Competences Mapping for PLEs

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Competences Mapping for Personal Learning Environment Management

Malinka Ivanova, Technical University of SofiaMohamed Amine Chatti, RWTH Aachen University


(1) to explore the students’ competences profiles and their capabilities for behavior activities to organize and plan learning(2) to examine the functionality of a PLE to facilitate the achievement of missing competences


Do students possess needed competences for building a PLE? – students’ point of viewCompetences – definitions and classificationA competences model for personal and professional developmentCompetences for PLE managementFunctionality of PLEs and competencesConclusion

Do students possess needed competences for a PLE building?

Self-cognition• Self-answering of questions about:

– learning needs and goals– preferred media content format for learning– preferred communication channels

clarification of the methods for information and knowledge absorbing and remembering

Self-organization• increased individual control over learning, self-

management through a process that involves the choice of the:– learning scenario – selection of learning resources– reflection – engaging in learning conversations with peers

Do students possess needed competences for a PLE building?

Self-planning of personal development – the students need to have a self-improvement

plan (strategy) based on understanding of their current and future professional positions

– readiness for actions– awareness of potentials for realization

Do students possess needed competences for a PLE building?

Self-competence realization• a student to be capable, effective, and in self-


Do students possess needed competences for a PLE building?

Do students possess needed competences for a PLE building?

Do you understand the PLE concept?

Are there needs for PLE building?

Do you figure the main PLE functions?

Do you figure some learning strategies?

yes not sure

no yes not sure

no yes not sure

no yes not sure


Past year

25% 50% 25% 50% 40% 10% 43% 31% 26% 18% 56% 26%

This year

44% 36% 20% 63% 27% 10% 36% 44% 20% 20% 72% 8%

students do not possess all needed competences for self-organization, self-learning and self-cognition that would impact the effectiveness of their learning

Model for conceptual understanding of PLE


Learning needs

Learning goals

Learning style

Choice of scenario


Self-planning of professional development

Choice of learning resources

Choice of communication channels

Choice of contacts

Choice of tools/applications/services

Understand the professional position

Readiness for actions

Awareness of potentials for realization

Self-competence realization

Choice of PLE organization Choice for sharing

PLE conceptual understanding needed competences

PLE building and management

personal and professional development

Competences - definitions• Competences - a combination of

knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to a given context (European Commission, 2007)

• Key competences - competences need for personal fulfillment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment


skills attitudes


Competences - definitions• competency - any kind of qualification or ability, both

formal and informal, a person should have in order to fulfill a particular task or job (Synergetics, 2007)

• competency - the behavior(s) supporting an area of work (Moore et al., 2002)

• competency - an input-based approach related to the behavior that is needed for performing the work or task

Competences - definitions• competence - measures the output of a learning

process and can be described as a standard that should be reached in order to perform a task (Horton, 2000)

• competence - an output-based approach focused on the demands of a certain job

competency ≠ competence


competency competence

input-based approach – needed behavior for performing the work or task

output-based approach - measures the output of a learning process

the term competency is utilized to examine and identify the needed behavior of engineers, what they should able to perform for successful accomplishment of tasks

Competences - definitions• Technical competences - possession of a designated

level of technical skill or knowledge in a specific technical area(s) and the ability to keep up with current developments and trends in areas of expertise (Business Dictionary, 2011)

• They can be achieved through academic, apprenticeship or on-the-job training or a combination of these

Competences - definitions• Functional competences - are described as on job-

related competences (Aragon and Johnson, 2002)• they are examined in aspect of the main phases at

products manufacturing - production, marketing, research and development and support functions in utilization of information system, human resources, and infrastructure

Competences - definitions• Social competences - cover all forms of behavior and equip

individuals to participate in an effective and constructive way in social and working life (European Commission, 2007)

• Social competency - the ability and willingness to cooperate, to interact with others responsibly and behave in a group and relationally oriented way (Archan and Tutschek, 2002)

• Social competencies - the behavior that one needs to have and needs to demonstrate to interact and cooperate with others and to build and sustain different relationships (Cramer and van der Zwaal, 2006)

Competences - definitions

• Global competences - reflect on the needed abilities for successful dealing with different nationalities and working in different countries

• They are related to increasing complexity of organizational structures, innovations in information and communication technology and accelerated product life cycles (Mendenhall et al., 2001)

Competences - definitions

• Meta-competences - the overarching abilities under which competences shelters

• It embraces the higher order abilities which have to do with being able to learn, adapt, anticipate and create.

• Meta-competences - a prerequisite for the development of capacities such as judgment, intuition and acumen upon which competences are based and without which competences cannot flourish (Brown and McCartney, 1995)

• Meta-competences are also defined as the ability to read a new situation and adapt or apply appropriate competences, it may be seen as learning to learn, flexible transfer and application of knowledge and skills across contexts, or thinking outside the box (Rowanhill consultants Ltd., 2009)

Competences models

System Engineer Competency Model by Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Management Competencies domain by Personnel Decisions Research Institutes, Inc. and Aguirre International

Risk Manager Core Competency Model by the Risk and Insurance Management Society Professional Development Advisory Council

Competencies for professionals in the learning and performance field by ASTD

Leadership Competency Model by Esprit Global Learning

A competences model for personal and professional development

The key generic skills, Kearns (2001)

Core competences, United Nations (2003)

• communication• teamwork• planning & organizing • accountability• creativity• client orientation• commitment to continuous learning• technological awareness

A competences model for personal and professional development

Key competences for software engineers, Shaw (2005)

(1) discover client needs and translate them to software and system requirements (2) reconcile conflicting objectives, finding acceptable compromises (3) design appropriate solutions, using responsible engineering approaches (4) evaluate designs and products (5) understand and be able to apply theories and models that provide a basis for software design (6) work effectively in interdisciplinary contexts (7) work effectively within existing systems, both software artifacts and organizations (8) understand and be able to use current technical solution elements (9) program effectively in code creation, component use, and its integration (10) apply design and development methods and techniques as appropriate to realize solutions (11) organize and lead development teams, including team-building and negotiation (12) communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing (13) learn new models, techniques, and technologies as they emerge; integrate knowledge from multiple sources to develop solutions to problems

A competences model for personal and professional development

Key competences for engineers, (Computing Accreditation commission of ABET, 2004) (1) to use and apply current technical concepts and practices in the core information

technologies (2) to analyze, identify and define the requirements that must be satisfied to address

problems(3) to design effective and usable IT-based solutions and integrate them into the user

environment(4) to assist in the creation of an effective project plan(5) to identify and evaluate current and emerging technologies and assess their(6) to analyze the impact of technology on individuals, organizations and society(7) to demonstrate an understanding of best practices and standards and their

application(8) to demonstrate independent critical thinking and problem solving skills(9) to collaborate in teams(10) to communicate effectively and efficiently with clients, users and peers(11) to recognize the need for continued learning throughout their career

A competences model for personal and professional development

Key competences for engineers, (Engineering Council, UK, 2003)

(1) use a combination of general and specialist engineering knowledge and understanding to apply existing and emerging technology;

(2) apply appropriate theoretical and practical methods to design, develop, manufacture, construct, commission, operate and maintain engineering products, processes, systems, and services;

(3) provide technical and commercial management; (4) demonstrate effective interpersonal skills; (5) demonstrate a personal commitment to professional standards,

recognizing obligations to society, the profession and the environment

A competences model for personal and professional development

Key competences for engineers, Australia Accreditation Board (2005)

(1) ability to apply knowledge of basic science and engineering fundamentals(2) ability to communicate effectively(3) in depth technical competence in at least one engineering discipline(4) ability to undertake problem identification, formulation and solution(5) ability to utilize a systems approach to design and operational performance(6) ability to function effectively as an individual and in multi-disciplinary and multi-

cultural teams, with the capacity to be a leader or manager as well as an effective team member

(7) understanding of social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities of the professional engineers and the need of sustainable development

(8) understanding of the principles of sustainable design and development(9) understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities and commitment to them(10) expectation of the need to undertake lifelong learning, and capacity to do so

A competences model for personal and professional development

Key competences for lifelong learning, DeSeCo project (2005) (1) individuals need to be able to use a wide range of tools for

interacting effectively with the environment: both physical ones such as information technology and socio-cultural ones such as the use of language

(2) individuals need to be able to engage with others, and since they will encounter people from a range of backgrounds, it is important that they are able to interact in heterogeneous groups

(3) individuals need to be able to take responsibility for managing their own lives, situate their lives in the broader social context and act autonomously

A competences model for personal and professional development

Key competences for lifelong learning, The European Parliament (2006) (1) communication in the mother tongue (2) communication in foreign languages with different levels of proficiency(3) mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology(4) digital competence involves the confident and critical use of information society

technology and thus basic skills in information and communication technology (5) learning to learn - the ability to pursue and organize one's own learning (6) social and civic competences - social competence refers to personal, interpersonal

and intercultural competences and civic competences give particularly knowledge of social and political concepts and structures

(7) sense of initiative and entrepreneurship - the ability to turn ideas into action(8) cultural awareness and expression, which involves appreciation of the importance

of the creative expression of ideas, experiences and emotions in a range of media

A competences model for personal and professional development

Meta-competencesability to learn, adapt, anticipate, create, judgment, intuition, acumen

Meta-competencesability to learn, adapt, anticipate, create, judgment, intuition, acumen

Global competencesdiversity,managing uncertainty, balancing global versus localization, curiosity for self-learning, motivation, entrepreneurial spirit, commitment, thinking agility, maturity, conflict management community building, improvisation, courage

Social competencescommunication, management, create/maintain contacts,self-management, teamwork, english, interdisciplinary skills, negotiation, presenting, networking, leading, embracing new approaches,community, social context

Technical competencesprogramming skills, utilizing existing technology, technology management , understand current technical solution elements, design appropriate solutions, management the PLE components, develop strategies, learn new models, techniques and technologies

Technical competencesprogramming skills, utilizing existing technology, technology management , understand current technical solution elements, design appropriate solutions, management the PLE components, develop strategies, learn new models, techniques and technologies

Functional competencesability for understanding the functionality of PLE, analytical thinking, data, information and knowledge collection, data, information and knowledge analysis, ability to recognize the need for continued learning, decision making, managing activities and performance, problem solving, project design

Functional competencesability for understanding the functionality of PLE, analytical thinking, data, information and knowledge collection, data, information and knowledge analysis, ability to recognize the need for continued learning, decision making, managing activities and performance, problem solving, project design

Global competencesdiversity, managing uncertainty, balancing global versus localization, curiosity for self-learning, motivation, entrepreneurial spirit, commitment, thinking agility, maturity, conflict management community building, improvisation, courage

Global competencesdiversity, managing uncertainty, balancing global versus localization, curiosity for self-learning, motivation, entrepreneurial spirit, commitment, thinking agility, maturity, conflict management community building, improvisation, courage

Social competencescommunication, management, create/maintain contacts,self-management, teamwork, English, interdisciplinary skills, negotiation, presenting, networking, leading, embracing new approaches,community, social context

Social competencescommunication, management, create/maintain contacts,self-management, teamwork, English, interdisciplinary skills, negotiation, presenting, networking, leading, embracing new approaches,community, social context

A competences model for personal and professional development - summarization

• What are important competences for successful PLE building and management?

Competences for PLE ManagementTechnical competences Vote,%Programming skills – ability for effective programming, including code creation, component use, and integration of multiple subsystems


Utilizing existing technology – ability to use and apply current technical concepts and practices in the core information technologies; to identify and evaluate current and emerging technologies


Technology Management - ability to use efficient and cost-effective approaches to integrate technology into the PLE and other solutions and improve learning effectiveness


Understand and be able to use current technical solution elements, including both specific tools, components, and frameworks


Design appropriate solutions – ability for using responsible engineering approaches to design effective and usable IT-based solutions and integrate them into the PLE environment


Management and update of the PLE components and design according to current needs


Ability to develop strategies and to support decision making at using new technologies


Learn new models, techniques and technologies; integrate information and knowledge objects from multiple sources


Functional competences Vote,%Ability for understanding the functionality of PLE – for learning management and supporting different learning flows


Analytical thinking - ability to identify items and problems, to obtain, interpret and compare date, information, knowledge, to search solutions


Data, information and knowledge collection - ability to observe, gather, search, reach and record data, information and knowledge


Data, information and knowledge analysis - ability to interpret, compare, visualize and evaluate results


Ability to recognize the need for continued learning as well as to identify how to acquire and/or further develop concrete knowledge and skills


Decision making - ability to use effective approaches for choosing a learning strategy or developing appropriate solutions and/or reaching conclusions


Managing activities and performance - ability to assign activities and evaluate their performance


Problem solving - ability to identify problems and determine appropriate solutions 62,5Project design - ability to identify and develop objectives, methods and techniques 42

Competences for PLE Management

Social competences Vote,%Written communication – ability for communicating clearly and concisely in writing 42Communication management – ability for managing own communications (e.g. keeping up to date and complete, following up)


Create/maintain contacts - create contacts using social media, other media or face-to-face, ability for keeping and using


Self-management - managing self social behavior 54Verbal communication - using effective verbal communication (giving instructions, asking for information, listening)


Teamwork - working in a manner that is consistent with working in a team / trusting and respecting other team members / managing conflict / building team cohesion


English Speaking and writing fluent English 37,5Interdisciplinary skills - interacting with people in diverse disciplines/professions/trades 42

Managing – projects, programs, contracts, people, strategic planning, performance change 29

Graphical communication - using effective graphical communication (color schemes, used pictures and graphics)


Negotiation - negotiating / asserting/defending approaches/needs 45Presenting - presenting clearly and engagingly 58Networking - building/maintaining personal/organizational networks 54Leading - gaining cooperation /motivating and inspiring others, influencing, persuading others


Embracing new approaches, changes 29Community - being concerned for the welfare of the local, national and global communities 21

Social context - evaluating the impact of engineering solutions in the social/cultural/political contexts (local/global)


Competences for PLE Management

Global competences Vote,%

Diversity - ability for interacting with people from diverse cultures/backgrounds 54

Global business understanding – ability for understanding the global issues 12,5

Managing uncertainty - ability for doing regular activities in changing conditions 17

Balancing global versus localization tensions 42

Curiosity for self-learning 50

Motivation – self motivation and motivating others 62,5

Entrepreneurial spirit – ability to star new initiative and feeling for success 67

Commitment – ability for responsible way in activities performing 67

Thinking agility 54

Maturity 54

Expertise in negotiation process 50

Conflict management – ability for coping with conflicts 33

Community building / networking 17

Improvisation – to be flexible and adaptable according to changing situations 54

Courage – determination for doing an activity 62,5

Competences for PLE Management

Meta competences Vote,%

Ability to learn 45

Ability to adapt 54

Ability to anticipate 25

Ability to create 58

Ability to judgment 45

Ability to intuition 25

Ability to acumen 37,5

Competences for PLE Management

Technical competences Ability to develop strategies and to support decision making at using new technologies


Programming skills 54%Learn new models, techniques and technologies 50%Management and update of the PLE components 45%

Functional competences Ability to recognize the need for continued learning 71%Problem solving 62,5%Managing activities and performance 50%Analytical thinking 45%

Social competences Teamwork 58%Presenting 58%Networking 54%Self-management 54%Create/maintain contacts 54%

Global competences Entrepreneurial spirit 67%Commitment 67%Motivation 62,5%Courage 62,5%

Meta-competences Ability to create 58%Ability to adapt 54%Ability to learn 45%Ability to judgment 45%

Competences for PLE Management

Meta-competencesability to learn, adapt, create, judgment

Meta-competencesability to learn, adapt, create, judgment

Technical competences•programming skills•manage the PLE components•develop strategies•learn new models, techniques and technologies

Technical competences•programming skills•manage the PLE components•develop strategies•learn new models, techniques and technologies

Functional competences•analytical thinking•ability to recognize the need for continued learning•managing activities and performance•problem solving

Functional competences•analytical thinking•ability to recognize the need for continued learning•managing activities and performance•problem solving

Global competences•motivation•entrepreneurial spirit •commitment•courage

Global competences•motivation•entrepreneurial spirit •commitment•courage

Social competences•create/maintain contacts•self-management•teamwork•networking•presenting

Social competences•create/maintain contacts•self-management•teamwork•networking•presenting

Competences for PLE Management

Technical aspect • modular structure of the PLE - flexibility to manage and

update the needed modules according to the fast changing learning goals and needs

• possibilities for the integration of new HTML, JavaScript, and widget modules - mastering of programming skills and to learn new technologies and techniques

• logic modules for training, such as simulations or “strategy” games - the ability to develop strategies and to support decision making at using new technologies

Competences and PLE functionality

Functional aspect• Tools for stimulating analytical thinking - a tool for concept mapping, a

priority grid for testing analytical skills, an option/criteria worksheet, a tool for looking on positive, negative and peculiarities of an idea or solution

• Brainstorming tools, electronic meeting systems, or De Bono Hats for looking at a situation from many perspectives - problem solving as a process of creating a solution to a problem could be trained for example

• Tools for activities planning and managing - Basecamp, Lighthouse or CreativePro Office

• Performance support tools - self-evaluation tests or peer review evaluation giving a feedback on areas that need improving

• Tools for easy access to open solutions - the ability of a learner to recognize the need for continued learning could be developed through giving him/her access to open resources, open training courses, open meetings

Competences and PLE functionality

Social aspect• Tools for building of lists with contacts and for updating these contacts -

will allow continuous monitoring of the changes in friends’ public profiles• Functions for social tagging, commenting and sharing - network creation

and expanding • Social applications for collaborative working on projects or working in

groups - could assist the development of ability for building team cohesion and managing conflicts

• Opportunity for integration of different media objects as well as authoring tools for their creation and visualization - the competency for presenting could be realized

• Logic components putting learners at different conditions and situations - self-management of social behavior could be trained

Competences and PLE functionality

Global aspect• Tools and possibilities for participation in international

projects based on competitions and network expanding - stimulate and develop motivation, entrepreneurial spirit, commitment, and courage

Competences and PLE functionality

Meta-competences• Tools for networked learning providing multiple

connectivist learning scenarios and situations - abilities to learn, to adapt, to create, to judge

Competences and PLE functionality

• What is your vision about the functionality of PLE to address the above mentioned aspects?

Conclusion• Competences mapping for PLE organization and for

successful personal and professional development is a step ahead in support of self-directed learning

• Different aspects of competences presentation enrich the big picture of our contemporary engineer

• Identification of needed functional possibilities of a PLE related to gaining of given competences is a challenging problem too

competences model for a successful management of a PLE is proposed

The required functionalities of a PLE solution in order to support learners in self-directed learning activities are discussed

Thank you for your attention!
