Composting Your Message: How to Plan and Promote Green Events

Post on 16-May-2015

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How to plan and promote outreach environmental programs. Presented to high school environmental classes. Find more info at our website:


CompostingComposting Your Message! Your Message!CompostingComposting Your Message! Your Message!

+ Add People+ Add People+ Mix Your Message+ Mix Your Message+ Heat Up Methods+ Heat Up Methods+ Right Timing!+ Right Timing!______________________________________

+ Add People+ Add People+ Mix Your Message+ Mix Your Message+ Heat Up Methods+ Heat Up Methods+ Right Timing!+ Right Timing!______________________________________

Composting Target AudiencesComposting Target Audiences

Home gardeners Green enthusiasts Home makers - cooks Food processors Restaurants Waste haulers Institutional Food (ie

School Cafeteria) Landscapers

Home gardeners Green enthusiasts Home makers - cooks Food processors Restaurants Waste haulers Institutional Food (ie

School Cafeteria) Landscapers

Top “Composting” KeywordsTop “Composting” Keywordsgardening 1,220,000

worms 1,000,000

fertilizer 450,000

compost 301,000

composting 110,000

topsoil 90,500

composter 49,500

compost bin 33,100

top soil 27,100

organic fertilizer 27,100

compost bins 14,800

compost tumbler 14,800

compost how to 12,100

Top “Composting” KeywordsTop “Composting” Keywords

gardeninggardening 1,220,0001,220,000

wormsworms 1,000,0001,000,000fertilizer 450,000

compostcompost 301,000301,000

compostingcomposting 110,000110,000topsoil 90,500

composter 49,500

compost bin 33,100

top soil 27,100

organic fertilizer 27,100

compost bins 14,800

compost tumbler 14,800

compost how to 12,100

SOURCE: Google Adwords

Make Your Plan!Make Your Plan!

Choose Audience Groups Gardeners vs. Restaurants

Select Topics for Messages Worms!!!! Surprise

Throw Popular Events Demonstrate “Compost Bins”

Optimize Webpages/Blogs Repeat related keywords

Choose Audience Groups Gardeners vs. Restaurants

Select Topics for Messages Worms!!!! Surprise

Throw Popular Events Demonstrate “Compost Bins”

Optimize Webpages/Blogs Repeat related keywords

PLAN: Green EnthusiastsPLAN: Green Enthusiasts Understand goals and motivators

Restore nature’s resources ? (ask!) Health ? (ask!) Save money ? (ask!)

Communication methods Online communities YOUR personal, local groups

Message(s) Role of plants/food in sustainability Nutrition of soil creates good health IT's FUN! IT's EASY! IT's Doable!

Understand goals and motivators Restore nature’s resources ? (ask!) Health ? (ask!) Save money ? (ask!)

Communication methods Online communities YOUR personal, local groups

Message(s) Role of plants/food in sustainability Nutrition of soil creates good health IT's FUN! IT's EASY! IT's Doable!

PLAN: Home gardenersPLAN: Home gardeners Understand their goals and motivators

Improve vegetable/fruit production Turn waste into valuable soil Save money on fertilizers and soil amendments

Communication methods (ask!) Website & Email Events Posters and Print

Message(s) -- Which do you think fit? How To Cost and Savings Emotional Rewards

Understand their goals and motivators Improve vegetable/fruit production Turn waste into valuable soil Save money on fertilizers and soil amendments

Communication methods (ask!) Website & Email Events Posters and Print

Message(s) -- Which do you think fit? How To Cost and Savings Emotional Rewards

PLAN: School CafeteriasPLAN: School Cafeterias Goals and Motivators

Save money Healthy and safe practices Student nutrition

Communication Methods Student projects Letters Posters in hallways

Message(s) Vermiculture Funding sources Supply system: farmers, bins… Student program ideas

Goals and Motivators Save money Healthy and safe practices Student nutrition

Communication Methods Student projects Letters Posters in hallways

Message(s) Vermiculture Funding sources Supply system: farmers, bins… Student program ideas

Right MethodsRight Methods

What Demonstrate HOW Resources LIST Benefits !!!

Who - Location matters School Apartment House

What Demonstrate HOW Resources LIST Benefits !!!

Who - Location matters School Apartment House

Right MessageRight Message

gardening 1,220,000

worms 1,000,000

fertilizer 450,000

compost 301,000

composting 110,000

topsoil 90,500

composter 49,500

compost bincompost bin 33,100

top soil 27,100

organic fertilizer 27,100

compost binscompost bins 14,800

compost tumblercompost tumbler 14,800

compost how to 12,100

Wave YourWave Your FlagFlag…Wave YourWave Your FlagFlag…

KeywordsKeywords TagsTags

KeywordsKeywords TagsTags

Target the Right MediaTarget the Right Media Traditional "Media"

Internet based Local newspapers

"Direct" Postables Posters Letters Postcards

"Broad" Electronic Media Email - (personal!) Blog or Website - (Personal +) Flickr - images (impersonal) YouTube - motion (impersonal) Twitter - events (personal)

Traditional "Media" Internet based Local newspapers

"Direct" Postables Posters Letters Postcards

"Broad" Electronic Media Email - (personal!) Blog or Website - (Personal +) Flickr - images (impersonal) YouTube - motion (impersonal) Twitter - events (personal)

(How does your AUDIENCE (How does your AUDIENCE get THEIR news & info?)get THEIR news & info?)

Right TimingRight Timing

2 weeks out

1 week out

2 days out


Follow up!!!

2 weeks out

1 week out

2 days out


Follow up!!!

Your PlanYour Plan









Right people

Right message

Right methods

Right times

Measure the Results!

Right people

Right message

Right methods

Right times

Measure the Results!

WHO?WHO?WHO?WHO? FamilyFamily Immediate and extended FriendsFriends Close and general GroupsGroups Hobby, Interests, career Co-workersCo-workers School, Classmates IndustryIndustry Faculty, Sponsors, Districts CommunityCommunity Local, County, State, National

FamilyFamily Immediate and extended FriendsFriends Close and general GroupsGroups Hobby, Interests, career Co-workersCo-workers School, Classmates IndustryIndustry Faculty, Sponsors, Districts CommunityCommunity Local, County, State, National

Build a Lifelong CommunityBuild a Lifelong Community

Making a DifferenceMaking a Difference……Is aboutIs about THEMTHEM (people in your community) (people in your community)

and and THE EARTHTHE EARTH (your physical (your physical community)community)

… … & Getting Results Through & Getting Results Through YOUYOU..

PS: PS: That's how you become aThat's how you become a BIGGER YOU!BIGGER YOU!

Making a DifferenceMaking a Difference……Is aboutIs about THEMTHEM (people in your community) (people in your community)

and and THE EARTHTHE EARTH (your physical (your physical community)community)

… … & Getting Results Through & Getting Results Through YOUYOU..

PS: PS: That's how you become aThat's how you become a BIGGER YOU!BIGGER YOU!

Build Results TogetherBuild Results TogetherWHAT?WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?

Are they RECEPTIVE?Are they RECEPTIVE? After an emergency experienceAfter an emergency experience Preparing for a 'big moment'Preparing for a 'big moment'

How many TIMES? How many TIMES?

Think "7"Think "7" 7 TIMES to learn something new!7 TIMES to learn something new! 7x DIFFERENCE to get attention!7x DIFFERENCE to get attention!

Slower/faster; taller/shorter; Slower/faster; taller/shorter; newer/older newer/older

7 PEOPLE to find ONE who is7 PEOPLE to find ONE who is highly motivated!highly motivated!

Are they RECEPTIVE?Are they RECEPTIVE? After an emergency experienceAfter an emergency experience Preparing for a 'big moment'Preparing for a 'big moment'

How many TIMES? How many TIMES?

Think "7"Think "7" 7 TIMES to learn something new!7 TIMES to learn something new! 7x DIFFERENCE to get attention!7x DIFFERENCE to get attention!

Slower/faster; taller/shorter; Slower/faster; taller/shorter; newer/older newer/older

7 PEOPLE to find ONE who is7 PEOPLE to find ONE who is highly motivated!highly motivated!

Build your Build your Timing Timing SkillsSkills


WHERE?WHERE?WHERE?WHERE? DistributionDistribution (In-house List) (In-house List)

Build your lifelong listBuild your lifelong list Stay in touchStay in touch

MediaMedia…all sizes and shapes…all sizes and shapes Your School & GroupsYour School & Groups Family, Friends & NeighborsFamily, Friends & Neighbors Community Newspapers, Bulletin BoardsCommunity Newspapers, Bulletin Boards City Radio, TV, Newspaper, Events…City Radio, TV, Newspaper, Events… State, National, International…State, National, International…

DistributionDistribution (In-house List) (In-house List) Build your lifelong listBuild your lifelong list Stay in touchStay in touch

MediaMedia…all sizes and shapes…all sizes and shapes Your School & GroupsYour School & Groups Family, Friends & NeighborsFamily, Friends & Neighbors Community Newspapers, Bulletin BoardsCommunity Newspapers, Bulletin Boards City Radio, TV, Newspaper, Events…City Radio, TV, Newspaper, Events… State, National, International…State, National, International…



WWhat’s hat’s IIn n IIt t FFor or MMe?e?

W.I.I.F.M.W.I.I.F.M.WWhat’s hat’s IIn n IIt t FFor or MMe?e?


HOWHOWTO!TO!HOWHOWTO!TO! Traditional MediaTraditional Media

PublishingPublishing Newspaper, TV, RadioNewspaper, TV, Radio Group NewslettersGroup Newsletters School, Political, Religious, etcSchool, Political, Religious, etc

New MediaNew Media Social networksSocial networks Flickr, YouTube, Facebook, Linked InFlickr, YouTube, Facebook, Linked In 1 to 11 to 1 Text Msg, IM, Email, Web, PhoneText Msg, IM, Email, Web, Phone

PromotionPromotion Tell editors and writer/journalistsTell editors and writer/journalists Tell everyone you know…Tell everyone you know… And tell them again…!And tell them again…!

Word of MouthWord of Mouth Tell them where Tell them where

the "food" is! the "food" is! Think like birds! They pass it on!Think like birds! They pass it on!

Traditional MediaTraditional Media PublishingPublishing Newspaper, TV, RadioNewspaper, TV, Radio Group NewslettersGroup Newsletters School, Political, Religious, etcSchool, Political, Religious, etc

New MediaNew Media Social networksSocial networks Flickr, YouTube, Facebook, Linked InFlickr, YouTube, Facebook, Linked In 1 to 11 to 1 Text Msg, IM, Email, Web, PhoneText Msg, IM, Email, Web, Phone

PromotionPromotion Tell editors and writer/journalistsTell editors and writer/journalists Tell everyone you know…Tell everyone you know… And tell them again…!And tell them again…!

Word of MouthWord of Mouth Tell them where Tell them where

the "food" is! the "food" is! Think like birds! They pass it on!Think like birds! They pass it on!

PS: Check our website for articles and upcoming webinars