Concepts Related to Patentability

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  • 8/14/2019 Concepts Related to Patentability





    Somashekar Ramakrishna

    Brain League IP Services

    Brain League IP Services Pvt. Ltd

  • 8/14/2019 Concepts Related to Patentability


    Industrial applicability/Utility

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    Industrial Applicability/Utility

    Industrial Application The invention is capable of being made or used in an industry Sec 2(1)(ac)

    No Industrial applicability

    If vague and speculative possible objectives are indicated (MPPP Sec 3.25.3)

    For processes or articles alleged to operate in a manner contrary to well-establishedphysical laws (MPPP 3.25.5)

    For method of treatment of the human or animal body by surgery or therapy or ofdiagnosis practiced on the human or animal body (MPPP 3.25.6)

    For parts/pieces of the human or animal body to be used in transplants (MPPP 3.25.6)

    e.g. Scheme for exchanging all or part of a prison sentence for corporal punishmentLacks Industrial Applicability Melias Applicaton (BL O/153/92)

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    (l) new invention means anyinvention or technology which hasnot been anticipated by publication

    in any document or used in thecountry or elsewhere in the worldbefore the date of filing of patentapplication with complete

    specification, i.e. the subject matterhas not fallen in public domain orthat it does not form part of the stateof the art;

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    Invention Prior Art




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    Prior ArtPrior Publication

    Public Knowledge and Public Use

    Public displayOn sale

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    Prior Publication

    Date offiling ofCSIndian Patent application

    Publication( )Section 13 1 a

    Indian Patent applicationPublication

    ( )Section 13 1 b

    Publication in India orelsewhere in any document

    ( )Section 13 2

    No limit on the age of thedisclosure

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    Prior Publication

    if X files a patent application on 25thSeptember, 2009 relating to an invention andif Ys application relating to the sameinvention, which was filed on 25thSeptember, 2007, is published on 25thOctober, 2009, the invention of X will not benovel.

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    Exceptions/No Anticipation by Prior Publicationif 1) the patentee proves:

    a) Wrongful Obtainment; and

    b) Application for patent was filed as soon asreasonably practical after learning about the publication (Sec 29(2) (a) and (b))

    e.g. if X takes information relating to an invention from Ys laband publishes it without Ys knowledge, such publication willnot anticipate the invention provided Y files a patent applicationafter learning about the publication within a reasonable period oftime.

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    2) a complete specification was filed by a personand thereafter the invention is published or used

    by contravening the rights of the true and first

    inventor or any person deriving rights from him.(Sec 29(3))

    e.g. if X is the true and first inventor of an

    invention and if Y his colleague files for a

    patent over the invention without informing Xand permits A to use it, Ys application whenpublished or use of the invention by A will notanticipate the patent application filed by X

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    3) the invention is communicated to theGovernment or to any person authorized bythe Government to Investigate the invention

    or its merits (Sec 30)

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    4) If the invention in a paper is read by the trueand first inventor before a learned society or

    published with the inventors consent in thetransactions of such a society IF

    if an application for a patent relating to theinvention is filed within twelve months (12) ofthe date of publication (Sec 31 (d))

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    Public Knowledge and Public UseKnowledge already in the public domain or

    knowledge easily accessible to the public.


    If the use of the invention was by way of imposingsecrecy then it is not a public use .

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    Public DisplayPublic Display of an invention before the filing

    date of the patent application will anticipate theinvention.

    Exception However, if an invention is displayed by the inventor

    at an exhibition notified by the CentralGovernment in the official gazette, such a publicdisplay or use of the invention at the exhibition or

    publication of details of the invention as aconsequence of the exhibition will not anticipatethe invention

    provided a patent application is filed withintwelve (12) months from the date of such public


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    On Sale If an invention is on sale or is commercially

    worked in India by the applicant. beforethe date of the patent application, it will not

    be considered to be novel.

    (Exception) However, if the invention was onreasonable trial, it will not be anticipated. Section29(2)(b), Section 31(1)(a) and (b),

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    On Sale

    e.g. if the inventor sellshis novel road roller to thegovernment, he cannot get a patent over it as the salenegates novelty of the invention.

    However, if the inventor tests the functioning of a RoadRoller in public under a government contract, such a

    test will not anticipate the invention.

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    Subject Matter in the Prior Art

    Thumb Rule: A Prior publication will

    anticipate.ONLY if it contains..ALL the features of the invention FarbewerkeHoechst Aktiengesellschaft vormals meister Lucius &Bruning a Corporation etc. Vs. Unichem Laboratories and Ors


    The anticipatory disclosure must beentirely contained within a singledocument. (MPPP 3.3.4)

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    ExampleA chair

    4 legs

    Each leg is provided with a wheelPrior Art 1 chair with 4 legsPrior Art 2 wheels in toy chair.

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    Prior Art

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    Inventive step/non-obviousnessInventive step/non-obviousness

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    Inventive Step

    Inventive step 1) Technically advanced in the light of the

    prior art or should have economicsignificance ; and

    2) The invention should be non-obvious to

    a person skilled in the art

    inventive step means a feature of an invention thatinvolves technical advance as compared to theexisting knowledge or having economic significanceor both and that makes the invention not obvious to aperson skilled in the art; Sec 2(ja)

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    Inventive Step

    Person skilled in the artPresumed to be an ordinary practitioner

    aware of what was common generalknowledge in the art at the relevant date(MPPP 3.51.2)

    A notional skilled person who would

    perform a transfer of technology from aneighboring field to his specific filed of

    interest, if this transfer involved routineexperimental work comprising onlyroutine trails (MPPP 3.51.3)

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    Inventive Step

    Some Issues Involved in determiningInventive step What was the problem which the patented

    development addressed?

    How long had that problem existed?

    How significant was the problem seen to be?

    How widely known was the problem and howmany were likely to seeking a


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    Inventive Step

    Indicators of inventive stepDistance- b/n the Subject matter and the

    prior art

    Unexpected effectLong felt need

    Failure of others

    Commercial success

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    Inventive Step

    Lack of Inventive stepInvention provides equivalent

    Prior art is incomplete and the inventionlies in filling the gap which would readilyoccur to a person skilled in the art

    New use of a known material

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    Inventive Step

    In determining Inventive StepMosaicing multiple documents is permitted

    All information in any set of documents

    can be combined provided they are all inthe same art (analogous)

    No hindsight should be employed (takingthe solution and working backwards)

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    Inventive Step Biswanath Prasad Radhey Shyam Vs. Hindustan Metal

    industries, AIR 1982 SC 1444 Patent: Means for holding utensils for turning purposes Prior Art: Lathe (tailstock)

    To be patentable the improvement or the combination mustproduce a new result, or a new article or a better orcheaper article than what was already existing

    Improvement or combination should be somethingmore than the mere workshop improvement

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    Inventive Step Haberman and another v. Jackel International Ltd

    (1999) FSR 683

    Patent:ANWY CUP, a trainer cup for toddlersHad a valve fitted to the lidWould open when baby sucked and closed when it


    Immediate commercial success. Defendant: launched rival product: super-seal Suit for infringement: claim of obviousness.

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    Justice Laddie: though involved a very small and simple

    step, it is sufficiently inventive. It hadsolved a problem (that is the long-feltneed for a spill-proof cup)

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    Inventive Step

    Garewall ropes Ltd. Vs. Mr. Anant KanoiMANU/GJ/8265/2006

    Patent:Prefabricated collapsible gabion product made

    from synthetic ropes

    Gabions are well known (since 7000 years)Rope gabions and polymer gabions were

    being used in Maharashtra since 1991 andin Bihar since 1987

    Held: Substituting elements of commonknowledge in a product would not give rise toinventive step

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    Inventive Step

    Example:Device for manually collecting the

    agricultural produce has container (Plastic) open at the top

    and closed at the bottom wall of the container has a contour

    adapted to proximate the back of a humanbody

    Straps and buckles for securing the

    container to the individual Traditional product made out of


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