Conflict management project

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Conflict management involves implementing strategies to limit the negative aspects of conflict and to increase the positive aspects of conflict at a level equal to or higher than where the conflict is taking place. Furthermore, the aim of conflict management is to enhance learning and group outcomes (effectiveness or performance in organizational setting) . It is not concerned with eliminating all conflict or avoiding conflict. Conflict can be valuable to groups and organizations. It has been shown to increase group outcomes when managed properly.


While no single definition of conflict exists, most definitions seem to involve the following factors: that there are at least two

independent groups, the groups perceive some incompatibility between themselves, and the groups interact with each other in some way (Putnam and Poole, 1987). Two example definitions are, “process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party" (Wall & Callister, 1995, p. 517), and “the interactive process manifested in incompatibility, disagreement, or dissonance within or between social entities”.There are several causes of conflict. Conflict may occur when:

A party is required to engage in an activity that is incongruent with his or her needs or interests.

A party holds behavioral preferences, the satisfaction of which is incompatible with another person's implementation of his or her preferences.

A party wants some mutually desirable resource that is in short supply, such that the wants of all parties involved may not be satisfied fully.

A party possesses attitudes, values, skills, and goals that are salient in directing his or her behavior but are perceived to be exclusive of the attitudes, values, skills, and goals held by the other(s).

Two parties have partially exclusive behavioral preferences regarding their joint actions.

Two parties are interdependent in the performance of functions or activities.

Organizational and Interpersonal Conflict

Organizational conflict, whether it be substantive or affective, can be divided into intraorganizational and inter-organizational. Interorganizational conflict occurs between two or more organizations (Rahim, 2002). When different businesses are competing against one another, this is an example of interorganizational conflict Intraorganizational conflict department, work team, individual), and can be classified as interpersonal, intragroup and intergroup. Interpersonal conflict--once again--whether it is substantive or affective, refers to conflict between two or more individuals (not representing the group they are a part of) of the same or different group at the same or different level, if in an organization. Interpersonal conflict can be divided into intragroup and intergroup conflict. While the former--intragroup--occurs between members of a group (or between subgroups within a group), the latter--intergroup--occurs between groups or units in an organization.

Conflict Resolution Vs. Conflict Management

As the name would suggest, conflict resolution involves the reduction, elimination, or termination of all forms and types of conflict. In practice, when people talk about conflict resolution they tend to use terms like negotiation, bargaining, mediation, or arbitration.In line with the recommendations in the "how to" section, businesses can benefit from appropriate types and levels of conflict. That is the aim of conflict management, and not the aim of conflict resolution. Conflict management does not necessarily imply conflict resolution. “Conflict management involves designing effective macro-level strategies to minimize the longevity of any group. This is especially true for organizations; Organizational learning is essential for any company to remain in the market. Properly managed conflict increases learning through increasing the degree to which groups ask questions and challenge the status.dysfunctions of conflict and enhancing the constructive functions of conflict in order to enhance learning and effectiveness in an organization”. Learning is essential for the longevity of any group. This is especially true for organizations; Organizatio nal learning is essential for any company to remain in the market.

“Current” Conflict Management

Rahim (2002) noted that there is agreement among management scholars that there is no one best approach to how to make decisions, lead or manage conflict. In a similar vein, rather than creating a very specific model of conflict management, Rahim created a meta-model (in much the same way that DeChurch and Marks, 2001, created a meta-taxonomy) for conflict styles based on two dimensions, concern for self and concern for others.

Within this framework are five management approaches: integrating, obliging, dominating, avoiding, and compromising. Integration involves openness, exchanging information, looking for alternatives, and examining differences so solve the problem in a manner that is acceptable to both parties. Obliging is associated with attempting to minimize the differences and highlight the commonalities to satisfy the concern of the other party. When using the dominating style one party goes all out to win his or her objective and, as a result, often ignores the needs and expectations of the other party. When avoiding a party fails to satisfy his or her own concern as well as the concern of the other party. Lastly, compromising involves give-and-take whereby both parties give up something to make a mutually acceptable decision.

General Suggestions from Rahim's Criteria for Conflict Management (2002)

Organization Learning and Effectiveness- In order to attain this objective, conflict management strategies should be designed to enhance critical and innovative thinking to learn the process of diagnosis and intervention in the right problems.

Needs of Stakeholders- Sometimes multiple parties are involved in a conflict in an organization and the challenge of conflict management would be to involve these parties in a problem solving process that will lead to collective learning and organizational effectiveness. organizations should institutionalize the positions of employee advocate, customer and supplier advocate, as well as environmental and stockholder advocates.

Ethics - A wise leader must behave ethically, and to do so the leader should be open to new information and be willing to change his or her mind. By the same token subordinates and other stakeholders have an ethical duty to speak out against the decisions of supervisors when consequences of these decisions are likely to be serious. “Without an understanding of ethics, conflict cannot be handled” .

Other suggestionsDo not avoid the conflict, hoping it will go away. Ask the participants to describe specific actions they would like the other party to take. It would also be beneficial to have a third party (meaning a non-direct superior with access to the situation) involved. This could be an individual member or a board dedicated to resolving and preventing issues. Lastly, do not meet separately with people in conflict. If you allow each individual to tell their story to you, you risk polarizing their positions.

International Conflict Management

Special consideration should be paid to conflict management between two parties from distinct cultures. In addition to the everyday sources of conflict, "misunderstandings, and from this counterproductive, pseudo conflicts, arise when members of one

culture are unable to understand culturally determined differences in communication practices, traditions, and thought processing" .Indeed, this has already been observed in the business research literature. Renner (2007) recounted several episodes where managers from developed countries moved to less developed countries to resolve conflicts within the company and met with little success due to their failure to adapt to the conflict management styles of the local culture.As an example, in Kozan’s study noted above, he noted that Asian cultures are far more likely to use a harmony model of conflict management. If a party operating from a harmony model comes in conflict with a party using a more confrontational model, misunderstandings above and beyond those generated by the conflict itself will arise.International conflict management, and the cultural issues associated with it, is one of the primary areas of research in the field at the time, as existing research is insufficient to deal with the ever increasing contact occurring between international entities.


When personal conflict leads to frustration and loss of efficiency, counseling may prove to be a helpful antidote. Although few

organizations can afford the luxury of having professional counselors on the staff, given some training, managers may be able to perform this function. Nondirective counseling, or "listening with understanding," is little more than being a good listener—something every manager should be.Sometimes the simple process of being able to vent one's feelings—that is, to express them to a concerned and understanding listener, is enough to relieve frustration and make it possible for the frustrated individual to advance to a problem-solving frame of mind, better able to cope with a personal difficulty that is affecting his work adversely. The nondirective approach is one effective way for managers to deal with frustrated subordinates and co-workers.There are other more direct and more diagnostic ways that might be used in appropriate circumstances. The great strength of the nondirective approach (nondirective counseling is based on the client-centered therapy of Carl Rogers), however, lies in its simplicity, its effectiveness, and the fact that it deliberately avoids the manager-counselor's diagnosing and interpreting emotional problems, which would call for special psychological training. No one has ever been harmed by being listened to sympathetically and understandingly. On the contrary, this approach has helped many people to cope with problems that were interfering with their effectiveness on the job.

Conflict Management Skills              Conflict management plays a very important role in preventing conflicts among individuals. How does a conflict arise? When individuals strongly oppose each other’s opinions and ideas, the probability of a conflict arises. A conflict starts when individuals think on different lines and find it very difficult to accept each other’s ideas. Conflict must be avoided as it destroys the peace,

lowers the productivity as well as demotivates the individuals. All the factors leading to a fight must be explored and efforts must be made to prevent a conflict. A conflict is not very easy to control; an individual needs certain skills for the same.Let us study the skills in detail.

Effective communication SkillsEffective communication skills are of utmost importance to prevent conflicts. While interacting with others, you have to take special care of your speech and the way you speak. Never ever shout on anyone, even if you do not agree with him. Always speak in a polite but convincing manner. Greet others with a warm smile. It works. Be very specific and precise in your speech. Do not use complicated words and confuse others. Keep a control on your tongue and do not use words which might hurt the sentiments of others. Avoid using abusive languages.

Listening SkillsAn individual must not give his expert comments unless and until he is very clear what the other person wants. Always be a good listener. Don’t just jump to conclusions and assume things on your own. Always listen to the other side of the story as well.

DiscussionDon’t just follow the rumor mills blindly, do discuss with others as well. Differences can crop up anytime but fighting would provide no solution. It is always better to sit and discuss the issues on an open forum. All the participants must give their inputs and efforts must be made to find out an alternative. Invite all the members involved and never ignore

anyone as it would never solve the problem. Everyone has a right to express his views and a middle way has to be found.

PatienceOne needs to be very patient to avoid conflicts. There would be people at your workplace and even home who would try to provoke you to fight. Never ever get influenced. Always follow your instincts and support what is right. Be very sensible and patient. Learn to keep a control on your emotions. Do not ever lose your temper as it would only make the situation worse.

ImpartialAn individual has to be impartial to avoid conflicts. Do not always support your friend. Stand by what is correct and never support what is wrong. Any individual, even if he is your friend must be corrected if you feel he is wrong. Listen to everyone and never ignore anyone just because you don’t know him.

Never CriticizeMake the other person understand if he is wrong. Don’t criticize him as it would definitely hurt his sentiments. The other person might not be as intelligent as you are, but you have no right to make fun of him. Others will look up to you if you guide the other person well and make him realize his mistakes.

Positive AttitudePositive attitude is essential to avoid fights and conflicts. In offices, never ever play the Blame game. No one is perfect and if you have done anything wrong, have the courage to accept it. Human Beings are bound to make mistakes but never try to put the blame on anyone else’s shoulders. Avoid backbiting as it only spoils the relationships. If you don’t

agree with anyone’s views, discuss with him on his face, he will like it. Don’t always find faults in others and be a little more adjusting as life is all about adjustments.

Ignore othersIndividuals must try to adopt the middle path approach which considers the interests of one and all. Don’t unnecessarily waste your energy for a person who is too adamant and is not willing to compromise at all. Ignore the person who is too demanding as it would solve half of your problems.

Importance of Conflict Management                    A conflict arises when individuals have varied interests, opinions and thought processes and are just not willing to compromise with each other. It is always wise to adjust to some extent and try to find a solution to the problem rather than cribbing and fighting. Conflicts and

disagreements only lead to negativity and things never reach a conclusion. It only adds on to the tensions and makes life hell. It actually leaves you drained and spoils your reputation. Every individual should try his level best to avoid conflict at the first place rather than resolving it later. Precautions must be taken at the right time to avoid a conflict.

  No organization runs for charity, it has to make money to survive well. Employees must give their hundred percent at work to ensure the maximum productivity. Nothing productive will ever come out if the employees are constantly engaged in fighting and criticizing others. Conflict management plays a very important role at workplaces to prevent conflicts and for the employees to concentrate on their work. The team leaders must ensure that the roles and responsibilities of each and every employee are clearly passed on to them. Employees should be demotivated to interfere in each other’s work. Employees waste half of their time and energy in fighting with others and find it very difficult to work which they are actually supposed to do. An individual must enjoy his work; otherwise he would never be able to give his best.

Conflict management goes a long way in strengthening the bond among the employees and half of the problems automatically disappear. Individuals must feel motivated at work and find every single day exciting and challenging. Before implementing any idea, it must be discussed with everyone and no one should ever feel ignored or left out. This way, every employee feels indispensable for the office and he strives hard to live up to the expectations of his fellow workers and in a way contributing to the organization in his best possible way. Conflict management avoids conflicts to a great extent and thus also reduces the stress and tensions of the employees. No one likes to carry his tensions back home and if you fight with your colleagues and other people, you are bound to feel uncomfortable and restless even at home.

Conflict management also plays an important role in our personal lives. Tussles and fights spoil relationships and only increase our list of enemies. Everyone needs friends who will stand by us when we need them. Conflict must be avoided at homes as it spoils the ambience and spreads negativity. Individuals tend to disrespect others as a result of conflicts. Conflict management prevents fall out between family members, friends, relatives and makes life peaceful and stressfree. Blamegame never helps anyone, instead it makes life miserable. No idea can ever be implemented if the individuals fight among themselves.

Conflict management helps to find a middle way, an alternative to any problem and successful implementation of the idea. Problems must be addressed at the right time to prevent conflict and its adverse effects at a later stage. Through conflict management skills, an individual explores all the possible reasons to worry which might later lead to a big problem and tries to resolve it as soon as possible.

Conflict Management is very important because it is always wise to prevent a fight at the first place rather than facing its negative consequencies. Stress disappears, people feel motivated, happy and the world definitely becomes a much better place to stay as a result of conflict management.

Conflict Management in Groups                    A single point of contact must be assigned to a group to sort out the queries. The SPOC (Single Point of Contact) must be easily available and the group members must have an easy access to him. Unnecessarily running here and there is sheer wastage of time and never sorts out any problem. The group ideally should have like

minded people to avoid conflicts. While forming a group, make sure that the individuals have similar if not same likings, thought processes and backgrounds. The probability of a conflict reduces in such cases. Each member of the group must trust the other member and should have confidence in each other. Never ever just simply start the presentation or seminar; instead begin with greetings and compliments.Meet everyone with a warm smile and do not forget the handshake. Personal interests must be left out. While taking decisions, no one should be biased and try to see his personal interest first. Never be selfish or ignore the other member. Do not ever underestimate your group member and always listen to his side of the story as well. Be a good listener and consider everyone’s views and opinions. Don’t always support your friend as it might not go very well with the other person. Appreciate if the other person is right or has come out with a brilliant idea. Correct the other person if he is wrong and do guide him properly. An individual must stay out of criticism to avoid conflicts in a group. Human beings are bound to make errors but you have no right to make fun of his ideas and concepts. Avoid using derogatory sentences in groups. Be a good leader and take everyone along.A leader should be one who is able to understand his group member well and support them always. Gossip must be avoided as it results in severe conflicts. If you find anything wrong with a member, discuss the issues with him only; never ever tell his friend or spread rumors. The other person will never like it. Be very straightforward but gentle.Counseling can also reduce the conflicts to a large extent. If any member is upset with the other, make both the members sit face to face to discuss their differences. Never ever provoke any individual to fight, instead make him understand. Don’t always find faults in your group members, be a little more flexible and adjusting. Always be calm, composed and adopt a positive attitude. Never ever lose your temper and unnecessarily react over petty

issues. If the conflict doesn’t involve you but other members of the group, intervene immediately and try to resolve it at the earliest.Conflict Management plays a very important role in reducing the chances of conflicts in a group and results in better bonding among the members and better output.


Reg Adkins at Elemental Truths and our regular guest contributor has done a great series at his blog on conflict management. Everyone has their own way to deal with conflict, there are five of them:

Collaborating Competing

Avoiding Harmonizing Compromising

There is not one type superior than other, but it is all depends the people, environment and the context. However there is probably one style that is usually utilized in many situations. Find out your type by answering this conflict management.

Role of Communication in Conflict Management                                 

Don’t merely depend on verbal communication, instead prefer communication through email keeping each and every member in the loop. Never ignore anyone just because you do not like him. It is generally observed that conflict among individuals arises when they feel neglected or left out. Transparency is essential at all levels for better understanding and avoiding conflicts.

Communication must not be done with members separately but must be on a common platform so that every one gets the same picture. Master the art of writing emails. Select the correct font, style and be careful about the content such that the mail is self explanatory. Disagreements can arise anytime so make sure that the superiors are always available to the subordinates. At workplaces, the hierarchy must not be too complicated as it only adds to the confusions. People do not understand whom to contact and start fighting among themselves only. At workplaces, employees must be demotivated to interfere in each other’s works and criticize others.Never be loud and always be very careful about your pitch and tone. Be polite and convincing. Make your point very clear but do not shout on others as he might feel bad and it might go against you. Presentations, seminars, speeches must be delivered at a noise free zone so that the information hits the eardrums of the recipients instantly and creates the desired impact. Question answer round must be kept at the end in the presentations and people must not jump in between with their questions. It seriously offends the speaker and might result in a fight. Be a little patient and wait for your turn to speak. Be a good listener.An individual must not assume things on his own and overreact on petty issues. Every individual has the right to express his views and one must first listen to what the other person has to say.When two individuals are interacting with each other, try not to speak in between unless and until required.Always meet the other person with a warm smile. Avoid being rude and harsh. Don’t just start shouting even if you do not agree to the other person, sit with him face to face and make him understand his mistakes. Once you are through with your communication, do cross check with the other person whether he has received the correct message or not. Wrong messages lead to confusions and people lose their trust on each other. Make sure you are very clear and transparent with your

communication. Think twice before you speak and never offend others.Always learn to keep a control on your emotions and make sure your communication is impressive and relevant for effective conflict management.

Tips for Conflict Management for Professionals


Make sure your communication is effective and impressive: Never play with words or share haphazard thoughts with others, instead use corporate jargons and professional terminologies for better understanding. If you yourself are not clear what you expect from your fellow

worker, the other person will never be able to understand what you intend to communicate. Be very precise but convincing. The content has to be relevant and sensible. Avoid using derogatory sentences and lewd remarks as it is considered strictly unprofessional. Don’t adopt a casual approach at work.

Be a good and a patient listener: Never jump with your question in between any presentation or seminar, as it seriously offends the speaker and results in displeasure. Wait for your turn to speak. Don’t poke your nose into other’s conversation. Never interfere in each other’s work. Let your colleagues have some space. Always listen to the other person as well and then decide what is right and wrong.

Don’t always depend on verbal communication at workplace: Professionals must communicate through emails as it is more reliable and transparent. Make sure the e-mail is marked to all the related members so that everyone is on the same lines and get a common picture. Take care of your mail body, style and font. Be transparent in your communication. Never communicate with individuals separately as people feel left out and start fighting with each other. Business Communication must be on an open forum inviting all the participants.

Professionals must develop the habit of using planners, organizers and desk calendars at work: You cannot remember each and every thing, so it is always advisable to jot down the points to avoid forgetting important things. Encircle the dates on the desktop calendar when you have to submit an important report to your boss or have to go for a meeting and place it right in front of you. It would prevent unnecessary stress and conflicts. Never attend any meeting without a pen and a paper. It will bother you later on.

The pitch and the tone have to be taken great care of: Don‘t be too low as others will not be able to understand you

properly. Never ever shout or be rude to your colleagues. Shouting solves no problems and it seriously goes against you. Soften your pitch but be convincing. Professionals must take care of their accent, correct pronunciation, punctuations, pauses etc to make the speech impressive and for others to listen attentively.

Adopt a positive attitude: Don’t always find faults in the other person and assume that he is always wrong. Listen to his side of the story as well and never underestimate your fellow worker. If you do not agree with the other person, don’t start arguing, instead sit with him face to face, discuss and make him understand your point. He will feel glad. Leave your personal problems out before stepping in the office and always keep your personal interests on the back burner. Find reasons to be happy as negative thoughts always lead to conflicts and disagreements. You can’t misbehave with your colleagues just because you are in a fowl mood.

Never criticize anyone or make him feel small: If he has done anything wrong, make him realize his mistakes instead of making fun of him. Correct him, wherever he is wrong but in a polite way. He will respect you and look up to you in the future. Everyone is equal and one must respect his fellow worker to earn respect in return.

Prefer the conference room, board room or any suitable place for presentations, seminars and discussions: Avoid communicating at places like workstations, cafeteria, playgrounds or other noisy places as noise acts as a hindrance and creates misunderstandings and confusions. Don’t just speak for the sake of speaking.

A professional must avoid blame games at work: Learn to own your responsibilities and do not always blame others for your mistakes. Never drag issues and be a little more forgiving. Don’t always expect the others to come up to you and admit their mistakes. Take the initiative and be the first

one to say sorry. It works and solves major conflict and also improves relations among individuals. Kill your ego at workplaces.

The superiors must ensure that the team members are assigned responsibilities according to their key responsibility areas and specializations: Never impose your decisions or views on others. Things must be discussed with everyone before implementation. An individual has to be a little more flexible and adjusting at workplaces. Never be too demanding or rigid. Things can’t always be just like the way you want.

Be impartial at work: Do not favour anyone just because he is your friend. Stand by what is right and do oppose someone who is wrong. Do not blame anyone just because you do not like him. An individual must be judged by the hard work he puts in and not by his physical appearance or relations with you.

Never discuss your work and responsibilities with others and learn to keep things a little confidential: Never spread unnecessary and baseless rumors about anyone. Gossips and backbitings must be strictly avoided at work. Encourage healthy competition at work and stay away from controversies. Too much of a friendship at work is bad and must be avoided. Avoid doing personal favours at work.