Community Outreach · 4. Epics - Glorify Incarnations that have “Lived”. Mahabharata - Bhagavad...

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Indian Concepts for the Modern Mind and

Spiritual Astrology - WebClass

Community Outreach

Classification and Evolution of Indian Texts

All Vedic teachings stem from Sanatana Dharma, the pervasive philosophy in all Indian thinking. It essentially means “Universal Truth”. It refers to the truth of existence itself. The truth of who we really are and what is really going on.

Dharma and karma are the two main Indian concepts that operate in Sanatana Dharma.

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Dharma means “truth”.This truth is delivered to us in the form of our Karma - our truth based on what we are putting into practice.

Indian thought has descended from ancient technologies encased in mantras of the Vedas - to more secular practices and writings - to developed Sciences, like astrology.

1. The VedasRig - Yajur - Sama - Atharva

• The Rig and Yajur Vedas have many references to Vedic astrology proper, including the Vedanga Jyotisha (Which describes the Nakshatra Zodiac) - and all of the Nakshatra Deities. It is the pure “Vedic” part of Vedic astrology.

• The Sama and Atharva Vedas. The Sama Veda has correlations to Music and the arts and Soma worship. The Atharva Veda seems begins to transition into a more universal magic that we also see paralleled in other healing traditions. For instance, Ayurveda and the worshipping of plants as medicine was a large topic in Atharva Veda and there were many remedies for our Earthbound condition in Artharva Veda.

2. Upanishads - Brahmanas and Commentaries on Vedas. Contain the Origin of Vedanta. Analogies like the “Pot of the water in the Sun” and “The snake and the rope” are from the Upanishads. Also many popular chants originate from the Upanishads like:“Asato ma sat Gamaya” (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad)“Purnamidham Purnamidha” (isha Upanishad)

3. Puranas - Stories, Myths and Mantras Glorifying Secular Deities Mostly - Many mantras, stores and myths originate here. Vishnu Purana, Shiva Purana, Skanda Purana, Brahma Purana are popular. These are the source of many chants such as “The 1000 names”,...

4. Epics - Glorify Incarnations that have “Lived”. Mahabharata - Bhagavad Gita - Srimad Bhagavatam (Vishnu)Ramayana (Lord Rama).

4. Vedic Science Texts - Teach us the Sciences of Living. Vedic astrology (Brihat Parashara), Yoga (Yoga Sutras of Patanjali) , Ayurveda (Charaka Samhita)

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Hindu Deities - Calling on the Supernatural

The deities are a representation of the power contained in their mantras. They are supernatural forces in your mind and consciousness that you can call at any time. They are portrayed with numerous arms and with superpowers to evoke the magical quality of life.

Shiva Gayatri:Om Tat Purushaya VidmaheMahadevaya DeemahiTanno Rudrah Prachodayat

Durga Gayatri:Om Kathyayanaya VidhmaheKanya Kumari cha DheemaheThanno Durgaya Prachodayath.

Lakshmi Gayatri:Om Mahalakshmyaicha vidmahe Vishnu patnyai cha dhimahi Tanno Lakshmihi prachodayat

Vishnu Gayatri:Om Shree Vishnavecha Vidmahe Vaasudevaaye Dheemahi Tanno Vishnuh Prachodyaat

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Vedic Astrology - Universe as Lord Vishnu"The world rests as the lotus in the palm of my hand, the cosmos revolves around my finger like a discus. I blow the music of life through my conch and wield my mace to protect all creatures." Krishna Upanishad

Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra - Sutras on Planets as Lord Vishnu. Chapter 2 - Great Incarnations:V3-4. “The unborn Lord has many incarnations. He has incarnated, as the 9 (Nava) Grahas to bestow on the living beings the results due to their Karmas. He is Janardan. He assumed the auspicious form of Grahas to destroy the demons (evil forces) and sustain the divine beings.5-7. From Sūrya the incarnation of Ram, from Candr that of Krishn, from Mangal that of Narasimh, from Budh that of Buddha, from Guru that of Vaman, from Śukr that of Parashuram, from Śani that of Kurma (Tortoise), from Rahu that of Varah (Pig) and from Ketu that of Meen (Fish) occurred. All other incarnations than these also are through the Grahas. The beings with more Paramatmāńś are called divine beings.”

Chapter 4 - Zodiacal Rashis DescribedV2. “Śrī Vishnu, the Invisible is Time personified. His limbs are the 12 Rashis, commencing from Mesh.“

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The Biggest Mistake in Astrology and Life

The biggest mistake we make in life and in Astrology is forgetting who we really are. When we reduce astrology to a system of “good and bad things”, we completely miss the point.

The only “bad thing” is ignorance. All of the planets are good. All the zodiac signs are good. All of the houses are good. Everything in life is good. God/the divine universe/the planets are energies of pure love, pure wisdom and we are an embodiment of that energy, in our truest sense. Because we are under the illusion of separateness, (the ego) through time and space, we suffer.

The planets (and Nakshatras) are the divine powers that have been referred to in all of the ancient texts. They have been personified in the form of deities and brought to life in the form of stories so as to be more available to our heart and consciousness. They refer to the mysterious, unknowable power of life as us. Unfortunately astrology is often seen through the material world only. Like everything else, it is a way to spin everything back onto us/our ego/our separate identity.

This is the biggest mistake we make in Astrology and life. When we remember this truth, we remember the highest glory in any problematic situation. As an astrologer we can always direct clients toward this highest purpose. This gives clients enormous solace in the midst of their problems. A person in crisis has forgotten their nature as spirit. Instead, they are hooked into their temporary, limited ego. the unlimited self shackled to the limited ego is a frightened, unhappy creature indeed.

The Nine Planets - Their Powers and Their Path

Sun - Shiva - Rama (Divine power) - from confidence to clarityMoon - The goddess - Krishna (Divine love) - from emotion to peaceMars - Kartikeyya - Narasimha (Divine courage) - from aggression to strength Mercury - Vishnu - Buddha (Divine skill) - from distraction to discrimination Jupiter - Ganesha - Vamana (Divine wisdom) - from dogma to purposeVenus - Lakshmi - Parasurama (Divine beauty) - from pleasure to bliss Saturn - Brahma - Kurma (Divine structure) - from fear to sensitivityRahu - Durga - Varaha (Divine attachment) - from obsession to purityKetu - Ganesha - Meena (Divine detachment) - from disgust to deliverance

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Spiritual Case Studies

Woman #1

October 2007 - Has kundalini experience while meeting Dattatreya Siva Baba—He becomes her Guru.February 18, 2013 - Receives from her Guru spiritual name Lalitha (Tripura Sundari).

Favorite deities: All forms of God and especially Shiva / Parvati

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Man #1

June - August 2009 - Finds Vedic astrology Guru, begins serious study of Vedic Astrology, eventually becomes certified as Astrologer (Saturn / Sun). 2011 Leaves practice of Christian faith. In October 2011 begins Kundalini yoga, receives spiritual name Shantdeep Singh.

Favorite deities: Ganesha, Narasimha. Martian and Jupiter archetypes (Indra, Zeus, Aries). Shiva and Jesus.

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Woman #2

May 29, 1984 – Becomes Wiccan. Casts spells. January 1995 - Becomes High Priestess of Rosewood.

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Man #2

July 2000 – Meets Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi). Becomes ‘entranced.’

November 2004 – Receives spiritual name, Achyut (‘He who has not fallen’ and ‘indestructible name of Krishna) from Amma.

Favorite deities: Amma, Paramahansa Yogananda.

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Best Wishes, Sam GeppiFounder ~ American Academy of Vedic Art and Science

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