Community News

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St Albans City and District Council's quarterly publication for residents


CommunitySUMMER 2012


The Olympic Flame is coming

16 June - 1 July

Community News is published by St Albans City & District Council

Spectacular St Albans Festival

Your refuse and recycling will be collected later than usual. For collection dates see:

This year’s Festival is packed with thrilling

performances and events with theatre, dance, street artists and family activities plus lots more. Most are free-of-charge.

St Albans Festival gets off to a rip-roaring start with a spectacular pyrotechnical show in St Albans city centre on Saturday 16 June at 8.30pm. ‘The Emperor and the Tiger’ is an exciting performance featuring drummers and carnival dancers in stunning costumes, created by international company Walk the Plank. It’s free of charge – just come along and join in the fun.

For the full Festival Programme visit:, or call 01727 819563.

The Olympic Flame will enter the District at

4.06pm on Sunday 8th July. Torchbearers will carry the

flame along Hatfield Road (from the junction with Charlotte Close), into Catherine Street, Folly Lane and Verulam Road. There will be lots of activities and entertainments too. See

Stop Press: Paralympic Torch comes to the District Saturday 25 August. Join in the fun and games in Verulamium Park, noon – 5pm.


Exciting performances and events across the city and district

Festival Information Hotline 01727

St AlbansFestival2012

16th June-1st July

Bank Holiday Waste Collections

2 Summer 2012 St Albans City & District Council Community News

New Westminster Lodge opens late 2012

Design team selected for Batchwood sports facilities

For the latest council consultations see www. or call 01727 819501.

Save time by paying council tax, business rates, rent and

other charges online, or pay by direct debit. Follow ‘Way to Pay’ at


Do it online

Contacting the council

Planning advice service extended

See the back page for Council telephone numbers and

email addresses. To avoid waiting, it is often quicker to contact the department you want directly.

A drop in service for residents is available on Mondays (1-4pm)

and Wednesdays (9am-12.30pm). A telephone service is available on Wednesdays (1pm-4.45pm) and Thursdays (9am-12.30pm).

There is a new geographical map based information website which provides lots of local information including current planning applications and planning permissions granted. See

Throughout the development works, the existing

Westminster Lodge Leisure Centre and adjacent Abbey Theatre, Athletics Track and Abbey View Golf Course remain open for business as usual.

Get a preview of the new leisure centre at the visitor information cabin located near the current Westminster Lodge in Verulamium Park. It is open every day from 7am to 10pm.

A design team has now been selected for the construction

of a new tennis centre and bowls and golf clubhouses at Batchwood Golf and Tennis Centre following last summer’s fire.

Meanwhile, indoor tennis is being played in a temporary bubble structure over the three outdoor tennis courts at Batchwood with

the rest of the tennis programme relocated to other leisure facilities and parks across the District.

The bowls green has been re-turfed and the golf course is operating as normal, with a temporary reception area, meeting room and toilets.

For more information see or call 01727 827667.

Take Part Spotlight on Leisure 3

A project team based at the Open Door night shelter

in Bricket Road, St Albans is working to tackle rough sleeping in the District.

Karen Smith, the District’s Street Outreach and Resettlement Worker works closely with the police, community mental health teams and other agencies to support rough sleepers, providing advice, counselling, housing, benefits and health advice. Open Door can be contacted on 01727 859113.

A new youth shelter has been installed in Rothamsted Park,

Harpenden, adding to those in St Albans at Fleetville, Longacres and Temple View.

The new youth shelter is portable and has been installed for a 6-month trial period.

Tackling rough sleeping

Youth Shelter

Following the district elections on 3 May, the Council is now

comprised of 29 Conservative ward councillors, 19 Liberal Democrats, 8 Labour, 1 Green and 1 independent. No group has an overall majority. 

To find out who you local councillors are, plus lots of other interesting information tailored to your address, visit: 

The Police and Crime Commissioner elections take place on 15 November. Make sure you are

registered to vote by completing and returning your voter registration form to be delivered to homes in June.

Plans to move Museum of St Albans to Old Town Hall

Plans to relocate the Museum of St Albans to the Town Hall

are part of a new 10-year vision to improve the City’s museums.

The vision is to create two state-of-the-art museums; one to showcase the city’s Roman history and the other to tell St Albans’ story from the post-Roman and medieval period through to the present day. The plans include the development of the Town Hall in Market Place

as a new city centre museum over the next five years. In addition, Verulamium Museum in St Albans will be extended to provide more exhibition space and educational facilities. More information about St Albans’ museums is available at or on 01727 751814.

Crime in the District fell by 8% in 2011 with 583 fewer crimes than in the previous year. The police have been targeting

action on burglary and robbery.The Council’s Community

Protection Team works closely with Herts Constabulary to keep anti social behaviour to a minimum. You can contact the St Albans Community Protection Team on 01727 819538.


Elections NewsDistrict elections results plus register now for Police & Crime Commissioner elections


4 Summer 2012 St Albans City & District Council Community News

Mayor’s Pride Awards honour community heroes

Higher housing priority for ex-armed forces

Are your window blinds safe?

Local people and groups who have gone the extra mile for

others have been honoured in this year’s Mayor’s Pride Awards.

Charlotte Wilmer-Barbrook won the Local Hero Award for setting up Hertfordshire Post Natal Illness Support. The Voluntary Sector Award went to Wacky Wheels, an activity group set up and run by young physically disabled people. Bradley Glover, a student at Sandringham School, was presented with the Young Person of Distinction Award for his

work helping to promote and communicate the student voice across the school.

Details of all the winners can be found at prideawards.

We offer a wide range of job opportunities, from apprenticeships and general clerical posts to technical, professional and

managerial positions. We also offer casual work to fill short-term administrative vacancies.

Working for your local community can be very rewarding. We offer a dynamic working environment and lots of flexibility. Jobs are posted on our website at

Ex-armed services personnel will get greater priority in the

allocation of Council housing.Previously, applicants who left the

armed forces and applied for housing were not given any additional priority.

See housing information at, or call 01727 819277.

Families of two Hertfordshire toddlers who tragically died in

separate incidents after becoming entangled in blind cords are urging people to take action.

Two year olds Arthur Winfield and Emily Warner died following accidents with blind cords.

Parents and carers are being urged to ensure that blind cords and chains are safely tied up out of reach.

A free ’Make it Safe’ pack, including a small plastic fixing that can be attached to the wall is available from or on 01707 292439.

Jobs at the Council – be part of our team 5

Need help with disability benefits?

Theatre company OVO is now programming the

Maltings Arts Theatre live performance venue, located upstairs at the Maltings Shopping Centre in St Albans.

The programme over the next few months includes modern drama, new plays, cabaret, dance and live music. For the latest information and tickets see or call 07807 521436.

New Shorts: Evening of New Writing Thur 21st June & Fri 22nd June

The Fish’s WishesSat 23rd – Tues 26th June

Across The Pond: OVOcalistsThur 28th – Sat 30th June

The Citizens Advice Bureau in Hatfield offers a service on

behalf of all Herts CAB including St Albans to help with applications for Disability Living Allowance or Attendance Allowance.

They offer a free and confidential service. Further details on 07875 675152,

Maltings Arts Theatre Central St Albans

The following organisations are working together at the Civic Centre in St Albans. They offer a range of information and advice services. You can visit us at the following times:

Local services at the Civic Centre

Monday, Wednesday – 10am to 2pmTuesday, Thursday – Appointments only

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday – 9am to 1pm

Monday – Thursday – 8.45am to 5pmFriday – 8.45am to 4.30pm

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday – 10am to 1pm

Opening times for all organisations may vary during school holidays.

6 Summer 2012 St Albans City & District Council Community News

To sponsor the planting of a tree, perhaps in honour of a loved one, or to

mark a special occasion such as the birth of a child, pick up a leaflet at the Council’s usual outlets, visit or call 01727 819363.

Voluntary tree wardens are the eyes and ears of our

neighbourhoods where trees are concerned. They plant and care for trees and get together for training and activities.

We are looking for more tree wardens. For more details call 01727 819363, or visit www.

British Cycling is leading 25 cycle rides across the district

this summer. There are four levels rising from

‘easy’ to ‘strong’. They are lots of fun and free to join. To see the rides and book your place visit

Sponsor a tree scheme

Become a tree warden


Two new hybrid buses are being used on the S4 and S5

routes running up Holywell Hill in St Albans. The new Uno buses emit 30% fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

Other improvements to the district’s Monday to Saturday bus

services include increased frequency on the S1, S2 and S3 UNO routes and improved reliability on the 300 and 301 Arriva routes during rush hours. The evening 301 service is now running from Hemel Hempstead through to Welwyn Garden City bus station via the QEII Hospital.

Low emission buses

Sky Ride Local comes to St Albans this summer 7

Drivers of electric vehicles will shortly be able to charge their

electric or plug-in hybrid cars at five new charging points in the District.

The posts are at London Road, Charter Close, Upper Dagnall Street, and Hall Place Gardens in St Albans, and at Bowers Way car park in Harpenden.

Any vehicle licensed with the DVLA as a pure electric or a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle can join a scheme run by Source East for an annual fee of £10. More information at

Green-fingered gardeners are invited to enter the District in

Bloom 2012 competition.The categories this year are

best sustainable garden, best front garden, best retail or commercial frontage, best public house

frontage, best allotment, best parish, best school, and best community project. Entry forms are available from Council offices or online at The closing date for entries is 15 June.

The Council will be giving away garden compost on

Sunday 17th June at the Enterprise Depot in Ronsons Way, St Albans. Gates open at 7.30 am and we are offering up to 4 bags of free compost per car.

This is a DIY event. Please bring your own bags and a spade. Available while stocks last.

On the same day, you can also bring your unwanted or broken small electrical items for recycling between 1.00pm and 4.30pm.

The Council is working to get the District’s recycling rates

up above the 60% mark from our current 50% rate.

Later in the year we hope to launch a weekly food waste collection, and introduce mixed recycling.

A new type of collection vehicle will mean that food waste can be collected at the same time as other recyclable waste. The Council is seeking government funding to help implement the changes.

New electric car recharging points

FREE compost give away and electrical goods recycling event

recycling target

If you spot a problem with...

• Abandoned vehicles • Illegal • or litter • Dog fouling or stray dogs • Dumped rubbish • Illegal • Overgrown hedgerows• Spills from refuse collection • Accumulation of leaves • Pest control • Damaged street furniture • Street cleaning required • Drugs paraphernalia • Trees (overgrown/obstructing highway)


• Empty/derelict property • Air pollution

Together, for a Cleaner District.

Keeping St Albans City &District Clean and Green

The Cleaner District Hotline: 0845 125 8000

✆ ✉

...please contact

Sunday 17th JuneFrom 7.30am (until stocks run out)

Enterprise Depot Ronsons Way, St Albans (near Household Waste Recycling Centre)

District in Bloom 2012


8 Summer 2012 St Albans City & District Council Community News

Now on Twitter @StAlbansCouncil

We hope you enjoy reading Community News. If you can spare a moment, please email or call 01727 819572 and let us know your views and what else you want us to include.

St Albans City & District CouncilCivic Centre, St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts AL1 3JE

Website: Email:

Opening hours: Mon-Thurs 8.45am-5.15pm, Fri 8.45am-4.45pmCustomer Service Centre opening hours: Mon-Thurs 8.45am-5pm, Fri 8.45am-4.30pm

Housing Repairs: 01727 819256Refuse & Recycling: 01727 819285Council Tax: 01727 819204Benefits: 01727 819476Cleaner District Hotline: 0845 125 8000 Textphone: 01727 819570 All other enquiries: 01727 866100

Harpenden Town Council Information PointTown Hall, Leyton Road, Harpenden

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10am-4pm

Telephone: 01582 768278

Alternative formats: If you want to receive this newsletter in an alternative format, such as Braille, or in another language, please call 01727 819572. See for information about access to local facilities.

Have your say... We welcome anything you have to say about our services.



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During Bank Holiday weeks, your waste and recycling will be collected later than usual. Where there are two bank holidays in the same week, collections the following week may also be affected.

No plastic bags whatsoever in your green waste please (including biodegradable plastic bags) to avoid rejection at the recycling plant. Instead use paper bags or cereal boxes. For a £1 discount on paper liners contact Alina on 01392 346307, (quote ref 48234).

Please place your bins on the boundary of your property with the pavement, by 7am (careful not to obstruct pushchair and wheelchair access).

In areas without wheeled bins, purple sacks are delivered to homes in June and December. You have sufficient for 4 per two week period.

Our new map based information website includes waste collection dates and local information tailored to your address. See

If we inadvertently miss a collection, please call quickly to report it and we will try and return the same day. 01727 819285.

Market DatesSt Albans Market every Wednesday and Saturday

St Albans Farmers’ Market 2nd Sunday of the month

Wheathampstead Farmers’ Market 3rd Sunday of the month

Harpenden Farmers’ Market 4th Sunday of the month