Confidential 2008 Roadmap. confidential 2008 Solution Roadmap Main Themes The ChallengeOur Approach...

Post on 25-Dec-2015

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2008 Roadmap


2008 Solution Roadmap Main Themes

The ChallengeOur Approach

Actionable Analytics

Non effective data analysis with no attached action

Surface the insight Clear action

Creative Ecosystem

Lead timeTeam dependenciesInnovation

Effective productionKnowledge sharing

Connected Flow


Modular systemAPI


Channel Connect for Mobile

Features– Mimics the existing online environment of

creating advertising campaigns– Create, deliver and track mobile banners from

Eyeblaster ACM

Benefits– Real time impressions, uniques and clicks – Post campaign detailed analysis for clear ROI– Efficiency in handling various mobile publishers– Cross-channel integrated reporting– Flexibility to change creatives in runtime– Optimization of mobile creatives

Agency Side Interface for WAP



Features– Easy download of ad element to user

page– Sponsor template widgets– Track downloads and distribution– Track widgets interaction

Benefits– Go viral on social networking sites– Increase awareness and loyalty– Tighter relationship between brand

and consumer– Engage Audiences

Click for Visuals


Integrate a widget in a campaign

Share this movie with your friends

Rich media ads are served as part of a campaign A widget element can be posted from the ads to any of the social networks and be shared among friends

Analytics combine distribution and rich media measurements from the campaign and from the widget


Global Campaign Management

Features– Centralized campaign monitoring– Consolidated Analytics– Integrated Creative Process– Flexible Campaign Segmentation

Benefits– Run large scale campaigns by engaging

multiple ad agencies across multiple territories

– Effectively manage campaigns across multiple territories and creative shops

– Creative Shops empowered to integrally collaborate to localize creative




Master Campaign


Creative Zone

Features– Ad Gallery– Community (Forum, Blog)– Resource Library

Benefits– Knowledge & Insights– Inspiration from around the world


Creative Workshop for Adobe Flash V1

Features– In Flash functionality– Code free ad creation– Local preview– Upload fully functioning ad

Benefits– Intuitive, easy to use– What you see is what you serve– create the real thing from the very



Creative Workshop for Adobe Flash V2

Features– Shared preview– Bundle resource assets– Upload from Flash– Automatic custom interactions– Automatic video packages– EB HD Video

Benefits– Video impact– Collaborative environment – Easy creative approval– Additional creative freedom


Channel Connect for In-Stream Video

Features– Brightcove companion integration– Automatic encoding– Overlay format - TBD


ACM: Ad Serving

Features– Revolutionary process-

oriented online interface– Full agency control– Creative synchronization– Automatic screen-grabs– Media plan optimization

Benefits– Ease of use – reduce

learning curve– Smooth campaign setup

process– Increased efficiency


Channel Connect for Search

Features– Integrate with any bid

management tool – De duplication– View search and display

integrated reports

Benefits– Use the best bid management

tool– Optimize search and display

campaigns – Assign the true value to

search and display


Campaign Monitor V1

Features– Real time monitoring of

campaigns– Surface key performance

indicators– Easy response from interface

Benefits– Real time monitoring overview– Immediately identify

bottlenecks– Easy access to required

action– Get Key performance

indicators in a snap


Analytics V2

Campaign Monitor

Features– Desk top monitor– User alerts– Adjustable key performance indicators (KPI)

Benefits– Always on top of performances– Monitor your KPI


Features– Actionable reports view– Graphic representation– Easy power point generation– Accessible benchmark – Set of new reports

Benefits– Get the insight and act on it– Reduce busy work and focus on

added value


ACM: Planning & Buying

Features– Online booking (IO

management) and Electronic signing

– Modular structure– Online communication– Billing integration

Benefits– Time saving (reduce human

labor)– Process flexibility– Online IO repository– Improve synchronization with



Brief Planning Negotiation


Short list of publishers

Approved media plan

Ad Serving

Booked media plan

Campaign objectives, budget, etc.

Billing System

Complete ACM useModular ACM use

Excel / 3rd Party P&B Systems


Video Optimization / Service

Benefits– High quality video encoding– Production/post production

partnerships– HD Encoding


Mobile Creative

Benefits– Adjust creative size and format to

mobile environment– Create optimize creative for mobile– Coordinate between participating



Excel Upload

Features– Customizable excel template– Fully editable media plan– Validation from Excel– Flexible online mismatch resolution

Benefits– Easily traffic large media plans– Personalized naming convension


Premium Creative - Targeting

Benefits– Behavioral sequencing cross

publishers– Geo targeting– Dynamic data and targeting


Premium Creative – Dynamic Data Feed

Benefits– Dynamic data custom infrastructures– Interfaces for data updates– Integration with Advertiser repository and CMS– Dynamic data optimization

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