members left their slip to visit other clubs,

explore San Francisco Bay, and/or go up the Delta. Considering most cruises last three

days and two nights, OYC members spent over half a year cruising in our local waters.

OYC has always had a great cruising history and there are many fun and unique

opportunities to participate. This is something we want to continue into the future. One

of the challenges in 2016 was finding leaders for the cruise outs. Of the 15 cruises, we

had 10 members who helped out in leading them. Organizing and coordinating a

cruise takes some effort; but, not as much as it may seem. Now is a great time to start

considering leading a cruise in 2017. If there’s a place you have always wanted to visit

in the Bay Area; maybe another yacht club, harbor, or anchorage, here’s an opportunity

to guarantee a trip there and a place for yourself on the roster.

For 2016, we need to thank the following folks for leading our cruise outs.

Jim and Claire Conger

Ron and Carmen Konkle

Greg and Kim Lonie

David Offerman & Linda Fenn

Brad and Marya Budinger

Michelle Leonard

A special thank you to the following members who stepped up to lead their first cruise

out for the club.

Dan and Denny Stoup

Jerry & Marti Vattuone

Fred and Carolyn Kowitz

In addition to leaders, we owe a special thank you to all who participated in 2016 cruise

outs. We look forward to your participation in 2017.

RECAP - Ladies Cruise Out to South Beach Harbor, Oct 21-23

Our fleet included Vets Pet with skipper Denny Stoup with Marlene

Dines and Diane Ericsson, Gris Gris with skipper Chris Bailey and

myself, Blue Passion with skipper Michelle Leonard and Carol

Martin, Mary Emma with skipper Sandy Fouts and Barbara Cardoza,

Michelle Opheim, Odyssea with skipper Linda Fenn and Diane

Rose, Baywind with skipper Kim Lonie.

We all arrived Friday Afternoon with beautiful weather. Once we

all got settled in we had happy hour and appetizers on Vets

Pet. That night for dinner we all walked over to Mo Mo's for a

yummy dinner. Afterwards we had after dinner drinks and

dessert and much laughter back on Vets Pet. Thank you


Saturday morning, we slept in and had a plentiful potluck

brunch dockside with of coarse mimosas and more laughter!

Our next event for the day was boarding the E train to Pier 39.

Michelle Leonard being our wonderful Cruise Captain along

with being our amazing leader called us her “herd of cats" and we

proceeded to meow to her getting on and off the train! I know you

had to have been there! Once we arrived at Pier 39, without losing

anyone we split into groups to enjoy the day. The most popular spot

was the tea store and of course the cute wine bar!

After naps and showers, we met upstairs to have dinner at South

Beach Yacht Club. We had a wonderful dinner; the club did an

exceptional job welcoming us! After dinner, we met back on Vets Pet,

thank you again Denny!!! We had a hilarious evening including a fun

dice game and of course lady’s cocktails, it is however the ladies cruise!

All of us left to our different boats with aching cheeks because we

laughed too much!

Sunday morning Gris Gris left the dock first and everyone else shortly

after us. The ladies of OYC had a very special weekend with old and

new friendships formed. We all agreed once a year is not enough! We all

want to thank Michelle Leonard for all her hard work to make this year’s

Ladies Cruise Out so remarkable! GO OYC!!

Racing Committee Chair - Jim Hild

(510) 277-4676 –

Article by Debby Ratto

Oktoberfest .. What were you doing on October 1st? Well,

sixteen boats from various yacht clubs joined OYC on the Bay

for our Oktoberfest race around Treasure Island. The wind

was a bit slow to fill in, I am told, but fill it did and racers took to

the line and looked to the wind, tides and currents, for the best direction for the

rounding, before racing down the Estuary to finish in front of OYC.

Thank You to Ted Keech for taking on the PRO

responsibility and all that worked as Race Committee

too! And Thank You to Greg Lonie for taking pictures at

the Oktoberfest Race, as included here and also loaded

on the OYC Web under the Race Tab, Photos.

After the race it was up to the Club for prizes, beer,

pretzels and our new General Manager, Ben, put out

Lasagna, which had a “German” flair, based on all the fun going on, costumes and beer

steins abounding.

And look at one of our racers, George Gurrola,

partying with “Georgie’s Girls” who arranged this

celebration and lots of friends and sailors came

to wish George a Happy 86th Birthday.

What’s next?

The Race Committee is busy preparing and submitting schedules, advertising,

documents and systems for our 2017 Sunday Brunch Series, which starts January


Perpetual Cup …

It’s final, Dick Johnson, owner of

Nice Turn and Dick’s regular skipper,

Jim Jessie once again take the

honors, winning the 2016 Perpetual

Cup Award. Ah, but keep an eye out

on 2017, as Scott Ollivier/Double

Agent and Michael Berndt/Zwei

Flying Fish and other OYC Racers

are gearing up to race to the top!

Results posted on the bulletin board

along with Race results and you can

also find it on the OYC Race Info

Web page.

Other Racing News …

Island Yacht Club: Island Days starts the 2nd Sunday of November and runs the 2nd

Sunday of each month through March 2017. IYC results: Racing! Island Yacht Club or

go to

Encinal Yacht Club: Jack Frost is a bay series beginning November 12, 2016, with their 2017 races on 1/21, 2/25, and 3/18. EYC results: Encinal Yacht Club or go to

Social Report - Toni Lyman & Carol Martin &

Want to join the Race Committee; we’d love to have you. Meetings are the 2nd

Tuesday of each month, 7pm in the Regatta Room. For additional information about

OYC Racing call Jim Hild @ 510-277-4676 or e-mail:


The Holder 12 racers struggled with wind, rain and the high cost of beer for refilling the

Anonymous Bosch Perpetual Beer Growler on October 16. Rather than bore you with all

the details, I get right to the results – 49’ers 16 -- Buffalo 45; Kansas City 26 – Raiders

10; Dodgers 1 -- Cubs 0.

Next races are coming right up on November 6 around noon on Dock 3.

Happy Halloween to Everyone and the beginning of our Holiday Season at the club.

Speaking of Halloween, we had a great party at OYC! Many creative costumes please

check out our photo gallery. Also, we want to thank The Sea Breeze Yacht Club for

joining us and they added to all the fun! We also want to thank Chef Raymond for all the

exceptional meals he served us. We received amazing feedback on all his dishes. His

bread pudding was the bomb!

Our next very special event is the Change of Watch on November 12th. This is an

evening of thanking our Flag Officers and Board members and welcoming our new

board members and celebrating yachting. Please sign up for this event.

December 3rd is the Lighted Yacht Parade

Decmber 31st is The New Year’s Eve Party

We are still looking for someone or maybe a group to take on the Social Chair position.

This is a fun and rewarding position. Who doesn't love a good party? Please contact

Carol or Toni and our new Commodore Brian Cooley for more info and or questions.

We want to thank our new General Manager for coming aboard, you are awesome and

we appreciate you and our terrific staff at OYC.

--Toni Lyman and Carol Martin

Pictures from the Halloween Party

PICYA Delegate Maggie Sabovich

(510) 787-1258 –


SATURDAY, Feb 25th

11:00 – 3:00 PM

Help us usher in spring!

Share a special afternoon with a new

friend, best friend, mentor, your

mother, grandmother, or any other

special women in your life.

Raffle and prizes too!


The Ladies Lunch committee needs your help.

We are in need of ideas and contacts for our

entertainment for the 2017 luncheon on

Saturday, February 25th.

Please put on your thinking caps. If you have

any ideas and contact information of something

and think the women of our club would be

interested in, no matter how implausible you may

think it is, please contact Carmen Konkle as

soon as possible. It could be something you

heard of or have seen lately. – 925-831-0991.

Besides various fashion shows, some of things

we’ve done in the past include – floral arranging,

Diablo Quilting Society, singers and actors from

local plays and opera, Michaan’s Auctions,



The PICYA October 2016 Delegate Dinner was held at the Bridge

Marina Yacht Club, on Monday, October 3rd. OYC PICYA

delegate Maggie Sabovich, husband Roger Karlsrud, alternate OYC delegate Doug

Hipsley and wife Pam attended this meeting, earning the OYC four Club of the Year


PICYA’s 20th Annual Wheel Chair Regatta was held on Saturday, September 24th at the

Encinal Yacht Club with 250 disabled veterans in attendance, with one hundred of those

vets in wheelchairs. Their caretakers accompanied them on the boat rides. The Oakland

and Alameda Fire Departments provided the manpower to lift those veterans up onto

the 27 donated power boats which had volunteered to take the vets out for a two hour

ride on the Bay. They then lifted those in wheelchairs off the boats when they returned.

In addition to the Fire Department volunteers, we had another 200 volunteers helping

with food preparation, setting up the tents and tables and chairs for the attendees,

organizing food items on serving trays, packing personal care items in bags for the vets

to take back with them at the end of the day, and a volunteer band and singers to

entertain the crowd all day long. Sea Scouts and the Coast Guard Auxiliary were in

attendance to help with the heavy lifting.

The San Leandro VFW members provided the hamburgers and hotdogs and barbequed

them for the veterans and volunteers that afternoon. Donations from PICYA member

yacht clubs provided the funds to purchase the rest of the luncheon menu of potato

salad, fresh fruit, tomatoes, cheese slices, lettuce, onions, hot peppers, condiments,

soft drinks, and water. Hundreds of homemade cookies were baked by member yacht

club cooks for the dessert.

OYC members who volunteered to work at this event were OYC Commodore Donna

Beckett, P/C Doug Hipsley and wife Pam and OYC PICYA Delegate Maggie Sabovich.

The OYC donated $250 to the PICYA Foundation to assist with the purchase of food for

the Wheel Chair Regatta. This donation is fully tax deductible.

The Friday night before the Regatta, PICYA volunteers prepared skipper bags

containing several bottles of wine each for the power boat skippers, and the Encinal

Yacht Club prepared a dinner of barbequed ribs and chicken, salads, breads and

dessert for the “Skippers Dinner”, with menu items donated by Bi-Rite Foods.

The entire event costs about $8500 that has to be donated either in-kind or in cash by

the participating PICYA yacht clubs, the Encinal Yacht Club and other community

organizations. This year’s 20th Anniversary event was a rousing success!

The PICYA Fall Management Conference was held on Saturday, October 15th at the

Loch Lomond Yacht Club and the current appointed Director of the Department of

Boating and Waterways was one of the speakers at this event. The Department of

Boating and Waterways is still being threatened to become a department of the

California Parks Department, so letters from boaters are still needed to prevent this

merger from happening.

The next scheduled PICYA Delegates meeting will be the Annual Awards Dinner at the

Encinal Yacht Club on November 7th, 2016, when Awards for Club of the Year will be


RBOC Current Issue:


October 17, 2016: RBOC is opposing the copper implementation plan proposed by the

California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region that would

significantly impact the ability of recreational boaters in the area to utilize copper-based

anti-fouling paints.

RBOC's concerns have been submitted to the regional board through formal comments

regarding the proposed Basin Plan Amendments to Incorporate Total Maximum Daily

Loads for Copper and Non-TMDL Action Plans for Other Metals in Newport Bay.

RBOC will also be testifying at the public hearing the regional board will hold on October


This issue is important to boating. From recreational boats in the water for a season to

commercial ships that are in the water year round, antifouling paint on the underwater

part of the boat is fundamental to the proper maintenance and performance of almost all

watercraft. The uncontrolled growth of marine organisms on boats significantly

degrades performance, increases fuel consumption, contributes to the spread of aquatic

invasive species and can even lead to a vessel sinking in extreme cases.

Many antifouling paints contain cuprous oxide, a form of copper, as the licensed

pesticide that is their primary active ingredient. These antifouling paints, approved by

the USEPA, are designed for the copper to gradually leach into the water from the boat.

Paints containing copper are currently the most effective, affordable and available

antifouling products for all vessels, including recreational boats.

With regard to the proposed basin plan amendments, RBOC endorses and concurs with

the comments of the City of Newport Beach:

1. The Copper TMDL unlawfully attempts to force local agencies to ban

copper anti-fouling paint.

The Copper TMDL is unlawful because: (1) It explicitly relies on an

implementation plan that requires local agencies to take actions the Legislature

has prohibited; and (2) The Regional Board purports to usurp the authority of the

Department of Pesticide Regulation to govern the use of copper anti-fouling


The Legislature states that the City does not have the legal authority to ban

copper paint, and that any action by the City would be “void and of no force or

effect.” Local governments cannot regulate the use of pesticides in Food and

Agriculture Code Section 11501.1, subdivision (a).

The Legislature has plainly granted exclusive authority to DPR to regulate the

use of pesticides such as copper anti-fouling paint.

It would be arbitrary, capricious and contrary to law to end-run that process to

compel local governments to regulate the use of registered pesticides in a

manner contrary to DPR’s legislative judgment. There is a 1997 Management

Agency Agreement between DPR and the State Water Resources Control Board

that includes an established dispute resolution process in place to address

conflicts between the two state agencies.

2. The Copper TMDL is unlawful because alternatives to copper anti-fouling

paint are not effective or available.

Alternative paints are not widely commercially available, do not have a track

record of being effective and are not affordable. The only alternative paints with

any degree of effectiveness are not recommended by US EPA’s technical

contractor because they present serious environmental hazards.

3. The margin of safety is too large and is unsupported.

The Copper TMDL is improperly and artificially lowered because the Regional

Board proposes a margin of safety that is unreasonably large. The Regional

Water Board’s staff report does not include any explanation of why such a large

margin of safety is appropriate, and none is apparent. There is no justification to

add a margin of safety amounting to one fifth of the TMDL on top of all the other

conservative assumptions especially when the observed “impairment” is alleged,

and isolated technical exceedances of the chronic water quality criterion have no

observed toxicity.

4. The phased implementation schedule is unreasonable, unsupported and

would force early investments that may be unnecessary.

The 20% reduction by the end of year 3, 50% by the end of year 7, and 83%

reduction by the end of year 15 is unreasonable, unsupported and unlawful

because it is too short and fails to allow time at the beginning to address the

many problems with the TMDL and its implementation.

The Regional Board concludes that “voluntary compliance in Newport Bay [would

be] difficult” given that neither the Regional Board nor any of the entities

regulated by the TMDL may legally restrict the use of copper anti-fouling paint.

The City submits that it will likely take considerable time for this vague plan to

work, and the Regional Board’s failure to allow for such time in its implementation

schedule is improper. Similarly, it would be wasteful and unnecessarily costly and

controversial to develop site-specific objectives while at the same time being held

to early and high percentage decreases.

And lastly, with the lack of available and affordable copper anti-fouling paint

alternatives on the market today, it is irrational to adopt a schedule that does not

allow the proposed new market to respond and develop.

5. The Copper TMDL imposes unfunded state mandates that the State must

reimburse under the California Constitution.

Though the regional boards and the State Water Resources Control Board

commonly argue that their programs are exempt from the reimbursement

program under Government Code 17513, the Copper TMDL would represent a

discretionary decision by the state to impose requirements beyond those

mandated by federal law. This would be a “true choice” by the state to impose

the mandate, and subvention will be required.

6. It is improper to promulgate a TMDL for an entire bay when only certain

areas of water bodies within the bay may even be arguably impaired.

7. The Substitute Environmental Document (SED) fails to comply with the

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

Prior to approving the proposed TDMLs, the Regional Board must comply with

CEQA and its guidelines. The SED is inadequate since its analysis of impacts

uses an invalid “baseline” which generally consists of the environmental

conditions that exist at the time of environmental review. It is legal error to

determine significance of impacts in comparison with a non-existent

hypothetically “permitted” action.

Further, the SED’s impact analysis is flawed because it fails to properly account

for, or analyze, the foreseeable significant impact of its program. In fact, the

Washington State Department of Ecology has concluded that there are no

currently available non-toxic alternatives to copper anti-fouling paints. The SED

must be revised to address the likelihood that a reasonably foreseeable

implementation of the Copper TMDL will involve application of toxic anti-fouling

paint, and to analyze the environmental impacts of applying those paints.

Additionally, the SED is invalid for failing to analyze a reasonable range of

alternatives, and it does not include an economic factors analysis.

8. The data sources in the staff report are older than 10 years, and were

collected prior to significant dredging activities that recently occurred in

the Upper and Lower Bay.

November Meetings

Meetings are open to all members. Your attendance is encouraged and welcome.

9. The vessel count used in the calculations is significantly different than

the actual, verified number of 4,470 vessels in Newport Harbor.

In addition, RBOC objects to the provision of the basin plan amendment that would

specifically identify boaters as dischargers responsible to reduce copper loads and

correct sediment impairment. This will impose significant, costly and burdensome

requirements on individual boat owners in the implementation of the basin plan



Nov 01 House Committee 6:30 pm Regatta Room

Nov 04 Membership Committee 4:00 pm Regatta Room

Nov 05 Meeting of the Corporation 9:30 am Commodore’s Hall

Nov 08 Harbor Committee 6:30 pm Regatta Room

Nov 08 Racing Committee 7:00 pm Regatta Room

Nov 17 Board of Directors 6:30 pm Regatta Room


Amateur Radio –Rich Beckett Photography – Lee Corkran

Budget & Finance – Brian Cooley PICYA & RBOC – Maggie Sabovich

Cruise – John Egland Racing – Jim Hild

Education & Safety – Jim Conger Reciprocity – Vacant Position

Harbor – Brian Cooley Reconfiguration – Dave Humphrey

House – Greg Lonie Risk Management – Bill Fowler

Library – Barbara Cardoza & Sandy Fouts Seascape – Bob Paulsen

Membership – Wayne Martin Social – Toni Lyman & Carol Martin

Merchandise – Michelle Leonard Staff Commodores – Jim Labbe

Parliamentarian – Kim Lonie Webmaster – Jim Conger


02 Jennifer Haas 16 Richard Nemeth

02 Chris Bailey 17 Pete Lismer

03 Nora TeStruth 19 Leo & Daun Weiss

03 Jerry Hougland 19 Russel Pugh

04 John Tuma 22 Brian Cooley

07 Michael Rose 22 Bobbi Johnson

08 Gerry Rodriguez 24 Doug Hardie

08 Steven Jellinek 26 Stephen Geist

10 Dennis McGuire 28 Raymond McMurphy

15 Betsy Fowler


Seascape is written by the members of the Oakland Yacht Club, for the members of the Oakland Yacht Club. Articles, photos, and event flyers, are due to the editor before the 4th week of each month. For additional information contact the editor, Staff Commodore Bob Paulsen, at, or call (510) 393-2074.