Common Requirements of living things: Plants and Single cells Web viewThe DNA contains all the...

Post on 22-Feb-2018

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Biology 1 Summary





All living organisms are made of cells. Some are made of only one cell; like bacteria, others are made up of many cells; like the animals pictured above. Single cellular organisms are called Unicellular, these are typically less complicated organisms. Organisms with more than one cell are called multicellular organisms, these are more complex and are made up of multiple systems.


Comprised of 3 parts







Two Types of Cells PROKARYOTIC and EUKARYOTICProkaryotic Cells – P for primitive

Unicellular organisms No membrane bound organelles One circular piece of DNA

Eukaryotic Cells Mostly multicellular and some unicellular Membrane bound organelles Nucleus present Linear DNA


Organelle/ Function Notes :nucleus



endoplasmic reticulumgolgi bodies



starch grains


Different functions for different cellsIn multicellular organisms cells specialize.Each cell is built in a slightly different way to be able to perform its functions.Cells come in all different shapes and sizes. The most important thing is for the cell to not grow to the point where it is unable to transport things into and out of it.

STRUCTURE OF A EUKARYOTIC CELL All cells are surrounded by a plasma membrane this is the barrier between the inside and outside of the cell. This

membrane is made of lipids. Plant cells have another barrier call a cell wall, this is more rigid and gives them greater strength. This cell wall is made

of cellulose.

Main differences?

Within each cell is a liquid that maintains the volume of the cell. It holds all the organelles. This is called the cytosol. The liquid plus all the organelles together make up the cytoplasm. All cells need energy and they get this via the mitochondria. This is where cellular respiration takes place. Cells take in

oxygen and undergo a chemical reaction to make ATP molecules (cells energy). Plant cells have the added ability of being able to photosynthesize, meaning make glucose for sunlight energy. This glucose is then used during cellular respiration.

Cellular respiration equation: (occurs in the mitochondria)

Photosynthesis equation: (occurs in the chloroplast)

Ribosomes make proteins. A type of protein called an enzyme is made to speed up chemical reactions.

In order for the cell to remain 3D and strong several organelles help to keep hold of the cell’s shape. Including the

cytoskeleton ________________________________________, the microtubules

________________________________________ and centrioles _____________________________________.

Things need to move around the cell (a protein might be made at one end of the cell and may be needed at another

end). The endoplasmic reticulum transports things around the cell. What is the difference between the rough and

smooth endoplasmic reticulum?

When things need to be shipped out of the cell they are packaged up in the :

and then shipped out via into the body to where it may be required.

When organelles have reached their used by date they are broken down by .

When a cell has reached the end of its life it undergoes _________________ this is cell suicide or programmed cell


How do molecules move into and out of the cell?

They can either pass through the plasma membrane or they can undergo endocytosis and exocytosis.

Exocytosis is ________________________________________________________

Endocytosis is _______________________________________________________

When does the cell undergo exocytosis or endocytosis?

The cell nucleus contains the DNA. The DNA contains all the information needed for an organism to function and the

Nucleus surrounds and protects it. Within the nucleus there is a darker region call the nucleolus this is exactly where

the DNA sits in the nucleus.

DNA stands for __________________________________________

Common requirements of living things: Plants and Single-cells

What are the requirements of all living things and how does each of them help an organism survive?




All autotrophs produce their own energy from inorganic matter. They can do this by

either being photosynthetic or chemosynthetic.

What is photosynthesis? Where does it occur in plants?

Write the word equation for photosynthesis.

What is cellular respiration? In what organisms does this occur and why?

Write the word equation for cellular respiration.

Single celled organisms

How do single celled organisms transport everything they require into and out of the cell?


What is a plant?

What are the features of plant cells?

What are the inputs and outputs of plants?


What are the roles of the following structures?

• Meristems-

• Epidermis-

• Ground tissue-

• Vascular tissue-


Water transport is carried out by the _________________

Sugar transport is carried out by the _________________

What are the features of the Xylem?

What are the features of the phloem? What roles do sieve and companion cells do?

Explain how water is transported up the plant against gravity. Include the terms root pressure, adhesion and cohesion in your explanation.


Why are leaves so important to plants?

What features do they have that make them ideal for photosynthesis?

Label the cross section through a leaf

Plant cell do some things differently including photosynthesis. Cell organelles and cell features only found in plants include. Chloroplast this is where photosynthesis takes place. It is made up of 2 parts a stroma and a thylakoid membrane

system. Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in plants that catches

the sunlight and makes it available for photosynthesis. Starch grains:

Large Vacuoles:

Digestion is :

Digestion must occur so that:

Explain the location, the structure and function of the above

Products of Digestion

The following compounds are absorbed from the gut into the blood:

The following compounds are absorbed from the gut into the Lymphatic system:

The blood from the small intestine goes to the liver what happens here?


Explain the differences between asexual and sexual reproduction.

Types of asexual reproduction







Sexual Reproduction

What are SOMATIC CELLS? How many chromosomes do they have in humans?

What are GERM CELLS? How many chromosomes do they have in humans? Why?

What are chromosomes?

Draw a meiosis flowchart below.

Reproduction in plants

Label the male and female parts of the plant below.


Self pollination:

Cross pollination:

What happens after pollination takes place?

What happens to the flower?


External Reproduction Internal FertilisationPros Pros

Cons Cons

What is metamorphosis? Give an example.

What is the gamete produced by the male reproductive system and where is it made?

What is the gamete produced by the female reproductive system and where is it made?

From the ovaries, where does the egg go and where does fertilisation occur?

What is a zygote?

What is an embryo?

What is a foetus?

Label the following human reproductive tracts

Compound Enzymes Product LocationCarbohydrates



Long chain peptides

Short chain peptides

Lipids -fats