Computer Organization & Articture No. 4 from APCOMS

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  • 8/14/2019 Computer Organization & Articture No. 4 from APCOMS


  • 8/14/2019 Computer Organization & Articture No. 4 from APCOMS


    The First Generation: Vacuum Tubes

    ENIAC - background Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer

    Trajectory tables for weapons

    Started 1943

    Finished 1946 Too late for war effort

    Used until 1955 A decimal not binary machine

    Memory consists of 20 accumulators

    each capable of holding 10 digits

    A ring of 10 vacuum tubes representing each digit

    At any one time only one vacuum tube was in ON state representingone of the ten digits

    Hard to program by setting switches manually

  • 8/14/2019 Computer Organization & Articture No. 4 from APCOMS


    ENIAC - details

    Decimal (not binary)

    20 accumulators of 10 digits

    Programmed manually by switches

    18,000 vacuum tubes

    30 tons

    15,000 square feet

    140 kW power consumption

    5,000 additions per second

  • 8/14/2019 Computer Organization & Articture No. 4 from APCOMS


    Moores Law

    Increased density of components

    on chip Gordon Moore - cofounder of Intel Number of transistors on a chip will

    double every year

    Since 1970s development hasslowed a little

    Number of transistors doublesevery 18 months

    Cost of a chip has remainedalmost unchanged

    Higher packing density meansshorter electrical paths, giving

    higher performance Smaller size gives increased


    Reduced power and coolingrequirements

    Fewer interconnections increases


    Growth in CPU Transistor Count

  • 8/14/2019 Computer Organization & Articture No. 4 from APCOMS


    On the ENIAC, all programming was done at the digital logiclevel

    Electronic, electrical engineers not by programmers

    Programming the computer involved moving plugs and wires.

    A different hardware configuration was needed to solve every

    unique problem type Inventors of the ENIAC, conceived of a computer that could

    store instructions in memory.

    The invention of this idea by a mathematician, John von

    Neumann Stored-program computers have become known as von NeumannArchitecture systems

    The von Neumann Model

    Configuring the ENIAC to solve a simple problem

    required many days labor by skilled technicians.

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    The von Neumann Model

    Todays version of stored-program computers have the followingcharacteristics: Three hardware systems:

    A central processing unit (CPU) A main memory system An I/O system

    The capacity to carry out sequential instruction processing. A single data path between the CPU and main memory.

    This single path is known as the von Neumann bottleneck.
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    The von Neumann Model

    This is a generaldepiction of a vonNeumann system: System passes all

    I/O through ALU(accumulator)

    Known as vonNeumannexecution cylce

    These computers

    employ a fetch-decode-executecycle to runprograms

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    The von Neumann Model (fetch-decode-executecycle)

    1. The control unit fetches the next instruction from memory

    using the program counter to determine where the instructionis located.

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    2. The instruction is decoded into a language that the ALU canunderstand.

    The von Neumann Model (fetch-decode-executecycle)

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    3. Any data operands required to execute the instruction arefetched from memory and placed into registers within theCPU.

    The von Neumann Model (fetch-decode-executecycle)

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    4. The ALU executes the instruction and places results inregisters or memory.

    The von Neumann Model (fetch-decode-executecycle)

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    Conventional stored-program computers have undergone many

    incremental improvements over the years. These improvements include:

    adding specialized buses, floating-point units, and cache memories,to name only a few.

    But enormous improvements in computational power requiredeparture from the classic von Neumann architecture. Adding processors is one approach.

    In the late 1960s,

    high-performance computer systems were equipped with dualprocessors to increase computational throughput.

    In the 1970s supercomputer systems were introduced with 32 processors

    Supercomputers with 1,000 processors were built in the 1980s.

    In 1999, IBM announced its Blue Gene system containing over 1million processors.

    Non-von Neumann Models

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    Parallel processing is only one method of providing increased

    computational power.

    More radical systems have reinvented the fundamental conceptsof computation.

    These advanced systems include genetic computers, quantum

    computers, and dataflow systems.

    At this point, it is unclear whether any of these systems willprovide the basis for the next generation of computers.

    Non-von Neumann Models

  • 8/14/2019 Computer Organization & Articture No. 4 from APCOMS


    von Neumann/Turing

    Stored Program concept Main memory storing programs and data

    ALU operating on binary data

    Control unit interpreting instructions from memory andexecuting

    Input and output equipment operated by control unit

    With little exceptions all todays computer have samegeneral structure and function and refers to as von

    Neumann machines Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies

    IAS, Completed 1952

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    IAS - details Set of registers (storage in CPU)

    Memory Buffer Register

    Contains a word to store in memory

    Memory Address Register Address of memory to be read

    Instruction Register Contains 8 bit opcode being executed

    Instruction Buffer Register Holds instruction from memory

    Program Counter Address of next instruction from



    Holds temporary operands and resultsof ALU operation

    Multiplier Quotient E.g multiplication of two 40 bit number

    gives 80 bit number Most significant 40 bits in AC

    Least significant 40 bits in MQ

  • 8/14/2019 Computer Organization & Articture No. 4 from APCOMS


    Pentium Evolution


    first general purpose microprocessor 8 bit data path to memory

    Used in first personal computer Altair

    8086 much more powerful

    16 bit machine

    1 Mb addressable memory

    instruction cache, prefetch few instructions

    8088 (8 bit external bus) used in first IBM PC

    80286 16 M byte memory addressable 80386

    First 32 bit architecture machine

    Support for multitasking

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    Pentium Evolution

    80486 sophisticated powerful cache and instruction pipelining

    built in maths co-processor


    Superscalar Multiple instructions executed in parallel

    Pentium Pro Increased superscalar organization

    branch prediction data flow analysis

    speculative execution

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    Pentium Evolution (3)

    Pentium II

    MMX technology graphics, video & audio processing

    Pentium III Additional floating point instructions for 3D graphics

    Pentium 4 Note Arabic rather than Roman numerals

    Further floating point and multimedia enhancements

    Itanium 64 bit See Intel web pages for detailed information on


  • 8/14/2019 Computer Organization & Articture No. 4 from APCOMS


    Generations of Computer

    Vacuum tube - 1946-1957

    Transistor - 1958-1964 Small scale integration - 1965 on

    Up to 100 devices on a chip

    Medium scale integration - to 1971 100-3,000 devices on a chip

    Large scale integration - 1971-1977 3,000 - 100,000 devices on a chip

    Very large scale integration - 1978 to date 100,000 - 100,000,000 devices on a chip

    Ultra large scale integration Over 100,000,000 devices on a chip

  • 8/14/2019 Computer Organization & Articture No. 4 from APCOMS


    Moores Law (1965)

    Gordon Moore, Intel founder

    The density of transistors in an integrated circuit will

    double every year. Contemporary version:

    The density of silicon chips doubles every 18 months.

    But this law cannot hold forever ...

    Historical Development

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    Rocks Law

    Arthur Rock, Intel financier

    The cost of capital equipment to build semiconductors

    will double every four years. In 1968, a new chip plant cost about $12,000.

    At the time, $12,000 would buy a nice home in

    the suburbs.An executive earning $12,000 per year wasmaking a very comfortable living.

    Historical Development

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    Rocks Law

    In 2005, a chip plants under construction cost over$2.5 billion.

    For Moores Law to hold, Rocks Law must fall, or

    vice versa. But no one can say which will give outfirst.

    $2.5 billion is more than the gross domestic

    product of some small countries, includingBelize, Bhutan, and the Republic of SierraLeone.

    Historical Development

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    A computer system is made up from

    Hardware is the physical medium, for example: circuit boards, processors or keyboard

    Software is a computer program, for example: an operating system, an editor, a compiler

    Firmware is a combination of software and hardware.Computer chips that have data or programs recorded onthem are firmware. These chips commonly include thefollowing:

    ROMs (read-only memory)

    PROMs (programmable read-only memory) EPROMs (erasable programmable read-only memory)

    Firmware means microcode. Microcode is generic word for is a generic word for representing

    certain functions in programming. These functions have special

    status and special representation.

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    Microprocessor is an electronic circuit that functions as the

    central processing unit (CPU) of a computer, providingcomputational control. Microprocessors are also used in other advanced electronic systems,

    such as automobiles, and jet airliners.

    Modern microprocessors incorporate transistors, in addition to othercomponents such as resistors, diodes, capacitors, and wires, allpacked into an area about the size of a postage stamp.

    Microcontrollers Microcontrollers integrate all of the components (control, memory,

    I/O) of a computer system into one integrated circuit. Microcontrollers are intended to be single chip solutions for systems

    requiring low to moderate processing power.

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    Microprocessor vs. Microcontroller


    CPU is stand-alone,RAM, ROM, I/O, timer areseparate

    designer can decide on

    the amount of ROM,RAM and I/O ports.





    CPU, RAM, ROM, I/O andtimer are all on a single chip

    fix amount of on-chip ROM,RAM, I/O ports

    for applications in which cost,power and space are critical


  • 8/14/2019 Computer Organization & Articture No. 4 from APCOMS


    Quiz # 1

    Time 10 mins

    Max 10 marks

  • 8/14/2019 Computer Organization & Articture No. 4 from APCOMS



    In what ways are hardware and software different? In

    what ways are they the same?

    Calculate following a) How many milliseconds (ms) are in 1 second?

    b) How many nanoseconds (ns) are in 1 millisecond? c) How many kilobytes are in 1 megabyte (MB)?

    d How many megabytes are in 1 gigabyte (GB)?

    e) How many bytes are in 20 megabytes?

  • 8/14/2019 Computer Organization & Articture No. 4 from APCOMS


    Answer to Q # 1

    In what ways are hardware and software different? In

    what ways are they the same?


    Between hardware and software, hardware provides

    more speed, software provides more flexibility.Hardware and software are related through thePrinciple of Equivalence of Hardware and Software.They can solve problems equally, although solutions

    are often easier in one versus the other.

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    Answer to Q # 2

    a) How many milliseconds (ms) are in 1 second?

    b) How many nanoseconds (ns) are in 1 millisecond? c) How many kilobytes (KB) are in 1 gigabyte (GB)?

    d) How many kilobytes are in 1 megabyte (MB)?

    e How many megabytes are in 1 gigabyte (GB)?

    f) How many bytes are in 20 megabytes? Ans. Typically, time is measured in powers of 10, so we

    have: a. 1,000

    b. 1,000,000 c. 1,000,000 (or 230/210=220)

    d. 1,000 (or 220/210=210)

    e. 1,000 (or 230/220=210)

    f. 20,000,000 (or 20*220)