Composting Energy

Post on 25-Feb-2016

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Composting Energy. Methane Power. Flow Chart. We will examine how our project works through the use of the flow chart, from bottom up. . Individual Choice. What are we trying to accomplish? Finding a renewable and productive source of energy. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Composting EnergyMethane Power

Flow Chart

We will examine how our project works through

the use of the flow chart, from bottom up.

Air Earth Fire Metal Water

Individual ChoiceWhat are we trying to accomplish?

• Finding a renewable and productive source of energy. • Finding more ways to be self sustaining and use less power from the

grid. • Making something harmful to the environment, into something

useful.• Supply low income or low budget households with a unlimited

valuable source of hot water.

PopulationWho will be using this project?

In the USAThis product would mostly market to rural area households where they would have enough property. People with crops or gardens that would like to use natural compost for fertilization. Large households that require more hot water than a regular water tank can hold.

Outside the USAWe could also market this product to rural households within other countries that are trying to find ways to live sustainably or self sufficiently. The Ciudad de Refugio in Rosarito, for example, is an orphanage just outside of Tijuana that has been growing into a self-sufficient shelter for children and teenaged boys and girls.


HouseOur Project Design

Our project will be the combination of a tankless water heater and a methane digester. The methane digester captures methane by combining water and compostable products in a tank. The water and waste will be mixed to make a slurry and as the products break down in the water, methane will bubble up to the top of the tank. The methane will then be captured into a hose and connected directly to the water heater.

Our Design

Our Design1. The hot water tap is turned on.2. Water enters the heater.3. The water flow sensor detects the

water flow.4. The computer automatically ignites

the burner.5. Water circulates through the heat

exchanger.6. The heat exchanger heats the water

to the designated temperature.7. When the tap is turned off the unit

shuts down.

Extraction Construction Transportation Operation Demolition

Life Cycle Costs

Life Cycle Costs

We will use recycled goods and repurposed materials

for this project. These materials will be extracted

from numerous sources such as junk yards.


Life Cycle Costs

The tank itself will be built off site using the recycled materials and tools. After transportation it will be installed and set up for

ready use.


Life Cycle Costs

After the basic construction the tank and all materials

needed for installation will be transported to the site using a van or truck large enough to



Life Cycle Costs

In order to operate the system, the user will just fill the tank with all

biodegradeable waste and turn the mixer. Then the methane will build and be burned off inside the water heater to make hot water. Any tank

overflow, will be used for natural fertilizer.


Life Cycle Costs

Once there is no longer a use or need for the product, it can be uninstalled, drained of the slurry that can be stored to be used for fertilizer and the tank

itself can be recycled.


EnergyWhat is the energy source this product creates?

Methane (CH4) is a fossil fuel converted into energy by burning. Methane is also a greenhouse gas and can be harmful to the environment if there is too much methane in the atmosphere. Compared to other fossil fuels, burning methane produces less carbon dioxide for each unit of heat released. Methane's heat of combustion is lower than any other fossil fuel but the ratio of the heat of combustion to the molecular mass shows that methane produces more heat per mass unit than other complex fossil fuels.

What are the consequences of making a product like this?


Positive Consequences• The tank uses waste that would otherwise

be useless, and creates useful energy that would lower the power consumption for the whole household.

• The overflow from the tank can be used as a natural fertilizer that can be used to fertilize plants rather than using harmful chemical fertilizers or pesticides.

Negative Consequences• Takes more work to create and maintain

the flow of energy.• Must maintain the tank by emptying the

overflow and making sure the water and compost mixture is mixed regularly.

• This is not a very practical product for a large percentage of the population, especially intercity populations.

Our Five Elements

Let’s take a look at each of the five elements and see what roles they have to play in our project.

Air• Capturing the methane cuts down on greenhouse effect in the

atmosphere. • Burning methane releases carbon dioxide and water which is less

harmful to the atmosphere. • Chemical insecticides or fertilizer production can also be harmful to

the air. • If you reduce electrical energy needs, air pollution caused by energy

production will also be reduced.

Earth• Capturing methane cuts down

on greenhouse effect which affects soil. • Composting and using overflow

from tank is a good natural fertilizer. • Less dependence on mining,

drilling, and damming for power.

Fire• The fire is ignited in the burner by electric current when the water

tap is turned on. • Fire from the burning of the methane heats the heat exchanger.• The heat exchanger uses coils to transfer the heat from the fire to

water as is flows through. • The fire is the energy transformation from methane gas to the

water. • No standby heat loss that occurs with tank water heaters.

Metal• Any metals used for constructing purposes will come from recycled

metal. • Construction does not require the use of large machinery and can all

be constructed by manpower. • The tankless water heater alone cuts down on the energy it takes to

keep water heated, and using methane gas as the energy source cuts down on grid power which comes from the burning of coal and fossil fuels, or the use of huge hydro-turbines constructed from metal.

Water• Water mixed with the compost can be used as natural fertilizer for

plants. • Cold water coils through the heat exchanger and the heat exchanger

warms the water for use. • Tankless heater only heats water when needed, rather than

continually heating a tank of water. • Never run out of hot water.

Conclusion• Our Methane Digester creates usable energy. • The design of our Methane Digester is self-sustaining and uses

recyclable materials and waste, using less power from the grid. • Methane gas is a greenhouse gas, which can be harmful to the

environment, but burning it as power makes it into something useful.• Our project can create a positive affect by supplying low income or

low budget households with a unlimited valuable source of hot water.