Community Policing: A Recent Concept for Urban Policing or ... · The following is an alternate...

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Community Policing: A Recent Concept for Urban Policing or a Century Old Tradition?

As anyone who watches the nightly news knows, clashes between residents and police in many

inner-city neighborhoods across the our nation have reached epidemic proportions. One often

suggested strategy to improve relations between residents and law enforcement personnel is

Community Policing.

An internet search of Community Policing yields hundreds of results ranging from single paragraph

definitions to lengthy suggestions for implementation which border on doctoral dissertations.

Regardless of length, the majority of the articles seem to imply that the concept of community

policing is relatively recent and that its use is generally suited only to urban and sometimes suburban

settings. Most models also suggest that within an agency only a limited number of specially selected

and trained officers be assigned to proactive Community Policing while the rest of the department

responds only to calls for service - kind of like firemen waiting for an alarm to come in.

The following is an alternate theory regarding the history and application of community policing -

one which criminal justice students and professors alike may find surprising: community policing

has been in continuous practice for more than a century and much closer to home than one might


In 1917 the New York State Police was formed. As its first superintendent New York State

Governor Charles Whitman selected a former college classmate, Kingston physician George Fletcher

Chandler. In addition to being a successful surgeon, Colonel Chandler was a true Renaissance Man,

but the closest thing he had to law enforcement experience was deployment to the Mexican Border

as an officer in the New York National Guard. Given Chandler’s lack of policing experience, he

may have seemed an unusual choice, but history has shown that the governor could not have made

a better one.

Not surprisingly, Colonel Chandler looked to the few existing North American law enforcement

agencies of that era which policed large rural areas for guidance in determining how his new agency

would function: the Pennsylvania State Constabulary and the Canadian Royal North-West Mounted

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Police . But, in addition, much of his vision of the direction the new agency would take was driven1

by his personal view of the broad scope of responsibilities which would fall to his troopers in their

service to the public.

In the newly formed New York State Troopers’ Bulletin # 1 , Colonel Chandler outlined what he2

expected from his new troopers. In the context of Community Policing, the following phrases jump


"Never hesitate to render assistance of any kind, and let nothing be too much trouble

which you can do for the people you come in contact with...”

“Go about with the idea of helpfulness and a friendliness that wins the confidence

of the people”

"Common sense is a virtue. Exercise it in all your dealings. Put yourself in the other

fellow's place. Deal with him as you would wish a member of your own family to be

dealt with."

Does Colonel Chandler’s early Twentieth Century vision of policing and the resulting hundred years

of service by the New York State Police equate with today’s community policing? You decide.

Picture a small hamlet in the central Adirondacks circa 1920. Local residents - the few that there are

- rely mostly on logging and fur trapping for their livelihood. The Smith Family maintains a small

store where they sell fresh eggs, milk, canned goods and kerosene. During the hunting and fishing

seasons they augment their income by providing room and board for visiting sportsmen.

In the early 1900s law enforcement in the Adirondacks and in many other areas of mostly rural

upstate New York is pretty much non-existent; an elected county sheriff and what few resources he

can muster and, if the community is large enough to warrant it, a part-time constable or two.

Now the Pennsylvania State Police and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)1

A copy of the original Bulletin #1 appears at the end of this document.2

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Fortunately there isn’t too much need for policing, although a few years ago in neighboring Warren

County there was the case of Sam Pasco, an apparently non-repentant timber thief and local bully

who, after being released from state prison, resumed a life of crime which ultimately led to Sam

murdering his cousin’s husband. A manhunt ensued which culminated with Sam being shot and

killed in a confrontation with State Troopers, a term which was new not only to area residents, but

to New Yorkers and the nation at large. 3

The 1918 State Police Manhunt Detail for Murderer Alvin “Sam” Pasco

When the New York State Police was founded in 1917 there was only one similar statewide organization in the3

United States, the Pennsylvania State Constabulary (1905). Superintendent Chandler, who had served with the

National Guard, decided to call his new officers State Troopers rather than constables or privates. It was the first use

of a term which is now used from coast to coast.

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Newspaper and word-of-mouth accounts of the recently formed State Troopers and of Pasco’s

demise spread through the region, although no one in the hamlet where the Smiths live has ever seen

a trooper.

Then one day in the

mid 1920s two

mounted troopers stop

at the Smith’s store

inquir ing as to

whether they can get

lodging and stable

their horses for the

night. This is the first

time troopers have

passed through the


The Smiths are happy to get the extra income and that night over dinner with the troopers they learn

that a new state police troop headquarters, Troop B, is being built in Malone and that they can expect

mounted troopers to pass through the area every week or so.

Sure enough two troopers stop by a week later. Although they are not the same troopers who passed

through last week , these troopers are well versed in the discussions which took place the week4

before and are able to pick up the dinnertime conversation where the previous patrol left off. The

topics of conversation are wide ranging. As the Smiths expected, there is always some discussion

about possible illegal activity in the area, but they are somewhat surprised that the troopers are also

By sending different troopers each week, troop headquarters not only exposed all of their troopers to the entire4

troop area, but projected to the public the notion that the force was much larger than it actually was.

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interested in the welfare of the community and any general concerns the residents may have. In some

instances the troopers initiate inquiries about specific topics and in other cases it’s the Smiths who

bring up concerns or just general observations about things which are happening in the area.

Over the coming years it becomes apparent that many of the concerns brought up by the Smiths

and/or their neighbors have resulted in action by the troopers. Naturally much of the action taken

by troopers are criminal in nature and result in arrests for a wide variety of crimes. But quite often

the actions were far outside the criminal justice arena.

A stranded mom and her children are rescued from a precarious situation.

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In the coming decades the troopers’ presence in the area steadily increases. Weekly mounted patrols

originating from Troop B Headquarters in Malone give way to a pair of troopers based at a hotel in

the county seat for a month at a time, dedicated to patrolling the county.

Except in the most

remote areas, horses

are quickly replaced

b y c a r s a n d


Then a few years later the state police rent a house a few miles down the road from Tim’s store and

assign several troopers, a sergeant and maybe a BCI investigator on a permanent basis.5

Instead of two mounted troopers passing through

once a week, Ted is now used to seeing troopers at

any time of the day or night, any day of the week.

Since they no longer board with the Smiths, the

troopers no longer sit down with the Smith Family

over dinner, but troopers still stop at the store and

chat on a regular basis, discussing many of the same

topics that were covered ten or twenty years ago over

the dinner table.

Bureau of Criminal Investigation, the detective arm of the state police.5

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Fast forward to the present. Smith’s General Store of 1920 has morphed into a very successful

convenience store / filling station operated by Ted Smith’s grandson, “Teddy the Third”. Although

the current convenience store/filling station is state-of-the-art, Teddy’s Place and the post office next

door are still the de facto hub of the community and the nature of the store’s clientele has remained

surprisingly unchanged over the decades, as is the Smith Family’s relationship with the troopers.

These days, instead seeing a trooper every day or two like his dad did, Teddy sees troopers drive past

the store several times a day. Most days at least one trooper will stop by to fuel their troop car and

possibly to buy a sandwich or maybe just a cup of coffee. On those days when the trooper stops for

something to eat, Teddy and the trooper often sit and chat.

Just as in his Granddad’s day, Teddy gets new insights into what’s going on in the area and the

trooper picks up tidbits of information which may mesh with other odds and ends he or she has heard

in similar interactions with other area residents. Some of the information may have to do with

possible criminal activity, but often it’s not about something criminal but nevertheless some

community welfare or “quality-of-life” issue the trooper and his fellow troopers, on or off-duty, may

be able to do something about . The trooper is happy to get the information and Teddy is glad to

have passers-by know that his place of business is a frequent stop for the troopers.

Given that the Smith’s convenience store is the hamlet’s center of activity both for local residents

and visitors passing through the area, it’s not surprising that Teddy has to call the troopers from time-

to-time to deal with “traditional” law enforcement issues - usually an instance of shoplifting from

the store or maybe a “drive-off” gasoline larceny.

But one particular instance when Teddy asked for assistance illustrates the nature of the close

relationship he and other area residents enjoy with “their” troopers. Over coffee one day Teddy

confides to a trooper that Teddy’s parents, now retired from the business, have expressed concern

about “unusual goings on” occurring at the end of the dead end road they live on - traffic at all hours

of the day and night, strange cars, sometimes even odd odors. The parents have known the owners

of the house at the end of the road for decades, but since the neighbors have gone south for the

winter the house has been occupied by a grandson. Teddy confides to the trooper that the parents

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are reluctant to call the state police lest there might be possible retribution by the grandson and his

pals. The trooper reassures Teddy that any inquiries will be discrete. A week or two later the

trooper calls Teddy telling him to make sure he watches the local evening news. Sure enough, the

lead story is about a raid on a local meth lab resulting in the arrest of a half dozen people and the

seizure of a substantial quantity of illicit drugs, guns and money. During a televised news conference

the troop BCI captain hints that an investigation which originated elsewhere led to the local arrests.

Maybe it did.

Often the local troopers’ rural version of “community policing” is apparent even in their interactions

with motorists. A trooper assigned to patrol an Interstate highway a hundred miles away might pull

over a couple of dozen vehicles in any given shift, more often than not just after the operator realizes

he’s going a bit faster than he should have been. With luck, the operator will leave with just a

warning after the trooper has ascertained that everything is in order. Or, maybe, a ticket.

Unlike out on the Interstate, here in the central Adirondacks a significant percentage of the motorists

local troopers come in contact with are already stopped when the trooper swings in behind them.

The driver may have pulled over to send a text message or to check their GPS or to get something

out of the back seat. While the trooper is likely to check the motorist’s drivers license and

registration and probably verify that the hunting rifle in the back seat is unloaded, rather than the

issuance of a ticket the encounter may well conclude with the trooper telling the motorist where they

can get better cellular telephone reception or where the nearest public access fishing hole is or where

the motorist can get a quick meal.

As has been the case since troopers first came to

the region, much of what they do has nothing to do

with “fighting crime”. Rescues of lost hunters,

hikers and even wildlife are not uncommon and

take place year round, be it by helicopter,

snowmobile, boat, ATV or even old fashion foot

searches. The troopers rely on their local “first

responder” partners and work with them often.

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T h e t r o o p e r s ’

relationship with the

community is not

l i m i t e d t o l a w

enforcement and public

safety. Area residents

are used to seeing

troopers at all kinds of

local events, such as

patronizing area fire departments’

pancake breakfasts or dinners,

participating in Boy Scout Courts of

Honor and a whole array of other

community activities.

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Troopers are

regular visitors to

local schools,

both when classes

are in session and

as participants in

s c h o o l f u n d

raising events

s u c h a s


basketball games

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Teddy and his neighbors aren’t at all surprised that there is an excellent relationship between the

local troopers and area residents in this rural setting, but Teddy is also aware that troopers stationed

in more densely populated areas of the state are also heavily involved in a number of community

service programs.

Teddy and his family are deeply involved with

the Special Olympics and travel throughout

upstate New York to assist at their events. They

know that if there is a Special Olympics fund

raising event such as a Polar Plunge or a Torch

Run, the troopers always field a team of


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At the actual Special Olympic competitions, troopers are omnipresent, encouraging and interacting

with the athletes.

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And it’s apparent from human interest stories on the nightly news that troopers participate in many

other civic activities statewide which give them the opportunity not only to help others but to interact

with members of whatever community they are assigned to - to put a face on the guy or gal wearing

the Stetson and the gray uniform.




The troopers’ community service extends even to urban areas where residents don’t often encounter

members of the state police.




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Or an impromptu interaction with a six year old Texas girl, an admirer of law enforcement personnel,

who is visiting New York City while fighting a rare form of cancer:

The list of community service events troopers participate in could go on and on. But, in reality, it’s

a multiplicity of single, stand alone actions taken by one or two troopers - usually unrecognized by

anyone other than the beneficiaries - that best demonstrate the dedication of the New York State

Police to its state’s citizens and visitors and to the principles set forth by Colonel Chandler a century


That’s what community policing really is.

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