Complete Gibilisco

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  • 8/10/2019 Complete Gibilisco




    All matter is made up of countless tiny particles whizzingaround.

    Each element has its own unique type of particle,known as its atom .

    Atoms of different elements are always different. The slightest change in an atom can make a

    tremendous difference in its behavior.


    The part of an atom that gives an element its identity Made up of two kinds of particles, the proton and the



    About the same mass , but the proton has an electriccharge while the neutron does not.

    The negative charges therefore exactly cancel out thepositive ones, and the atom is electrically neutral .


    Gives the element its identity. As the number of protons increases , the number ofneutrons also increases .

    Elements with high atomic numbers are much denserthan elements with low atomic numbers.


    The number of neutrons can vary but the elementkeeps its identity, based on the atomic number.

    Differing numbers of neutrons result in various isotopesfor a given element.


    Approximately equal to the sum of the number ofprotons and the number of neutrons in the nucleus.


    An electron has exactly the same charge quantity as aproton, but with opposite polarity .

    One of the earliest ideas about the atom is like raisins in a cake .Later, the electrons were seen as orbiting the nucleus, makingthe atom like a miniature solar system with the electrons as theplanets.


    Spheres where the electron are orbiting.

    The farther away from the nucleus the shell, the moreenergy the electron has.

    In any case, it is far easier to move electrons than it is to moveprotons. Electrons are much lighter than protons or neutrons.


    If an atom has more or less electrons than neutrons,that atom acquires an electrical charge.

    A shortage of electrons results in positive charge An excess of electrons gives a negative charge. The elements identity remains the same, no matter

    how great the excess or shortage of electrons.


    Different elements join together to share electrons Compounds often, but not always, appear greatly

    different from any of the elements that make them up.


    The resulting particles when atoms of elements join

    together to form a compound. The natural form of an element is also known as itsmolecule.


    A substance in which the electrons are mobile.

    Pure Elemental Silver is the best conductor at room temperature

    Copper and aluminum are also excellent electrical conductors.

    Iron, steel, and various other metals are fair to good conductorsof electricity.

    In most electrical circuits and systems, copper or aluminum wire

    is used. Silver is impractical because of its high cost.

    Liquid:Mercury is a good electrical conductor.Salt water is a fair conductor.

    Gases are poor conductors of electricity because the atoms ormolecules are usually too far apart to allow a free exchange ofelectrons.


    An insulator prevents electrical currents from flowing.Most gases are good electrical insulators.

    Pure water is a good electrical insulator, although it conductssome current with even the slightest impurity.


    Ionization takes place when electrical insulators areforced to carry current.


    An insulating material is sometimes called a dielectric. It keeps electrical charges apart, preventing the flow of

    electrons that would equalize a charge differencebetween two places.

    Porcelain or glass can be used in electrical systems to keep short

    circuits from occurring.


    Allow for the control of current flow. Electrical resistance is measured in units called ohms. The greater the resistance, the more difficult it

    becomes for current to flow.

    In an electrical system, it is usually desirable to have as low aresistance, or ohmic value, as possible. This is because resistanceconverts electrical energy into heat.


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    In a semiconductor, electrons flow, but not as well as

    they do in a conductor. Semiconductors are not exactly the same as resistors,

    the material is treated so that i t has very specialproperties.


    A shortage of an electron. Holes move in the opposite direction from electrons in a

    semiconducting material. When most of the charge carriers are electrons, thesemiconductor is called N-type, because electrons arenegatively charged.

    When most of the charge carriers are holes, thesemiconducting material is known as P-type becauseholes have a positive electric charge.

    The more abundant type of charge carrier is called themajority carrier.

    The less abundant kind is known as the minority carrier .


    Whenever there is movement of charge carriers in asubstance, there is an electric current.

    Current is measured in terms of the number of electronsor holes passing a single point in one second.

    A coulomb is equal to approximately6,240,000,000,000,000,000 electrons or holes.

    *six quintillion ( 6 followed by 18 zeroes* quadrillions (numbers followed by 15 zeroes)


    The standard unit of electric current. Current of one coulomb per second is called an



    An excess or shortage of electrons is created on and inyour body. You acquire a charge of static electricity.

    Its called static because it doesnt go anywhere.You dont feel this until you touch some metallic objectthat is connected to earth ground or to some largefixture; but then there is a discharge, accompanied bya spark.

    Van de Graaff generator is a machine that an create a chargebuildup large enough to produce a spark several centimeterslong.


    When the charge builds up, with positive polarity (shortage ofelectrons) in one place and negative polarity (excess ofelectrons) in another place, a powerful electromotive forceexists.

    It is often abbreviated EMF. This force is measured in units calledvolts .

    Ordinary household electricity has an effective voltage ofbetween 110 and 130; usually it is about 117. A car battery hasan EMF of 12 volts (six volts in some older systems).

    An EMF of 1 volt, across a resistance of 1 ohm, will cause acurrent of 1 ampere to flow. This is a classic relationship inelectricity, and is stated generally as Ohms Law.

    Voltage, or EMF, is sometimes called potential or potentialdifference.


    Converts electricity into radiant energy that you can



    Visible light is converted into electric current orvoltage.


    A form of radiant energy called infrared. It is similar tovisible light, except that the waves are longer and youcant see them.

    Electricity can also be converted into other radiant-energyforms, such as radio waves, ul traviolet, and X rays.


    When a conductor moves in a magnetic field, electriccurrent flows in the conductor.

    Converts mechanical energy into electricity.


    Changes electricity into useful mechanical energy.


    The science of magnetism is closely related toelectricity.

    Magnetic phenomena are of great significance inelectronics.

    The oldest and most universal source of magnetism isthe flux field surrounding the earth, caused byalignment of iron atoms in the core of the planet.


    A changing magnetic field creates a fluctuatingelectric field, and a fluctuating electric field producesa changing magnetic field.


    Converted into electricity in all dry cells, wet cells, andbatteries.

    Your car battery is an excellent example. The acidreacts with the metal electrodes to generate anelectromotive force.


    Then it runs out of juice, and the supply of chemicalenergy must be restored by charging.

    Some cells and batteries, such as lead-acid carbatteries, can be recharged by driving current throughthem, and others, such as most flashlight and transistor-radio batteries, cannot.

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    Standard unit of electromotive force (EMF) or potentialdifference.

    Potential difference between two points produces anelectric field, represented by electric lines of flux. (pole thatis relatively positive with fewer electrons and negative polewith more electrons)(p.18 fig2-1)

    Abbreviation for volt is V. Dry cell voltage = 1.2 1.7 volts

    Car battery = 12 14 voltsElectric lights = 117 voltsWashing machine, dryer, oven, stove = 234 volts

    Largest voltages on our planet occur between clouds andthe ground, in thunderstorms.

    Existence of voltage always means that charge carriers,which are electrons(e-) in a conventional circuit, flowbetween two points if a conductive path is provided.Voltage represents the driving force that impels chargecarriers to move.


    It is the flow of electrons (e-). The flow of e- to equalize thecharge between poles.

    It is the current , not the voltage that kills. There can only bea deadly current if there is enough voltage to drive itthrough your body.

    Standard unit for current is Ampere. The amount of current that flows in an electrical circuit

    depends on the voltage and also on the resistance (V=IR)


    The measure of opposition that a circuit offers to the flow ofelectric current.

    Ohms Law (V=IR) = current flow for a constant voltage issaid to be inversely proportional to the resistance.


    It is the reciprocal of resistance Unit is S for Siemens

    G = 1/RR = 1/G1k ohm = 1m S1M ohm = 1uS


    Whenever current flows through a resistance, heat results.Heat can be measured in watts(W) and representselectrical power.

    P = EIP = VI

    I = P/VV = P/I


    Energy is power dissipated over a length of time Power is the rate at which energy is expended.


    Mostly used is joules Page 27 Figure 2-3

    In terms of joules:British thermal unit (Btu) = 1055Electron volts (eV) = 1.6X10 -19 Ergs = 0.0000001 / 10 -7 Foot-pounds(ft-lb) = 1.356Watt-hours = 3600Kilowatt- hours= 3,600,000 / 3.6x10 -6


    Effective voltage for an ac wave is never the same as theinstantaneous maximum, or peak voltage. (p.28 fig.2-8)

    Effective value is 0.70707 times the peak value. Or 1.414times the effective value

    The instantaneous voltage is the voltage at any particularinstant in time.

    Whole cycle repeats itself every 1/60 second, the

    frequency of the utility ac wave is said to be 60 hertz Hertz literally translate to cycles per second


    Rectification is a process in which ac is changed to dc Common method of doing this uses a device called the

    diode. The point is that part of the ac wave is either cut off, or

    turned around upside down, so the output is pulsating dc. There are two different forms of waveforms of pulsating dc.

    (refer to p.29 fig 2-10).1. Half wave rectification2. Full wave rectification

    Peak voltage is the maximum instantaneous voltage. Instantaneous voltage is never any greater than the peak

    voltage for any wave.


    Electric current and magnetic fields are closely related. When an electric current flows which i s when charge

    carriers move a magnetic field accompanies thecurrent.(p.30 fig 2-11)

    Magnetic fields are produced when the atoms of certainmaterials align themselves. Iron is the most common metalthat has this property.

    The intensity of a magnetic field can be greatly increasedby placing a special core inside of a coil. Should be of ironor some other material that can be readily magnetized,such substance are ferromagnetic.

    A core of this kind cannot actually increase the totalquantity of magnetism in and around a coil, but i t will

    cause the lines of flux to be much closer together inside thematerial. Magnetic flux of lines are said to emerge from the

    magnetic pole, and to run i nward toward the magneticsouth pole.


    Overall magnitude of a magnetic field i s measured in unitscalled Webers(Wb)1 weber = 1 volt-second( 1 Vs)

    For weaker magnetic fields, a smaller unit calledmaxweel(Mx) is used.

    1 maxwell = 0.00000001 (1 hundredmillionth) of a weber or 0.01microvolt-second( 0.01uVs)

    Flux density of a magnetic field is given in terms of webersor maxwells per square meter or per square centimeter.1 Wb/m 2 is called Tesla (1T)1 Mx/cm 2 is called gauss (1G, 0.0001 T)

    As the electric current through a wire increases, so doesthe flux density near the wire.

    A coiled wire produces a greater flux density for a givencurrent than a single, straight wire.

    The more turns in the coil, the stronger the magnetic fieldwill be.

    A magnetic field strength maybe specified in terms ofampere-turns (At). Unit of a magnetomotive force.

    One loop carrying 1A of current, produces a field of 1 At. Doubling the number of turns, or the current, doubles the

    number of ampere-turns.

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    Less common unit of magnetomotive force is gilbert(Gb).This unit is equivalent of 0.796 At. 1 At=1.26 Gb


    * Galvanometer * Electroscope * Ammeter (milli, micro) * Electrostatic meter * Voltmeter * Ohmmeter * Multimeter * FET voltmeter

    * Wattmeter * Watt-hour meter * Frequency Counter * VU meter * light meter * Oscilloscope

    A galvanometer is a type of ammeter: an instrument fordetecting and measuring electric current.

    Galvanism -it is the induction of electrical current

    Eletroscope - The most common device for demonstratingelectrostatic force

    Ammeter - is a measuring instrument used to measure theelectric current in a circuit. ( It i s placed in series with one ofthe device on the circuit)

    Electrostatic meter - Can detect ac as well as dc voltages

    voltmeter - is an instrument used for measuring theelectrical potential difference between two points in anelectric circuit (Place in parallel)

    * Voltmeter should have a high internal resistance *

    FET voltmeter - It draws less current from the circuit

    Multimeter - also known as a volt/ohm meter or VOM, is anelectronic measuring instrument that combines severalmeasurement functions in one unit. A typical multimetermay include features such as the ability to measure

    voltage, current and resistance. Wattmeter - The wattmeter is an instrument for measuring

    the electric power (or the supply rate of electrical energy)in watts of any given circuit.

    Watt-hour meter - is a device that measures the amount ofelectrical energy consumed by a residence, business, oran electrically-powered device.

    Frequency Counter - i s an electronic instrument, orcomponent of one, that is used for measuring frequency.

    VU meter - is often included in audio equipment to displaya signal l evel in Volume Units; the device i s sometimes alsocalled volume indicator (VI).

    light meter - is a device used to measure the amount oflight. also known as illumination meter.

    Oscilloscope - is a type of electronic test instrument thatallows signal voltages to be viewed, usually as a two-dimensional graph of one or more electrical potentialdifferences (vertical(Y) axis) plotted as a function of timeor of some other voltage (horizontal(x) axis).

    Hot wire ammeter - A device capable of measuring ac.dccurrents

    D'arsonval movement - An action caused byelectromagnetic deflection, using a coil of wire and amagnetized field. When current passes through the coil, aneedle is deflected.

    In a simple ammeter, an electromagnet can be useinstead of permanent magnet

    A resitor is connected across the ammeter if it is necessaryto measure very large amount of current. also known asshunt resistance or meter shunt.

    "Dont leave voltmeter constantly connected to the circuit",it will affect the behavior of the circuit due to the resistanceof the voltmeter.

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    Wiring Diagram is more detailed than Schematic

    Voltage/Current/Resistance Circuit Calculations

    Ohms Law triangle.

    NOTE: Wag kalimutang i-take into consideration ang mga PREFIX!

    Power Calculations

    Resistances in series : Add directly!

    Resistance in Parallel: Get the ReciprocalAdd

    Get the Reciprocal Again

    For Parallel Resistors having the same values , just divide one value bythe number of resistors.

    Example: May 4 resistors connected in parallel each having a value5 k . Total resistance = 5 k 4 = 1.250 k

    Division of Power

    Total Power Load = Evenly distributed among theresistances of the circuit if they have the same ohmicvalues .

    Construction of Series Parallel Matrix (Resistances)-To increase the power handling capacity

    Conditions to consider :--Identical resistors should be used!--(n) x (n) x (power rating) = total power capacity--Consider the resistances youre going to need i.e. #18 -- Most likely n x n is better than n x m due to resistance issues i.e.


    Chapter 5: Direct-Current Circuit Analysis

    Ohms Law: V = IR Power, P = VI

    Current through Series Resistances*The current in a series circuit is the same at every pointalong the way.

    Voltages across Series Resistances*The voltages across elements in a series circuit always addup to the supply voltage.

    Voltage across Parallel Resistances*In a parallel circuit, the voltage across each component isalways the same and it is always equal to the supply orbattery voltage.

    Currents through Parallel Resistances*The currents through elements in a parallel circuit alwaysadd up to the total current drawn from the supply.

    Conventional/Theoretical Current Flow

    *Current flows from the positive to the negative voltagepoint.

    Power Distribution in Series CircuitsP = I2RPower Distribution in Parallel CircuitsP = V 2/R

    *The total power consumed in a series or parallel circuit is alwaysequal to the sum of the wattages dissipated in each of the elements.

    Kirchhoffs First Law (Kirchhoffs Current Law, KCL) *Conservation of Current: At any node (junction) in anelectrical circuit, the sum of currents flowing into that nodeis equal to the sum of currents flowing out of that node.

    Kirchhoffs Second Law (Kirchhoffs Voltage Law, KVL) *Conservation of Voltage: The sum of the EMFs in anyclosed loop is equivalent to the sum of the potential dropsin that loop.

    Voltage Divider Networks*The voltage divider fixes the intermediate voltages bestwhen the resistance values are as small as the current-delivering capability of the power supply will allow.

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    1. Voltage Division

    The resistors dissipate some power but the resultingvoltages can provide the proper biasing of electronic

    circuits. For example, an amplifier or oscillator will function inthe most efficient and reliable way possible.

    2. Bias

    Bias, in the case of bipolar transistor, a field-effecttransistor or a vacuum tube, that the controlelectrode - the bias, gate or grid is provided with acertain voltage, or carry a certain current, relative tothe emitter, source or cathode.

    3. Current Limiting

    Resistors interfere with the flow of electrons in a circuit. This is essential to prevent damage to a component or

    circuit. A good example is in a receiving amplifier. A resistor

    can keep the transistor from using up a lot of power just getting hot.

    4. Power Dissipation

    In radio, a resistor can be used to take the place of anantenna. A transmitter can then be tested in such away that it doesnt interfere with signals on theairwaves. The transmitter output heats the resistor,without radiating any signal.

    The circuit driving the amplifier has too much power

    for the amplifier input. A resistor, or network of resistors,can dissipate this excess so that the power amplifierdoesnt get too much drive.

    5. Bleeding Off Charge

    Bleeder resistors, connected across the filtercapacitors, drain their stored charge so that servicingthe supply is not dangerous.

    6. Impedance Matching

    In order to produce the greatest possibleamplification, the impedances must agree betweenthe output of a given amplifier and the input of thenext.


    Units whose resistance does not change, or cannot beadjusted.

    1. Carbon-Composition Resistors

    Carbon-composition resistors can be made to havequite low resistances, all the way up to extremely highresistances.

    Nonreactive - introduces almost pure resistance intothe circuit, and not much capacitance orinductance.

    Useful in radio receivers and transmitters.

    Most of the carbon-composition resistors can handle 14 W or 1/2 W.

    2. Wirewound Resistors

    The resistance is determined by how well the wiremetal conducts, by its diameter or gauge, and by itsstretched-out length.

    Precision Components. Can handle large amount of power. Disadvantage: Act like inductors. Low moderate Values of resistance.

    3. Film-Type Resistors Metal-film resistors can be

    made to have nearly exactvalues.

    Low to medium resistance. Advantage: Do not much

    have inductance orcapacitance.

    Disadvantage: Cant handle as much power ascarbon-composition or wirewound types.

    4. Integrated-Circuit (IC) Resistors Resistors can be fabricated on a semiconductor

    wafer known as an IC also called a chip.

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    Can handle only a tiny amount of powerbecause of their small size.


    1. Linear-Taper Potentiometer

    One type of potentiometer uses a strip of resistive materialwhose density is constant all the way around.

    The resistance between the center and one end terminalwill increase right along with the number of angulardegrees that the shaft is turned.

    Linear taper potentiometers are commonly used inelectronic test instruments and in various consumerelectronic devices.

    2. Audio-Taper Potentiometer

    The resistance between the center and the end terminalincreases as a nonlinear function of the angular shaftposition.

    Also called logarithmic-taper potentiometer or log-taperpotentiometer.


    The Rheostat A variable resistor made from a wire wound element. Either have a rotary control or a sliding control. Rheostat can be placed between the utility outlet and the

    transformer. This results in a variable voltage at the power-supply output.



    Ohmic Value


    Power Rating Temperature Compensation The Color Code for Resistors

    dB= 10 log (Q/P)Q = P antilog (dB/10)

  • 8/10/2019 Complete Gibilisco



    CELL a unit source of DC energy.

    BATTERY two or more cells connected in series.


    Voltages appeared between pieces of metal whencame into contact with certain chemical solutions.

    Chemicals and the metals have an inherent ability to

    produce a constant exchange of charge carriers. Note: The chemical energy in a battery or cell changes

    to electrical energy when the cell is used.


    electrical cells which chemical energy has all beenchanged to electricity and used up must be thrownaway and cannot be recharged.

    i.e. batteries used in flashlight or transistor radio; AAAbatteries, D batteries, watch and camera batteries, 6-Vlantern batteries [dry cell, zinc-carbon cell or alkalinecell]


    cells that can get chemical energy back by means of recharging.

    i.e. A, C or D batteries, car batteries [nickel-based cells]


    produces 1.018V at room temperature. *generally used as voltage reference source


    Ampere-hours (Ah) unit of electrical energy in a cell. Shelf life length of time the battery will last if it is never

    used. Maximum deliverable current highest amount of

    current that the battery can provide before its voltagedrops because of its own internal resistance .

    Small cells: 100-200 mAh Medium-sized cells: 500 mAh to 1Ah Large automotive or truck batteries: 50Ah and up **A direct short-circuit of a large battery can cause a

    physical rupture or explosion.

    Note: The energy in a cell or battery depends mainly onits physical size .

    AAA very small AA small C medium large D large


    Inexpensive good at moderate temperature and not very good in

    extreme cold good in applications where the current drain is

    moderate to high


    can work at lower temperatures than a zinc-carboncell

    lasts longer in most electronic devices preferred for use in transistor radios, calculators and

    portable cassette players

    shelf life is much longer than zinc-carbon costs more


    consists of 6 zinc-carbon or alkaline cells in series thatsupplies 1.5V each. Thus, the battery supplies 9V.

    used in low-current electronic devices preferred for use in remote-control garage door

    openers, TV and hi-fi remote controls and electroniccalculators

    *The voltage produced by a battery of multiple cellsconnected in series is more than the voltage producedby a cell of the same composition.


    has much greater mass than a common dry cell ortransistor battery

    lasts much longer deliver more current usually rated 6V good for scanner radio receivers in portable

    locations(two-way portable radio), camping lamps,and other medium-power needs


    used in wristwatches, small cameras, and variousminiature electronic devices


    buttonlike shape and can fit inside a small wristwatch cells supply 1.5V cells can be stacked up to make batteries that can

    provide 6, 9 or 12V used for transistor radio and other light-duty electronic



    properties similar to silver-oxide cells supply 1.35V when dead, they must be discarded because mercury

    is toxic to human and animals


    cells supply 1.5-3.5V used for memory backup for electronic

    microcomputers, LCD watch or clock have superior shelf life; can last for years in very low

    current applications



    used in consumer electronic devices that requiremoderate amount of current

    ie. Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) that can keep aPC running for a few mins when power fails

    automotive battery is a large lead-acid battery not expensive


    rechargeable cylindrical cells ordinary dry cells button cells used in watches, cameras, memory

    backup flooded cells used in heavy-duty applications; storage

    capacity in excess of 1000Ah

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    spacecraft cells **Never discharge nickel-based cells all the way until

    they totally die


    converts visible light, infrared (IR) and/or ultraviolet (UV)directly into electric current


    photovoltaic cells combined in series-parallel often very large; consist of 50x20 cells

    series scheme boosts the voltage to desired level parallel scheme increases the current-delivering ability

    of the panel used in satellites can be used in conjunction with rechargeable

    batteries to provide power in commercial utilities interactive solar system allows a homeowner to sell

    power to the electric company



    hydrogen combined with oxygen hydrogen oxidizes at a lower temperature proton exchange membrane (PEM) is widely used and

    generates approximately 0.7Vdc


    advantage of being easier to transport and store thanhydrogen


    stored in liquid in tanks; used in heating system METHANE natural gas

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    Geomagnetic Field

    earths core made up of iron and has poles.

    North geomagnetic pole

    located far northern Canada

    South geomagnetic pole

    located near Antarctica

    Geomagnetic axis

    relative to the axis on w/c earth rotates.

    Solar wind

    stream of particles from the sun that distort thegeomagnetic lines of flux (sun ejects protons & heliumnuclei constantly which is a positive electric charge)Fig. 8-1

    Lode stones

    rock used in ancient times as a navigating tool

    Magnetic compass

    needle tries to align parallel to the lines of flux

    *geomagnetic inclination and geomagnetic declination

    Ferromagnetic material

    (iron,nickel & alloys) stick to magnets and can bepermanent magnets.

    Magnetic force

    magnet is brought near a ferromagnetic material,atoms lined-up and the material temporarilymagnetized

    Attraction and repulsion

    force gets stronger as the magnets are brought neareach other.

    Magnetic field

    occurs when ferromagnetic materials are aligned;caused by the motion of electric charge carriers, eitherin wire or free space.

    Solar flare

    sun ejects far more charged particles than normal anddisrupts the geomagnetic field.

    Geomagnetic storm

    disruption of geomagnetic field w/c causes the earthsionosphere to change and affect long distance radiocomm. At certain frequency

    Flux lines

    determines the intensity of a magnetic field*bar magnet- N to S Fig. 8-2*current-carrying wire- circles around the wire Fig. 8-3

    Electric monopole

    a charged particle, such as proto or electron hoveringall by itself in space

    Electric lines of flux

    charged particle in free space are straight and run offto infinity Fig. 8-4

    Magnetic dipole a pair of magnetic poles

    Magnetic field strength

    Webers(Wb) *strong; Maxwell(Mx) *weak

    1Wb = 10 8Mx ; 1Mx = 10 -8 Mx

    Tesla and gauss

    concentration or intensity of magnetic field w/ in acertain cross section

    Flux density

    no. Of lines per square meter or per square cm

    1Tesla(T) = 1Wb/m 2 ; 1Gauss(G) = 1Mx/cm 2 1G = 10 -4 T ; 1T = 10 4G


    unit of magnetomotive force and counterpart of emf

    1Gb = 0.796At ; 1At = 1.26Gb


    type of magnet which produces a magnetic field with

    the use of electric current *DC types- large bolt wrapping a few dozen of wirearound it with a battery to provide current Fig. 8-5

    *AC types- wall outlet as a source; magneticlevitationFig. 8-6

    Magnetic Properties of Materials


    when substance cause magnetic lines of flux to bunchcloser together.


    when substance decreases the magnetic flux densityby causing the magnetic flux to diverge.


    indicator of extent to w/c a ferromagnetic materialconcentrates magnetic lines of flux.


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    also called remanence; is a measure of how well thesubstance memorizes the magneti sm and becomesa permanent magnet.

    Br= 100(y/x)% (y- current removed; x- current subjected)

    Practical Magnetism

    1. Permanent Magnets

    manufactured using a high-retentivity ferromagnetic


    2. Ringer Device

    bell ringer or chime Fig. 8-7 main component called solenoid

    3. Relay

    remote control switching of high current circuits Fig. 8-8

    4. DC motor

    converts DC energy to rotating mechanical energy attraction of opposite pole and repulsion of like poles;

    constant torque Fig. 8-9

    Armature coil set of coils rotate w/ the motor shaft

    Field coil- stationary


    keeps the rotational force going in the same angulardirection to rotate not to oscillate.

    5. Magnetic Tape

    recording head which polarizes the ferro-particles

    6. Magnetic Disks

    hard drives which stores the most data, found insidethe computer

    7. Bubbling Memory

    sophisticated method of storing data a type of non-volatile computer memory that uses a

    thin film of a magnetic material to hold smallmagnetized areas, known as bubbles or domains ,each of which stores one bit of data.
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    Characteristics of AC

    1. polarity reverses again and again at regular intervals. 2. Amplitude varies 3. Frequemcy-dependent


    PERIOD (T)

    the length of time between one repetition of thepattern, or one cycle, and the next


    cycles per second (cps)Hertz(Hz)1 cps = 1 Hz

    Relationship between Period and Frequency


    ac waves that have only one frequency

    Fundamental: ac waves that have components atmultiples of the main.


    Sine wave means that the direction of the currentreverses at regular intervals

    current-versus time curve is shaped like thetrigonometric sine function.


    an AC wave whose instantaneous amplitude remainsconstant even though the polarity reverses.


    squared off wave that are lopsided.


    ac waves that rise and fall in straight lines as seen on anoscilloscope screen


    indicates how fast the magnitude is changing

    Three kinds of Sawtooth Waves

    1. Fast-rise, slow-decay - The positive-going slope (rise) isextremely steep, as with a square wave, but thenegative-going slope (fall or decay) is gradual .

    2. Slow-rise, fast-decay - sometimes called a ramp ,because it looks like an incline going upwards. It isuseful for scanning in television sets and oscilloscopes

    3. Variable rise and decay - slopes in an infinite numberof different combinations.

    Complex and irregular waveforms

    As long as it has a definite period, and as long as thepolarity keeps switching back and forth betweenpositive and negative, it is ac.

    Frequency spectrum


    time domain instrument

    Spectrum analyzer

    frequency-domain instrument

    Pure sine wave

    single pip

    Fundamental: contains harmonic energy along withenergy at the fundamental frequency.


    1 cycle = 1 rev around a circle


    One method of specifying the phase of an ac cycle isto divide it into 360 equal parts, called degrees ordegrees of phase.

    Starts at 0 where magnitude is zero and positive-goingand ends at 360.


    A cycle can be divided into equal parts. 1 rad phase = rad = the angular frequency of a wave, in radians per

    second, is equal to about 6.28 times the frequency inhertz.


    Composite wave produced by adding ac waves together

    frequency amplitude phase Compositeoutput

    identical identical Differ by180

    Does not exist

    identical Identical In phase Samefrequency;amplitude =twiceamplitude of

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    either signalidentical Different Differ by

    180Samefrequency;amplitude =differencebetween thetwo

    identical Different identical Samefrequency;amplitude =sum betweenthe two

    identical Different Differ byoddamount

    Samefrequency;variety isinfinite



    magnitude level, strength or intensity

    Instantaneous amplitude

    the amplitude at some precise moment in time. constantly changes

    Peak amplitude

    the maximum extent, either positive or negative, thatthe instantaneous amplitude attains.

    Peak-to-peak amplitude

    the net difference between the positive peakamplitude and the negative peak amplitude.

    Root-mean-square amplitude

    It literally means that the value of a wave ismathematically operated on, by taking the square rootof the mean of the square of all its values

    Effective level of an ac wave

    is the voltage, current or power that a dc source wouldhave to produce, in order to have the same generaleffect.

    For a perfect sine wave,

    rms value = 0.707 x peak value, or= 0.354 x pk-pk value

    peak value = 1.414 x rms value pk-pk value = 2.828 x rms value

    For a perfect square wave,

    rms value = peak value pk-pk value = 2 x rms value or the peak value

    Superimposed direct current

    Sometimes a wave can have components of both acand dc

    If the dc component exceeds the peak value of the acwave, then fluctuating, or pulsating, dc will result


    The ac voltage that a generator can develop dependson the strength of the magnet, the number of turns in

    the wire coil, and the speed at which the magnet orcoil rotates.

    The ac frequency depends only on the speed ofrotation.

    for utility ac, this speed is 3,600 revolutions per minute(rpm), or 60 complete revolutions per second (rps), sothat the frequency is 60 Hz.

    The efficiency of a generator is the ratio of the poweroutput to the driving power, both measured in thesame units multiplied by 100 to get a percentage.

    Why AC?

    Alternating current lends itself well to being transformedto lower or higher voltages, according to the needs ofelectrical apparatus

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    electrical components that oppose the flow of AC bytemporarily storing energy as magnetic fields .


    directly proportional to the number of turns in a wire,and diameter and length of a coil

    1H represents a potential difference of 1V across aninductor which the current is changing at the rate of1A/s

    *Small coils w/ few turns of wire produce smallinductances, in which the current changes quickly

    *Large coils w/ ferromagnetic cores and having manyturns of wire, current changes slowly


    L = L1+L 2+L3++L n


    1/L =1/ L 1+1/L 2+1/L 3++1/L n


    ranges 0 (no interaction) to 1 (maximum possibleinteraction)

    k=0 when two coils are separated by a sheet of solidiron or by a great distance

    k=1 when two coils wound on the same form, one rightover the other


    M= k (L1L 2 )1/2

    if two ac waves are in phase, the inductance isincreased

    it two waves are in opposing phase the inductance isdecreased

    *When two inductors are connected in series and there isreinforcing mutual inductance between them

    L = L1+L 2+2M

    * When two inductors are connected in series and there isopposing mutual inductance between them

    L = L1+L 2-2M


    excellent efficiency used mostly in radio-frequency transmitters, receivers

    and antenna networks *the higher the frequency of ac, the less inductance is

    needed to produce significant effects By using heavy-gauge wire and making the radius of

    the coil large, air-core coils have almost unlimitedcurrent-carrying capacity

    disadvantage: low permeability


    common at high and very high radio frequencies used at audio frequencies, as well as at low, medium

    and high radio frequencies

    has high permeability, causing a great concentrationof magnetic flux lines within the coil

    smaller than air-core coils disadvantage: has potential for the core to saturate;

    when a core becomes saturated, any further increasein coil current will not produce a correspondingincrease in the magnetic flux in the core

    can also waste considerable power as heat making thecoil lossy


    used in adjusting frequency of a radio circuit can be made to have a variable inductance by sliding

    ferromagnetic cores in and out of them controlled by ascrew shaft

    moving the core further in the solenoidal coil increasesthe inductance


    advantage: fewer turns of wire are needed to get acertain inductance

    : physically smaller for a given inductance and current-carrying capacity

    : all the flux is contained within the core material reduces unwanted mutual inductances

    disadvantage: difficult to permeability-tune : harder to wind : mutual inductance between or among physically

    separate coils is actually desired


    same advantages as toroids better than toroids if the main objective is to get a

    large inductance in a small space disadvantage: tuning or adjustment of inductance is



    large coil used to smooth out the pulsations in directcurrent that result when ac is rectified in a power supply


    range in value of a few millihenrys up to about 1H


    ranges from a few kilohertz to well above 100 Ghz. as the frequency increases, cores having lower

    permeability are used


    used to get energy from one place to another

    used at frequencies about 100Mhz


    Scm =7500v/f

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    impedes the flow of ac charge carriers by temporarystoring the energy as an electric field

    Property of Capacitance

    Fig. 11-1 the size of the plate has a major factor; Fig. 11- 2 capacitor charge over a period of time

    *Capacitance is directly proportional to the surfacearea of the conducting plates or sheets, and inverselyto the separation between conducting sheets

    *the closer the sheets are to each other, the greaterthe capacitance

    Unit of capacitance - ratio between the current thatflows and the rate of voltage change between theplates as the plate become charged

    1 farad(1F)o - 1A while there is a voltage increase 1V/so 1V potential difference for an electric charge

    of 1C.1 F = 10 -6 F ; 1 pF = 10 -12 F

    Capacitors in Series:

    1/C = 1/C 1 + 1/C 2 + 1/C 3 + . . . + 1/C n *net capacitance is roughly equal to the smallest


    If C1 = C 2 = C 3 = ... = C n ; C = C 1/n

    Capacitors in Parallel:

    C = C1 + C2 + C3 + ... + C n

    Fixed Capacitors

    has a value that cannot be adjusted and does not varywhen environmental or circuit conditions change

    Dielectric materials

    accommodate electric fields well, but poor conductorsof electric currents

    good insulators Fig. 11-5

    Paper Capacitors

    placing a paper soaked w/ mineral oil between stripsof foil.

    ranging about 0.001 F to 0.1F ; low to moderatevoltages up to about 1000V

    Mica Capacitors

    alternately stacking metal sheets & layers of mica Fig.11-6; main application for radio receiver andtransmitter

    ranging little lower than paper capacitors ranging fromfew tens of pF up to 0.05F

    Ceramic Capacitors

    meshing & layering like mica, ranging from few pF toabout 0.5F ; voltage comparable to paper capacitors

    disk ceramic capacitor- for small values only one layerof ceramic is needed & 2 metal plates glued to the diskshaped material on each side.

    tubular capacitors- tube or cylinder of ceramics can beinside & outside of tube

    Plastic-Film Capacitors plastics make good dielectrics for capacitors polyethylene & polystyrene are used, manufactured

    same as paper capacitors range from 50pF to several tens of F , most often at

    0.001F to 10F

    Electrolytic Capacitors

    provides greater capacitance, polarized component can have thousands of F & can handle thousands of


    Tantalum Capacitors

    replacement for aluminium; used in militaryapplications because they almost never fail.

    electrolytic capacitor

    Semiconductor Capacitors

    embedded on an IC or chips Fig. 11-7

    Semiconductor Diode

    conducts current in one direction, & refuse to conductin the other direction

    *when a voltage source is connected across a diode so that it does not conduct, the diode acts as acapacitor.

    *the greater the reverse voltage, the smaller thecapacitance

    Variable Capacitors

    adjusting the mutual surface area between the plates changing the spacing between the plates

    Air Variables

    connecting 2 sets of metal plates so that they mesh,and by affixing one set to a rotable shaft, Fig. 11-8

    max capacitance depends on the no. Of plates &spacing between plates

    common values 50-500pF

    Trimmer Capacitors Fig. 11-9 few pF up to about 200pF

    Coaxial Capacitors

    TL < /4 acts as a capacitor. Capacitance increaseswith length Fig. 11-10

    Capacitor Specifications

    1. Tolerance

    the lower the tolerance no. The more closely youexpect the actual component value to match therated value

    2. Temperature Coefficient (%/ oC)

    Positive temp. Coefficient - increase in value as thetemperature rises

    Negative temp. Coefficient - decrease in value as thetemperature rises

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    Zero temp. Coefficient - value remain constant within aspan of temperature

    Interelectrode Capacitance

    when two piece of conducting material are broughtnear each other



    +1V positive peak; negative going-1V negative peak; positive going


    The Graph 12.2 is the instantaneous rate of change of asine wave but is 1/4 phase difference than the originalsine wave, that makes is cosine.


    Is a quantity with two independent properties calledmagnitude (amplitude) and direction .

    Amplitude is independent of time. The vector lengthnever changes but its direction does.


    Also called phase angle . The Phase differencebetween two waves can have meaning only when twowaves have identical frequencies.


    Two waves begin at exactly the same moment but ofdifferent amplitudes.

    Phase difference in this case is 0.

    If two sine waves are in phase coincidence, the peakamplitude of the resultant wave, which will also be asine wave, is equal to the sum of the peak amplitudesof the two composite waves.

    The phase of the resultant is the same as that of thecomposite waves.


    Two waves begin exactly 180 apart.


    0 and 360 phase coincidence 90 and 270 quadrature 180 phase opposition


    If wave X begins a fraction of a cycle earlier than waveY, then wave X is said to be leading wave Y in phase.


    Imagine that wave X starts its cycle later than wave Y, by somevalue between 0 and 180 degrees. Then wave X is lagging,wave Y.

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    TIME Is represented by counterclockwise motion of both

    vectors at constant angular speed.

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    The capacitive-reactance ray goes in a negativedirection and is assigned negative ohmic values.


    Capacitive reactance, like inductive reactance,varies with frequency. But X C gets LARGER(negatively) as the frequency goes down.

    Capacitive reactance is talked about in terms of i tsabsolute value, with minus sign removed.

    The absolute value of X C increases as the frequencygoes down, or that the absolute value of X Cdecreases as the frequency goes up.

    Capacitive Reactance and Frequency

    Current Leads Voltage

    In a circuit containing capacitive reactance, thevoltage lags the current in phase. Thus, current leadsvoltage.


    XC is extremely largecompared with theresistance R.

    Current leads thevoltage by just about90 o


    f R is


    te value of X C, the difference is almost a quarter of acycle. As R gets larger, or as the absolute value of X Cbecomes smaller, the phase difference decreases.

    A circuit containing resistance and capacitance iscalled an RC Circuit.


    The absolute value of the capacitivereactance gets small enough, the circuit actsas a pure resistance, and the current is inphase with the voltage.

    XC = -1/(2 f C)XC = -1/(6.28 f C)

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    the extent to which an ac circuit allows current flow,rather than impeding it.

    Imaginary numbers

    i is the . It is the number that, when multiplied by itself,gives 1. So i = j, and j x j =1.

    In electronics, real numbers represent resistances.Imaginary numbers represent reactances.

    Complex numbers

    This term doesnt mean complicated; it would betterbe called composite.

    Adding and subtracting complex numbers

    The general formula for the sum of two complexnumbers ( a + jb ) and ( c + jd ) is

    (a + jb ) + ( c + jd ) = ( a + c ) + j(b +d )

    Multiplying complex numbers

    The product of ( a + jb ) and ( c + jd ) is equal to(a + jb )(c + jd ) = (ac - bd ) + j(ad + bc )

    The complex number plane

    Absolute value

    The absolute value of a complex number a + jb is thelength, or magnitude, of its vector in the complexplane, measured from the origin (0,0) to the point ( a ,b).

    In the case of a pure real number a + j0, the absolutevalue is simply the number itself, a .

    In the case of a pure imaginary number 0 + jb, theabsolute value is equal to b.

    If the number is neither pure real or pure imaginary:

    The RX plane

    Resistances are represented by nonnegative realnumbers. Reactances, whether they are inductive(positive) or capacitive (negative), correspond toimaginary numbers.

    Capacitors act like negative inductors

    Vector representation of impedance

    Any impedance R + jX can be represented by acomplex number of the form a + jb. Just let R =a and X=b.

    Resistance is one-dimensional. Reactance is also one-dimensional. But impedance is two-dimensional.

    Absolute-value impedance

    the capital letter Z is used in place of the wordimpedance

    If youre not specifically told what complex impedanceis meant when a single number ohmic figure is quoted,its best to assume that the engineers are talking aboutnonreactive impedances.

    Characteristic impedance Characteristic impedance or surge impedance. It is

    abbreviated Zo, and is a specification of transmissionline

    Transmission lines

    is required any time that it is necessary to get energy orsignals from one place to another

    take either of two forms, coaxial or two wire

    Factors affecting Zo

    of the wires, spacing between the wires, The nature of the insulating material separating the

    wires. diameter In general, Zo increases as the wire diameter

    gets smaller, and decreases as the wire diameter getslarger, all other things being equal.

    In a coaxial line, the thicker the center conductor, thelower the Zo if the shield stays the same size. If thecenter conductor stays the same size and the shieldtubing increases in diameter, the Zo will increase.

    Impedance Matching

    Is the process of making sure that the impedance ofthe load is purely resistive, with an ohmic value equal tothe characteristic impedance of the transmission lineconnected to it.

    Conductance (G)

    works the same way as it does in a dc circuit.G=1/R

    Susceptance (B)

    It is the reciprocal of reactance Can be either capacitive or inductive

    BC = 1/ XC, and BL = 1/X L 1/j = -j and 1/-j = j

    Admittance (Y)

    Conductance and susceptance combine to formadmittance.

    a complex quantity and represents the ease with whichcurrent can flow in an ac circuit

    As the absolute value of impedance gets larger, theabsolute value of admittance becomes smaller

    negative j factors mean that there is a net inductancein the circuit, and

    positive j factors mean there is net capacitance.

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    RLC (Resistance-Inductance-Capacitance)

    GLC (Conductance-Inductance-Capacitance)

    RX (resistance-reactance) >> series ckt analysis

    GB (conductance-admittance) >> parallel ckt analysis

    Complex Impedances in Series

    Z = (R1+R2) + j (X 1 + X 2)

    Pure Reactances:

    X = X L + X C

    jXL = j2fL >> always positive jXC = - j / (2fC) >>always negative

    Series resonance

    for series-connected components, the condition inwhich the capacitive and inductive reactancescancel

    Adding Impedance Vectors

    *In reality, there is resistance, as well as reactance, inan ac series circuit containing a coil and capacitorbecause the coil wire has significa nt resistance (itsnever a perfect conductor) or because a resistor isdeliberately connected into the circuit.

    Series RLC Circuits

    *Resistance R can be imagined as belonging entirelyto the coil

    Z = R + j (X L + X C)

    Complex Admittances in Parallel

    Y = (G 1+G 2) + j(B 1 + B2)

    Pure Susceptances:

    B = BL + BC

    jBL = - j / (2fL) >>always negative jBC = j2fC >> always positive

    Parallel resonance

    for parallel-connected components (LC circuit), thecondition in which the capacitive and inductivesusceptances cancel

    Parallel GLC Circuits

    *The resistance is thought of as a conductance, whosevalue in Siemens (S) is equal to the reciprocal of thevalue in ohms. Also, the conductance is imagined tobelong to the inductor

    Y = G + j (B L + BC)

    Admittance to Impedance Conversion:

    R = G / (G 2 + B2)X = B / (G 2 + B2)

    1. Find the conductance G = 1/R for the resistor. (It will bepositive or zero.)

    2. Find the susceptance B L of the inductor using theappropriate formula. (It will be negative or zero.)

    3. Find the susceptance B C of the capacitor using theappropriate formula. (It will be positive or zero.)

    4. Find the net susceptance B = BL + BC (It might be positive,negative, or zero).5. Compute R and X in terms of G and B using the

    appropriate formulas.6. Assemble the vector R + jX.

    Reducing Complicated RLC Circuits

    Series CombinationR >> SeriesL >> SeriesC >> Parallel

    Parallel CombinationR >> ParallelL >> Parallel

    C >> Series

    Impedance bridge

    measures R and X at various frequencies

    Ohms Law for AC Circuits

    Purely Resistive Impedances

    V = IZ

    Complex Impedances

    Series RLC: Z2 = R2 + X2 Parallel RLC: Z2 = R2X2 / (R 2 + X 2)

    *Consider only the positive square root of the answer for Z

    Note: In an RX ac circuit, there is always a difference in phasebetween the voltage across the resistance and the voltageacross the reactance. The voltages across the componentsalways add up to the applied voltage vectorially, but not alwaysarithmetically. It is also the same case for current computations.

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    What is power(P)?

    Power is the rate at which energy is expanded,radiated or dissipated. (W,Kw,Mw,mW,nW)

    Watt = joule/secP = EI

    where E - volts

    I - ampere

    Then P is in volt-ampere (VA) or VA power or Apparent Powerinstantaneous power

    The constant change in power

    in a pure resistance circuit true power = V power If ac circuit contains reactance (inductive, capacitive)

    VA > true power and the extra power is called"imaginary power" or "reactive power"

    * In a circuit with inductive reactance, the current lagsthe voltage by up to 90 degrees

    * In a circuit with capacitive reactance, the currentleads the voltage by up to 90 degrees

    Power factor (PF)

    ratio of true power to VA, Pt/Pva or PF= cos phaseangle

    * If there is no reactance Pt = Pva therefore PF=1 * If there is no resistance and purely reactance Pt=o

    then PF = 0

    Phase angle

    the extent to w/c the curent and voltage differ inphase

    * If there is no reactance phase angle = 0 * If pure reactance phase angle = 90 and -90


    impedance mismatch

    occurs when pure resistance is not equal tocharacteristic impedance, and it can be corrected bymeans of "Matching transformer".


    current/voltage is high, also called loops


    current/voltage is low, also called nodes * At current loop the voltage is minimum (voltage

    node) and at current node voltage is max (voltage


    Transmission line mismatch loss

    also known as standing wave loss, occurs in the form ofheat dissipation


    condition where in the capacitive and inductivereactance cancels out.

    Resonant frequency (Fo)

    lowest frequency at w/c resonance occurs. also knownas fundamental frequency

    Fo = 1/[2pi(LC)^1/2]

    standing wave

    also known as a stationary wave, is a wave thatremains in a constant position. This phenomenon can

    occur because the medium is moving in the oppositedirection to the wave, or it can arise in a stationarymedium as a result of in terference between two wavestraveling in opposite directions

    series resonance

    There is no opposition of alternating current at resonantfrequency

    Parallel resonance

    There is a large opposition to alternating current @ Fo.

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    Transformers can:

    Stepping up or down a voltage Matching impedance Provide DC isolation Balanced to Unbalanced (vice versa)

    In its simplest definition, a TRANSFORMER CHANGES one voltage

    to another voltage value, either higher or lower (step-up or stepdown); kaya siya tinawag na TRANSFORMER!

    How does a transformer do that?

    When two wires are near each other, and one of themcarries a fluctuating current, a current will be induced in theother wire. This effect is known as electromagnetic induction(Isipin niyo antenna).

    - Mas malapit mas malakas ang induced current- Pero mas lalakas kung the wires are wound into coils

    and placed along a common axis

    - Pero di pa dyan natatapos, even more coupling , orefficiency of induced-current transfer, is obtained if thetwo coils are wound one atop the other

    First Coil = Primary Winding -----------Secondary Coil = Secondary Winding


    As the frequency increases, the needed inductancedecreases. At high-resistive impedances, moreinductance is generally needed than at low-resistiveimpedances.

    Turns Ratio:

    ratio of the number of turns in the primary to thenumber of turns in the secondary

    E = voltage ; T = turns

    For a transformer with excellent coupling; the relationship is:

    Primary to Secondary turns ratio

    Step Down : Ratio is greater than 1 : Larger number overSmaller number

    Step Up : Ratio is less than 1 : Smaller number overLarger number

    (Siyempre babaliktad yung mga conditions kapag Secondary toPrimary na yung ratio)

    Transformer Cores:

    Why use cores?

    To confine the flux thus increasing the coupling or theefficiency of the induced-current transfer

    Air Core Ferro-Magnetic Core

    Laminated Iron

    Used at 60-Hz utility ac and low audio frequency Sheets of silicon steel glued together in LAYERS Called transformer iron or plain iron Layers are used instead of a single mass of metal to

    prevent eddy currents Eddy currents go in circles , heating up the core and

    wasting energy; pero pag layered hindi maka-flow ngmaayos yung mga eddy currents in circles kayanapipigilan

    Laminated cores exhibit high hysteresis loss above

    audio frequencies Therefore not good above a few kilohertz.

    Hysteresis loss

    core materials become sluggish (bumabagal yungresponse) in accepting fluctuating magnetic field


    Frequencies up to FEW megahertz and works well for RF(radio-frequency) transformers

    High Permeability and concentrates flux efficiently High permeability REDUCES the number of turns

    needed in the coils Higher than few megahertz; shows losses and becomes



    is a measure of how well a material will "conduct" amagnetic field.

    Powdered Iron Core

    works well at VHF (very high frequency); 100 Mhzpataas.

    permeability is less than that of ferrite but at highfrequencies it doesnt matter

    At Radio Frequency above a few megahertz; air coresare preferred!

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    Transformer Geometry:

    Utility Transformer

    E-core common core is the E-core so called because of its

    shape winding method includes the shell and the core

    winding method shell method provides the best coupling however

    capacitance occurs (may or may not be tolerated)

    and also cannot handle very much voltage nasa middle bar lang yung winding ng primary andsecondary

    core winding method ; primary is at the bottome of theE-section and the secondary is placed at the top

    capacitance is much lowe r and can handle highervoltages

    both are universally employed at 60 Hz

    Solenoidal Core

    more commonly used as a loopstick antenna inportable radio receiver and in radio direction findingequipment

    as a loopstick; primary serves as receiver andsecondary matches impedance

    core windings may be on top of each other orseparated (to reduce capacitance)

    Toroidal Core

    donut-shaped ring of powdered iron or ferrite used for radio frequency transformer windings maybe on top or on separate parts confines the magnetic flux in the core material

    (pwedeng itabi sa ibang components)provides more inductance per turn

    Pot Core

    even more inductance per turn can be obtained

    self shielding primary and secondary must be wound on top or next

    to each other (no choice) therefore capacitance is rather high generally employed at lower frequencies because you

    dont need much inductance at higher frequencies


    when its not necessary to provide DC isolation single- tapped winding

    found sometimes on radio-frequency receiver ortransmitter

    works well in impedance matching Can be (but not often) used in utility circuits steppingdown by a large factor but only step up a few percent

    Power Transformer

    At the generating plant:

    extremely high voltages are used why ? Because lower current means reduced loss in the

    transmission line recall P = IE cant control the wire resistances and the power used

    at the loads; the only parameter we can change is thevoltage

    as a result massive transformers are used to handle thehigh voltage

    Along the line:

    step down transformers are used . Why? voltage from plants amount to around kilovolts , (isipin

    niyo kung ang outlet niyo sa bahay naglalabas ngganung kataas na voltage baka lalapit palang kayomay tumalon ng kuryente sa inyo), that is why there is aneed to step down the voltage

    At individual houses and buildings:

    voltage is further stepped down to 234-V electricity inthree phases (separated by 120 degrees ) or 117-Voutlet supplies just one phase (ground yung thirdprong)

    Audio-Frequency Transformer

    Frequencies are higher and exist as band offrequencies (20 Hz to 20 kHz)

    transformers used are still similar but instead ofchanging voltages; they MATCH IMPEDANCES

    Isolation Transformer

    isolating two circuits by not directly connecting them only allows AC but not DC the amount of capacitive coupling can be greatly

    reduced (by separating the wires)

    Balanced and Unbalanced load (Balun)

    balanced = terminals can be reversed without anyeffect on the circuit (resistor , antenna)

    unbalanced =must be connected in a certain way towork properly (usually when one side is connected tothe ground) ex. Coaxial lines

    the transformer can allow for the mating of thebalanced and the unbalanced load

    the turns ratio might be 1:1 if the impedances arematched ; if the impedances doesnt match the turnsratio should be changed

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    Transformer Coupling

    used in amplification by offering some advantages(usually in radio-frequency receiver and transmitter)

    too many feedback, amplifiers would start to oscillatedegrading the performance BUT transformer minimizethe capacitance preventing oscillation

    Impedance Transfer Ratio

    To match the impedances in radio-frequency and

    audio frequency circuits

    For purely resistive impedances:

    Z=impedance ; E = voltage ; T = turns

    Radio-Frequency Transformer

    Coil types

    Powdered-iron cores ----->>> quite highfrequencies

    Toroidal cores ----->>> most commonbecause self-shielding

    Number of turns depends on the frequency , and also on thepermeability of the core

    Air-core ----->>> although low permeability also haslow hysteresis loss

    One disadvantage is the magnetic flux extends outside the coilMajor advantage of coil type transformer, (especially toroidalcore) is that they can be used over a wide band of frequencies such as from 3.5 MHz to 30 MHz (broadband transformers)

    Transmission-Line types

    transmission lines are sometimes used as impedancetransformer due to its own characteristic impedance

    always made from quarter wave sectio ns or (length

    of quarter wave section)

    where Lft is the length of the section in feet, v is thevelocity factor expressed as a fraction, and f o is the frequency ofoperation in megahertz. If the length Lm is in meters,

    -Let a quarter-wave section of line, with characteristicimpedance Zo , be terminatedin a purely resistive impedance Rout . Then the input impedance isalso a pure resistanceRin , and the following relationship holds:

    These relationship will hold at frequency f o , a line 1/4wavelength long ; Neglecting losses will also hold true forodd harmonics at 3 f o , 5 f o , 7 f o , and so on.

    the quarter wave matching section should be madebalanced (for loads that are balanced) and

    major disadvantage is working only at certainfrequencies


    unfortunately hinde purely resistive ang mgaimpedance

    Reactance makes a perfect match impossible!! Nomatter what the turns ratio or Zo of the transformer, areactance would always exist which can be toleratedat lower radio frequencies (below about 30 MHz) but a

    near-perfect match becomes more important athigher frequencies although hinde sakop ng chapter na ito. Recall na

    kapag may reactance (X) not equal to zero, to cancelit, add an equal and opposite (-X) which can be doneby adding an inductor or capacitor in series sa load


    is a device that i s wide band and has adjustableimpedance-matching and reactance cancellingnetworks located between the antenna and thetransmitter (from 1.8 Mhz to microwave).