Concerts and Holidays in Hirosaki (Japan)

Post on 30-Nov-2014

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Hirosaki Japan

April 2007

takeshi (my gorgeous hostfather)


Kind of sweets (sojbeanstuff inside…how often)

hot spring

mineralwater spring on the way to mt. hakkoda

eri and yutaka…and a lot of snow

in japan nobody can steal your umbrella

fishmarket aomori

this old woman at fishmarket in aomoriwas very moved to pose with us

cooking missosoup at eri‘s

they have „schellenursli“ in japanese!!!

Röschti & Missosoup

rehearsalroom at eri‘s

nice restaurant…

yuki‘s finishing the okonomiyaki prcedure

not everywhere you can see on the card what‘s on the menu



ajigasawa-hallWe played 5 concerts there

a lot of stuff on stage…

Yurika funny like always…

Backstageroom japanese style

everywhere you have to take off your shoes

Rehearsal for wind sketch

after a hard day…

private dinner in radishrestaurant


you eat whole…

eri‘s pet

Mt iwaki near hirosaki

ajigasawa-hall is very close to the sea…

rehearsal for a piece i could have a short rest…

yurika, silvio, falsamembers:eri,saori,sayaka

yutaka & eri

these kids were really great…

…and crazy

find the 5 percussionists…

flowers for everybody

sushi vip seat

watch my eyes


european tourist

european samurai

in hirosaki park

it was cherryblossomfestival…

and everybody‘s having picnic in the park

cool guys

trinity and neo

she was singing about „vreneli“ of switzerland

my favorite pic

japanese tourist

pamela anderson gate

japanese hobby

Welcome to the adventurepark


hirosaki streets

meet the european guy…

signing for the ladies…

masaya at falsa-dinner

Yoshi and Saori