Comparative Ad Deconstruction

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Comparative Ad Deconstruct


Deconstruction Ad Analyzing an adKey Components of this assignmentsKey messageExecutionPositioningCommunications StrategiesKey Message Experts opinion on headlines as key messagesExperts suggest relating the picture to the headlineassuming that the headline! "or example! a #$%& 'olks(agen ad used a headline! )hink small*! and had a picture of a car that took up less than + percent of the ad,s space! the rest -eing -lank* .Armstrong! /&! p0 /1$2Primary Informational Message Some ad3ertisements pro3ide you (ith kno(ledge a-out a gi3en product! -ut many ads say nothing a-out the actual product0 5hat actual kno(ledge6facts! or lack of! ha3e -een pro3ided in the ad7 "or example! car ad3ertisements focus on mileage! acceleration! comfort and style0 Secondary Messages (techniques of structure): )hese are the messages that are designed to 8seduce8 the potential consumer0 )he may take the form of appeals to emotion! associations! or fear tactics0 )hey may appeal to the needs and desires of indi3iduals such as9 guilt! security! sensuousness! social interaction! selfimpro3ement! community! cleanliness! get up and do! desire to o(n! status! po(er! the need to help others0 5hat are the associations the ad makes (ith the product7 5hat are the ad3ertisers trying to get you to -elie3e7 5hat messages is the ad trying to send7Advertising Claims (techniques of language) 5hat techni:ues of language ha3e -een used in the ad75hat claims do the ads make7 5hat are the claims really saying7 Skin cancer ad3ertisement ;Composition of pictures and ad copyCharacters 5hat people .num-er! male or female! age! etc2! animals! animated characters are used in the ad7 Setting 5hat place! decor! time of day! era! lighting! natural or artificial surroundings mark the ad7 Copy 5hat (ords .(ritten2! slogans or catchy phrases! and logos are used7