Connecting Bloggers & Brands Cross Country Blogging Conference

Post on 27-May-2015

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Welcome to Canada's cross country blogger conference for bloggers who want to work with brands. - See more at:


WHY WE ARE DIFFERENT we connect bloggers & brands

• Is not about teaching bloggers how to blog better • Focuses on the business of blogging • It’s the only conference with a mission of finding

better ways for brands and bloggers to work together

• Gives Brands a more targeted spend of sponsorship dollars

CROSS CANADA BLOGGING CONFERENCE 1st Stop Vancouver – 100 bloggers

VanCity Theater, Vancouver, BC

Tuesday April 30, 2013, 10:00am - 4:00pm

We want to organize events for bloggers who want to work with


Save the Date!

NEXT STOPS Calgary to Halifax • We plan on visiting Calgary, Winnipeg, Regina, Toronto and Halifax • Additional cities will be added if we can get a minimum number of bloggers

registered • The number of bloggers that sign up for each city will determine the actual

schedule and cost of sponsorship

HOW IT WORKS Local blogging team in each city

• We will have a local group of bloggers organizing each event (team leader and conference ambassadors)

• The organizing team will promote the conference to local bloggers • Local Bloggers who want to work with brands will sign up • Sponsors will be contacted about the opportunity in that city • The local conference date is set up • The brands who are interested in those local bloggers will sponsor the event • Bloggers will connect with local and national brands on a personal level

5 Reasons to Sponsor CB&B Blogger Community Support: By sponsoring the Connecting Bloggers and Brands conference you are letting bloggers know that they are important to your brand

Blogger selection: It’s the only conference where bloggers attend for FREE

Eager audience: These bloggers want to work with brands. Hands-on experience: Leverage the conference and get real-time,

face to face feedback. Build your blogger list: get a list of all bloggers attending the

conference including blog traffic and their social footprint

1. BLOGGER COMMUNITY SUPPORT: Your sponsorship will speak volumes • By sponsoring the Connecting Bloggers and Brands conference you are

letting all bloggers know that they are important. • Whether you work with them directly or meet them at the conference, you will

leave a lasting impression of your brand - one that may generate immediate mentions, increased brand exposure and future good will - with invested bloggers. • Generate respect for your brand because you’re letting bloggers know that you WANT to connect with them and that you want to hear from them first-hand.

• It’s the only conference with a mission of finding better ways for brands and bloggers to work together

2. BLOGGER SELECTION: bloggers attend for FREE

• Goal is to open up the conference to ALL Bloggers who want to work with brands

• Because we are doing 6 local conferences (instead of one large one) we will be able to facilitate all bloggers that want to attend their local event

• Bloggers will register to attend for FREE as our VIP guests

• Brands will know in advance who is attending

3. EAGER AUDIENCE: These bloggers WANT to work with brands

• #1 qualifier to attend this conference- bloggers want to work with brands (in fact bloggers have to agree to it as part of the terms of applying to attend).

• Brands are only sponsoring bloggers who WANT to work with them. • These bloggers want to learn how to work with you better!

4. BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS: Content that fosters relationships

• Agenda that fosters ample opportunity to start building relationships (or nurture existing relationships).

• Our Agenda includes:

– Working with Brands via PR Agencies – What brands want from bloggers – What Bloggers want from Brands

• Lots of networking time

5. HANDS-ON EXPERIENCE: Leverage the conference and get real-time, face-to-face feedback • Unlike any other conference you’ll attend! This conference is designed to give

you hands-on experience and exposure to bloggers, in an intimate setting. Your Brand will: • Identify and develop direct relationships with bloggers who are motivated to

build relationships with your brand. • Influence first-hand what these bloggers think about your brand. • Understand how the world of bloggers is changing • Make a personal Impression on these bloggers. Face-to-face contact will help

solidify understanding and develop your (outside) voice..what better way to get them to personally connect with your brand!

6. BUILD YOUR LIST OF BLOGGERS: • Receive a database of all bloggers who want to work with you BEFORE the

conference • Bloggers will be ranked into 3 tiers based on their experience • Get to meet 3 tiers of bloggers (newbies, tier 2 and tier 1 bloggers) and learn

how to work with each tier

Sponsorship Opportunities • Our Sponsors for Vancouver include: Telus,

Canadian Beef, Chicken Farmers of Canada • We would like to develop a custom

sponsorship package for you • A custom sponsorship package will be

created for each city. • All blogger will register for the conference in

each city, then we select the venue and create the sponsorship package

We would love to build a custom sponsorship package like we have for

Telus, Chicken Farmers and Canada Beef. Alaina


So What Are You Waiting For? Limited opportunities left for Vancouver!

OR you can ask us about the 5 other cities