Comparison of performance on full field digital mammograms ... · Comparison of performance on full...

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Computer aided detection system for clusteredmicrocalcifications:Comparison of performance on full field digital mammograms and digitized screen-film


Jun Ge, Lubomir M. Hadjiiski, Berkman Sahiner, Jun Wei, Mark A. Helvie, Chuan Zhou, andHeang-Ping ChanDepartment of Radiology, University of Michigan, CGC B2103, 1500 E. Medical Center Drive,Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109, USA

AbstractWe have developed a computer-aided detection (CAD) system to detect clusteredmicrocalcification automatically on full-field digital mammograms (FFDMs) and a CAD systemfor screen-film mammograms (SFMs). The two systems used the same computer vision algorithmsbut their false positive (FP) classifiers were trained separately with sample images of eachmodality. In this study, we compared the performance of the CAD systems for detection ofclustered microcalcifications on pairs of FFDM and SFM obtained from the same patient. Forcase-based performance evaluation, the FFDM CAD system achieved detection sensitivities of70%, 80%, and 90% at an average FP cluster rate of 0.07, 0.16, and 0.63 per image, comparedwith an average FP cluster rate of 0.15, 0.38, and 2.02 per image for the SFM CAD system. Thedifference was statistically significant with the alternative free-response receiver operatingcharacteristic (AFROC) analysis. When evaluated on data sets negative for microcalcificationclusters, the average FP cluster rates of the FFDM CAD system were 0.04, 0.11, and 0.33 perimage at detection sensitivity level of 70%, 80%, and 90%, compared with an average FP clusterrate of 0.08, 0.14, and 0.50 per image for the SFM CAD system. When evaluated for malignantcases only, the difference of the performance of the two CAD systems was not statisticallysignificant with AFROC analysis.

1. IntroductionMammography is the most effective and low-cost method to date for the early detection ofbreast cancers. The use of screen-film mammography (SFM) has resulted in an increasesurvival rate of women with breast cancer. However, it has been reported that a substantialfraction of breast cancers which are visible upon retrospective analyses of the SFMs are notdetected initially (Beam et al., 1996; Harvey et al., 1993). New research efforts in digitaldetector technology and computer-aided detection (CAD) techniques are improving theperformance of mammography to higher levels. In the last few years, several full-fielddigital mammography (FFDM) manufacturers have obtained approval from the Food andDrug Administration (FDA) of the United States (U. S.) for clinical use. It is important toknow the relative accuracy of FFDM and SFM in the screening setting. Several clinical trialshave been conducted to compare the performance of FFDM with that of SFM in populationsof women presenting for screening or diagnostic mammography. In the prospective clinicaltrial (Lewin et al., 2001; Lewin et al., 2002) in an asymptomatic population, GE Senographe

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NIH Public AccessAuthor ManuscriptPhys Med Biol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 September 11.

Published in final edited form as:Phys Med Biol. 2007 February 21; 52(4): 981–1000. doi:10.1088/0031-9155/52/4/008.


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2000D systems were used and 6736 paired SFM and FFDM examinations were performedon 4489 patients. It was found that FFDM resulted in significantly fewer recalls than didSFM, however, the difference in detection rate of the 42 cancers and the area under thereceiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve ( Az ) for the two modalities were notstatistically significant. In the Norwegian studies (also called Oslo I and Oslo II) (Skaane etal., 2003; Skaane and Skjennald, 2004; Skaane et al., 2005a) with GE Senographe 2000Dsystems, it was also found that there was no statistically significant difference in cancerdetection rate between FFDM and SFM for screening populations. The DigitalMammographic Screening Trial (DMIST) was conducted by the American College ofRadiology Imaging Network to compare primarily the accuracy of FFDM and SFM inasymptomatic women screening for breast cancer. This large study enrolled 49,528 womenfrom 35 U.S. and Canadian sites, in which all available (five) types of digital mammographymachines were used (Pisano et al., 2005). They reported a similar overall diagnosticaccuracy of FFDM and SFM. However, the performance of FFDM was significantly betterthan that of SFM for women under the age of 50 years, women with radiographically densebreasts, and premenopausal or perimenopausal women.

The use of a CAD system as an objective ‘second reader’ is considered to be one of thepromising approaches that may help radiologists improve the sensitivity of mammography.The majority of studies to date have shown that CAD can improve radiologists’ detectionaccuracy without substantially increasing the recall rates (Chan et al., 1990; WarrenBurhenne et al., 2000; Freer and Ulissey, 2001; Brem et al., 2003; Destounis et al., 2004;Helvie et al., 2004). This improvement is not simply a shifting of the operating pointbecause being “more conservative” does not address the radiologists’ observationaloversights (Birdwell and Ikeda, 2006). Since breast imaging specialists detect more cancersand more early-stage cancers, and have lower recall rates than general radiologists (Burnsideet al., 2002), the value of CAD may vary among readers (Gur et al., 2004; Feig et al., 2004).A number of CAD algorithms have been developed for SFMs and FFDMs. For CAD,FFDMs may provide the advantages of having higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) anddetective quantum efficiency (DQE), wider dynamic range, and higher contrast sensitivitythan SFMs. Commercial CAD systems have been adapted to be used with FFDMs(O’Shaughnessy et al., 2001; Skaane et al., 2005b).

The difference in performance of human readers for cancer detection on FFDMs and that onSFMs has been investigated in previous studies (Lewin et al., 2001; Lewin et al., 2002;Skaane et al., 2003; Skaane and Skjennald, 2004; Skaane et al., 2005a; Skaane et al., 2005b;Cole et al., 2004; Pisano et al., 2005). Since the detection of cancers with a computerizedprogram can also be affected by the image properties of the mammograms from differentmodalities, it is important to compare the performance between the CAD systems forFFDMs and for SFMs. The presence of clustered microcalcifications (MCs) is an importantindication of breast cancer (Kopans, 1997). The purpose of the current study was to comparethe performance of CAD systems for detection of microcalcification clusters (MCCs) onpairs of FFDM and SFM obtained from the same patient. We have previously developed aCAD system for the detection of MCCs on digitized SFMs (Gurcan et al., 2002; Chan et al.,1987; Chan et al., 1995). To adapt the CAD system to FFDMs, we incorporated apreprocessing step to convert the FFDM raw images to an image of which the pixel valuesare inversely proportional to the logarithm of x-ray intensity, and the system parameterswere retrained at stages that are sensitive to image noise (Ge et al., 2006).

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2. Materials and method2.1. Data Sets

Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval and informed consent were obtained to collectthe paired FFDM and SFM data sets in the Department of Radiology at the University ofMichigan. Each data set contained 96 cases with 192 images. All cases had twomammographic views: the craniocaudal (CC) view and the mediolateral oblique (MLO)view or the lateral (LM or ML) view. For the majority of the cases (90 cases), the timeinterval between the examination with SFM and that with FFDM for the same patient wasless than 3 months. The FFDM data set in this study was acquired with a GE Senographe2000D FFDM system. The GE system has a CsI phosphor/a:Si active matrix flat paneldigital detector with a pixel size of 100μm × 100μm and the raw images were digitized to 14bits per pixel. The SFM data set was acquired with GE DMR mammography systems. TheSFMs were digitized using a LUMISCAN 85 laser scanner with an OD range of 0-4.0. Thedigitizer was calibrated so that the gray values were linearly and inversely proportional tothe OD, with a slope of -0.001 OD unit/pixel value. The SFM data set was digitized at apixel size of 50μm × 50μm with 12-bit gray levels. The image matrix size was reduced byaveraging every 2 × 2 adjacent pixels and down-sampling by a factor of 2, resulting inimages with the same pixel size as that of FFDM images.

Each mammogram was assessed by a Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA)radiologist and a polygon was drawn to enclose each MCC. The radiologist marked theclusters on an image as c0, c1, c2, based on the degree of concern. In this study, weconcentrated on the detection rather than the classification of the malignant/benign nature ofthe MCCs so that both malignant and benign MCCs were considered to be positive cases.There were 96 different c0 clusters in the data set, one for each case, of which 28 wereproven by biopsy to be malignant and 68 were proven to be benign. The 192 c0 marks in theFFDM data set matched those in the SFM data set. There were a total of eight c1 and one c2marks that were not biopsied or followed up and they were not counted as true positive (TP)or false positive (FP) clusters in the evaluation. The same radiologist gave a rating for thesubtlety of the MCCs on a scale of 1 (most obvious) to 10 (most subtle) relative to thevisibility range of MCCs encountered in clinical practice. The distributions of the subtletyratings for SFM and FFDM data sets are shown in figure 1(a). The likelihood of malignancy(LM) ratings were also provided on a scale of 0 (least likely to be malignant) to 10 (mostlikely to be malignant). Figure 1(b) shows the distributions of the likelihood of malignancyratings for SFM and FFDM data sets. The distributions of the sizes for the c0 clusters,estimated by the radiologist as its longest dimension of the bounding polygon, in both datasets are shown in figure 1(c). The differences in the subtlety ratings, LM ratings, and clustersizes between the MCCs in the SFM and FFDM data sets were not statistically significant(two-tailed paired t-test p>0.05). The coordinates of individual MCs in the FFDM imageswere manually identified by marking the locations of individual MCs with a cursor when theGE-processed FFDM image was displayed on a workstation at full resolution. Theindividual MCs were used for training of a convolution neural network (CNN) classifier forFP reduction, as described below. For the SFMs, we had already prepared an independentdata set with manually identified MCs for training the CNN in a previous study. Since theMCs from the previous data set were also random samples from the patient population andthey should be statistically similar to those of the current data set, we did not need toidentify the individual MCs in this data set for CNN training.

The data set of 192 images (SFM or FFDM) was separated into two independent, equal-sized subsets with the malignant cases equally distributed to the two subsets. Each subsetcontained 48 cases with 96 images, of which 14 cases were malignant (figure 2). The subsetgroupings for the SFMs and FFDMs contain the same cases to facilitate the comparison of

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test results of the subsets of the two modalities. Two-fold cross-validation was chosen forthe training and testing of our CAD systems. In one cross-validation cycle, one subset wasused for training the CAD system parameters and classifiers. The training subset was furtherpartitioned into a training set and a validation set for training the CNN (for FFDMs) and thelinear discriminant analysis (LDA) classifiers (for both FFDMs and SFMs), as describedbelow. After the CAD system was trained, its parameters and classifiers would be fixed andits performance evaluated on the independent subset. The training and test subsets were thenswitched and the process was repeated. The overall detection performance was evaluated bycombining the performances for the two test subsets.

Another FFDM data set of 108 cases with 216 images and another SFM data set of 71 caseswith 142 images were collected. These two data sets are independent of each other. Thesemammograms were verified to be negative for MCCs although they may contain other softtissue abnormalities based on review by experienced breast radiologists. These data setswere used to evaluate the FP cluster detection rate on “normal” mammograms by our CADsystems.

2.2. MethodsThe FFDM CAD system and the SFM CAD system used similar computer vision techniquesfor detecting MCCs. The CAD system includes six stages: (1) preprocessing, (2) imageenhancement, (3) segmentation of individual MC candidates, (4) FP reduction for individualMCs using rule-based classifiers and a CNN classifier, (5) regional clustering of MCs, and(6) FP reduction for MCCs using stepwise LDA feature selection and classification. Theblock diagram of our CAD system is shown in figure 3. The system parameters for steps (1)to (5) were designed for the SFM CAD system in our previous study (Chan et al.,1987;Chan et al., 1995;Gurcan et al., 2002). In this study, we used the same systemparameters at the image enhancement stage (step 2), individual MC segmentation stage (step3) and regional clustering stage (step 5) for both the SFM and FFDM CAD systems.

For the SFM CAD system, the preprocessing stage (step 1) and FP reduction stage (step 4)were the same as before. An LDA classifier was added as step (6) because we found that thisadditional step was useful for FP reduction in the course of designing the FFDM CADsystem. For the FFDM CAD system, we implemented a preprocessing step for the input rawimages (step 1), and retrained the global thresholding and the CNN classifier (step 4) inaddition to the new LDA classifier (step 6) because of the different SNR properties of theFFDM.

We will describe the major steps of the CAD systems for the SFM and FFDM collectivelyand pointed out the differences whenever applicable. Details of the design process for eachstage can be found in the literature (Chan et al., 1987; Chan et al., 1995; Ge et al., 2006;Gurcan et al., 2002).

2.2.1. Preprocessing and Image Enhancement—For the SFM CAD system, thedigitized images were used as the input. For the FFDM CAD system, the raw images wereused as the input and an inverted logarithmic transformation (Burgess, 2004) was applied tothe raw pixel values. The digitized SFM image or the transformed FFDM image is firstsubjected to an automated breast boundary segmentation algorithm. Further steps are onlyapplied to the segmented breast area to reduce computation time. A difference-imagetechnique using an 8×8 box-rim filter was used to enhance the SNR of the MCs for both theFFDM and SFM CAD systems.

2.2.2. Segmentation and FP Reduction of Individual MCs—A global thresholdingprocedure was then used to segment the individual MC candidates (signals) from the

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difference image. The procedure automatically searched for the gray level threshold appliedto the entire breast area such that the number of signal candidates in the entire breast area iswithin a predefined range of 400 to 500. The signal candidates are refined using an adaptivegray level thresholding method in which the pixels within a signal are segmented based ontheir connectivity and the local SNR (Chan et al., 1987).

In the FP reduction stage, the signals are classified as either positive or negative using acombination of rule-based feature classification and a trained CNN classifier. Two features,namely, the area and the contrast of the signal, are first used to exclude small-area (less than3 pixels) signals that are likely to be noise and high-contrast (10 times higher than thebackground root-mean-square noise) signals that are likely to be artifacts or large benigncalcifications. A CNN classifier is trained independently for the FFDM and the SFM CADsystems to further differentiate true MCs and FP signals. The optimal architecture of CNNwas selected in our previous study (Gurcan et al., 2002). The CNN for the SFM CADsystem was trained (Gurcan et al., 2002) using a different data set (with 547 true MCs and540 FPs for training, and 533 true MCs and 553 FPs for validation) from the SFM data setused in the current study so that the trained CNN could be applied to either image subsets(figure 2) for independent testing. For the FFDM CAD system, we used the manuallyidentified MCs and the FP signals, which were signals that did not coincide with themanually identified MC locations, detected by the CAD system on the training subset totrain the CNN classifier. There were 535 and 669 true MCs in subset 1 and subset 2,respectively. Equal number of FPs was randomly sampled from the detected candidateswhen the subset was used as a training set. When a given subset of the available data set wasused for training the CAD system, the cases in the subset were further separated into atraining set and a validation set (figure 2). Each of the training or validation set within atraining subset thus contained over 250 true MCs and 250 FPs. The validation set was usedto monitor the performance of the trained CNN and stop the training process. The othersubset was reserved for independent testing. The training of the CNN was discussed in detailelsewhere (Ge et al., 2006). For both the SFM and FFDM CAD systems, the CNN classifierthreshold was empirically chosen by training as 0.4 to remove signals with low CNN scores.As described in next subsection, the CNN scores were also used to generate features whichwere combined with morphological features for FP reduction.

2.2.3. Regional Clustering and FP Reduction for MCCs—Potential clusters areidentified by a regional clustering procedure (Chan et al., 1995; Chan et al., 1994) based onthe fact that true MCs of clinical interest always appear in clusters on mammograms. Acluster was dynamically grown until no more potential signals in the neighborhood werewithin 0.5 cm of its centroid. A cluster is considered to be positive if the number of itsmembers is greater than 3. The clustering process continues until no more clusters can begrown in the breast region. The remaining signals which are not found to be members of anypotential clusters are considered as isolated noise objects and excluded.

In order to differentiate true MCCs from clusters of normal noisy structures, we extractedfeatures (Chan et al., 1998; Ge et al., 2006) from each of the clusters found at the stage ofregional clustering and built an LDA classifier. A total of 25 features (21 morphologicalfeatures, 4 CNN features) were extracted for each of the clusters. These include the numberof MCs in a cluster, the maximum, the average, the standard deviation, and the coefficient ofvariation for each of the five morphological features (size, mean density, eccentricity,moment ratio, and axis ratio (Chan et al., 1998)) of the individual MCs in the cluster, theminimum, the maximum, and the mean of the CNN output values in the cluster, and theaverage of the first three highest CNN output values of the MCs. Detailed description ofthese features can be found in the literature (Chan et al., 1998; Ge et al., 2006).

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Feature selection with stepwise LDA was applied to obtain the best feature subset andreduce the dimensionality of the feature space to design an effective classifier. At each stepone feature was entered or removed from the feature pool by analyzing its effect on theselection criterion, which was chosen to be the Wilks’ lambda in this study. Stepwise featureselection involves the selection of three thresholds, namely, Fin, Fout, and tolerance. We useda two-fold cross-validation method (figure 2) such that the test subset was not involved infeature selection. The training set and the Az value for the validation set were used todetermine the best values of these thresholds that could provide high classification accuracywith a relatively small number of features. The chosen set of thresholds was then used toselect a final set of features and LDA coefficients using the entire training subset. Thetraining of the LDA classifiers for FFDM and SFM CAD systems was performedindependently but the same subset groupings of the cases as shown in figure 2 were used forboth processes.

2.2.4. Evaluation Methods—The scoring method of computerized detection of MCCsused in this study has been described in detail in our previous study for SFMs (Gurcan et al.,2002). Briefly, there are two sets of inputs to the automatic scoring program. The firstconsists of the overlay files, in which the extent of each MCC is drawn by an expertradiologist as a polygon. The second consists of outputs of the automated MCC detectionprogram, which are the smallest rectangular bounding boxes enclosing the detected MCCs.The scoring program automatically calculates the intersection of the areas enclosed by theserectangles and the polygons. If the ratio of the intersection area to either the rectangle or thepolygon area is more than 40%, as determined in the previous study (Gurcan et al., 2002),then the cluster enclosed by the polygon is considered to be detected. If a polygon areaintersects with more than one rectangular region, only one TP finding is recorded.

FROC analysis was used to evaluate the overall detection performance of the CAD system.FROC curves were presented on a per-cluster and a per-case basis. For cluster-based FROCanalysis, the MCC on each mammogram was considered an independent true object; thesensitivity was thus calculated relative to 96 clusters in each of the two test subsets. Forcase-based FROC analysis, the same MCC imaged on the two-view mammograms wasconsidered to be one true object and detection of either or both clusters on the two viewswas considered to be one TP detection; the sensitivity was thus calculated relative to 48clusters in each of the two test subsets. We also used the data set negative for MCCs toestimate the FP cluster detection rate on normal mammograms. For each modality, weapplied the two trained CAD systems obtained in the two-fold cross-validation schemeseparately to the negative data set. For a given trained CAD system, the average FP rate wasdetermined by counting the detected clusters on the negative mammograms while thedetection sensitivity was determined by counting the TPs on the test subset. A test FROCcurve was then derived by combining the sensitivity from the test subset and the average FPrate from the negative data set at the corresponding detection thresholds. After the testFROC curve was estimated separately for each of the two trained CAD systems, an overallFROC curve was derived by averaging the FP rates at the corresponding sensitivities alongthe two test FROC curves. The overall FROC curve represented the average testperformance of our CAD system for MCC detection for the given modality.

For estimation of the statistical significance in the differences between the FROC curves ofthe two modalities, we used the alternative free-response ROC (AFROC) analysis42

proposed by Chakraborty et al. In the AFROC method, FROC data are first transformed toAFROC data which tracks the tradeoff between sensitivity and the number of FP images,defined as an image with one or more FP responses (Chakraborty, 1989), instead of thenumber of FP responses per image. The ROCKIT software and statistical significance testsfor ROC analysis developed by Metz et al (Metz et al., 1998) can then be used to analyze

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the AFROC data. The area under the fitted AFROC curve, A1, is used to evaluate thedetection performance.

3. ResultsWe first evaluated the performance of the system by comparing the test FROC curveswithout the FP cluster reduction stages. The FROC curves were generated by varying thelocal SNR threshold k in the range of 1.9 to 3.7. Figure 4 compares the average test FROCcurves for FFDM and SFM. Figure 4(a) shows that a cluster-based sensitivity of 94% can beachieved at about 8 FP clusters/image for the FFDM CAD system, and about 15 FP clusters/image for the SFM CAD system. At these FP cluster rates, both CAD systems detected thecluster on at least one view for all the cases (100% case-based sensitivity) as shown in figure4(b). Some high-contrast image structures other than MCs are also segmented as MCcandidates at the global and local thresholding stages. The two rule-based features used inthe CAD systems, the area and the contrast of the MC candidate, can exclude small or brightareas due to noise and high-contrast artifacts but are not very discriminatory against FPsignals that are more similar to MCs. The digitized images are noisy and have more artifactsthan FFDMs because of screen-film artifacts and the additional digitization process. Thismay be the reason that the average FP cluster rate for the SFM CAD system is higher thanthat for the FFDM CAD system. Figure 5 shows typical examples of ROIs containing a MCcandidate with CNN score less than 0.4 for the SFM CAD system.

The fitted ROC curves for classification of the detected signals as MCs and FP signals usingthe trained CNN classifiers for the FFDM and SFM CAD systems are shown in figure 6.The Az value for the CNN classifier trained for FFDM was 0.96 for both validation sets inthe training subsets (see figure 2), compared with Az values of 0.91 for the SFM validationset. The lower discriminatory power of the CNN for SFMs may also be attributed to thehigher noise on SFMs. For the FFDM CAD system, the rule-based classifiers and the CNNclassifier reduced the FP cluster rates substantially with a small loss of sensitivities, asshown in table 1. At the same FP cluster rates, the sensitivity of the SFM CAD system islower than that of the FFDM CAD system. The average test FROC curves for the FFDMand SFM CAD systems with FP reduction including the rule-based classification and theCNN and LDA classifiers are shown in figure 7. The FP cluster rates were estimated fromthe test subsets with MCCs. At an FP cluster rate of 1.0 per image, the detection rates areshown in table 2. Fifteen more clusters were detected by the FFDM CAD system. Thedifference in the detection rates on FFDMs and SFMs was statistically significant withMcNemar chi-square test (p<0.05). The FP cluster rates at detection sensitivities of 70%,80%, and 90% are also summarized in table 3(a). The cluster-based and case-based testFROC curves for the FFDM CAD system are about 5% to 10% higher in sensitivity than thecorresponding curves for the SFM CAD system at the same FP cluster rates. We applied theAFROC analysis for testing the significance of the difference between the cluster-based testFROC curves for the two modalities. The results are summarized in table 4(a). The A1 valuewas 0.81±0.02 and 0.83±0.02, respectively, for test subset 1 and 2 for the FFDM CADsystem, and 0.73±0.02 and 0.74±0.02, respectively, for the SFM CAD system. Thedifference between the fitted AFROC curves for the two CAD systems was statisticallysignificant (p<0.05) for both test subsets.

We also used the data set without MCCs to evaluate the FP cluster detection rate on normalcases. The average cluster-based and case-based test FROC curves are compared in figure 8.These FP cluster rates evaluated on normal data sets are also summarized in table 3(b).Although the performance of FFDM CAD system was still better than that of SFM CADsystem, the difference was smaller when the FP cluster rates were evaluated on the normaldata sets. We compared the performance of the classifiers in FP reduction. Table 5

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summarizes the FP rates and FP reduction percentages of FFDM and SFM CAD systemswhen the FP cluster rates were evaluated on the normal data sets and the MCC data sets attwo different sensitivity levels. The FP reduction percentages of the classifiers of the FFDMCAD system were slightly better in the normal data set than in the MCC data set, despite thefact that the normal data set was an independent test set for the FFDM classifiers. The FPreduction percentage for the FFDM CAD system was, on average, slightly higher than thatfor the SFM CAD system when the FP cluster rates were evaluated on the normal data setsor the MCC data sets, consistent with the better performance of the CNN classifier of theFFDM system shown in figure 6.

The detection performance of a CAD system for malignant clusters is more important thanits performance for detecting all clusters. The average cluster-based and case-based testFROC curves for detection of malignant MCCs for the FFDM and SFM CAD systems arecompared in figure 9. The performance of either the FFDM or the SFM CAD system on themalignant test subset is better than that on the entire test subset shown in figure 7. Thecluster-based FROC curve for the FFDM CAD system is about 5% to 10% higher insensitivity than the corresponding curve for the SFM CAD system at the same FP clusterrates. However, the case-based FROC curves for the two CAD systems have similarperformance. The AFROC analysis results for the difference between the cluster-based testFROC curves for the two modalities are summarized in table 4(b). The difference betweenthe fitted AFROC curves for the two CAD systems for malignant MCCs did not achievestatistical significance (p>0.05) for either test subset.

Figures 10(a) and 10(b) compare the average cluster-based and case-based test FROC curvesfor detection of malignant clusters for FFDM and SFM CAD systems when the data setswithout MCCs were used for estimation of the FP cluster rates. The cluster-based FROCcurves became very similar for the two systems. All malignant clusters were detected by theFFDM CAD system on at least one view (100% case-based sensitivity) at an average of 0.25FP clusters/image. The SFM CAD system could not achieve 100% case-based sensitivity butthe case-based FROC curve is slightly higher than that of the FFDM CAD system.

4. DiscussionFFDM systems from several manufacturers have obtained FDA approval for clinical use.Several clinical trials have been conducted to compare FFDM with SFM in screeningpopulations (Lewin et al., 2002; Skaane et al., 2003; Skaane and Skjennald, 2004; Pisano etal., 2005). Due to differences in various factors, such as the mammographic equipment, thestudy design, the sample sizes, and the reader experience, these clinical trials arrived atdifferent conclusions about the advantages or disadvantages of FFDM in comparison toconventional SFM systems. Since the detection of cancers with a computerized program canalso be affected by the image properties of the mammograms from different modalities, it isimportant to compare the performance between the CAD systems for FFDMs and for SFMs.We collected a case-matched data set of FFDMs and SFMs from the same patients tofacilitate such comparisons.

In this study, our results showed that the FFDM CAD system detected more MCCs than theSFM CAD system when all clustered microcalcifications (malignant and benign) areconsidered. The difference in detection rates (table 2) and that in FROC performance (table4(a)) were statistically significant. However, the difference was not statistically significantwhen malignant cases only were evaluated (see table 4(b)). Figures 11(a)-(d) show examplesof clusters missed by the SFM CAD system but detected by the FFDM CAD system. Thesetwo clusters imaged on the SFMs appeared to be more subtle to the radiologist than on theFFDMs. An example of clusters missed by the FFDM CAD system but detected by the SFM

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CAD system is shown in figures 11(e) and 11(f). For this benign cluster, the ratings from theradiologist are very close to each other. The difference in the appearance of the clusters maybe attributed to factors such as variations in positioning or differences in the image qualityof the FFDMs and digitized SFMs. When the FP cluster rates were evaluated on the normaldata sets, the difference between the performance of FFDM and SFM CAD system wassmaller as shown in table 3 and figure 8.

The CNN classifier in the SFM CAD system was trained with a different data set used in ourprevious study (Gurcan et al., 2002). We did not use the cross-validation SFM subsets fortraining in the current study because the ground truth locations of the individual MCs werenot available for the current SFM data set and because a CNN can be trained using anyindependent data set with similar imaging properties. There might be a chance that the twosubsets from the current SFM data set are more similar in their imaging properties than thosebetween the current and the previous SFM data set, and thus using the previous SFM dataset for training might introduce an unfavorable bias to the CNN classifier in the SFM CADsystem. On the other hand, since the previous SFM data set for training the CNN was larger,it should allow the SFM CNN to be better trained, and thus better generalized to unknowndata, than if the current data set was used. In this aspect, the SFM CNN may have anadvantage (favorable bias) over the FFDM CNN. Figure 5 shows typical examples of ROIscontaining a MC candidate with CNN score less than 0.4 from one of the test subsets for theSFM CAD system. These examples demonstrate that the MC candidates with low CNNscores were mostly fibrous structures or some linear artifacts on the mammograms. As theCNN scores increased, the MC candidates became more dot-like structures. There were alsosharp and bright spots that might be caused by dust or film emulsion pick-off. The trainedCNN appeared to be effective in recognizing the sharp white dots as FP signals. Bychoosing a threshold of 0.4, the MC candidates shown in figure 5 were eliminated as FPs bythe CNN. The MC candidates with low CNN scores are similar to the FPs shown in ourprevious study (Chan et al., 1995). The SFM CNN thus was trained similarly even thoughthe training sets used were different in these two studies.

To investigate if there was an observable bias, we compared in table 5 the FP cluster ratesand FP reduction percentages of the FFDM and SFM CAD systems when the FP clusterrates were evaluated on the normal data set and the MCC data set at two different sensitivitylevels. The FP reduction percentages of the FFDM CAD system were slightly better in thenormal data set, which was an independent test set for the FFDM classifiers, than in theMCC data set, indicating that the FFDM CAD system was not over-trained in the two-foldcross-validation scheme. The FP reduction performances of the SFM and FFDM classifierswere, on average, within a few percents either in the normal or in the MCC data set and theoverall difference was not statistically significant (paired t-test, p=0.47). However, the FPreduction percentages in the normal data set were significantly higher than those in the MCCdata set considering both the FFDM and SFM CAD systems (paired t-test, p=0.03). Thiscomparison provides some evidence that the FFDM CNN classifiers trained by the two-foldcross validation training scheme did not gain a favorable bias for the test results on the MCCdata set. The differences in the average FP reduction percentages between the two systemswere reasonably close in the MCC (about 2.5%) and the independent normal (about 3.5%)data sets. The smaller difference in the FP rates on the normal data sets before FPclassification might be the reason that the performances of the FFDM and SFM CADsystems were closer when the FP rates were estimated using the normal data sets.

Although the same computer vision algorithms were used in both the FFDM and SFM CADsystems, the two important classifiers for FP reductions were trained separately with casesamples for each modality. The two CNN classifiers have different performance ( Az = 0.96and 0.91 for validation on FFDMs and SFMs, respectively). The features selected in the

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LDA classifiers have some overlap, but the coefficients in the linear discriminant functionsare different. The differences in the performance of the FP classifiers led to the differencesin the overall performances of the two systems.

There are several parameters in the CAD system that can be adjusted over a range. Thechoice of the CNN threshold or other parameters would affect the resulting FROC curvesand we selected the parameter values empirically by training (Chan et al., 1987; Ge et al.,2006; Gurcan et al., 2002). We chose to fix the CNN threshold but to vary the LDAthreshold in generating the final FROC curves based on two major reasons. First, the CNNvalues of the individual MC candidates were used to generate input features to the LDAclassifier for reduction of false MCC candidates in the final step. If the CNN value was usedas the threshold to generate FROC curves, we had to train a different LDA classifier for eachpoint along the FROC curve. Second, we did not obtain a better FROC curve by varying theCNN threshold during the training process. Since the more complicated approach was notfound to be advantageous, the LDA output was chosen as the decision threshold for ourCAD systems.

We collected a case-matched data set for comparison of the performances of the FFDMs andSFMs. Although this approach reduced some of the variability in the case samples, thedegree of subtlety of the clusters on the corresponding FFDM and SFM would differ due tothe differences in positioning, compression, and exposure techniques in addition to thedifferences in the detector characteristics and the examination dates. Some of thesevariations can be reduced by averaging over a large data set, which may not have beenachieved in the current study. Furthermore, the detector characteristics will depend on thedetector manufacturer, the screen-film system, and the digitizer used. Further investigationsare needed to evaluate the performances of MCC detection by CAD systems for the twomodalities.

5. ConclusionIn this study, we compared the performance of our FFDM and SFM CAD systems fordetection of MCCs on case-matched FFDM images and SFM images. The two CADsystems used the same computer vision techniques but their FP reduction classifiers weretrained with samples from each modality. For cluster-based performance evaluation, FFDMCAD system achieved higher detection sensitivities than the SFM CAD system at the sameFP cluster rates for the data set used. The difference was statistically significant with theAFROC analysis. The difference is smaller when the FP cluster rates were evaluated on thenormal data sets, although the performance of the FFDM CAD system was still slightlybetter than that of the SFM CAD system. For malignant cases, the differences in theperformance of the two CAD systems did not achieve statistical significance. Further studyis underway to improve the performances of both systems.

AcknowledgmentsThis work is supported by USPHS grant CA95153 and U. S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command grantDAMD17-02-1-0214. The content of this paper does not necessarily reflect the position of the government and noofficial endorsement of any equipment and product of any companies mentioned should be inferred. The authorsare grateful to Charles E. Metz, Ph.D., for the LABROC and ROCKIT programs.

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Figure 1.(a) The distribution of the subtlety rating of the MCCs (1: most obvious, 10: most subtle).(b) The distribution of the likelihood of malignancy rating of the MCCs (0: least likely to bemalignant, 10: most likely to be malignant). (c) The distribution of the longest dimension ofthe MCCs.

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Figure 2.The data subsets for the design of our FFDM and SFM CAD systems. The data set wasseparated into two independent subsets in a cross-validation training and testing scheme.When a given subset is used for training of the CAD system, the samples were furtherseparated into a training set and a validation set for training the CNN classifier or the LDAclassifier. The trained CAD system was then applied to the other subset for evaluation of itstest performance.

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Figure 3.The block diagram of our CAD systems for detection of microcalcification clusters onFFDMs and SFMs.

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Figure 4.The average test FROC curves from the FFDM CAD system and the SFM CAD systemwithout the FP cluster reduction stages. The FROC curves were obtained by varying thelocal SNR thresholds and the FP cluster rates were estimated from the test subsets withMCCs. (a) Cluster-based FROC curves, and (b) case-based FROC curves.

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Figure 5.Typical examples of ROIs containing a MC candidate with CNN score less than 0.4 fromone of the test subsets for the SFM CAD system. First row: CNN scores in the range of 0.0and 0.1; Second row: CNN scores in the range of 0.1 and 0.2; Third row: CNN scores in therange of 0.2 and 0.3; Fourth row: CNN scores in the range of 0.3 and 0.4. The size of eachROI is 16× 16 pixels (1.6 × 1.6mm2).

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Figure 6.Fitted ROC curves for classification of detected signals as microcalcifications and FPs usinga CNN classifier for FFDM CAD system ( Az = 0.96 for both validation subsets), and SFMCAD system ( Az = 0.91 for the validation set). Note that the CNN for the SFM CAD systemwas trained with a different data set.

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Figure 7.The average test FROC curves from the FFDM CAD system and the SFM CAD system withthe FP cluster reduction stages. The FROC curves were obtained by varying the LDAthresholds and the FP cluster rates were estimated from the test subsets with MCCs. (a)Cluster-based FROC curves, and (b) case-based FROC curves.

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Figure 8.The average test FROC curves from the FFDM CAD system and the SFM CAD system withthe FP cluster reduction stages. The FROC curves were obtained by varying the LDAthresholds and the FP cluster rates were estimated from the test sets without MCCs. (a)Cluster-based FROC curves, (b) Case-based FROC curves.

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Figure 9.Comparison of the average test FROC curves for malignant cases for the FFDM and theSFM CAD systems. The FP cluster rates were estimated from the test sets with MCCs. (a)Cluster-based FROC curves, and (b) case-based FROC curves.

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Figure 10.Comparison of the average test FROC curves for malignant cases for the FFDM and theSFM CAD systems. The FP cluster rates were estimated from the test sets without MCCs.(a) Cluster-based FROC curves, and (b) case-based FROC curves.

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Figure 11.(a) A 10× 10mm2 malignant MCC with subtlety rated as 10 on SFM, (b) the same cluster asin (a) on FFDM with subtlety rated as 7. (c) A 28 × 26mm2 benign MCC with subtlety ratedas 9 on SFM, (d) the same cluster as in (c) on FFDM with subtlety rated as 6. (e) A 10 ×10mm2 benign MCC with subtlety rated as 9 on SFM, (f) the same cluster as in (e) onFFDM with subtlety rated as 10. The subtlety of the MCCs was rated by experienced MQSAradiologists on a scale of 1 (obvious) to 10 (subtle) relative to the visibility range ofmicrocalcifications encountered in clinical practice.

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Table 2

Analysis with 2 × 2 table of the number of detected MCCs in the test subsets for the FFDM and the SFM CADsystems with the FP reduction stages. The detection rates were evaluated at an FP cluster rate of 1.0 per image.Fifteen more clusters were detected by FFDM CAD system. The difference of detection rates was statisticallysignificant (p<0.05) by the McNemar test



FFDMTPs 146 20 166

FNs 5 21 26

Total 151 41 192

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e 3



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Table 4

Estimation of the statistical significance in the difference between the FROC performance of the FFDM CADsystem and that of the SFM CAD system (a) for both benign and malignant cases, and (b) for malignant casesonly, in the test subsets. The cluster-based test FROC curves with the FP cluster rates obtained from the testset with MCCs were compared


(a) All cases (b) Malignant cases

Test subset 1 Test subset 2 Test subset 1 Test subset 2

FFDM CAD system 0.81±0.02 0.83±0.02 0.91±0.04 0.87±0.05

SFM CAD system 0.73±0.02 0.74±0.02 0.81±0.06 0.88±0.05

p-value 0.003 0.004 0.070 0.431

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e 5



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