COMMUNISM HITS SOUTH WITH NON-SEGREGATION · Communism Takes Over South Through Non , ^ Segregation...

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COMMUNISM HITS SOUTHWITH NON-SEGREGATIONJewish Marxists ThreatenNegro Revolt In America!Communists Plan BlackRepublic In South


(Readers of Common Sense will be shocked tolearn that the recent decision of the SupremeCourt outlawing segregation in schools actuallycarried out a 1921 Resolution of the Commu-nist International! Mr. Mullins spent weekstracing the sinister origin of this un-Americandecision.)

Although millions of American citizenswere stunned by the decision of the SupremeCourt of the United States that segregationin public schools must be ended, few realizedthat this decision was the culmination of avicious campaign to destroy American liber-ties. This campaign had its origin in a 1921directive of the Communist Internationalwritten by the Soviet Chief of Propaganda,Karl Radek, the alias of a Jewish revolu-tionary named Sobelsohn.

The Radek directive gave explicit ordersto the Communist Party of America to stirup racial strife between white and blackAmerican citizens, to force the two groupstogether in order to create race riots, and tocarry on relentless agitation for "Negrorights".

This directive was read at the BridgmanMichigan convention of the CommunistParty of America on August 20, 1922. It laiddown the basis for "civil rights" agitationand step by step outlined the methods whichhave been used since that date by tfie Ameri-can Jewish Congress and its subsidiary, theNational Association for the Advancementof Colored People.

Two days later, on August 22, 1922, theBridgman Convention was raided by gov-ernment agents and the Radek directive aswell as hundreds of other Communist docu-ments were seized. These documents are inthe files of the Federal Bureau of Investiga-tion today, but J. Edgar Hoover is understrict orders not to reveal the Radek direc-tive at any cost, because it would brand theSupreme Court as a front or agent of theCommunist International.

One of the great authorities on Commu-nist infiltration, R. M. "Whitney, wrote in hisdefinitive work "Reds In America",* pub-lished in 1924 by the Beckwith Press, onpage 189.

"The Communists' earliest program in theUnited States included the use of the negromasses in its campaign to bring about theoverthrow of the Government of this coun-try by violence."

At the Sixth World Congress of the Com-munist International held in Moscow in1928, the slogan for America "Self-Determi-nation in the Black Belt" was devised. In1930 the Communist Party published theofficial "Resolution of the Communist Inter-national on the Negro Question in the UnitedStates". "We quote from this resolution,

"The main Communist slogan must be:The right of self-determination of the Ne-groes in the Black Belt. . . . If the slogan ofself-determination of the Negroes is to beput into force it is necessary wherever pos-sible to bring together into one governmen-tal unit all districts of the South where themajority of the settled population consistsof Negroes. . . . The right of the Negroes togovernmental separation will be uncondi-tionally realized by the Communist Party.. . . The Communist Party must stand upwith all strength and courage for the strug-gle to win independence and for the estab-lishment of a Negro Republic in the BlackBelt."

On March 16, 1930, the Political Secreta-—(Continued on Page 2)—

\/ j / ctmtmutuAm & itzmd/m commwt, denie

Ike Milan's Mti-tammunist Paper

Com man Sense "All the NewsKept Out of Print"


Negro Communist Leader

I H E ANSWER! VIEWS P A NORTHERN NEGROAddress by Tom Linder, Commissioner of

Dept. of Agriculture Before the GeorgiaEducation Commission, Senate Chamber,State Capitol, Atlanta, Georgia, June 25,1954.

Your Excellency, Governor Talmadgie;Members of the Commission, andvisitors:

There is no reason to abolish or discontinueour present public schools. The people ofGeorgia, I am sure, are determined to maintain

segregation of the races inour public educational insti-tutions. They are equallydetermined to maintain theirsystem of public education.There is no reason why theyshould not be able to doboth.

Every white child and itsparents shall have the oppor-

TOM LINDER tunity to attend an all-whiteschool. Every colored child and its parents shallhave the opportunity to attend an all-coloredschool. No white child will be forced to attend amixed school and no colored child will be forcedto attend a mixed school. If there be thoseamong us afflicted with a sociological complexor psychological complex, or that are sufferingfrom some perverted instinct that makes itimpossible for them to be happy and contentedwith their own race, the Legislature will makeprovisions to provide for such cases, either inpublic institutions or in private institutions. Allthese things are consistent with the Constitu-tion, with the statutes and even with the latestdecision of the Supreme Court.

In the future, the people of Georgia and theother states must see to it that the seats in theUnited States Senate and House of Represen-tatives are filled with men who will use everyright, prerogative and power at their commandto erase from the government and the courtsevery individual guilty of usurpation of powersand exercising unauthorized use of constitutedpowers to destroy the rights of the states underthe Constitution which is the real basis of ourpresent problem which has been brought to usready-made by outsiders and does hot, in anyway, originate among the people of Georgia,

—<Continued on Page 4)—

During recent years, the press of theUnited States has reflected various opinionsconcerning segregation in our publicschools — and the probable effect of infe-gration on the pupils, and the communityas a whole. The problem has reached theSupreme Court.

On-Jsnuary 25, 1953, Davis Lee, NegroPubli&'Vo and editor of the Newark, N. J.,Telegi^ i, expressed this sound and timelyview ol :he repercussions we might expectif the forces of agitation prove victorious.

It is the best argument we have read.He said:"The efforts being made by certain paid

agitators and pressure groups to have seg-regated schools in the South declaredunconstitutional — may cause SouthernNegroes to lose a lot more than they willgain.

"The trouble with this group, as withsimilar ones, is that the initiators don'tcount the overall cost to the race. Thepresent effort is designed to destroy thewhole pattern of segregation — and toestablish an integrated social order inwhich there will be no distinction made inthis country on the basis of race, religion,color or nationality.

"This is a laudable objective, but humannature just has not changed that much, andthe achievement of such a.n objective couldcause repercussions that might set theNegro back fifty years.

"Integration in the schools in the Northand East — is not a howling success. ANegro can attend most of the schools uphere — and get an education — but few ofthe states that educate him will hire himas a teacher. The State of Connecticutdoesn't have twenty-five Negro teachers . . .

"Nowhere in these integrated states doNegroes get anywhere near proportionaterepresentation. Every device is employedto keep qualified Negroes from beingassigned. Recently a reputable New Yorklabor union made a report on the employ-ment of Negro teachers in New York City— and charged that a systematic schemehas been adopted to exclude Negroes asteachers.

"This is not true in the South. The Stateof Georgia employs 7,313 Negro teachers.and paid them close to $15,000,000 insalaries last year. North Carolina paid its

—(Continued on Page 3)—

Communism Takes OverSouth Through Non , ^Segregation Law

—(Continued from Page 1)—riat of the Executive Committee of the Com-munist International stated in a letter to theAmerican Communist Party,

"Communists must unreservedly carry ona struggle for the self-determination of theNegro population in the Black Belt in accor-dance with the decisions of the Sixth WorldCongress of the Communist International."

This dictate has been periodically restatedby the Communist Party, and in December,1946 it was reissued as a "Resolution onNegro Rights and Self-Determination."

Felix FrankfurterThe anti-segregation decision of the Su-

preme Court was dictated by one of the mostsinister men in America, an Austrian Jewnamed Felix Frankfurter, leader of the rad-ical World Zionist movement and a lifelongadvocate of Socialism and leftwing objec-tives. Felix Frankfurter was head of de-fense committee for Sacco and Vanzetti,anarchists who were electrocuted in Massa-chusetts in 1927. A law partner of Henry L.Stimson in the firm of Winthrop and Stim-son, lawyers for Kuhn, Loeb Co., interna-tional Jewish bankers who financed theCommunist Revolution in Russia, Frank-furter was first thrust upon the Americanpeople by President Woodrow Wilson, whobrought a horde of alien Socialists to Wash-ington and set up the Socialist hierarchywhich was reinstated in power fifteen yearslater by his understudy Franklin D. Roose-yelt.

Wilson appointed Frankfurter as counselfor the Presidential Mediation Commissionin the Mooney Case. As the defender of agroup of Communist bomb-throwers andterrorists, Frankfurter had the temerity totry to influence Theodore Roosevelt in thedecision. Theodore Roosevelt repl"?d in anopen letter which has been pubi 'ized foryears, as follows:

"You have taken and are taking an atti-tude which seems to me to be fundamentallythat of Trotsky and the other Bolshevistleaders in Russia, an attitude which may befraught with mischief to this country. . . .There again you have engaged in excusingmen precisely like the Bolsheviks in Russia,who are murderers and encourages tr ^ur-der, who are traitors to their allies, iem-ocracy and civilization, as well as .o theUnited States, and whose acts are neverthe-less apologized for on grounds, my dear Mr.Frankfurter, substantially like those whichyou allege.

The official publication of the WorldZionist Organization, the Zionist Bulletin,reported in the issue of September 2, 1919:

"A dinner in honor of the Hon. JusticeBrandeis, prior to his return to America,was given by the Executive of the WorldZionist Organization on August 26 at theRi'tz Hotel. Prof. Frankfurter, in proposingthe toast to his Majesty's Government, re-ferred to the months of hard work in whichhe and the other Jewish delegates had beenengaged in Paris. They often spoke in dif-ferent tongues; but they were all animatedby a single sentiment—the welfare of Israeland the good of Zion."

The welfare of Israel and the World Jew-ish conspiracy has always been the singlesentiment of Frankfurter's life. One of thearchitects of the Versailles Peace Conferencein 1920 which made the Second World Warinevitable because of the impossible termsinflicted upon Germany, Frankfurter wasinstrumental in carving out the artificialstate of Czechoslavakia by forcing togetherpeople of different nationalities, which madethe Sudeten crisis inevitable. He also stirredup anti-Semitism all over Europe by includ-ing in the Treaty special privileges for Jew-ish residents of all European countries, withthe threat that the United States would forcethe European nations to grant those specialJewish privileges.

American Civil Liberties UnionNational Committee

Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurterhas always been a close associate of some ofthe most dangerous radicals in America. Heserved on the National Committee of the


American Civil Liberties Union with Wil-liam Z. Foster, an open and professed Com-muist and the active leader of the Commu-nist Party of America. Also on this NationalCommittee was Morris Hillquit, counsel forthe American Communist Party, and manyother leaders of the Communist conspiracy.Is this not strange company for a Justice ofthe Supreme Court of the United States?When we realize that the anti-segregationdecision of the Supreme Court followed adirective of the Communist International,we can understand why the decision waswritten by an associate of the leaders of theCommunist Party, who is also the brother ofa notorious convict.

Roger Baldwin, director of the AmericanCivil Liberties Union, testified before theLusk Committee Investigating Communismas follows:

"The advocacy of murder, unaccompaniedby any act, is within the legitimate scope offree speech . . . I would say on behalf ofthe entire committee'that all of them disbe-lieve the theory of constructive intent, andthat all of them believe in the right of per-sons to advocate 'the overthrow of govern-ment by force and violence.' "

Thus Baldwin, speaking for Frankfurterand the other members of the AmericanCivil Liberties Union, defended the right ofindividuals to advocate the overthrow of theAmerican Government by violence. How canwe keep a man on the Supreme Court whobelieves in such basic Communist theories?

Mr. Holaday of the Lusk Committee askedAllen S. Olmstead of the ACLU:

"Did I understand you to say that an alienhas a right to preach the overthrow of Gov-ernment, and anarchy?"

Mr. Olmstead replied, "Yes." Thus, Frank-furter of Austria comes over here and be-cause of the international political power ofwrorld Jewry, gets himself appointed to theSupreme Court of the United States despitehis hatred of our free American institutions,and proceeds to undermine our country byforcing Negroes and whites together in ourschools, to precipitate race riots, and fulfillthe Radek directive of 1921. The Lusk Com-mittee summed up as follows:

"The American Civil Liberties Union, inthe last analysis, is a supporter of all sub-versive movements, and its propaganda isdetrimental to the interests of the State."

Yret Frankfurter continued as an impor-tant official of this group. He was also adirector of the NAACP (National Associa-tion for the Advancement of ColoredPeople).

Our Worst Supreme CourtThe present Supreme Court is a sorry

gathering of political hacks, professionalJewish apologists, and democratic leftovers.Justice William Douglas is a prominentmember of the United World Federalists, agroup financed by the Communist apologistJames Paul Warburg of the Soviet revolu-tionary banking family. United World Fed-eralists actively seeks to subvert the legalgovernment of the American people andsubstitute a world government in which ourcitizens will have no control over their ownfate. On May 14, 1952, Douglas addressedthe CIO Amalgamated Clothing Workers atAtlantic City. As reported in The DailyWorker and other leftwing publications, hesaid,

"Revolution is our business. We wantUnited Nations recognition for China andAmerican aid for Mao (leader of Commu-nist China)."

Douglas was a classmate of radical RobertHutchins at Yale. A darling of leftwing laborleaders and Jewish revolutionaries, Douglas

has been advocated for the Presidency ofjthe United States by these groups. He recent-ly accepted a $1000 Sidney Hillman Awardfrom Jewish labor leaders.

Chief Justice Earl Warren was appointedto that post by Eisenhower for the specificjob of ratifying the anti-segregation de-cision. Wrarren as Governor of Californiaspent so much time at Jewish banquets thatit was said he lost his taste for Christianfood.

Justice Tom Clark has cravenly refusedto appear before Congressional Committeesinvestigating the startling corruption of theDepartment of Justice during his term asAttorney General. He has been sharply crit-icized by many Congressmen investigatingthis corruption. A typical greedy, self-serv-ing politician, he eagerly went along withthe anti-segregation decision, although he isfrom Dallas, Texas, where he was unknownin the legal profession.

Jewish Revolutionaries EnlistNegro Supporters

The Jewish Communist Party of Americahas always envisioned arming the 15,000,000American Negroes as an army with whichto enslave the white population of America.For instance, when Senator Eastland ofMississippi protsted against the recent anti-segregation decision of the Supreme Court,the New York Post of June 15, 1954 carrieda letter by Harry Brice. The New York Postis edited by Dorothy Schiff, Jewess, andowned by the Schiff family. Jewish Inter-national bankers financed the 1917 Commu-nist Revolution in Russia. The letter carriedin the New York Post, of June 15, 1954, isas follows:

"Sen. Eastland (Dem., Miss.) says thegovernment would have to send an armyinto the south to enforce non-segregation.That's no problem. You could raise ten divi-sions in Harlem alone." *

This letter is typical of what the radicalJews want to do to the White Christian pop-ulation of America. Our Congressmen werehorrified to learn from many witnesses be-fore the House Un-American Activities Com-mittee fhat the wholesale slaughter of min-isters, school teachers, and independentbusinessmen in the South has already beenplanned by the Yiddish revolutionaries, inthe process of setting up a Black Republicunder the leadership of the notorious NegroCommunist Paul Robeson. Robeson wasawared the 1952 Stalin Peace Award. Duringthe Hearing before Un-American ActivitiesCommittee he declared "he would go to jailbefore he would say whether he was a Com-muist." He educated his son in Soviet Union.Robeson, who made millions of dollars asan entertainer in America because he waspublicized and given rave reviews by thelittle clique of Communist Jews who controlradio, television, and the movies, has alwayshated America.

Every other Negro who has been brougMtinto prominence by the Jews has somewherein his background an affiliation with Com-munism and left-wing causes. Consider thecase of Dr. Mordecai Johnson, President ofHoward University, an All-Negro Universityin Washington, D. C. which year after yearreceives more federal aid funds than anyother school in America, a school which isthe apple of the eye of Franklin D. Roose-velt's sallow helpmate, Eleanor, and a schoolwhich has harbored many of the most dan-gerous radicals in America. Here are thesentiments of Dr. Johnson as reported in theChicago Defender of June 10, 1933. Speak-ing before an audience of young Negro in-tellectuals who were being trained as theblack elite of the Communist Party, Dr.Johnson was reported as follows:

"Dr. Johnson urged his hearers not toallow the words Communism and Socialismto blind their eyes to the reality thaf onRussian soil today — it makes no differencewhat mistakes are being made or whatcrimes are being committed — there is amovement for the first time in the historyof the world to make available all their nat-ural resources for the life of the commonman."

With such speeches many thousands ofNegroes were recruited for the CommunistParty. Yet Dr. Mordecai Johnson continuestoday as the President of Howard University,supported by large grants of taxpayers'funds, and is constantly hailed as one of

r ANNA M. ROSENBERG (Jew) Named Communist Who Supports NAACP


most outstanding citizens.Dr. Ralph Bunche

Another "great" Negro citizen is RalphBunche, who holds an honorary degree ofDoctor. When Count Folke Bernadotte wasassassinated by Jewish terrorists in Israel,one of the most shocking crimes in moderndiplomatic history, Bunche was chosen toreplace him as United Nations mediator infhe theft of Palestine from its Arab inhabi-tants. The Jews were pleased with Bundle'shandling of their affairs, so pleased thatDavid Niles (Neyhus) offered him the posi-tion of Assistant Secretary of State in Tru-man's cabinet. Bunche sneeringly refused,claiming that Washington is a Jim Crowtown. Since the population of metropolitan[Washington is already predominantly Ne-gro, it is difficult to see how this could be.Actually, Bunche was merely creating anartificial issue for Communists to publicizein Russia. He accepted a better-paying jobjvith the United Nations.

Why is Bunche a favorite of Jewish rev-olutionaries? The Daily Worker of Novem-ber 10,1938 gives us a clue. On the front pageis a picture of a Negro Communist, justback from slaughtering nuns and priests inSpain. And below is a telegram welcominghim back to America from his church-burn-ing expedition overseas. The signer of thetelegram is Ralph Bunche of Howard Uni-versity. Thus Bunche reveals his real alleg-iance and explains his sudden rise to fameand fortune, backed by the Jewish Commu-nist clique.

They Planned It That WayAmerican citizens, stunned by the uncon-

stitutional anti-segregation of our leftwingSupreme Court, do not realize that this de-cision has its origins in Communist dictatesof more than one hundred years ago. Likethe income tax and the inheritance tax, theanti-segregation decision was demanded bythe Communist Manifesto of 1848, whichfirst used the phrase "without regard torace, creed, or color". This phrase identifiesany organization which uses it as a groupwhich follows the fundamental purposes ofCommunism. The American Jewish Con-gress and its colored subsidiary, the NationalAssociation for the Advancement of ColoredPeople, use this phrase in all of their publi-cations as a basic principle of their groups.

MongrelizationThe Jewish Communist Israel Cohen in

1912 wrote a "A Racial Program for theTwentieth Century", in which he declared:

"We must realize that our Party's mostpowerful weapon is racial tension. Bypounding into the consciousness of the darkraces that for centuries they have been op-pressed by the whites, we can mold them tothe program of the Communist Party. Theterms colonialism and imperialism must befeatured in our propaganda. In America, wewill aim for a subtle victory. While inflam-ing the Negro minority against the whites,we will endeavour to instill in the whites aguilt complex for their exploitation of theNegroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise toprominence in every walk of life, in the pro-fessions and in the world of sports and en-tertainment. With this prestige, the Negroeswill be able to inter-marry with the whitesand begin a process which will deliverAmerica to our cause."

In the leaflet "Your Family and the

NAACP", the National Association for theAdvancement of Colored People declaresthat "The NAACP supports the United Na-tions and opposes colonialism and racismwherever they appear." Tims the NAACPfollows the Cohen directive.

In the pamphlet "Crusade for Freedom",the NAACP states that:

"The NAACP youth division is a constit-uent member of the World Assembly ofYouth and has consistently opposed colo-nialism and imperialism in every form."

Note the similarity of this declarationwith the Cohen directive.NAACP Founded by Jewish Revolutionaries

The fact that the National Association forthe Advancement of Colored People so close-ly follows the aims and directives of theCommunist Party is more understandablewhen we learn that it was not founded byPatriotic Negro American citizens. It wasfounded by Jewish Communist revolution-aries. An NAACP leaflet featuring congratu-latory statements by prominent citizensquotes Rabbi Irving Miller, former Presidentof the American Jewish Congress as follows:

"Our late President, Dr. Stephen S. Wise,was one o"f the founders of the NAACP.Throughout the years, our cooperation withthe Association has been a source of deepgratification to us. The intimate working re-lationships which we have enjoyed, both inmajor undertakings and the day-to-day rou-tine of the struggle for the extension ofhuman rights in this country, have contri-buted significantly to the objectives we com-monly seek."

The New York Times of March 24, 1917revealed that Rabbi Stephen S. Wise had ledan hysterical celebration of the CommunistRevolution in Russia, and addressed a massmeeting of gleeful Jewish Communists inCarnegie Hall on the previous evening. Hisson James Waterman Wise has been activein many Communist fronts. His daughter,Justine Wise Polier, appointed a children'sjudge in New York City by the radicalMarxist Fiorello LaGuardia, is married toShad Folier, a director of the American Jew-ish Congress.

The American Jewish Congress itself,working with the NAACP for common ob-jectives, was founded by Jewish revolution-aries who had been expelled from Russiaand who found a haven in the New Yorkghetto.

The NAACP has never adequately repre-sented the Negro citizens of America. In-stead, it has represented the sinister aims ofJewish radicals. The NAACP has alwaysbeen dominated by Jews. Mary White Oving-ton, in "How the NAACP Began", publishedin 1951, tells how she, W. E. Walling andDr. Henry Moskowitz set up the NAACP in1909. She relates that Walling's wife hadbeen imprisoned for some years in Russiafor her revolutionary activities in trying tooverthrow the Czarist government. She andMoskowitz issued a call for aid in foundingthe NAACP, signed by 53 people. More thanone-third of those listed have been cited byour Government as Communists or mem-bers of radical Communist fronts. SenatorHerbert H. Lehman, elected Governor ofNew York with the active support of theCommunist Parly, has been a director of theNAACP for many years. Its President todayis the Jew Arthur Spingaru. More than one-,

third of the present life members of theNAACP are Jews! Thus it can be seen thaithe NAACP, far from representing our loyalNegro population, is merely a tool of Jewishradicals.

What has the NAACP done for America's Negro pop-ulation? What constructive accomplishments can it cite?The amazing "rise in the living standard of the Negrowas a result of the general prosperity of the UmtedStates in the past two decades. The NAACP has con-tributed nothing to our economy. Instead, it has con-tinually sought to inflame the Negro citizens againstwhites and to stir up class warfare in the best traditionsof Marxism. NAACP branches should be treated asCommunist cells and its active members watched withsuspicion until it changes its tune, shakes off its Jewishdomination, and works for American principles ot free-dom and justice.

We could go on for many pages, citing the Commu-nist-front affiliations of NAACP directors. A typical oneis Dr. Channing H. Tobias, Assistant-Treasurer of theNAACP, with 28 listings, of which we mention a fewas follows:

From Appendix IX, House Committee on Un-Ameri-can Activities, 1944:

Channing H. Tobias, sponsor of American Committeefor Protection of Foreign Born, cited by the Committeeas "founded by the Communist Party to exploit racialdivisions in the United States for its own revolutionarypurposes."

Channing H. Tobias, sponsor of American League fatPeace and Democracy, cited by the Committee as "oneof the most effective Communist front organizations everoperated in this country."

Channing H. Tobias, sponsor of People's Institute ofApplied Religion, cited by the Committee as "one of themost vicious Communist organizations ever set up inthis country."

These are only a few mentions of the 28 listings ofChanning II. Tobias, Asst. Treasurer of the NationalAssociation for the Advancement of Colored Peopleshowing the kind of organization which it is.

NAACP Publications And ActivitiesIn its booklet "Audio Visual Aids to Intercultural

Understanding, Teaching Democracy", the NAACP rec-ommends the film "Achimota", narrated by the notoriousatheist Dr. Julian Huxley, and the film "Brotherhood ofMan" an animated cartoon based on the pamphiet Racesof Mankind, written by Drs. Ruth Benedict and GeneWeltfish. Dr. Weltfish refused to answer a CongressionalCommittee as to whether she was a Communist and waslater named as such. It also recommends the film "De-mocracy at Work in Rural Puerto Rico" made by theU. S. Dcpt. of Agriculture. Common Sense was able toprevent the distribution of another leftwing film pro-duced by Marxists in the Department of Commerce, theJilm "Don I Discriminate", which openly Insults whiteAmericans. When we informed our readers that this filmwas being produced, thousands of outraged Americansprotested, with the result that the Department of Com-merce now denies that this film was ever planned orproduced.

NAACP also recommends in this booklet the film"Native Land", with songs and narration by tine famousNegro Communist leader Paul Robeson, whom the Com-munist Party has selected as the Black Dictator of theSoviet Republic of the South to be set up after the rev-olution in America. NAACP often cooperates with Com-murnsts and Communist fronts in its struggle to SovietizaAmerica t>ut this does not mean that we should resent

—(Continued on Page 4)—

VIEWS OF A NORTHERN NEGRO—(Continued from Pasre 1)—

Negro teachers over $22,000,000 last year.Florida is another state that ranks at thetop on teachers pay.

"If these states that are now pouringmillions of dollars annually into Negropockets which provides our people withmoney that enables them to enjoy the dig-nity of man, to enjoy the prestige andrespectability, to buy homes and the neces-sities of life — are forced to abandon thesegregated school — 75 per cent of theNegro teachers in the South will lose theirjobs. Not only that, but approximately20,000 Negro principals will lose their jobsas well . . .

"This present movement to end segrega-tion in the schools — is merely the begin-ning of a well laid plan to completely endsegregation in everything in the South. Ifthis happens, the Negro will be thrown intodirect competition with the white race, andour business institutions will crumble.

"No place in the world do Negroes ownand control as much as do those in theSouth. Atlanta is without question theNegro capital of the world. It is the centerof Negro culture, education, business andfinance. And both Negroes and whites live,work and operate business without either,being conscious of the other's race.

"This movement to integrate the schools of theSouth, is loaded with more racial dynamite thanappears on the surface — and the Negro will be theone who is blown away.

"During the past two years I have spent moretime in the South than I have in my office; and Ihave interviewed thousands of Negroes in all walksof life •— and I have found very few ^ho favormixed schools. They want their own schools, butequal facilities. This being the situation, one ques-tions the fairness of forcing1 these colored citizensto ai cept what they don't want. If a little groupof Id agitators succeed in forcing their will uponthese people, it appears to me that they should atleast be given an opportunity to be heard.

THE ANSWER!(Continued from Page 1)

white or colored.The people should reward those public

servants who, by their record, have demon-strated their courage and ability to carry onthis fight, such as our own Governor. I shalllend all of my efforts and influence to this end.

I propose here today to present a definiteplan to carry out these pledges. I am not un-mindful of the fact that we are dealing with amomentous question involving many fields ofconstitutional law, I am not unmindful of thefact that as time goes by, other means andmethods may present themselves, other anglesmay develop which will require the concertedeffort of our best legal minds and our bestschool leaders. I am not, therefore, closing thebook for any new ideas and new suggestions;but, as of now, the following plan is laid on thefirm foundation, not only of our Federal andState Constitutions and our Federal and StateLaws, but it is also laid on a firm foundation oflaws more ancient than our Constitutions andmore ancient than Magna Carta; and, it shallprevail.

With this preface, I will proceed to an analy-sis of our situation and an outline of the planwhich I propose to preserve the rights, tradi-tions, interests and welfare, of all the peopleof Georgia, whatever their race may be.

The Court's DecisionThe Supreme Court held, in effect, that the State

cannot, as a matter of Law, segregate school studentsmerely on a basis of race or color. In doing so, in myopinion, the Court, by necessary implication, also ruledthat the State cannot, as a matter of Law, force themixing of students of different races and colors purelyon a basis of race and color.

This, I think, gives us a real basis from which towork out a program where the people themselves caneffectively segregate themselves without compulsion fromthe State.

Basis Of SeparationIt is a well defined and recognized principle of

constitutional law, as held by the Supreme Court invarious cases, that no power resides in government,either Federal or State, to prevent discrimination byindividual citizens. The prohibition against discrimina-tion applies only to public action. This is firrr; groundon which to stand when the individuals choose to segre-gate themselves because of what they deem good andsufficient reasons.

Constitution, Bill of Rights, AndDeclaration of Independence

The people of Georgia, by and large, white andcolored, and including other races, are people whobelieve in God. They are people who recognize theoverruling providence that has made this country great.Most of them look upon marriage as a Holy God-ordained relationship. The rearing of their children,training them, protecting them during their ; r.osfityfrom evils which the immature mind of childrei ,. ire notable to grasp or understand, is a part and parcel ofthe deep religious convictions of most people in thisState. They believe in the ancient commandment "Thoushalt not remove the ancient land marks set by thyfathers." The most ancient landmark is the separationof the races and the maintaining of the purity of eachrace.

Since the Constitution guarantees everyone the un-alienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happi-ness, each individual, without State compulsion, has aright to pursue their happiness in their own way limitedonly by the supreme law of not interfering with theother fellow's right to the pursuit of happiness.

This again gives firm ground for the individual topractice, voluntarily, and of his own choice, whateversegregation is necessary for his own pursuit of happiness.

Ultimately, the people themselves are the court oflast resort. This is true not only to the extent that theymay change their government any time they see fit,that they may unseat and punish any and all officialswho are guilty of usurpation of undelegated authorityand that they may use whatever force is necessary forthe accomplishment of that purpose. Therefore, in thisextreme sense, the people are the court of last resort.

The people of Georgia have never exercised sanc-tions; but, on the other hand, they. have paid taxeswillingly, built churches, built schools, loaned money,extended credit, and in every way tried to help thecolored people of the State. The «lople of Georgiawill not, at this time, practice any sanctions againstcolored people except as a necessary last resort toprotect their own human rights. But the people ofGeorgia can exercise sanctions under the ancient lawsof private property, under the ancient law merchant,under the ancient laws of the right to hire and fire.In addition to this, the white people of Georgia canpractice age old sanctions of social ostracism against

those persons who are not members of the colored race,but who are engaged in the effort to breakdown anddestroy the rights of the white citizens of the State.

In this sense, the people themselves are the court oflast resort and from their decision there is no appeal.

Then again, the people themselves are the court oflast resort at the ballot box, which is the machineryset up by civilized people to avoid the more severeremedy of sanctions and also to avoid the most extremeremedy of force and violence. It is, therefore, throughthis later sense in which the people are the court oflast resort that we intend first to approach a remedyfor that evil thing which now besets us through theunconstitutioned acts of our Supreme Court, aided andabetted by the Chief Executive and the legislativebranch of our national government. Therefore, I pro-pose at this time, to follow a plan through which thepeople can maintain segregation in our public schools.I am convinced that the people of Georgia are notwilling to surrender their public school system with-out, a fight; and I am convinced that they do not intendto lose that fight. I am convinced that the people ofGeorgia do not intend for their children to attend mixedschools; and, I am convinced that they do not intendto lose that fight — whatever remedy they may haveto resort to. I am convinced that no power on earthcan force the white people of Georgia into mixed schoolsso long as they are unalterably determined to maintainthe rights, they have to choose their own kind of school.

Proposal No. II propose, first, that the Legislature take appropriate

action to provide for a full, thorough census of allchildren and parents who are now or may hereafter bepatrons of public schools, requiring under oath a fullstatement as to the children and parents and statingdefinitely whether they choose to patronize an all-whiteschool, an all-colored school or a mixed school. Thiscensus form also to be filled out by all teachers, otheremployees and officials connected with State or localeducation. When this census is completed, we will knowwho is who and where they are. This will force every-one to stand up and be counted.

Proposal No. III propose that the Legislature, by appropriate action,

recognize and declare a State policy on education, rec-ognizing that, under our present Constitution, it is im-possible for the State to comply with the opinion ofthe Supreme Court, recognizing that no change can bemade in that Constitution before the General Electionin 1956; declaring a policy of working out a plan forpublic education that will not be in conflict with the .ruling of the Supreme Court, but which will also, atthe same time, maintain the rights of all individuals.I propose that the Legislature work out and submit tothe voters of the Stale in the General Election of 1956.a complete plan and also necessary constitutionalamendments to put such plan into effect. The Legisla-ture should declare as a State policy that, in the mean-time, our present school system can operate only on asegregated basis because there is no money, under ourpresent Constitution and appropriation acts, to pay forany schools other than segregated schools.

Proposal No. HII propose that by appropriate legislation and vote of

the people we create a pool of all school pupils, bothin our common schools and in institutions of higherlearning; this pool to be made up without reference toor in consideration of any race, creed, color or previouscondition of servitude; each stvident and its parents tohave the privilege, at their own request and withoutcompulsion of the State in any way, to ask to beassigned to a school of their choice. That is, if a coloredparent wants his children to go to an all-colored school,he may ask, without compulsion from the State in anyway, to be assigned to an all-colored school. If a whiteparent desires for his children to attend an all-whiteschool, he may request, on his own initiative and with-out compulsion from the State, that his child or childrenbe assigned to an all-white school.

Proposal No. IVI propose the adoption of an amendment empower-

ing the Legislature to subsidize these children who arenot satisfied in either of the schools provided by theState so that they may use their pro rata share of schoolfunds in attending private schools.

In this way, the State will not be compelling orrequiring segregation of races but will be protecting allcitizens in following their unalienable rights to a freechoice. No white child will be required to go to anunsegregated school or to a segregated school. Nocolored child will be required to go to an unsegregatedor segregated school. No child will be required to goto a mixed school. No child will be required to go toa private school. Every child can go to the school ofhis choice without compulsion from the State.

Proposal No. VRequire all school teachers and others connected with

education, both public and private schools, as a con-dition to their employment, to teach absolute respectfor all State laws, State Constitutions, State Courts,State Legislatures and State officials. The i.imaturemind of school children is no place to sow seeds ofdiscord, disrespect and lack of patriotism."He who makes his country live, makes all things live;

And all things living bless himBut, he who lets his country die, lets all things die;

And all things dying curse him."

Communism Takes Over(Continued from page 3)

the Negroes as Communists. Most American Negroes axeloyal, but many have fallen into the hands of Jewishradicals, and, dominated by such me,n as Arthur Spin-garn, President of the NAACP, they "become willingtools of Marxists in America.

Thus we find the Jew Theodore Rubin, Secretary ofthe Society for Racial Integration, stating in the So-ciety's Annual Report of 1952,

"We are happy to report that thousands of happilymarried Negro and white couples are now residing inNew York, Chicago, and other metropolitan areas. Thusour teachings of democracy are slowly taking root allover America, and each year we shall see thousands moreAmericans who have found that Negro-white marriagesare living proof that the principles of liberalism wiUtriumph. Educational programs and social legislation arebreaking down the fascistic tendencies of white citizens,and our Society has every reason to believe that we shallsee the Negro problem solved in our lifetime."

Government Forces Whites ToAccept Negroes

In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt and a little group cfJewish revolutionaries, among them Rabbi Stephen S.Wise, founder of the NAACP, began a program of re-lentless assault against the white Christian traditions ofAmerica. This program has been continued by Trumanand Eisenhower. Under Eisenhower, it has almostreached its completion.

During the Second World War, Eleanor Rooseveltforced the Navy to mix whites and Negroes. When AnnaRosenberg was confirmed as Assistant Secretary of De-fense, after she had been identified as a Communistbefore a Senatorial Committee, she completed the pro-cess of racial integration in our armed forces. In South-ern Army posts, white children were forced to go toArmy schools with Negroes.

In 1948, the Supreme Court declared that racial pro-visions in Washington real estate agreements were illegal.Consequently, thousands of white home-owners lost theirhomes and were forced to move to the suburbs. Hun-dreds of blocks of our capital city became Negro slums.

What American Negroes WantI recently returned from a trip through the Southern

states. I talked to hundreds of white and Negro citizensabout the Supreme Court anti-segregation decisions.Many Negroes were bitter against the NAACP and theleftwing politicians who had forced this decision to beenacted. One former official of the NAACP, a Negresseducated in the North, had returned South because itwas her home. She knew that the Jews and other Com-munists were using the Negro as a cat's paw in theirstruggle to Sovietize America. She was frightened atwhat lay ahead, and declared that the NAACP had un-done much of the goodwill which had been built upslowly between whites and Negroes in the South. "Nowit will be just like in the North", she said. "I came backhome because the North is the real Jim Crow. Therethe Negro is an alien, disliked and unwanted. Ourfriends are in the Southern states, and now the NAACPwants to tak6 them from us."

I asked her if she knew about the Jewish control ofNAACP. "That's why I quit" she said. "Our officialswere always speaking before Jewish groups, appearingat Jewish fund-raising rallies, and conferring withofficials of the American Jewish Congress. They have nosympathy with Negroes and they don't associate withNegroes. Walter White, the Executive Secretary of theNAACP, married a white woman and associated almostexclusively with Jewish millionaires. I wish the Negroeshad an organization which did represent them."

National Association For Advancementof Colored People

The official Report of the Communist Party's 4thnational convention stated that the party had penetratedthe NAACP. Socialist Florence Kelley (formerly of HullHouse), the personal friend of Engels and Lenin, withJane Addams, a founder and "for twenty years a mem-ber of the board of directors" was very active in theNAACP. The field secretary, Wm. Pickens, is a SocialistPart)' member, active as well in Communist affairs andorganizations, (see Who's Who") James Welden John-son, Clarence Darrow, John Haynes Holmes, Oswald G.Villard and other executives have similar Red affiliations,

Mulattoes In GermanyJewish Communists in Eisenhower's headquarters in

London during the Second World War sent in thousandsof Negro troops behind the combat forces in Germany.These Negro troops were encouraged to rape white Ger-man girls, with the result that there are now 30,000mulatto children in Germany. These mulattoes predictthe wave of the future. Either the white race must drawthe line now and begin to fight for its survival, or itwill disappear. The Jews want to arm Negroes duringthe planned Communist revolution in America. Theylook upon Negroes as their principal weapon againstwhite American citizens. We should outlaw the NAACPbecause it is completely dominated by Jewish radicalswho are working for a Marxist America. If the Negroeswere not corrupted by the Jews, they would be as goodAmerican citizens as anyone. Many of them realize thatthe Jews do not want to help the Negroes, and that theyare trving to use the Negroes in their Communist waragainst us.

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