Components of food( comp)

Post on 25-May-2015

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This serves as a lesson plan for teaches to teach middle school science and self learning cotent for students.


Lesson plan

For teachers



VII (Science)

Objectives : Students 1) name and identify different substances. 2) describe the role of healthy food in life. 3) develop healthy food habits. Expected outcomes : Students MUST 1) Acquire the skill of testing the main food component in a given

food sample 2) Understand why food habits differ from one region to other. SHOULD 1) Recall the importance of fibre and water in our food. 2) Relate his knowledge to his regular eating habits. COULD 1) Explain the importance of Balanced diet. 2) Formulate Balanced food from the locally available inexpensive food


CCE competencies

Conceptual understanding

explain the importance food to all living beings

Students give examples of roughages

Give reasons why water is considered necessary component of food

Identify the components of food to be preferred in quantity and frequency

Differentiate between Balanced food and junk food.

Asking questions & making hypothesis

Formulate inexpensive balanced diet from locally available food material

Experimentation Testing main components of food in the given food sampe

Information skills& projects

Collect some samples of pulses,grains etc. and display them with relavent information.

Communication through drawing& model making

Develop the 3-D balanced food pyramid.

Appreciation & aesthetic sense

Appreciate the beauty of colour, size, shape and variety of vegetables and fruits

Application in daily life

Develop healthy food habits in daily life

Grow kitchen gardens of leafy vegetables to show bio diversity.

Starter activity 1 Identify the following ….

Show these one by one…

Activity 2 Have the students write their names vertically down on a paper,on the left hand side

Challenge them to come up with a food item, that starts with each letter in their names.

Ask them to

circle the food items they believe to be nutritious.

draw a line through the food items which they think non nutritious.

put a question mark next to the foods, they are not sure about.







NOTE : If the students went wrong in marking the above symbols against the food items in their list ,take it easy. It is not necessary to correct them and give answers in

this activity.

Ask the students to read out what they have written and encourage them to do so.

My daily food…..Activity 3

Ask the students to make a sheet of paper into four sections.

And label the sections

Ask them to write any two of their favourite dishes and one they dislike most

Breakfast Lunch

Snacks Dinner

F : 1)-------- 2) ---- -- d : -------

F : 1)-------- 2) ---- -- d : -------

These three activities help the teacher to test the previous knowledge of the students and know about their dietary habits, to plan his

strategy to develop the lesson.

Now anounce the topic to be introduced

Now we are going to discuss about….

Ask some of the students to read out their activity.


What is the most essential thing that makes this car run?

Driver/ wheels/engine/petrol

Do these two need the same thing for their activities?

What is commonly needed for these three activities?

Yes / no

Fuel / Food / Energy


Food is essential for all living beings for




For some reason if you did not eat food for two days, how do you feel?

More active than before/normal/hungry/weak

Look at the following statements:

We can switch off our body, when we like to, as it is a machine True / False/not sure

The organs in our body work during the day time only True / False/not sure

Some organs in our body work round the clock or 24x7 True / False/not sure

Mention few organs that work even while we are asleep

Our body needs continuous supply of energy

Can you name some other?

What about

Open discussion

Nutrition FactsServing size 28gServings Per Container about 6Amount per ServingCalories 170 Calories from Fat 130% Daily Value*

Total Fat 15g 23%Saturated Fat 1g 5%Trans Fat 0gMonounsaturated Fat 9gCholesterol 0mg 0%

Sodium 160mg 7%

Total Carbohydrate 6g 2%

Dietary Fibers 3g 12%Sugars 2g

Protein 6gVitamin A 0% Calcium 6%

Vitamin C 0% Iron 6%* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2.000 caloriediet. Your Daily Values may be higher or lowerdepending on your calorie needs.Calories 2.000 2.500Total Fat Less than 65g 80gSat Fat Less than 20g 25gCholesterol Less than 300mg Sodium Less than 2,400mg Total Carbohydrate 300g 375gDietary Fiber 25g

Know the components of your foodReading Food


Carbohydrates- bread, pasta,roti,cereals

Protein- meat, fish,pulses,milk,nuts,beans

Fats- meat, cheese, fish,oil

Provides energy

Muscle building

Provides and stores energy

Vitamins- fruit, veg

Minerals- fruit, veg, milk

Fibre- cereals, veg

Water- drinks, fruit,vegetables

• Dietary fibre (Roughages)• Dietary fibre is a type of carbohydrate

found exclusively in plants. • Unlike other types of carbohydrate, it

is not digested in the small intestine .

Sources of dietary fibre• whole grain cereals • oats; • beans;• lentils; • fruit and vegetables;• nuts and seeds.

• Free bowel movement• prevents constipation

Fruits and vegetables rich in fibre

Peels of some

fruits and vegetables

Why is Water considered as one of the food components?

Why does our body need water?

• it acts as a lubricant to help the food move in our

digestive tract.• Helps in digestion

• Helps in many other body processes.

• Sources of water • Water is provided by food

and drinks. • It has been estimated that

roughly 20% of water consumed is from food (e.g. soups, yogurt, fruit and vegetables), while 80% is from drinks (water, milk and fruit juice).

Generally every food item contains all these components ,but in varied proportions.

How do we know that a certain component is present in a given food sample?

Test for carbohydrates (starch)

Place the sample on watch glass

Add two drops of iodine solution to it Will turn blue black if starch is present

Add a few drops of copper sulphate and a few drops sodium hydroxide

Turns purple in the presence of protein

Test for Protein



Test for fat

Crush some groundnuts into a mass

Rub it on a white paper. A grease spot appears on the paper.

The paper will turn translucent in the presence of fat

Look at the pictures of people of different age and doing different types of work

All these people need the same quantity and the same type of food.

True / False

The quantity food to be taken depends on the age and the nature

of work of the individual.

Eskimos - Arctic

• Whale• Seal• Caribou• Berries

Maasai tribe –African plains

• Cow milk• Blood• Maize (a crop)• Sometimes meat

Pygmy tribe – Amazon jungle

• Wild plants (vegetables)• Sloth/birds• Fish• Wild fruits

Tuareg tribe - Desert

• Camel milk• Porridge• Goat’s cheese• Wild fruits

ActivityFor each tribe: Write which nutrients they are getting. (Y)

Write which nutrients they aren’t getting. (N)

Tribe Carbohydrate

Protein Fat Vitamins minerals





From the above observations infer which of these tribes is getting more number of components and is relatively healthier.

Why couldn’t these people eat the same type of food…..?

Food habits of people depend on climatic conditions and cultural practices.

Can you explain why some people are vegetarians and some other non vegetarians?

To be healthy, we need all the components of food,

Do we need all the components in equal quantities, for better health ?

• C • p

• F • V



Look at this food serving…..

Are all the food items are of the same type..?

Are all the food items are of the same quantity…?

Is it necessary to eat different food items..?

What will happen if we take only one or two food items regularly for a long time?

Can you name the food items in the above picture ..?

This diet contains all the nutrients in required quantities.This is called BALANCED FOOD.

What are the required quantities or right proportions of food components to balance our food ?

Adequately Cereals,Pulses,Milk etc.,

Plenty /liberally Fruits,(Leafy) vegetables,

Moderately oils,Animal foods

Sparingly Cheese,butter etc Nutrient % required

Carbohydrate 33

Vitamins&minerals 33

Fibre 15

Proteins 12

Fats 07

This can be represented like a pyramid

Balanced food

Vegetable salad every day

Should the Balanced food contain a number of food items?

Is this rich man’s food?

Can a poor man afford it?

How can a poor man fulfil the food requirements of his body at no extra cost?

By taking•Dal•Rice•Roti•Green vegetables•Little oil and•Jaggery.


Prepare a 3-D model of food pyramid with card board boxes of different sizes

Stick cut out pictures of different food items on the out side faces of the boxes.

Label the boxes ‘adequately’, ‘plenty’ and so on.

Invite suggestions from among the students about alternative designs in making a vegetable smiley


Encourage the students to decorate it on their own.


GOOD COOKING HABITS•Avoid over eating•Avoid junk foods.• Eat to be healthy ,not to be unhealthy. •Wash the fruits or vegetables

before eating or cutting.•Don’t wash the pieces of vegetables after cutting.•No over cooking .•No reheating.

Identify the nutrients in the above food groups….



Pledge by the studentsEating and staying healthy

Ask the students to prepare two lists on a paper.

What I usually eatHealthier options

1)------ 2)------

I …………………of class ------ promise to try healthier options and eat ZERO

WASTE breakfast,lunch and dinner as a token of my concern towards

conservation of Bio-diversity.

SignatureSignature of the parentAsk them to make a pledge

to try to stay healthy.


Have the students to list as many food products they have seen advertised in TV commercials.

Guide the students to draw the concept map of the topic food components

Food components