Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum...

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Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy

Sacrosanctum Concilium


" …the tradition I received from the Lord and also hand on to you is that on the night he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took some bread, and after he had given thanks, he broke it, and he said 'This is my body which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.' And in the same way, with the cup after supper saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Whenever you drink it, do this as a memorial of me.' " (I Cor. 11:23-25)


*1947-- dialogue Mass

*1947--Mediator Dei--Document on Sacred Liturgy

*1955--Musicae Sacrae Disciplina (Document on Sacred Music)

*1951--reform of Holy Week liturgy, especially the Easter Vigil

*1956--Assisi Congress

*1957--fast rule changed to one hour

*1957--allowed evening Mass on feast days

*1960--simplified liturgical calendar, breviary and Mass

*1962--Tridentine Mass was modified; vernacular could be used, but the canon still in Latin


• Greek word: work

of the people or

work for the


• Public work

*Public work of the Body

of Christ

*Public response to the

free gift of grace from

our loving God

*Participation in God’s

work in the world


*The Mass

*The Sacraments

*The Liturgy of the


Liturgy is the source and the goal

of all the Church’s activity.



1. To energize the Catholic faithful

2. To update the church

3. To encourage unity of all Christians

4. To reach out to the whole world


*Liturgy affects us (influences)

*Liturgy creates an affect in us


*Liturgy produces an effect in us

(transforms & changes)

*Liturgy causes an effect


*Liturgy becomes an effect

(becomes a part of us the more

we practice it)



*Source of all blessings from the beginning

*Plan of salvation

*Source of the liturgy’s blessings


*communicates his grace to the faithful of all times and places

*through the Apostles and their successors

*Christ makes present the work of salvation in the Eucharistic sacrifice and the Sacraments.

Holy Spirit:

*Prepares the assembly

to encounter Christ

*Recalls and manifests

Christ to the assembly

*Makes the mystery of

Christ really present

*Makes the gift of

communion bear fruit


Though all of the Sacraments

"form an organic whole" in which

each particular sacrament has its

own vital place, "the Eucharist

occupies a unique place as the

‘Sacrament of Sacraments’: ‘all

the other sacraments are ordered

to it as to their end’.”

(CCC, #1211).

**In the bread and wine

*In the presider

*In the Word of God proclaimed

*In the assembly

*In all the sacred words and actions



* remembering


* becoming what

we celebrate

through the

power of the Holy

Spirit (epiclesis)


*The priest faced people

*Altar focus of attention

Removal of the altar rail

*Lay involvement in helping

to plan the services

*Laity as communion

ministers and lectors

*Mass of the Resurrection.

*Three Scripture readings

*Three year cycle of

Sunday readings

*Revised liturgical year

emphasized centrality of


*Communion received

standing & in the hands

What do the Liturgy and the Sacraments have to

do with my life, and with the life of the Church?

•We must come to the Mass with the

proper disposition

•We must fully and consciously

participate in the Liturgy

•We must follow through with prayer

•We live our Baptismal call and the



*How might we help others “participate

more fully, more consciously and more

actively in the Sunday Mass?”

*In a culture focused on the

“weekend”, how can we help others

reclaim Sunday as the “day of the

Lord”—a day dedicated to God?


*Select one sacrament

where you have seen

a change. How are

you celebrating the

sacraments differently

today than in the


Restore the Catechumenate (RCIA)

Music and art to promote piety and

engage all to participate

Liturgical calendar focuses on Christ


*We are born anew by

Baptism, strengthened

by the sacrament of

Confirmation, and

receive in the

Eucharist the food of

eternal life.

(CCC #1212)


*Role of parents & godparents in Baptism of Infants

*Rite of Reception of the Baptized into Full Communion for those who are already validly baptized

*Rite of Confirmation

*Prayers of Penance to show effect of the sacrament

*Rite for the Burial of Infants.

*Anointing of the Sick

*Rite of Ordination

*Rite of Marriage

*Rite of the Consecration of Virgins and religious profession.

*Funeral Rites so they may more clearly express the character of Christian death.

*Rite for the Burial of Infants.


*(SC#106) By a tradition handed down from the apostles, which took its origin from the very day of Christ’s resurrection, the Church celebrates the paschal mystery every eighth day, which day is appropriately called the Lord’s Day or Sunday. For on this day Christ’s faithful are bound to come together into one place. They should listen to the word of God and take part in the Eucharist, thus calling to mind the passion, resurrection and glory of the Lord.”


*“Whoever eats my flesh and

drinks my blood remains in me

and I in him.” (Jn 6:56)

*Spiritual sacrifice by the

assembly of the faithful: offering

ourselves to the Father in union

with Christ…

*Christ transforms us into himself,

so we can transform the world

with his presence

Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for the gift of

Christ in the Eucharist, and we ask you to send the Holy

Spirit upon us so that we, like the Apostles, might take

Him “to the streets” of our daily lives. We ask this

through the intercession of Mary, Our Lady of the

Eucharist and Queen of the Apostles. Amen!

Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy

Sacrosanctum Concilium