(Conducted by SIR EDWARD ELGAR) - British Library great orchestras in our ... the soul from his...

Post on 11-Apr-2018

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12-inch Records 5s. 6d.; 10-inch 3s. 6d.


(Conducted by SIR EDWARD ELGAR)12-inch Record, Ss. 6d.

Carissima Elgar

N IKISCH and Landon Ronald

have shown their delight in the artistic perfection of " His

Master's Voice " Gramophone by conducting great orchestras in our recording laboratories. Now we add the name of Elgar-a name synonymous in English minds with all that is best in modern composing and conducting.

And it is both as conductor andcomposer that we present this dis- tinguished artist in this notable new record. All England has been

talking about his newest work, " Carissima. " As befits its title, " Dearest One," this charming composition breathes throughout the spirit of true love which, for once, runs smoothly. The rich sonorous melodies have a measured flow which captivates the ear from

the opening bar. Fascinating is the phrase, constantly recurrin g-ýý

I Cantadil=ý- ý- -

a-- i-ýI

fir -i 0

Impressive harmonies lead up to a happy passage triumphantly rendered by the full strength of the orchestra. Throughout we feel the master-hand controlling the performance-not a phrase, not a note but is played exactly as its author conceived it.

The tone and general ensemble of this delightful record are remarkable even in these days of perfect orchestral records such as have made music-lovers take " His Master's Voice " Gramophone so closely to their hearts.

Sir Edward Elgar photographed in the Recording Room while conducting " Carissima"

A record worthy of the international, reputation of Sir Edward Elgar-a record that will appeal to every lover of music. (Speed 78)

Published by Messrs. Elkin & Co., Ltd


12-inch Records, 5s. 6d.

040776 Parsifal-Charfreitagszauber (Good Friday Music) Part I. Wagner

040777 Parsifal-Charfreitagszauber (Good Friday Music) Part II. Wagner

T HE Third Act of Parsifal, which comprises some

of the most beautiful pages of the Music Drama, has for setting "a Spring landscape in the

grounds of Monsalvat-at the back, a small hermit-

age." Parsifal, bearing the Sacred Spear he has

valiantly recovered, is

wearily returning towards the Abode of the Grail. Gurnemanz, the aged Knight of the Grail, who has betaken himself to a lonely forest hut in his distress at the plight of the Holy Order, has just come upon Kundry lying in a thicket. He revives the unfortunate maid.

The approaching Parsifal is seen by Gurnemanz, who at first does not know him. Eventually, realising that here is the Fool

who has redeemed the Sins of the Brotherhood by regaining the

Original Programme of Parsifal (Bayreuth, 1882)

stolen Spear, he is overcome with emotion. Seeing Kundry humbly bringing water to remove the stains of his journey from Parsifal, he declares that only water from

the Holy Spring must be used to prepare the hero for his entry to the Hall of the Grail.

The first record opens with the Parsifal Motive. During the following bars, Gurne-

manz anoints: Parsifal and greets him as

King of the Order. Passages

of solemn beauty from the or-

chestra accompany these tense

moments. The Motive of Promise is heard : ascending

passages depict the apostrophe of the aged Knight as he ad- dresses Parsifal. The Grail

Motive is given out with the full strength of the orchestra. Now we catch the Motive of Straying as Parsifal, unob-

served, bends over Kundry and

sprinkles water from the spring upon her. During this baptismal

ceremony, the soulful Faith Theme falls exquisitely on the ear. The ravishing Flowery Meadow Theme succeeds-

Parsifal soliloquising the while : plaintive melodies for the oboe leap out, to die away pianissimo.

The second record goes over some little of the ground covered by the first, so that it may be the more coherent when dissociated from Part 1. Gurnemanz breaks in with his ecstatic-" That is Good Friday's spell, Lord ! " The leading theme of the Good Friday Music swells forth majestically, the orchestra sighing, as it

From Wagner's Original MS.

passion, grief. No more eloquent

playing could be

conceived. Soon

the violins are in

the ascendent, the

tone-colour being

most rich. Dr.

Hertz is drawing

the soul from his

players. Not a bar of the music fails to reveal its full beauty ; most

impressive is the conclusion, bringing as it does, a delicate

rendition of the Atonement Melody. These two records of the Good Friday Music, together with the

three numbers covering the Transformation Music and the three that embody the Prelude, make up a highly satisfying reproduc- tion of the essential music to Parsifal. The vocal records of Knupfer and Jadlowker are welcome additions to the collection.

(Speeds 78)

"His Master's Voice" PARSIFAL RECORDS now on sale-12 inch, 516

BERLIN PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA (conducted by Dr. Hertz)040772040773040774040778Vorspiel, Pt. I., Act I.

Ditto Pt. II., Ditto Pt. III.,

Verwandlungsmusik(Transformation Music),

Pt. I., Act I. Ditto Pt. H., Act I. Ditto Act III.

040776 Charfreitagszauber(Good Friday Music), Pt. I.

040777 Ditto Pt. H.


Charfreitagszauber(Good Friday Music),

Part I., 12-in., 9/- Ditto Part 11., � 91-

Ballads Mr. JOHN McCORMACK (tenor)

(with orchestral accompaniment)

10-inch Record, 4s. 6d.

4-2328 There is a flower that bloometh Wallace (" Maritana ")

w WALLACE'S lovely lyric

has been a favourite in the ears of English-

men for several decades. Its

simple strains, so plaintive, so appealing, so characteristic of the ultra-English art of the

composer of " Maritana," are given out with extraordinary effect by McCormack, whose purity of tone and dignity of delivery are marked features of a superb performance. The

flexibility of the great Irish tenor's voice is always a delightful feature of his ballad-singing, and the

present record is a fine example of the artist's singing

of the simple type of ditty. (Speed 78)

There is a flower that 6loometh, When autumn leaves are shed ;

With the silent moon it weepeth, The spring and summer fled ;

The early frost of winter, Scarce its brow bath overcast,

Oh I pluck it ere it wither 'Tis the mem'ry of the past.

Oh I pluck it are it wither, [past. Ti 's the mem'ry, the mem'ry of the

It wafteth perfume o'er us Which few can e'er forget,

Of the bright scenes gone before us Of sweet though sad regret;

Let no heart brave its power By guilty thoughts o ercast,

For then a poisoned flower Is the mem'ry of the past.

For then a poisoned flower [past. Is the mem'ry, the mem'ry of the

THIS classic is per- formed in entrancing

style by England's

great oratorio and concert

singer, Mr. Ben Davies,

who had the honour of being presented to the King and Queen at the Albert Hall, London, on February 28th. With

him were Madame Kirkby Lunn and Miss Ruth

Vincent, as well known for their " His Master's

Voice" records as for their concert appearances.

The characteristic phrasing, sure intonation and roundness of tone of Mr. Ben Davies are faithfully

reproduced in Maude Valerie White's fragrant song. A performance of real distinction. (Speed 79)

O Mary dear, that you were here, Mary dear, come to me soon, With your brown eyes bright and clear, I am not well whilst thou art far,

And your sweet voice like a bird, As sunset to the sphered moon, [star, Singing love, singinglove to its lone mate, As twilight, as twilight to the western

In the ivy bower disconsolate. Thou beloved, beloved art to me. O Mary dear. that you were here I

(Percy Bysshe Shelley)

Published by Messrs. Boosey & Co.

Mr. BEN DAVIES (tenor) (with pianoforte accompaniment)

12-inch Record, 6s. 6d.

To Mary

Miss ALMA GLUCK (soprano) (with pianoforte accompaniment)

10-inch Record, 4s. 6d.

3963 The Brook Dolores

T ENNYSON'S " Brook" " goes

on for ever," as all the world knows. And all the world

now knows that the artistic collab- oration of Alma Gluck and the great violinist, Efrem Zimbalist, which has gone on now for quite a long time, has had a romantic

denouement in the announcement of their betrothal. The two young artists have made so many concert appearances together in the United States that the news is not altogether unexpected. Cases of great artists marrying one another are not common : de Gogorza married Eames, Clara Butt became the wife of Kennerley Rumford ; but the instances are few.

The Gluck-Zimbalist engagement will focus special attention on the records these artists have given us in combination. They are exquisite renditions.

The new record of Gluck is a ravishing performance. The delicious upper register of this great soprano was never reproduced more admirably, and her singing throughout is gorgeous. The accompaniment is marvellously suggestive of the gurgling yet contented flow of a streamlet. (Speed 79)

With many a curve my banks I fret, By many a field and fallow,

And many a fairy foreland set, With willow, weed, and mallow :

I slip, I slide, I gleam, I glance Among my skimming swallows,

I make the netted sunbeams dance Against my sandy shallows,

I chatter, chatter as 1 flow, To join the brimming river,

For men may come and men may go, But I go on for ever.

I wind about, and in and out, With here a blossom sailing,

And here and there a lusty trout. And here and there a grayling,

And here and there a snowy flake, Upon me as I travel.

With many a silver water break Above the golden ravel,

And draw them all along and flow To join the brimming river,

For men may come and men may go, But I go on for ever. (Tennyson)

Mr. HUBERT EISDELL (tenor) (with pianoforte accompaniment)

12-inch Record, 5s. 6d.

02513 Sweet Early Violets L. F. Sherrington


EISDELL has given us no prettier song

than "Sweet Early Violets." The exquisite timbre of this favourite light tenor's voice is remarkably reproduced here; so meticulously is he recorded that one follows the perfection even of his breathing. The texture of his voice is revealed in all its fineness, and the refine- ment and distinction of his rendering are a delight. A charming song-a charming rendition-a charming artist.

(Speed 78)Only a few sweet early violets,

Gather 'd, my love, for you ; See how the morning dew each petal wets

Like tears upon the blue. Take them because they bring a message, dear,

Out of this heart of mine; Ah I will your heart the words unspoken hear,

And all they mean diviný? Farewell I

Tho' I may never see your face again, Since now we say "goodbye!"

Love still will live, altho' it live in vain, Tho' these, my gift, will die I

Ah!'Tis but a few sweet early violets,

Gather'd, my love, for you I(Clifton ?Gingham)

Words printed by permission of the publishers, Messrs. J. B. Cramer & Co., New Bond Street, W.

Miss ALICE LAKIN (contralto) (with pianoforte and organ accompaniment)

12-inch Record, 5s. 6d.

03372 The Way, the Life del Riego

T HE charming contralto, Miss Alice Lakin,

has given us her record of the impressive number, "The Way, the Life," at a time

when Easter is an immediate prospect. The bell- like voice, finished style, and artistic interpretation of this well-known artist combine to make a per-formance of exceptional merit, one that is instinct with devotion and reverence. (Speed 78)

There is a voice immortal, Hark to that voice immortal, Speaking across the years ; Listen, and love, and learn,

Lifting away our burdens. Look to the light above you. Bidding us cease our tears; And from the darkness turn

To us in all our sorrows, Over the sunlit mountains. Sweetly its accents plead, Over the valleys dim,

If we would only listen, Hark to the Heavenly Father If we would only heed I Calling His own to Him !

Ever to us it calleth Ever to us it calleth Over the world's wild strife. Over the world's wild strife.

"Turn ye to Me, my children, "Turn ye to Me, my children, I am the Way, the Life ! I am the Way, the Life !

Turn ye to Me, my children, Turn ye to Me, my children, I am the Way, the Life I I am the Way, the Life ; Turn

'Pay to Me. Turn ye to Me.

I am the , the Life I- I am the Way. the Life. The Way, the Truth, the Life !"

(Clifton Bingham) IC'ords printed by permission of the publishers, Enoch f' Sons.

On page II is announced an Easter record by Caruso. Other Easter records are reprinted on back cover.

Records by F.M. LORD ROBERTS, V.C., K.G.12-inch Records, 5s. 6d.

01083 Speech on National Service, Pt. 1. 01084

� � � ,. Pt. 11.

01085 � � � �

Pt. III. 01086

� � � � Pt. IV.

01087 � � � Pt. V.

01088 � � � � Pt. V1.

The above records, spoken by England's greatest advocate of conscription, are rousing examples of eloquence, every word telling. To all thinking Englishmen they must make the greatest possible appeal. (Speeds 78)

(with orchestral accompaniment) 12-inch Record, 12s. 6d.

2-032008 Hosanna Granier (In French)

T RULY there is no

confine to the versa- tility of the world's

greatest tenor. Within the last few weeks we have had from him an intense little Florentine Song, " Pimpinella," an aria from " Rigoletto," and a tender little love-song in English, " Dreams of Long Ago " (the latter, by the way, of his own composition). This month, for the approach of Easter-tide, is offered a famous French sacred song, " Hosanna," which forms part of the Easter music in thousands of churches all over the world.

Caruso 's rendition is instinct with devotional feeling. The artist is obviously attuned to the spirit of the work, and the performance is a strikingly beautiful one. The inspiring climax is given with the full power of his lovely voice ; one recalls such a finale in another Easter record, Faure's " Crucifix," which is on the catalogue as a duet by Caruso and Journet. This latter number should be heard after " Hosanna."(Speed

78) English Version

A man is dead yet is He living. Hosanna ! Hosanna ! Hosanna ! Christians, believe, all honour giving, All shall raise. Hosanna, glory, praise ! Mourn ye no more, Night darkly veiled all the day's glory Joyful behold bright seraphim When on the earth closed the sad story, In their glory untold. Now cloth the sun beam bright once more, In the heavenly regions While all the world doth in wonder adore. Hear melodious legions. In the midst of the angels, Him forever they bless, The angels and archangels, Jesus Christ they confess. See the Lord on High Christ, my heart thou enfoldest. Resplendent in the sky I Thou my soul ever holdest, * * By Thy grace I see Thy face ! Hosanna ! Hosanna I Hosanna !

All shall raise, Hosanna, glory, praise I

(with pianoforte accomp

12-inch Rec (Sung in

Die Beiden Grenadier


singer, pianist, teacher, con-

ductor, composer, was born in Breslau, Ger- many, in 1850. He is generally considered to be the greatest artist living, such a master is he in every sphere of musical activity.

He first appeared in public as a pianist in 1862, playing Weber's Piano Concerto ; made his ddbut as a baritone

singer at Leipzig in 1860, but did not come to England until eleven years later, when he had acquired a great reputation in Germany as a singer of lieder.

In 1878 Dr. Henschel settled in England (he became a naturalised Englishman in 1890) ; three years later he went to America and conducted the Boston Symphony Concerts until 1884. Returning to London, he founded, in 1885, the

Mr. ROBERT RADFORD (bass) (with pianoforte accompaniment)

12-inch Record, 5s. 6d.

In Sheltered Vale Old German Song

T HE vigorous beauty of Radford's

singing is finely shown in this grand old German song, which

has been sung by a generation of bassos. The artists clean enuncia- tion, impeccable reproduction, and pleasing tone are features that make the record a notable one among the many superb examples of Radford's singing that we have issued. The way he gets down to the deep final passage is an astonishing display of the art of the basso profundo.(Speed


Mr. STEWART GARDNER (baritone)

(with pianoforte accompaniment) 10-inch Record, 3s. 6d.

4-2431 The Harvest Dance R. Batten


very best. Seldom have we heard this accomplished bari-

tone in better voice. The vibrant tones ring out thrillingly in this lilting tune, and the resonant utterance is a joy to every, hearer. A grand example of first-class baritone

Stewart Gardner singing.

(Speed 79)

Published by Messrs. Boosey & Co.

Instrumental FRITZ KREISLER (violin)

(with pianoforte accompaniment) 10-inch Record, 4s. 6d.

3-7956 Berceuse Townsend

A RECORD that serves to display the complete art of Kreisler than whom there is no greater favourite

with English audiences. His perfect mastery of technique, loveliness of tone and intense beauty of interpretation, are mirrnr"

In in Cn,rino f%Chilln

in th

Kreider ...---.,.,,4 ... ....,r,.. ..s .... soulful Cradle Song, which is one of the

most popular pieces in the great Austrian's repertoire. A gem of a violin record. (Speed 77)

MARK HAMBOURG (piano) 12-inch Record, 5s. 6d.

05552 Andante Spianato (Op. 22) Chopin

CRISPINESS of touch, perfection of phrasing, and

bigness of tone are characteristics of this record of the pianoforte. Mark Hambourg's individ- uality is evident throughout, his read- ing of this delicately woven andante of Chopin is a lesson in virtuosity.

(Speed 78) Mark Hambourg recording


(as given in the Drury Lane Pantomime " The Sleeping BeautyRe-awakened ")

12-inch Record, 5s. 6d.

01105 Developing a Photograph O F the freshly-introduced "busi-

ness " in the 1914 production of Drury Lane Pantomime,

" The Sleeping Beauty Re-awakened," the funniest is " Developing a Photo- graph." There is, truth to say, very little excuse for working in a " gag"such as this into the pantomime- but it is comic !

George Graves operates the huge kit-bag - or rather the dozens of

bottles and packets it contains ; Will Evans recites from The Book. To tell of how the inimitable comedians "go by the book," and how they got stuck over the " ozzes," " ilbs" and " dwits" of the chemical- mixing, is to give away a score of laughsthattheseirrenressibles

Will Evans ....ý ....... the stage. A capital record by

two artists whose every word is laughter-raising. This episode is one of the several which gave so

much fun to the King and Queen when they visited the Drury Lane Pantomime in February. The other " hits " of the evening were " How are yer," the take- the-audience-into-your-confidence song of George Graves, and the " Happy Days " yarning of George Graves and Will Evans. (A sparkling pair of " His Master's Voice" Records, Nos. 02510 and 04100, each 12-inch, 5s. 6d.) (Speed 78)

Miss GRACE LA RUE (lyric comedienne) with orchestral accompaniment)

as sung at the Lyric Theatre, London) 12-inch Record, 5s. 6d.

03373 A Tango Dream Elsa Maxwel WHEN Miss Grace La Rue passed on from the

w Palace Theatre to the Lyric to take the leading part in "The Girl Who Didn't," she captivated

all London with another song that is as good in its way as " You made me love you "-this new song is " A Tango Dream." The artist's rendering of it is magnificent. Her clear, strong, cultured soprano is heard brilliantly over the orchestral accompaniment and her top notes are thrilling. (Speed 78)

Published by Enoch & Sons.

G. P. HUNTLEY (with pianoforte accompaniment by

Winifred O'Connor)

12-inch Record, 5s. 6d. 02516 Oh ! Lor !

Winifred O'Connor

T HIS inimitable come- dian, so beloved of West End musical

comedy audiences, has the gift of imparting humour to

the very utterance of-'a word. So a story told by " G. P." is as funny on a record as it would be if heard in the theatre. One might give the story of " Oh ! Lor ! " away-but we couldn't reproduce in print the Huntley chatter as caught on this delightful record. (Speed 78)

TOM CLARE (with pianoforte accompaniment)

12-inch Record, 5s. 6d.

02517 Cheer, Boys, Cheer ! Tom Clam

A CLEVER little song of his own composition by

this favourite entertainer. This is Tom Clare right at the top of his form. The whole of the artist is

in the record-excepting only the monocle ! (Speed 78)




(conducted by Lieut. Dr. J. Mackenzie Rogan, M.V.O.)

10-inch double-sided Records, 3s. 6d.

A Lover in Damascus Suite- B 226 jl Beloved in your absence-How many a lonely caravan

A Lover in Damascus Suite-Allah be with us A Lover in Damascus Suite-

B 227 jl Where the Albana flows

A Lover in Damascus Suite-Far across the Desert

Amy Woodforde-Finden Arr. by Percy Fletcher


strength to strength in her musical colour- pictures of the East. Skilful orchestration,

clever use of the reed instruments, as well as the brass,

are marked features of her Oriental compositions. Her Suite, "A Lover in Damascus," is a picturesque work in which the bright hues of the Levantine world

are successfully shown in terms of harmony. One easily visualises the movements of Arab caravanserai, the mystic atmosphere of the East, the and desert wastes described in these tone-pictures. The Coldstreamers, under the guidance of that artist- conductor, Dr. Rogan, have given us a soulful render- ing of these massive melodies and the two records are gems of their kind. This is the acme of imagina- tive composition and playing. (Speeds 78)

BOURNEMOUTH MUNICIPAL ORCHESTRA(by permission of the Bournemouth Corporation)

(conducted by DAN GODFREY) 12-inch double-sided Record, 5s. 6d.

( Slavonic Rhapsody, Op. 114 Carl Friedmann

C 3461 Published by Hawkes & Son.

La Feria-Suite Espagnole P. Lacome Published by Enoch & Sons.

M ORE enchanting samples from the repertoire

of the great Symphony Orchestra which Dan Godfrey has gathered together at

Bournemouth, and which now holds such a proud position in the musical world.

The "Slavonic Rhapsody" is given with true Cossack impetu- osity, and the beauty of the strings is remarkable. " La Feria " is an interesting composition with a Castilian flavour which is unmis- takable. The performance of both numbers is a treat. Every- one who hears this record will make it his own.(Speeds

78 & 79)

MAYFAIR ORCHESTRA 12-inch Record, 5s. 6d. (Conducted by JAS. SALE)

C 347 (Petite Suite Moderne, II.-In

a t Country Garden

1 99 99 $? Published by Hawkes & Son.

C HARMING musical pictures played with a

delicious sense of poetry. We have seldom offered more attractive fare by this splendid

orchestra who have put their very best work into these memorable passages. The harmonies are voluptuous yet simple, and many of the ensembles are happy far beyond the ordinary. (Speeds 78)

10-inch double-sided Record, 3s. 6d. Prehistoric Zig-zags-Intermezzo-Two-step

Published by J. B. Cramer &'Co. Norman Kennedy

B 225, II want some loving Ben Styler (conducted by Mr. A. Wood, Shaftesbury Theatre)

O F quite another type are these two pleasing titles. The Mayfair show their versatility by playing both these numbers in scintillating style ; the

intermezzo with the startling title is beautifully done, and the haunting " I want some loving" is performed in the most captivating manner imaginable. You will have the chorus in the back of your head the first time you play it. A record for the million. (Speeds 79)

C 348 ...,., ..,.. .......ý ..,.... a......ý......., ........_ý. You're my Girl, Medley-Two-step-" You're my Girl"

-" Tango Town "-" On the Old Front Porch "-" You're my Girl"

B USTLING pot-pourris of popular dance music.

" Love me while the lovin' is good " is a big "hit" in " Hullo ! Tango!" Hippodrome Revue.

Grandly played. (Speeds 80 and 79)

METROPOLITAN BAND 12-inch double-sided Record, 5s. 6d.

On the Old Fall River Line, Medley--One-step

or Turkey Trot-" Love me while the lovin' is good "- "Swing, Swing, Swing "-" Since Mrs. McNott learned theT..rlra. Trn+"-' Cl.. t6o (ll.a F>ll Ri. er i.ina" V n Til>Pr

of the celebrated Concert

Parties bearing his name.

Hosts of holiday-makers have heard

and enjoyed the entertainment pro- vided by this unique combination.

Famous for the old-world songs composed by Mr. Crampton, these artists occupy a high

place in their sphere. The records made byMr. Crampton and his

fellow-artists are m o s t

charming. A newspaper hits it off happily in calling

these songs " E x q u i s i t e

pictures suggesting the days

of long ago." Look out for

them !


MELBA 10-inch Record, 12L 6d. 7-33004 Chanson Triste12-inch

Record, 12s. 6d. 03363 Old Folks at Home

TETRAZZINI 12-inch Record, 12s. 6d. 2-053040 L'Eco Carl Eckert

FRIEDA HEMPEL 12-inch Records, 12s. 6d. 033127 La Villanelle dell'Acqua 033114 Ah vous dirai-je maman (Variations) Adam

as introduced in "La Fille du Regiment"

CLARA BUTT 12-inch Record, 12s. 6d. A Youth once loved a Maiden M. V. White 03368 1 The Tears that night Ditto

CARUSO 10-inch Record, 8s. 7-52038 Pimpinella (Florentine Song) Tschaikowsky

12-inch Record, 12s. 6d. 2-052076 Parmi veder le lagrime "Rigoletto " Verdi

GUIDO CICCOLINI 10-inch Record, 6s. 7-52046 Amor ti vieta "Fedora" Giordano

TITTA RUFFO 10-inch Record, 8s. 7-52029 Suonno e Fantasia Capolongo

DE GOGORZA 12-inch Record. 9s. 2-062001 A Granada Alvarez

CHALIAPINE 12-inch Record, 12s. 6d. 022224 Song of Galitzky "Prince Igor" Borodin

SMIRNOFF 12-inch Records. 12s. 6d. 052417 Mi par d'udire ancor "Pescatori di Perle Bizet 052410 Se il mio nome " Barbiere di Siviglia Rossini

BATTISTINI 12-inch Records, 12s. 6d. 052403 Malia (The Spell) Tosti 052310 Le Soir Gounod

FARRAR AND HOMER 12-inch Record, 16s. 6d. 2-054044 Alla Capanna Andiamo F. Campana

JADLOWKER AND KNUPFER 12-inch Records, 9s. 044252 Charfreitagszauber, Part 1., Good Friday Spell. "Parsifal" Wagner 044253 Ditto Part Il., Good Friday Spell, "Parsifal" Wagner

KUBELIK 12-inch Records,-9e. 07978 Melodie de Gluck arr.tby Wilhelmj 07988 Spanish Dance. No. 8 Sarasate


BERLIN PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA (conducted by Dr. ALFRED HERTZ) 12-inch Records, 5s. 6d.

040778 Parsifal-Verwandlungsmusik (Transformation Music) Part I., Act I. 040779 Parsifal-Ditto Part II., Act 1. 040775 Parsifal-Ditto Act III.

BALLADS-12-inch Records, 12s. 6d. 02396 Dreams of Long Ago Caruso

052383 Marechiare-Neapolitan Song Titta Ruffo 12-inch Records, 5s. 6d.

03365 Green Isle of Erin Miss Ruby Helder 03366 Some of these days Miss Shirley Kellogg

10-inch Records, 4 s. 6d. 2-3004 A Birthday Miss Ruth Vincent 4-2370 1 hear a thrush at eve Mr. John McCormack

r 3979 1 Lone Ago Miss Alma Gluck A Maid sings light10-inch

Records, 3s. 6d. 4-2426 The Vagabond Mr. Thorpe Bates 4-24)7 Offerings Mr. Hubert Eisdell 4-2428 Soldier, what of the night? Mr. Robert Radford 2-3005 Down in Lovers' Lane Miss Paola St. Clair 4-2425 All Souls' Day Mr. John Harrison 4-2300 Irish Names Mr. Reinald Werrenrath 2-4184 The Maiden in Grey Miss Elsie Baker and Mr. Frederick Wheeler

INSTRUMENTAL VIOLIN-10-inch Record, 4s. 6d.

3-7965 Serenata Miss Maud Powell PIANO-12-inch Record, 5s. 6d.

05551 Katzenfuge (Cat's Fugue) Mark Hambourg

QUARTETTE-10-inch Record, 3s. 6d. 8086 Narcissus (From Water Scenes) Florentine Quartette

HUMOROUS-12-inch Records, 5s. 6d. 02510 How are Yer? Mr. George Graves 01104 The Village Fire Brigade Mr. Alfred Lester 01103 The Fallen Star Mr. Albert Chevalier 03367 Take advice from one who knows Miss Jenny Benson 02509 Hush-a-bye Baby Mr. Tom Clare

10-inch Record, 3s. 6d. 4-2429 1 want to be in Dixie Mr. Willie Solar

DOUBLE-SIDED RECORDS 12-inch Records, 5s. 6d.

A Dream of Egypt-Introduction

C 344 and Beside the lonely Nile The Band of H.M. Coldstream Guards A Dream of Egypt-I envy every (Conducted by Lt. Dr. J. Mackenzie Rogan)

circlet l( Ditto C. 345 {

MMaximilian aximilian Robespierre, Part 11.

C. 342 { Wel'h Rhapsody } Bournemouth Municipal Orchestra Norwegischer Kunstler Carneval Conducted by Dan Godfrey

C. 343 { The Land of Roses-Valse l Conducted

Orchestra Ecstasy-Valse ( Conducted by Mr. Herman Finck

C. 341 { Marama Tango } Le Petit Cafe Orchestra Seduction Tango10-inch

Record. 3s. 6d.

B. 224 Dev 1 mayl are-Two-step


EASTER RECORDS A Useful Selection

12-inch Record, 9.

02110 God, my Father " Lea Sept Paroles du Christ " de Cosorza

03302032720321003316024220241612-inch Records. 6.. 6d.

Love not the world. " Prodigal Son " Largo (" Rest ") Ombra mai fu He shall feed His flock. "Messiah" There is a Green Hill (Counod) The people that walked in darkness. "Messiah"Why do the nations, ° Messiah" Pater Noster (Nledermeyer)

Mdme. KJrkby Lunn do.do.do.

Mr. Clarence Whitehill do.

Mr. Clarence Whitehill and Westminster Cathedral Choir Mr. Evan Williams and Mr. Robert Radford

12-inch Records, 5s. 6d. 03075 0 Thou that tellest " Messiah " Mdme. Dews 03086 0 rest in the Lord. "Elijah " do. 04803 They have taken awaýyy my Lord (Blamer) Church Choir, Mixed 04776 Hallelujah Chorus," Messiah" Choir 04760 And the Glory of the Lord. " Messiah Leeds Festival Choir 02077 But who may abide, " Messiah" Mr. Chas. Knowles 02076 The Trumpet shall sound, " Messiah do. 03226 I will extol Thee, " Eli " Miss Agnes Nicholls 02451 The Palms (Faure) Mr. Robert Radford and Westminster

Cathedral Choir

10-inch Records, 9s. 6d.

4916 Christ is risen from the dead (Efoossyy) Church choir. Mixed 4917 Christ the Lord is risen today (Eh mm) do.

3-2484 Thou shalt break them. "Messiah" Mr. John Harrison 3-2488 For behold darkness-Recit. - Messiah Mr. Chas. Knowles 3-2803 For the mountains shall depart.' Elijah" Mr. Robert Radford

BAND 124nch dorblsddad Record, S.. U.

C 1061 0 AU we Thou

that tellea t.

Messýaah "

} Coldrtream Guard. Hand


! 12-inch a..eý..aa.a Record, Si.

lea. C 272 I Communion iýCiD(BaHale) )

J Mr. Eawd, M.,d.