'Complementary Medicine: Why should Acupuncture, Herbs and ... · • Tennis Elbow, Frozen Shoulder...

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• “It may be said that the electrical structure of the human body must

have an architecture as precise and important as the biochemical

structure, between which there is continuous interdependence. We must not forget we all are composed of electrically charged particles.”--Ionescu-Tirgouiste, Measurement of acupuncture injury potentials.

• Can this precise architecture be an electromagnetic energy

body? It may well resemble a hologram, a truly three-dimensional

energy body interfacing with the biochemical body in all living

things on the planet!


A Modern Explanation

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How widely is Acupuncture used

in the United States• The report from a Consensus Development Conference on

Acupuncture held at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1997 stated that acupuncture is being "widely" practiced--by thousands of physicians, dentists, acupuncturists, and other practitioners--for relief or prevention of pain and for various other health conditions.

• According to the 2002 National Health Interview Survey--the largest and most comprehensive survey of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use by American adults to date—

• an estimated 8.2 million U.S. adults had ever used acupuncture, and

• an estimated 2.1 million U.S. adults had used acupuncture in the previous year.

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Does Acupuncture Work?• According to the NIH Consensus Statement on Acupuncture,

promising results have emerged, showing efficacy of acupuncture In the following situations:

• Adult Post-Operative and Chemotherapy Nausea and vomiting

• Post-Operative dental pain

• Addiction

• Stroke Rehabilitation

• Headache

• Menstrual Cramps

• Tennis Elbow, Frozen Shoulder

• Myofascial pain Fibromyalgia

• Osteoarthritis, Low-back Pain

• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

• Asthma

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Energy Body

A Kirlian photograph on the wall of my office, pictures a leaf with the top part

cut off and thrown away. The photograph captures the “corona discharge” that

represents millions of electrons streaming from the leaf. The upper portion of

the leaf is cut off yet one can clearly see the “phantom leaf” or “energy body”

that remains. All living organisms must have an attending energy body interfacing with the physical body

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E=mc 2

• One of the basic tenets of ancient Chinese and Japanese

medicine is that Energy = Matter, and that by stimulating

energy, matter is affected.

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"Qi" is a Primal

Energy or Vibration

• In TCM, “Qi” is “life force,” the universal

substance, a primal energy or vibration.

• Therefore, it is possible to attempt to aid the

body to heal the body with “energetic

medicine”, by manipulating the basic vibrational

or energetic architecture of the body, which I

believe Acupuncture, Homeopathy and Herbal

medicine do.

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Glimpses into the body on

an Energetic Level

• Medical science has been using energy concepts to create

insights or windows into the body with imagery equipment, from

x-rays, CT scans, EEG, ECG, PET, MCG, MEG, to MRI (Magnetic

Resonance Imagery).

• MRI stimulates atoms by stimulation of the transfer of energy of

a specific frequency. All of these remarkable diagnostic tools

provide glimpses into the body at different energetic frequencies — a glimpse into matter at the energy level.

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Manipulating the body’s

own incredibly small

currents for healing

• Scientists are already manipulating the body’s own incredibly

small currents for healing of tissue, nerve, bones and cancers.

• They are discovering trigger points and acupoints in the same

locations. The possibility of subtle measurement is now available.

We already know that acupoints have a precise location on the

body’s surface that can be measured.

• Classic acupoints identified thousands of years ago by the

ancients are measured today using scientific means and indeed

show a precise decrease in electrical resistance.

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We are both Chemical and Electrical

• The truth is we are both chemical and electrical.

Modern scientists can detect and catalogue human

biofields using SQUIDS (Superconducting Quantum

Interferometric Devices). SQUIDS are ultra sensitive

magnetic fields detectors, used in such technologies

as magnetocardiography (MCG) and magneto-

encephalography (MEG).

• These tests show us how we generate AC

electromagnetic fields around our nerves and

muscles, and DC electromagnetic fields around our


• In TCM when the body’s energy becomes

imbalanced, organic problems and disease follows.

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Energy transportation along

the meridian channels

• Work by Dr. Darras and Professor DeVernijoul prove some interesting

results from testing the validity of energy transportation along the

meridian channels.

• The doctors injected a radioactive tracer (Tegg) at the acupoint and with

the help of a gamma-ray camera, found that the radioactivity traveled

along the acupuncture meridian at the speed of 3-5 cm/minute (this being

in the order of 25 circulations per day or night). The flow was slower for

diseased organs. They discounted that the flow was of the lymphatic or


• The speed of this flow quickened when an acupoint was stimulated. The

flow was at a rate suggestive of the flow of Qi or energy through the

meridians common to Traditional Chinese and Japanese Medicine.

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• Acupoints are specific sites along the energy meridians where

the energy can be manipulated.

• They are located on the surface of the body, at junctions or

highway intersections with other meridians, and they facilitate the

flow of energy.

• The T.C.M. Doctor is trained to diagnose where there is

deficiency or excess energy and then select prescriptions of

herbs and acupoints to open up a traffic jam, or slow speeding

traffic down.

• Organs: The twelve major meridians connect to twelve organs.

The Chinese do not view organs in isolation, but rather see each

organ as an energy field with an associated energetic function in

relationship to other organs via functions that affected the psyche

as well.

Acupuncture Points

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Qi = Life Force, Energy• Qi is said to be that which differentiates the dead from the living, the

animating spark, the vital force of the body, and the force of the seasons,

the planet and the universe.

• Prana: An almost identical concept employed by the Ayurvedic

medicine of India.

• Pneuma: Pythagoras of Ancient Greece, the father of Hellenic medicine,

spoke of healing energy called pneuma

• Vital Force: In homeopathic medicine, Dr. Hahnemann, spoke of

bioenergetic energy called “vital force.”

• Mesmer: Called it: “animal magnetism.”

• Bergson: Called it: elan vital, Burr’s L(Life)-Fields.

• Nordstrom: Named “biologically closed circuits” are all labels for

energy within the body.

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Meridians=Highways of Qi• These circuits of Qi link together all the systems and

organs of the body.

• The meridians are highways of energy that are connected

internally and externally by many web-like minor roads.

• If we could see this invisible energy we would see an

amazing three-dimensional energy body interfacing with our

biochemical body.

• There are twelve major meridians and eight “extraordinary”


• The meridian circuitry is like a three-dimensional energetic

road map with “acupoints” on the surface at various

junctions and rotaries.

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It Is All About Harmony & Balance

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