Concepts into practice: Pedagogical network geography in South-Netherlands GTE Conference 2014...

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Concepts into practice: Pedagogical network geography in

South-NetherlandsGTE Conference 2014


24th- 26th January 2014

Uwe Krause

Fontys University of Applied Sciences Tilburg/NL 2

It all started with an idea and 2 visits … 3

1st round: April 2012 - June 2013

2 teacher educators7 teachers12 meetings “open approach”

14 students 2nd year B Ed

Institute:“Teaching Geography”-courses

Traineeship:2 full weeks, 8 weeks 2 days 4

1st round: results - teachers

Some applied a conceptual approach and enquiry based learning.

(Results based on questionnaires of all participants.)

Taylor’s 2nd order concepts help to have a more clear idea, what geography is about.

Network-meetings are a form of professionalization.

Want to have a concrete benefit of the meetings ( we spend a free evening)

Do not (only) come for the students they are tutoring. 5

1st round: results - students

(Results based on 3 questionnaire of all participants (before, during and after traineeship),1 oral interview (after traineeship), and 1 master thesis based on in-depth interviews with 8 students and an analysis of a lesson plan of every student.)

Increasing understanding of geography as a spatial science.

Taylor’s 2nd order concepts and the idea of a lesson focus question help to structure the lessons

Benefits of network (freedom to explore, tutor knew about theory, match theory-practice; feedback in couples)

Tips: more structured reflection tasks /feedbackless practice

time due to couples 6

Meanwhile in the Netherlands …

Learning at the workplace

Transfer of:Pedagogy (courses)Tutoring Professional developmentTeaching the subject (courses)

Source: 7

Meanwhile in the Netherlands …

Learning at the workplace

Closing the “theory – practice” gap

• Functioning pedagogical networks tool for learning process of students and teachers / teacher educators, combine theory and practice (Tynjälä, 2008)

• Few knowledge about design and continuation of pedagogical networks (ibid)



2nd round: June 2013 - now

Design of the network-meetings: double sandwich• Clear structure & focus

• Advanced organizer• Different strategies• Alternation plenum – small groups• Mixing groups • No presentations longer than 10 min. • Transfer from/to practice• Moments of reflection, evaluation• Possibilities for own contributions/

questions• Rituals• Creating a “common feeling”• Exemplary materials

(Thijs & Van den Akker, 2009 ; Knezic et al., 2010; Schlee, 2012 ;Onderwijsraad, 2013; Wahl, 2013)

Teaching Geography

Traineeship students


Source: 9

2nd round: June 2013 - now

Adapted from Clarke & Hollingsworth, 2002 10

2nd round: June 2013 - now

Exemplary “materials”

(Thijs & Van den Akker, 2009; Wahl, 2013)

• Answering a question of network teachers

• Relating to basic idea’s (concepts, enquiry based learning, variety in teaching strategies, importance of debriefing)

• Making visible the reasoning behind the answers

• Relating to the teaching practice (concrete examples)

• Possibilities for feedback, discussion & reflection

Source: 11

2nd round: June 2013 - now

Exemplary “materials”

• How can you introduce 2nd order concepts in a 1st grade (13 years) and 4th grade (16 years)?

• How to deal with the Milankovic curve in lessons?

• How to organize the theme “Rich and Poor” by 2nd order concepts?

• What is the relation between (2nd order) concepts and idea’s about “effective learning” by Ebbens & Ettekoven?

• How can I teach the theme “surviving in Europe” with the enormous amount of concepts?

• What are the benefits of (2nd order) concepts?• Which 2nd order concepts could you use for all

social sciences (geography, history, civics and economy)?

• How to design a task for an “academic poster”?• What is a logical sequence of 2nd order

concepts?• What is a logical sequence for geographical

themes?• Can you formulate teaching aims so precisely,

that you can work without a schoolbook? • How to make the chapters about “development

policy of the Netherlands” more interesting?



2nd round: June 2013 - now

2 teacher educators15 teachers (+1)6 meetings ( 2 to go)“sandwich approach”

20 students 2nd year B Ed

Traineeship:2 full weeks, 8 weeks 2 days

Institute:“Teaching Geography”-courses


2nd round: June 2013 - now

Did the design work?

• Clear structure & focus• Advanced organizer• Different strategies• Alternation plenum – small

groups• Mixing groups • No presentations longer than 10

min. • Transfer from/to practice• Moments of reflection,

evaluation• Possibilities for own

contributions/ questions• Rituals• Creating a “common feeling”• Exemplary materials

(based on 15 written questionnaires = all participating teachers and oral evaluation, recorded)

Teaching Geography

Traineeship students


Source: 14

2nd round - 1st results

Applying teaching strategies More theoretical understanding

“There hasn’t been one meeting that I didn’t ‘take’ something home: new knowledge, concrete teaching ideas, teaching strategies …I cannot imagine that there will be one meeting that I would not like to come.”

“You know each other, this gives you a safe feeling. For me this is very important, that I may say everything, even stupid things.”

“Every time a meeting sets you sharp.”

“I already got the question from my students, if I do a training. They see so many new things in such a short time. They were very enthusiastic and find it much more useful.”

(based on 15 written questionnaires = all participating teachers and oral evaluation, recorded)

“scholarly teaching” Brooks (2010) “engaging with the subject and its

promise” (Lambert & Morgan, 2010) 15

2nd round - 1st results

Applying teaching strategies More theoretical understanding Conceptual approach

“Concepts become (after 1,5 years more concrete, recognizable, applicable, practical, inviting…”

“3 years ago (at uni) I thought, okay (forget it). Now I want to do something with it, definitely because of the things I see here, it’s more than only a view on geography.”

(based on 15 written questionnaires = all participating teachers and oral evaluation, recorded)

• Focus on student’s learning within the network (meaningful learning & deliberate practice) (Bronkhorst, 2013)

• Professional development of participating teachers (pedagogical content knowledge)

• Pedagogical network as a learning environment (Clarke & Hollingsworth, 2002)

• Conceptual approach in practice• Use and usefulness of digital tools

How to continue? 17

• Clarke, D. & Hollingsworth, H. (2002) Elaborating a model of teacher professional growth . In: Teaching and Teacher Education 18 (2002) 947–967

• Tynjälä, P. (2008) Perspectives into learning at the workplace. In: Education Research Review 3 (2008) 130-154• Brooks, C. (2010) Developping and reflecting on subject expertise. In: Brooks, C. Studying PGCE Geography at

M Level. Reflection, research and writing for professional development. London / New York: Routledge• Knezic, D. et al. (2010) The Socratic Dialogue and teacher education In: Teaching and Teacher Education 26

(2010) 1104- 1111 • Lambert, D. & Morgan, J. (2010) Teaching Geography 11-18. A conceptual Approach. Maidenhead: McGraw Hill• Schlee, Jörg (2012) Kollegiale Beratung und Supervision für pädagogische Berufe. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer• Bronkhorst, L. (2013) Research-based teacher education. Interactions between research and teaching. Utrecht:

Universiteit Utrecht• Onderwijsraad (2013) Verkenning Leraar zijn. Met oog voor persoonlijke professionaliteit. Den Haag:

Onderwijsraad• Thijs, A. & van den Akker, J. ( 2009), Leerplan in Ontwikkeling, Enschede: SLO • Wahl, Diethelm (2013) Lernumgebungen erfolgreich gestalten. Vom trägen Wissen zum kompetenten Handeln.

Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt

Literature 18