Connectors for the New Enterprise with WSO2 ESB 4.8

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Jan 2014

Connectors for the New Enterprise with WSO2 ESB 4.8

Senior Technical LeadMalaka Silva

Software ArchitectKasun Indrasiri

About the Presenters

๏ Kasun Indrasiri ๏ Software Architect, WSO2 ESB

๏ Malaka Silva ๏ Senior Technical Lead, WSO2 ESB



About WSO2๏ Global enterprise, founded in

2005 by acknowledged leaders in XML, web services technologies, standards and open source

๏ Provides only open source platform-as-a-service for private, public and hybrid cloud deployments

๏ All WSO2 products are 100% open source and released under the Apache License Version 2.0.

๏ Is an Active Member of OASIS, Cloud Security Alliance, OSGi Alliance, AMQP Working Group, OpenID Foundation and W3C.

๏ Driven by Innovation

๏ Launched first open source API Management solution in 2012

๏ Launched App Factory in 2Q 2013

๏ Launched Enterprise Store and first open source Mobile solution in 4Q 2013


What we Deliver


๏ Glimpse of Modern Enterprises

๏ WSO2 ESB in a nutshell

๏ Introduction to Connectors

๏ Connector Architecture

๏ Using Connectors

๏ Writing you own connector

๏ Use cases/Demo


Glimpse of Modern Enterprises

๏ Disparate Systems, Services, Protocols

๏ Diverse and dynamic business requirements

๏ No single vendor/solution

๏ On premise/Cloud solutions


Point to Point/Spaghetti Integration

๏ Scalability, maintainability, troubleshooting nightmares.


ESB as the Integration Bus

๏ Conquering integration nightmares with WSO2 ESB


Introducing WSO2 ESB

๏ A light weight, high performance ESB

๏ Comprehensive REST, SOAP, WS-* support

๏ 100% compliant with all EIPs (Enterprise Integration Patterns)

๏ Connectors (Salesforce, Twilio and many more)

๏ SAP, FIX, HL7 - Domain specific solutions

๏ Extensible and Scalable

๏ Configuration driven



๏ A connector is a ready made and convenient tool to reach publicly available web API’s.

๏ ‘Cloud to Cloud’ and ‘Cloud to Enterprise’ Integration

๏ WSO2 ESB 4.8 introduces : ๏ Salesforce, Jira, Google Spread Sheet, Twilio and Twitter


Connectors - Architecture

๏ Every connector is self-contained and independent from ESB code

๏ Dynamically plug in to ESB/multi-tenanted

๏ Dynamic Tooling support with WSO2 Developer Studio

๏ Connector invocation - Dynamic configuration language (no hardcoded connector specific ESB config)

๏ You can write, ‘your own connector’ and just plug it in

๏ Many more connectors coming soon!


Connector Tooling

๏ Dynamic tooling support with WSO2 Developer Studio


Securing Credentials - Secure Vault Tool

๏ wso2:vault-lookup function

๏ No hardcoded secrets or passwords in ESB configurations


๏ Searching for tweets.

๏ Basic flow : ๏ Deploy and enable connector in WSO2 ESB

๏ Import connector in to Developer Studio

๏ Create integration flow : twitter.init and


Using Connectors - sample

Writing your own ‘Connector’

๏ Research on the API provided by the third party.

๏ Decide the API to be used ๏ REST/SOAP

๏ Java SDK/Javascript based

๏ Create a new Connector maven project


mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local -DarchetypeGroupId=org.wso2.carbon -DarchetypeArtifactId= org.wso2.carbon.mediation.library.connectors.connector-archetype

๏ Get contacts from Salesforce


Using Connectors - Use Case I

๏ Salesforce + Google Spread Sheet - Opportunity Management


Using Connectors - Use Case II

๏ Why Connectors?

๏ Introduction to WSO2 ESB Connectors

๏ Connector Architecture

๏ Writing your own connector

๏ Use Cases






Business Model





๏ WSO2 ESB -

๏ WSO2 ESB Connectors -

๏ WSO2 ESB performance comparison -

๏ Connector archetype location -